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Thread started 10/23/12 5:28pm


top five best prince songs

1 do yourself a favour 2. make it through the storm. 3. if i was your girlfriend 4. beautiful ones 5.private joy. there you have it.

Do it like she like it !
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Reply #1 posted 10/23/12 9:53pm


Interesting list, Lazer65...
I'm afraid mine is rather predictable. But these ARE great songs!
If I Was Your Girlfriend
Old Friends 4 Sale (original version)
Sign o the Times
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Reply #2 posted 10/24/12 11:07am


Mine has changed since the arrival of some new bootlegs

1. Electric Intercourse

2. Adore

3. Moonbeam Levels

4. When 2 R in Love

3. Do Me Baby

Got some kind of love for you, and I don't even know your name
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Reply #3 posted 10/24/12 11:59am


1. When doves cry

2. Rasberry beret

3. Slow love

4. Joy in repetition

5. Condition of the heart

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Reply #4 posted 10/24/12 12:11pm


when doves cry


sign 'o' the times

purple rain

raspberry beret
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Reply #5 posted 10/24/12 1:19pm



Pick my top 5 PRINCE songs? That is a difficult task for me due to the fact that he has a vast amount of incredible music spaning over 30 years.

So here are some personal favorites that come to mind.

The Holy River
Diamonds and Pearls

Purple Rain
Last December

Another top 5 for me:


Rock and Roll Love Affair

I Wish U Heaven

Where Ever U Go, What Ever U Do

Sticky Like Glue

One More top 5:


Starfish and Coffee

Te Amo Corizon

Come On

The One U Want 2 C

Dad. Cartoonist. Illustrator. TOPPS Star Wars and Walking Dead Illustrator. Film Illustrator. JEDI. PRINCE Fan.
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Reply #6 posted 10/24/12 1:54pm


My list (which changes every day)

1. Controversy

2. Sign of the times

3. If I was your girlfriend

4. Billy Jack Bitch

5. Girls and Boys

How beautiful do the words have to B, before they conquer every heart
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Reply #7 posted 10/24/12 11:39pm



1. Old friends 4 sale (original)

2. Condition of the heart

3. All my dreams

4. If I was your girlfriend

5. There is lonely

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Reply #8 posted 10/25/12 12:53am



To choose 5 songs is just impossible.. confused

However I can tell my 5 best Prince albums:

1. Purple Rain

2. Sign O' The Times

3. 1999

4. Lovesexy

5. Parade

to mention:

R & R Love Affair

as a "best song" is to me completely.... nuts

Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #9 posted 10/25/12 2:30am


if eye was ur girlfriend

17 days

pop life

how come u don't call me anymore

purple rain

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Reply #10 posted 10/25/12 6:23am



There is no definitive top 5 for me. As with a lot of orgers (from what I've seen at least biggrin ) my fave P songs change daily. Right now It would b:


Moonbeam Levels

Something In the....(can I just put P's entire 1999 era as 1 song? lol )

I'm counting that era as 1 song so the next four are:

Old Friends 4 Sale (original version)

Electric Intercourse

All Day, All Night (P's version of course... I like Jill's a lot but Prince's version is magical)

all of Dream Factory/Camille/SOTT (takes place of one song again...).

Purple Music is my drug and I'm jonesin!!!!!
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Reply #11 posted 10/25/12 7:04am



1. When doves cry

2. 1999

3. Controversy

4. Sign O' The Times

5. Rasberry beret

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Reply #12 posted 10/25/12 8:58am


When u were mine
When doves cry
Little red corvette
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Reply #13 posted 10/25/12 11:45am


Wow, that is an almost impossible choice. Here is my pick of the day:

1. Anna Stesia

2. Gold

3. One of us

4. Sign O the times

5. If I was your girlfriend

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Reply #14 posted 10/25/12 5:39pm


She's Always In My Hair

Joy In Repetition


The Beautiful Ones

In A Large Room With No Light

... subject to change.

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Reply #15 posted 10/25/12 7:44pm



Also subject to constant change except *

Space *

17 days


From the lotus

All the critics love u

"Free URself, B the best that U can B, 3rd Apartment from the Sun, nothing left to fear" Prince Rogers Nelson - Forever in my Life -
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Reply #16 posted 10/26/12 8:33pm


Another 5 which are right up there

1. Old friends 4 Sale

2. Forever in my life

3. All of my dreams

4. Empty Room (1986 or 1994 versions)

5. Irresistable Bitch (1981 Version with Dirty ol Man/Morris Day style vocals)

And Vibrator is a hoot too, especially Prince's spoken segue "Body Massager - Puhlease!!"

[Edited 10/26/12 13:34pm]

Got some kind of love for you, and I don't even know your name
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Reply #17 posted 10/29/12 11:05am


1. When Doves Cry

2. Kiss

3. Cream

4. 7

5. Diamonds & Pearls

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Reply #18 posted 10/30/12 4:34am



I was just thinking that there should be a thread about this...

My top 5

1. Adore -- great lyrics, his best vocal performance, amazing song, first dance at my wedding

2. The Beautiful Ones -- passionate vocal delivery, builds nicely, awesome last 2 minutes or so

3. DMSR - funk monster, fun playful lyrics with the Vanity 6, The Time, and Jamie Starr references

4. 1999/Little Red Corvette -- yes, 2 different songs, but there linked in my mind by the videos and they were my first intro to prince, great contributions from the band even if they were small

5. Lovesexy -- outrageous layering of instruments and voices, great energy, cool positive lyrics

"Love & honesty, peace & harmony"
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Reply #19 posted 10/30/12 3:07pm



1) Electric Intercourse

And in no particular order (Subject 2 Change):

- The Beautiful Ones [Long Version]

- Computer Blue [7:29 Version]

- Positivity

- Forever In My Life (Either the SOTT Movie version or the 4 Those Of U On Valium version)

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Reply #20 posted 10/30/12 6:57pm



PurpleSullivan said:

1) Electric Intercourse

And in no particular order (Subject 2 Change):

- The Beautiful Ones [Long Version]

- Computer Blue [7:29 Version]

- Positivity

- Forever In My Life (Either the SOTT Movie version or the 4 Those Of U On Valium version)

Great choices -- every one of them.
"Love & honesty, peace & harmony"
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