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Thread started 02/21/12 8:20am



Please tell: have U ever made some "Fan promotion" for His Royal Badness?

On the internet, or Radio?

The headline says it all:

Have U ever made some "fan promotion" for Prince's music.

- I used to do that a lot with every Prince-single or album release - some years back, in the 1980s/ 90s - what about U?


Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #1 posted 02/21/12 8:26am



In 2006 I wrote a lot on the GaffaPedia, -- on the dansih music site - I wrote the "story" about Prince, like I have "witnessed",

In case some danes here wanna read/ it's of course IN DANISH:

HER er hvad jeg selv skrev om PRINCE:


Prince må uden tvivl være en af den moderne musiks mest produktive kunstnere. Han er født i Minneapolis i USA i 1958 (det samme år som Madonna og Michael Jackson er født) og han er døbt Prince Rogers Nelson. Han har udgivet stakkevis af originale albums og endnu flere uofficielle. Han har også en såkaldt Vault, et slags pengeskab, hvori han har over 1000 ikke udgivne numre.

Prince har, som regel under et pseudonym, endvidere medvirket, skrevet og produceret for et utal af andre kunstnere og musikere. Mest kendt er nok The Bangles 'Manic Monday', Sinead O'Connor's version af 'Nothing Compares 2 U' og Chaka Khan's version af 'I Feel For You', men af andre prominente samarbejder kan nævnes Stevie Wonder's 'So What The Fuss' fra 2005 hvorpå Prince spiller guitar.

Prince har selv udgivet omkring 38 albums afhængig af, hvordan man definerer et Prince album. Ofte bruger han andre pseudonymer som fx. New Power Generation, Tora Tora, Christopher, Alexander Nevermind (og mange andre), og dels er nogle af Prince's plader kun udgivet som downloads.

=== Begyndelsen: ===

I 1977, som 19 årig, skriver Prince kontrakt med Warner Bros. som den yngste kunstner i selskabets historie. Han betragtes som den næste Stevie Wonder, fordi Prince selv spiller alle instrumenter, på sammen måde som Stevie er kendt for. Prince får i første omgang kontrakt på at udgive tre albums.

På debut albummet 'For You' fra 1978 spiller Prince selv alle instrumenterne, sådan som han senere får ry for at gøre på hovedparten af hans albums, men på trods af dette, lykkedes det aligevel at overskride budgetet på 100.000 amerikanske dollars. Han udgiver sin første single 'Soft And Wet', men det er først med det andet album 'Prince' i 1979, at han får sit første hit med singlen 'I Wanna Be Your Lover'.

Prince imponerer først rigtigt for alvor i 1980, hvor han udgiver sit 3. album 'Dirty Mind', et album der tager mange chancer, musikken er mere rå end på de to første plader. Væk er det 'pæne' Stevie Wonder image, 'Dirty Mind' indeholder mere rock og funk end tidligere, teksterne er provokerende og handler bla. om incest (sangen 'Sister') og oralsex (sangen 'Head'), hvilket er helt uhørt i USA.

I 1981 udgiver Prince 'Controversy' og får sin første smag for det store publikum, for som opvarmer for The Rolling Stones spiller han for op til 100.000 mennesker. Ved de fleste af koncerterne bliver han dog buh'et ud.

=== Megastjerne: ===

I 1982 udgiver Prince det ambitiøse mesterværk '1999' som er en blanding af funk, soul og rock som man ikke havde set eller hørt tidligere, nogle beskriver Prince som farveblind, fordi han meget elegant blander sort og hvid musik. Med hittene '1999', 'Little Red Corvette' og 'Delirious' brager Prince igennem for alvor og etablerer sig som superstar på verdensplan. Hans videoer bliver vist på MTV ('1999' - har debut december 1982) og sammen med Michael Jackson ('Billie Jean' - har debut marts 1983) er Prince altså blandt de første sorte kunstnere som får et gennembrud på netop MTV i USA. Det er en udbredt misforståelse, at Michael Jackson kom først på MTV, da Prince havde debut cirka 4 måneder før (kilde: Uptown's Prince bog 'The Vault' dokumenterer dette). At begge blev superstjerner i midt 80erne er facts, mens Michael Jackson var den bedst sælgende nogensinde - og en meget stor entertainer og danser, så konkurrerede Prince på måske at være et større talent på visse områder, idet Prince selv skriver, indspiller og producerer sin musik - og er en meget kvalificeret guitarist, bassist, pianist og trommeslager. Prince's næste album skulle dog vise sig at være 1984's største fænomen.

1984 bliver et endnu bedre år for Prince og hans band The Revolution, for med albummet og med filmen 'Purple Rain', gør Prince det umulige. Prince gør det, kun Elvis Presley og The Beatles havde gjort før, nemlig at ligge på førstepladsen med en film, et album og en single samtidig. Singlen er 'When Doves Cry' som bliver den mest solgte single i USA i 1984. Af andre hits kan nævnes 'Let's Go Crazy', 'I Would Die 4 U' og selvfølgelig titel nummeret 'Purple Rain'. Filmen lå på første pladsen og det samme gjorde 'Purple Rain' albummet - i 24 uger i træk. Soundtracket som tilskrives Prince og bandet The Revolution (bla. inklusiv pigerne Wendy & Lisa) bliver desuden belønnet med en Oscar som bedste film-score, og 'Purple Rain' er stadig Princes bedst solgte album til dato med omkring 18 millioner solgte eksemplarer på verdensplan.

Året efter udkommer 'Around The World In A Day', som er det første på hans eget pladeselskab Paisley Park. Det album er psychedelisk og syret, men giver Prince & The Revolution hits som 'Raspberry Beret', 'Paisley Park', 'Pop Life' og 'America'. Prince, der på det tidspunkt var blevet så kendt og respekteret, at han befinder sig i centrum i et sandt hysteri, formår at holde det høje niveau på de tre næste plader.

'Parade' fra 1986 giver ham nummer 1 hittet 'Kiss' samt mindre hits som 'Mountains', 'Girls And Boys' og 'Anotherloverholenyohead'. Desuden kommer spillefilmen/ komedien som er i sort/hvid 'Under The Cherry Moon', som blev indspillet ved revieraen i det sydlige Frankrig.

Dobbelt albummet 'Sign 'O' The Times' fra 1987 resulterer i endnu en spillefilm, som af kritikere verden over er udråbt til en af de bedste musikfilm nogensinde. Bandet The Revolution er nu fyret, hvilket kommer som et stort chok for mange fans. Væk er Wendy, Lisa, Brown Mark og Bobby Z., - i stedet ses i filmen bla. Levi Seacer Jr., Miko, den kvindelige trommeslager Sheila E. samt det eneste medlem fra The Revolution: Matt 'Doctor' Fink.

På albummet spiller Prince selv stort set alle instrumenter. Dobbelt albummet er et mesterværk med hits som titel nummeret 'Sign 'O' The Times', 'U Got The Look', 'If I Was Your Girlfriend' og 'I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man'. Mange fans og kritikere mener at 'Sign 'O' The Times' faktisk er bedre end selv 'Purple Rain' albummet, hvilket siger ikke så lidt. Albummet bliver nomineret i kategorien årets bedste album, men Prince får ikke en grammy, den ære tilfalder U2's 'The Joshua Tree', men Bono undlader ikke at nævne Prince i hans takketale.

I december 1987 var det planen at et 'mystisk' album projekt skulle udkomme, et album uden titel eller kunstner, med et pladeomslag helt i sort, senere døbt 'The Black Album', men af uvisse årsager blev pladen trukket tilbage. Den blev dog senere udgivet uofficielt i piratkopier, da et antal eksemplarer var sluppet ud. 'The Black Album' regnes i dag for det mest bootleggede album overhovedet. 'The Black Album' blev først langt senere i 1994 udgivet officielt af Warner Bros. i en begrænset periode. Grunden til at det blev trukket tilbage i 1987 er uklar, måske var Prince ikke tilfreds med albummet, selv om det er meget funky, indeholder det ikke noget klart hit og er i teksterne mere dystert end det Prince tidligere havde udgivet.

I stedet udgiver Prince hans næste album i 1988: 'Lovesexy', et helt andet positivt, spirituelt og opløftende album, hvor temaet (i nummeret 'Anna Stesia') er 'love is God, God is love, girls and boys love God above', men også andre sange berører emnet Gud, kærlighed og positivitet, eksempelvis nummeret 'I Wish U Heaven'. Den første single er 'Alphabet Street', og i videoen er en hemmelig besked: 'Don't buy the Black Album, I'm sorry', (kun synligt i et splitsekund i starten af videoen).

'Lovesexy' er en stor succes i det meste af Europa bakket op af en storslået tourné (i Danmark spiller Prince for 28.000 mennesker i det daværende Idrætsparken). I tour bogen kan læses en meget kryptisk forklaring til hvorfor Prince tilbagekaldte 'The Black Album'.

'Lovesexy' regnes af mange fans som et mesterværk, men i USA, trods top 10 hittet 'Alphabet Street', sælger det meget skuffende langt under en million eksemplarer. Mange regner Prince for at være lidt for kreativ og kritiserer ham for at udgive for mange albums med for kort interval imellem. Selv Warner Bros. er ikke længere udelt begejstret for deres tidligere så storsælgende kunstner. Men en af grundene til at 'Lovesexy' floppede i USA, er sandsynligt også, at Prince sidder nøgen uden på coveret, hvilket der blev kigget skævt til i det bornerte USA. En del pladebutikker nægter ligefrem at have albummet på hylderne.

Af mange regnes 'Lovesexy' dog som det sidste rigtigt store Prince-mesterværk, de næste albums 'Batman soundtracket' i 1989 og 'Graffiti Bridge' i 1990 sælger okay, og giver Prince hits som 'Batdance', 'Partyman', 'Scandalous' og 'Thieves In The Temple', men de to albums er ikke kunstneriske successer som eksempelvis 'Lovesexy' og pladerne før.

'Graffiti Bridge' er tilmed en spillefilm, som fortsætter hvor 'Purple Rain' slap, men helt uden succes, idet 'Graffiti Bridge' flopper i biograferne og får meget dårlig kritik.

I 1991 får Prince dog endnu et stort mainstream album-hit med 'Diamonds And Pearls', det er overraskende for mange at lyden nu indeholder elementer af rap og hip hop og pladen introducerer bandet 'The New Power Generation', men pladen bliver en stor succes med hits som 'Gett Off', 'Cream' (nummer 1 i USA), titelnummeret 'Diamonds And Pearls' samt 'Money Don't Matter 2 Night'.

=== Navneskifte til Symbol: ===

Prince skriver en rekordstor kontrakt med Warner Bros. på 100 mio. dollars og sidder i en kortere periode med i bestyrelsen for selskabet. Det bliver dog hurtigt klart at Prince ikke synes han får opbakning og tilstrækkelig kunstnerisk frihed, og en bitter strid mellem Prince og Warner Bros. starter.

På den næste plade i 1992 er stilen den samme som på 'Diamonds And Pearls', en blanding af funk, pop og soul med elementer af rap og hip hop, det nye album har dog ikke noget navn, men et symbol på forsiden. Det symbol som senere i en syvårig periode (1993-2000) skulle blive Prince's navn. prince eller 'Love Symbol' som pladen bliver kaldt giver Prince hits som 'Sexy MF', 'My Name Is Prince' og '7'. Dette skulle blive den sidste rigtige Prince plade i en lang årrække, idet Prince skifter navn til prince på hans fødselsdag den 7. juni 1993.

Den første single som bærer Prince's symbol-navn er 'The Most Beautiful Girl In The World' i 1994, som bliver et gigantisk hit, hans første nummer 1 hit single i England. Nummeret bliver som sagt ikke udgivet af Warner, men af det lille uafhængige selskab Edel som bliver distribueret af Sony.

Senere på året, i 1994 bliver 'Come' albummet udgivet af Warner, dog uden den store succes på hitlisterne. Lidt uforståeligt bliver den succes som singlen 'The Most Beautiful Girl' har, ikke udnyttet til at udgive et album hvor det nummer er inkluderet. I stedet udgives altså 'Come', albummet indeholder på coverets forside en 'gravskrift' over Prince's navn: Prince - 1958-1993, lidt makabert som om Prince er 'afgået ved døden' i 1993.

Materialet på 'Come' er dog ret undervurderet, for ser man den tv-special som blev vist på diverse tv-stationer, bla. også på DR 1, kaldet 'The Beautiful Experience', så har 'Come' meget at byde på, singlerne 'Letitgo' og 'Space', men også 'Loose', 'Papa', 'Race' samt balladen 'Dark' er fede Prince numre.

=== Krigen mod Warner Bros.: ===

1995, Prince har nu for længst skiftet navn til prince og går på det nærmeste i krig mod Warner Bros. fordi de ikke vil udgive hans første album under Symbol-navnet, albummet hedder 'The Gold Experience'. Warner Bros. vil ikke udgive pladen lige med det samme, bla. fordi de synes Prince/ prince udgiver for meget musik!

Men det vil Prince ikke finde sig i, så han skriver ordet 'Slave' på sin kind med sort eyeliner: bla. i videoen til 'Dolphin' (som vises på MTV i efteråret 1994), heri ses Prince med ordet 'Slave' skrevet spejlvendt på højre kind, videoen vises på MTV selvom der hverken er udgivet en single og selvom der skal gå næsten et år før albummet er i handelen. Også i flere andre musikvideoer har Prince i denne periode ordet 'Slave' skrevet på kinden.

At Prince føler sig frustreret og som en 'slave' kommer også til udtryk I begyndelsen af 1995, hvor han holder en lidt kryptisk takketale ved Brit Awards. Han vinder en statuette for 'Best International Male Artist' pga. successen med singlen 'The Most Beautiful Girl In The World'. Prince siger i talen kort og godt: "Prince? Best...? The Gold Experience Better... In Concert Perfectly Free, On Record: Slave... Peace, Thank You".

I sin 'krig' mod Warner tager Prince endnu et pseudonym i brug. Navnet Tora Tora (et japansk krigsråb) bruges da han i starten af 1995 udgiver albummet 'Exodus' sammen med bandet New Power Generation. Han turnerer samtidigt i Europa, hvor det meste af materialet fra 'The Gold Experience' bliver spillet live. Selv om det altså ikke er udgivet endnu.

'The Gold Experience' udkommer endeligt i september 1995, et halvt år efter at Prince har turneret - og mere end 2 år efter at Prince skiftede navn til prince. Prince selv er sikker på at albummet vil genetablere ham som en stor stjerne, men da pladen endeligt udgives, har han mere eller mindre mistet lysten til at promovere det - eksempelvis holdes videoen til den første single 'Eye Hate U' tilbage. Dette er et typisk træk ved Prince: hans utålmodighed med pladeselskaber er slående, ofte mister han lysten til at promovere sin musik for i stedet at kaste sig over andre/ nye projekter.

'The Gold Experience' albummet er både helstøbt og samtidig utroligt varieret indeholdende hits som 'The Most Beautiful Girl In The World' (dog i en noget anderledes version end singlen fra 1994), 'Eye Hate U' og 'Gold', samt favorit numre som 'Dolphin', 'Shhh' og 'Pussy Control' - og med hans New Power Generation band i topform. Desværre er et af de bedste numre ikke med på albummet da det udkommer, nummeret 'Days Of Wild' som flittigt blev spillet på tournéen er fjernet. Af mange fans regnes 'The Gold Experience' for at være et mesterværk, Prince's klart bedste plade i 1990'erne.

=== De svage år: ===

Slutningen af 90'erne regnes af mange for den svageste Prince-periode, han har nu løsrevet sig fra Warner Bros. og i 1996 udgiver han på EMI 'Emancipation' som er både uhyre ambitiøs idet det indeholder 3 timers ny musik fordelt på 3 CD'ere, men det album bliver af mange beskrevet som en skuffelse, idet lyden er mere syntetisk end hvad Prince tidligere havde udgivet. CD nummer 2 er klart den bedste CD - og albummet som sådan rummer mange velskrevne sange, men produktionen af 'Emancipation' er skuffende for mange fans, især fordi forventningerne er skyhøje: "This is the album prince is born to make" hedder det bla. da albummet udkommer i november 1996.

Den første single til 'Emancipation' er 'Betcha By Golly Wow!' og i videoen vises Prince og hans kone Mayte Garcia gøre fødselsforberedelse på et hospital. Mange af sangene på 'Emancipation' er skrevet netop til Prince's kone Mayte, bla. med henvisninger til at parret venter deres første barn. Men på tragisk vis fødes Prince's søn med svære defekter (Kløverblads syndrom) og dør efter kun 7 dage. Dette sker kun ganske kort tid før 'Emancipation' er sat til udgivelse. En meget tragisk begivenhed som Prince ikke taler meget om, han bliver interviewet bla. af Oprah Winfrey men vælger at holde denne tragiske begivenhed fortroligt for omverdenen - hvilket er meget forståeligt. Senere følger (promo-) singlerne 'Somebody's Somebody', 'The Holy River' og 'Face Down'.

I 1998 udgiver Prince den funky men lidt ujævne 'Crystal Ball' (også 3 CD'ere!), en samling af outtakes og demoer som Prince lige giver en opfriskende overhaling og albummet udgiver han bla. på nettet. Der er dog en meget lang forsinkelse på de ordrer fans sender af sted - og det ender med, at albummet er at finde i forretningerne før fans får deres ordrer tilsendt. Dette efterlader mange fans frustrerede og utilfredse. Senere på året følger 'Newpower Soul' med singlerne 'The One' og 'Come On' dog uden at gøre meget væsen af sig på hitlisterne.

'Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic' i 1999 udgives på Arista, selskabet skabt af guruen Clive Davis, men 'Rave' bliver ikke nogen succes, hverken kommercielt eller kunstnerisk. Som enhver Prince plade rummer albummet dog en 3-4-5 gode numre, især singlen 'The Greatest Romance Ever Sold' som dog ikke får meget radio airplay og flopper totalt.

I år 2000 bliver Prince endelig fri af alle forpligtelser i sin kontrakt med Warner Bros., han holder en pressekonference i maj 2000 og annoncerer at han nu igen bruger det gode navn 'Prince' i stedet for det kryptiske symbol.

=== Princes 'come back': ===

I 2001 udgiver Prince endelig musik i hans eget navn 'Prince' igen. Han er i årenes løb blevet kaldt alt fra 'Symbol', 'Lovesign', 'Mr. Squiggle', 'The Artist Formerly Known As Prince', forkortet 'TAFKAP', 'Taffy' og flere andre mystiske navne. Men med 'The Rainbow Children' som udgives på det lille selskab Redline er Prince tilbage i hvert fald kunstnerisk. Det er et album som de fleste fans hurtigt tager til sig som endnu et mesterværk (det 'bedste' Prince album siden 'The Gold Experience' i 1995). Til trods for en lidt irriterende dyb 'Bob George/ Darth Vader' Prince-stemme, som pladen igennem fortæller mystiske historier inspireret af Jehovas Vidner - så er musikken unik, især de sidste numre på pladen: 'Family Name', 'The Everlasting Now' og 'Last December' (alle numre som varer i nærheden af 8 minutter).

2004 bliver et triumftog for Prince, han indskrives i den amerikanske The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame (af Alicia Keys og Outkast), og optræder ved denne lejlighed bla. sammen med Tom Petty, George Harrison's søn og Jeff Lynne. Sammen spiller de Beatles nummeret 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' og i den helt forrygende solo (oprindeligt spillet af Eric Clapton), beviser Prince hvor fantastisk en guitarist han er. Ved Grammy uddelingen i USA (tidligere på året) optræder Prince sammen med Beyoncé fra Destiny's Child, sammen synger og spiller de bla. 'Purple Rain' og 'Let's Go Crazy' - en fejring af at det er 20 år siden 'Purple Rain' blev udgivet.

Endelig i 2004 får Prince igen succes på de amerikanske hitlister (og bla. også på den danske), idet han udgiver albummet 'Musicology'. Desuden drager han med bandet New Power Generation på en omfattende USA tourné, som bliver den tourné som giver det største økonomiske overskud i USA i 2004, tournéen indbringer iflg. Rolling Stone Magazine det svimlende beløb af knapt 90 millioner dollars. Det er mere end hvad selv Madonna, Metallica og Elton John tjener på at tournere det år.

Til trods for at 'Musicology' albummet, som udgives på Sony, ikke er det bedste Prince album, går det alligevel top 10 i USA, bla. fordi Prince udleverer gratis eksemplarer som er inkluderet i billetprisen ved hans mange koncerter. Af singler som udgives kan nævnes titelnummeret 'Musicology', 'Call My Name' og 'Cinnamon Girl'. Prince vinder to amerikanske Grammy'er for 'Musicology' og 'Call My Name' - hans første Grammy'er siden 'Kiss' i 1986.

I 2006 udgiver Prince albummet '3121' som går direkte nummer 1 i USA, pladen udgives på Universal, den første single 'Te Amo Corazón' er dog lidt anonym og kedelig og får ikke meget radio airplay - hvorimod singlerne 'Black Sweat' og 'Fury' leder tankerne hen på den geniale musik Prince udgav da han var bedst - i 1980'erne. Som med 'Musicology' er fans uenige om hvor vidt '3121' holder den standard Prince tidligere havde. Mange finder '3121' lidt for let og poppet.

Warner Bros. udgiver i 2006 dobbelt CD'en 'Ultimate Prince', en 'Greatest Hits' compilation indeholdende 28 af de største hits, hvoraf de 11 er originale extended eller remix versioner, oprindeligt udgivet på vinyl tilbage i 80'erne og begyndelsen af 90'erne. Tidsmæssigt dækker denne udgivelse 1979-1993. Selvfølgelig har hardcore fans musikken allerede, selvom flere af de extended numre udgives på CD for første gang, men for begyndere er det afgjort en god introduktion til en af nutidens største nulevende ikoner, i 1980'erne kaldet 'His Royal Badness', Prince Rogers Nelson, eller slet og ret bare: Prince.

[Edited 2/21/12 8:29am]

Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #2 posted 02/21/12 8:32am



I am not exactly sure this was "promotion" for Prince in Denmark.

"GaffaPedia" used to be like WikiPedia, but it does not exist anymore...

However. It was cool to try to write the "biography" of the purple one.

Anyone else have stories like this to tell.... ?

[Edited 2/21/12 8:33am]

Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #3 posted 02/21/12 8:36am



I don't have anything to share, but I ran your post through Google Translate, in case anyone wants to read it in english. I hope you don't mind.

I'm sure some stuff a lot was lost in translation, but:

== ==History == ==

Prince must undoubtedly be one of modern music's most prolific artists. He was born in Minneapolis in the U.S. in 1958 (the same year as Madonna and Michael Jackson was born) and he was christened Prince Rogers Nelson. He has published dozens of original albums and even more unofficial. He has also called a Vault, a kind of safe, which he has over 1000 unpublished numbers.

Prince has, usually under a pseudonym, also contributed, written and produced for numerous other artists and musicians. Best known is probably The Bangles' Manic Monday ', Sinead O'Connor's version of' Nothing Compares 2 U 'and Chaka Khan's version of' I Feel For You ', but by other prominent work include Stevie Wonder's "So What The Fuss' from 2005 in which Prince plays guitar.

Prince himself has released around 38 albums, depending on how you define a Prince album. Often he uses other pseudonyms like. New Power Generation, Tora Tora, Christopher, Alexander Nevermind (and many others), and partly because some of Prince's records released only as downloads.

Beginning ===: ===

In 1977, 19 years old, writes Prince contract with Warner Bros. as the youngest artist in its history. He is considered as the next Stevie Wonder, because the Prince himself plays all the instruments in the same way that Stevie is known for. Prince gets first contract to release three albums.

On the debut album 'For You' from the 1978 play Prince all the instruments himself, as he later gets a reputation for making the most of his albums, but despite this, they managed anyway to exceed budgetet of 100,000 U.S. dollars. He publishes his first single 'Soft And Wet', but it is only the second album 'Prince' in 1979 that he gets his first hit with single 'I Wanna Be Your Lover'.

Prince impresses only really in earnest in 1980 when he published his third album 'Dirty Mind', an album that takes many chances, the music is more raw than the first two plates. Gone is the 'nice' Stevie Wonder's image, 'Dirty Mind' contains more rock and funk than before, the lyrics are provocative and act blah. about incest (the song 'Sister') and fellatio (the song 'Head'), which is unheard of in America.

In 1981, publishes Prince 'Controversy' and gets his first taste of the vast audience, which heats for The Rolling Stones, he plays for up to 100,000 people. For most of the concerts he will be named and shamed.

=== Mega Star: ===

In 1982 Prince publishes the ambitious masterpiece '1999 'which is a mixture of funk, soul and rock that had not been seen or heard before, some describe Prince as color blind, because he is very elegant mix black and white music. With hits '1999 ',' Little Red Corvette 'and' Delirious' Prince roars through seriously and establishes himself as a superstar in the world. His videos will be shown on MTV ('1999 '- the debut december 1982) and with Michael Jackson ("Billie Jean' - the debut in March 1983) is the Prince thus among the first black artists to get a breakthrough on just MTV in the U.S.. It's a common misconception that Michael Jackson came on MTV when Prince had onset approximately 4 months before (source: Uptown Prince's book 'The Vault' proves this). That both were superstars in the mid 80s are facts, while Michael Jackson was the best selling ever - and a great entertainer and dancer, then competed Prince of perhaps being a major talent in certain areas, as Prince himself writes, records and produces his music - and is a very skilled guitarist, bassist, pianist and drummer. Prince's next album turned out to be 1984's biggest phenomenon.

1984 will be an even better year for the Prince and his band The Revolution, for the album and the movie 'Purple Rain' Prince makes it impossible. Prince does, only Elvis Presley and the Beatles had done before, namely to be in first place with a movie, album and single simultaneously. The single is "When Doves Cry 'which is the most sold single in the U.S. in 1984. Other hits include 'Let's Go Crazy', 'I Would Die 4 U' and of course the title track 'Purple Rain'. The film was in first place and so did 'Purple Rain' album - for 24 consecutive weeks. The soundtrack attributed Prince and the band The Revolution (among others including the girls Wendy & Lisa) will also be rewarded with an Oscar for best film score, and 'Purple Rain' is still Princes best selling album to date, with around 18 million copies sold worldwide .

The following year released "Around The World In A Day ', which is the first on his own record label Paisley Park. The album is psychedelisk and freaky, but gives Prince & The Revolution hits like 'Raspberry Beret', 'Paisley Park', 'Pop Life' and 'America'. Prince, who at that time had become so well known and respected that he is in the heart of a true hysteria that manage to keep the high level at the next three plates.

'Parade' in 1986 gives him the number 1 hit 'Kiss' and smaller hits like 'Mountains', 'Girls And Boys' and 'Anotherloverholenyohead'. In addition comes the feature film / comedy that is in black / white 'Under The Cherry Moon' which was recorded by revieraen in southern France.

Double album 'Sign' O 'The Times' of 1987 resulting in yet another film that the critics around the world are named as one of the best music movies ever. Band The Revolution is now fired, which comes as a great shock to many fans. Gone is Wendy, Lisa, Mark Brown and Bobby Z., - instead seen the movie blah. Levi Seacer Jr., Miko, the female drummer Sheila E. and the only member of The Revolution: Matt 'Doctor' Fink.

The album plays Prince himself virtually all instruments. Double album is a masterpiece with hits like the title track 'Sign' O 'The Times', 'U Got The Look', 'If I Was Your Girlfriend' and 'I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man'. Many fans and critics believe that the 'Sign' O 'The Times' is actually better than even 'Purple Rain' album, which is saying something. The album is nominated in the category of the year's best album, but Prince did not get a Grammy, the honor goes U2's 'The Joshua Tree' but Bono did not fail to mention the Prince in his acceptance speech.

In december 1987 was planned to be a 'mysterious' album project was published, an album with no title or artist, with a plate cover completely in black, later dubbed 'The Black Album', but for reasons unknown, the plate was withdrawn. It was later released unofficially in piracy, as a number of copies were leaked. 'The Black Album' is considered today the most bootleggede album at all. 'The Black Album' was not until much later in 1994 officially released by Warner Bros.. for a limited period. The reason it was withdrawn in 1987 is unclear, maybe Prince is not happy with the album, although it is very funky, it contains no clear hit and is in the texts gloomier than the Prince had previously released.

Instead publishes Prince his next album in 1988: "Love Sexy", a completely different positive spiritual and uplifting album, where the theme (in track 'Anna Stesia') is' love is God, God is love, girls and boys love God above ', but other songs touch the workpiece God, love and positivity, for example the track' I Wish U Heaven '. The first single is 'Alphabet Street', and in the video is a secret message: 'Do not buy the Black Album, I'm sorry', (only visible in a split second at the beginning of the video).

'Sexy Love' is a great success in most of Europe backed by a grand tour (in Denmark plays Prince of 28,000 people in the former sports center). The tour book can be read in a very cryptic explanation for why Prince withdrew 'The Black Album'.

'Sexy Love' is considered by many fans as a masterpiece, but in the U.S., despite top 10 hit 'Alphabet Street', sells it very disappointing way below one million copies. Many expect Prince to be a little creative and criticizes him for releasing too many albums with too short interval between. Even Warner Bros.. is no longer undivided excited about their past as big-selling artist. But one reason to 'Sexy Love' flopped in the U.S., is likely also that the Prince is sitting naked outside on the cover, which was looked askance at the narrow-minded U.S.. Some record stores refused even to have the album on the shelves.

By many considered 'Love Sexy' however, as the last really big Prince-masterpiece, the next albums' Batman soundtrack 'in 1989 and' Graffiti Bridge 'in 1990, sells okay, and give Prince hits like' Batdance ',' Partyman ',' Scandalous "and" Thieves In The Temple ', but the two albums are not artistic successes such as' Sexy Love' and the plates before.

'Graffiti Bridge' is even a feature film that picks up where 'Purple Rain' left off, but without success, 'Graffiti Bridge' flop in theaters and gets very bad criticism.

In 1991, Prince still gets a huge mainstream hit album with 'Diamonds And Pearls', it is surprising to many that the sound now contains elements of rap and hip-hop and the plate introduces the band 'The New Power Generation', but the plate will be a great success with hits like 'Gett Off', 'Cream' (number 1 in the U.S.), the title track 'Diamonds And Pearls' and' Money Do not Matter 2 Night. "

[Edited 2/21/12 8:40am]

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Reply #4 posted 02/21/12 8:37am



['Message inconsistency' prevented me from making this one post]

=== Name Change to Symbol: ===

Prince writes a record contract with Warner Bros. 100 million. dollars, and sits in a shorter period with the board of the company. It becomes quickly obvious that Prince did not think he gets enough support and artistic freedom, and a bitter dispute between Prince and Warner Bros.. starts.

On the next album in 1992, the style is the same as on "Diamonds And Pearls', a blend of funk, pop and soul music with elements of rap and hip hop, the new album has no name, but a symbol on the front. The symbol later in a seven-year period (1993-2000) was to become Prince's name. prince or 'Love Symbol' as the plate is called giving Prince hits like 'Sexy MF', 'My Name Is Prince' and '7 '. This should be the last real Prince record for many years since Prince renamed prince on his birthday on 7 June 1993.

The first single bearing Prince's symbol-name is 'The Most Beautiful Girl In The World' in 1994, which will be a gigantic hit, his first number 1 hit single in England. Number is as I said, not published by Warner, but the small independent company Edel which is being distributed by Sony.

Later that year, in 1994 will be 'Come' album released by Warner, but without much success on the charts. A little incomprehensible becomes the successful single "The Most Beautiful Girl 'has not been used to release an album where the track is included. Instead, published words 'Come', the album contains the cover on the front an 'epitaph' over Prince's name: Prince - 1958-1993, a bit macabre as if Prince has 'died' in 1993.

The material on 'Come' is rather underestimated, because you see the TV special aired on various television stations, blah. also DR 1, called 'The Beautiful Experience', then 'Come' much to offer in the singles 'Letitgo' and 'Space' but also 'Loose', 'Papa', 'Race' and ballad 'Dark' is obese Prince songs.

=== The war against Warner Bros.: ===

1995, Prince has now long since changed its name to the prince and go to the closest to war against Warner Bros. because they will not publish his first album under the symbol name, the album is called 'The Gold Experience'. Warner Bros. will not publish the plate right away, blah. because they think Prince / prince publishes too much music!

But the Prince would not find themselves in, so he writes the word 'slave' on his cheek with black eyeliner: blah. in the video for 'Dolphin' (which appears on MTV in the fall of 1994), herein seen Prince with the word 'Slave' written backwards on the right cheek, the video shown on MTV although neither released a single and even to wait nearly a year before album is marketed. Also in several other music videos have Prince in this period the word 'Slave' written on his cheek.

The Prince feels frustrated and as a 'slave' is also reflected in early 1995, where he keeps a little cryptic speech at the Brit Awards. He wins a statuette for 'Best International Male Artist' because of the success of single 'The Most Beautiful Girl In The World'. Prince says in his speech short and sweet: "Prince? Best ...? The Gold Experience Better ... In Concert Perfectly Free, On Record: Slave ... Peace, Thank You."

In his 'war' against Warner takes Prince yet another pseudonym in use. The name Tora Tora (a Japanese war cry) is used when, in early 1995 release album 'Exodus' with the band New Power Generation. He is touring simultaneously in Europe, where most of the material from 'The Gold Experience' will be played live. Although it is not released yet.

'The Gold Experience' released finally in september 1995, six years after the Prince has toured - and more than two years after Prince renamed prince. Prince himself is confident that the album will restore him as a big star, but when the plate is finally released, he has more or less lost the desire to promote it - for example, kept the video for the first single 'Eye Hate U' back. This is a typical feature of the Prince: his impatience with the record companies are striking, often lose the desire to promote his music and instead turn to other / new projects.

'The Gold Experience' album is both perfect and also incredibly diverse, containing hits like 'The Most Beautiful Girl In The World' (albeit in a somewhat different version than the single from 1994), 'Eye Hate U' and 'Gold', as well as favorite Songs like 'Dolphin', 'Shhh,' and 'Pussy Control' - and with his New Power Generation band in top form. Unfortunately, one of the best tracks not on the album as it comes out, the track 'Days Of Wild' which was widely played on the tour have been removed. For many fans considered "The Gold Experience 'to be a masterpiece, Prince's clearly best record in the 1990s.

=== The weak years: ===

Late 90s is considered by many the weakest PRINCE period he has now detached itself from Warner Bros. and in 1996 he publishes on EMI 'Emancipation' is both immensely ambitious in that it contains 3 hours of new music across 3 CDs, but this album is by many described as a disappointment, because the sound is more synthetic than what Prince had previously published. CD number 2 is clearly the best CD - and the album itself has many well-written songs, but the production of 'Emancipation' is disappointing for many fans, especially because the expectations are sky-high: "This is the album prince is born to make" says bla . when the album will be released in November 1996.

The first single to 'Emancipation' is 'Betcha By Golly Wow!' and in the video appears Prince and his wife Mayte Garcia do prenatal at a hospital. Many of the songs on 'Emancipation' is written specifically for the Prince's wife, Mayte, blah. with references to the couple are expecting their first child. But tragically born Prince's son with severe defects (Cloverleaf Syndrome) and die after only 7 days. This is only a short time before the 'Emancipation' is set to release. A very tragic event like Prince did not talk much about him being interviewed blah. by Oprah Winfrey but chooses to keep this tragic event confidentially to the world - which is very understandable. Later follows (promo-) singles 'Somebody's Somebody,' 'The Holy River' and 'Face Down'.

In 1998 Prince publishes the funky but slightly uneven 'Crystal Ball' (also 3 CDs!), A collection of outtakes and demos that Prince just gives a refreshing overhaul and the album he publishes blah. on the web. However, there is a very long delay on orders fans send off - and it ends up that the album is to find in stores before the fans get their orders sent to you. This leaves many fans frustrated and dissatisfied. Later in the year following the 'Newpower Soul' with the singles 'The One' and 'Come On', however, without making much fuss on the charts.

'Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic' in 1999, released on Arista, the company created by guru Clive Davis, but 'Rave' is not a success, either commercially or artistically. As any Prince record the album, however, a 3-4-5 good numbers, especially single 'The Greatest Romance Ever Sold' which, however, do not get much radio airplay and the flop completely.

In 2000 the Prince is finally free of all obligations of his contract with Warner Bros., He holds a press conference in May 2000 and announces that he is now again use the good name of 'Prince' instead of the cryptic symbol.

=== Princes 'comeback': ===

In 2001, Prince finally releases music in his own name 'Prince' again. He's over the years been called everything from 'Symbol', 'Love Sign', 'Mr. Squiggle ',' The Artist Formerly Known As Prince ', abbreviated' TAFKAP ',' Taffy 'and several other mysterious names. But with 'The Rainbow Children' published on the small company Redline's Prince back to at least artistically. It's an album that most fans quickly take to it as yet another masterpiece (the 'best' Prince album since 'The Gold Experience' in 1995). Despite a slightly annoying deep 'Bob George / Darth Vader' Prince voice that plate through telling mystical stories inspired by Jehovah's Witnesses - so the music is unique, especially the last numbers on the plate: 'Family Name', 'The Everlasting Now 'and' Last December '(all numbers as products near 8 minutes).

2004 will be a triumph for Prince, he enrolled in the U.S. The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame (by Alicia Keys and Outkast), and acting on this occasion, blah. with Tom Petty, George Harrison's son and Jeff Lynne. Together they play Beatles track 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' and the truly breathtaking solo (originally played by Eric Clapton), evidence Prince how great a guitarist he is. At the Grammy Awards in the U.S. (earlier this year) occurs Prince with Beyonce from Destiny's Child, along sings and plays the blah. 'Purple Rain' and 'Let's Go Crazy "- a celebration of the 20 years since' Purple Rain 'was released.

Finally in 2004 the Prince again successful on the U.S. charts (and blah. Also in the Danish), as he releases the album 'Musicology'. Moreover, he draws with the band New Power Generation on an extensive U.S. tour, which will be the tour that gives the largest economic surplus in the U.S. in 2004, the tour brings acc. Rolling Stone Magazine is the staggering amount of almost $ 90 million. This is more than what even Madonna, Metallica and Elton John serves on the tour Africans this year.

Despite the fact that 'Musicology' album being released on the Sony is not the best Prince album, it goes anyway top 10 in the U.S., blah. because Prince give out free copies of which are included in the ticket by his many concerts. For singles released include the title track 'Musicology', 'Call My Name' and 'Cinnamon Girl'. Prince wins two American Grammy for 'Musicology' and 'Call My Name' - his first Grammy since 'Kiss' in 1986.

In 2006, publishes Prince album '3121 ', which goes straight number 1 in the U.S., the album released on Universal, the first single "Te Amo Corazón" is somewhat anonymous and boring and do not get much radio airplay - while the singles' Black Sweat 'and' Fury 'is reminiscent of the brilliant music Prince released when he was the best - in the 1980s. As with 'Musicology' has fans disagree on how far '3121 'with the standard Prince previously had. Many find the '3121 'bit too easy and popped.

Warner Bros. publisher in 2006 double CD 'Ultimate Prince', a 'Greatest Hits' compilation containing 28 of the biggest hits, 11 of which are original or extended remix versions, originally released on vinyl back in the 80s and early 90s . Temporal covers this release 1979-1993. Of course, hardcore music fans already, although several of the extended tracks on CD for the first time, but for beginners it is definitely a good introduction to one of today's greatest living icons of the 1980s called "His Royal Badness', Prince Rogers Nelson, or simply just: Prince.

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Reply #5 posted 02/21/12 8:57am



^ Thanks CrabalockerF... for that translation,

a little confusing the Prince prince symbol is written like "prince".

I wonder how many errors did I make back then..?


Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #6 posted 02/21/12 9:02am



About "Fan promotion" - another story:

I was interviewed to the danish tabloid B.T. in the fall of 1998, the paper had 2 pages in their section right before the Prince NPS concert in Valby Hallen 1998.

Later this article was posted on Prince's own site, I believe he liked what I did tell the paper/ B.T. - I think Prince's site was back then (?)

Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #7 posted 02/21/12 9:03am



thedance said:

^ Thanks CrabalockerF... for that translation,

a little confusing the Prince prince symbol is written like "prince".

I wonder how many errors did I make back then..?


Yeah, unfortunately, reading over it, it didn't translate well. A lot of it doesn't make sense (in English). It also keeps mentioning "Sexy Love" ... I guess it means Lovesexy.

I also noticed your writing overlooks the NPG Music Club music completely.

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Reply #8 posted 02/21/12 9:06am



^ you are right..

yeah I did overlook the NPGMC stuff but GaffaPedia used to have a discography right under mentioning those recordings/ downloads..

Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #9 posted 02/21/12 11:30am



I have. I'm in class with German on high level and we had to make a presentation about something that we like, in German obviously. I made about Prince and I showed him in a good light. Some of my friends like him now. At least my schoolmate sang Kiss while we were getting ready to P.E lesson.

So evil girl, if one of us has a date,
With the undertaker, which one will it be?
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Reply #10 posted 02/22/12 6:07am



In Junior High, I used to write 'Prince' on all my desks in my best imitation of the Purple Rain font.

You don't have to thank me - just doin' my part. razz

PRINCE: the only man who could wear high heels and makeup and STILL steal your woman!
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Reply #11 posted 02/22/12 7:46am


I don't know if that's enough to count as "promotion", but I cover some of his songs at my gigs and usually call him out once or twice. shrug

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Reply #12 posted 02/22/12 8:56am



Depending on what u define as "promotion" Theres a heavy chance ive been promoting Prince 4 over 16yrs lol But I do have extra album copies I sometimes give away, and i use 2 make my own buttons/pendants. I use 2 wear them everywhere r hand them out for free like a crazy kook.

"How Can I Stand To..Stay Where I Am? Poor Butterfly Who..Dont Understand." P
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Reply #13 posted 02/22/12 11:45am



ItsGonnaBLonely said:

But I do have extra album copies I sometimes give away

I do that too. I currently have an extra copy of Emancipation that I'm looking to give to any of my friends that are interested.. and a whole shelf full of Lotusflow3rs.

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Reply #14 posted 02/22/12 1:10pm



CrabalockerFishwife said:

I do that too. I currently have an extra copy of Emancipation that I'm looking to give to any of my friends that are interested.. and a whole shelf full of Lotusflow3rs.

lol Tell me about it

"How Can I Stand To..Stay Where I Am? Poor Butterfly Who..Dont Understand." P
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Please tell: have U ever made some "Fan promotion" for His Royal Badness?