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Thread started 09/09/02 6:37pm


What Does The Song She Loves Me For Me Mean to U?

O.k. so we Know Prince wants somebody in his Life that will Love him the way He is and not Stress him out! However , it almost Sounds like Mani is A Dead ,Passive Woman who Asks for Nothing in return but what GratUity? What? I know Prince is Not this INSECURE! I Know Mani cannot Be a BLOW-UP Doll who Doesn't Talk! Mani, I wanna hear from U! I know You gots to be a Smart Woman not some BIMBO who just Nods her Head and says Yes,Yes, Yes. God ,Prince what Gives? Tell me won't U Please tell us All! What Do U Mean? Fellow Orgers Please Comment on this song. And by the Way Prince why Would You Ever Assume Your Fans Don't Love You no matter What or Who You Are or in Whatever Direction you choose To Go? Pleazse You Have Never given Us a Chance and How Would You Ever Know? My Dearest of all Dears you Must Have Faith! Not every Fan is your Enemy,not Every Fan is a Stalker. It's a Pity that there are some Crazies out there and this does Unnerve a Person,however 1 Bad Apple doesn't Ruin or Spoil Everyone. Remember this my Love and you will be fine. Forever , you are in my Prayers.Forever Darling you are in my Heart.
[This message was edited Mon Sep 9 18:38:39 PDT 2002 by Natasha]
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Reply #1 posted 09/09/02 6:57pm


this song means that i love Prince for who he is and i don't need him to give me no freaking mansion to prove it
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Reply #2 posted 09/09/02 7:04pm


Unconditional love
no - I don't think he is insecure!

Probably what Mani asks for is
love, isn't that what is important?

Apparently, she is very smart. One
would have to be to be his personal
assistant at one time.

I think Mani and Prince are beautiful
[This message was edited Mon Sep 9 19:15:53 PDT 2002 by EchoOfMySoul]
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Reply #3 posted 09/09/02 7:13pm


O.k. So us Fans also Love him for who he is and if he felt like wearing Jeans,Rags, Hair frizzy or a Beard we would still Care and still go to his shows. Any Fan who is so Caught up in his Looks,Penis or his Old music is an Ass and shouldn't even be near him anyways. Prince will Always create the Most Beautiful Music ever and who cares about Superficiality or Commercialism. We Only Care about Him and his Happiness. He is Beautiful Inside and Out!
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Reply #4 posted 09/09/02 7:36pm


The song "She Loves Me 4 Me" means to me, having someone who does just that, love you ( or in this case Prince) just for who he is, period. Someone who doesn't want anything from him but to share his life. Not wanting his money or to use him for who he knows, but instead wanting to do what they can to enrich his life rather than take from it.

Someone who can see how wonderful Prince is without trying to put him up on this pedestal and treat him like an idol. They see him for who he is, with whatever human flaws, but they still love him. It's a beautiful song.

"...Kinda crazy, but I love you just the same."
butterfly heart butterfly heart ~~~~~~~~~~~
"My body, a living representation of other life...older...longer...wiser. The mountains and valleys, trees, rocks. Sand and flowers and water and stone. Made in earth." - Audre Lorde
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Reply #5 posted 09/09/02 7:39pm


Besides the seems theres a comparison going on...keeps singing THIS opposed to THAT? one.

Read between the lines to see what aspects he refers to...
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Reply #6 posted 09/09/02 8:45pm


I know what you mean, but there is just no way to assume anything about her from the limited amount we know about her. I find it less difficult than you apparently do to imagine Prince with a pretty girl who's 'dumber than a post', but who knows if Mani fits in that category. I will tell you, when I got to sit in on a conversation with Prince, I'm pretty sure that she was sitting next to him, but the reason I'm only pretty sure is because she didn't introduce herself, and sat smushed up next to him dead silent the entire time. I asked her why, and she just said she was 'taking it all in'. Made me wonder if she's just super shy.

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Reply #7 posted 09/09/02 8:55pm


Well,if Mani is Super Shy Hello she's with Mr. Royal Badness,BadAss himself who Exposes his Royal Penis in Lace pants . O.k it was the Past, has Tartletts who will expose there Tatas and just an Array of Depraved Souls LOL so Mani better Learn that Prince Fans are Far from Shy! Especially this one. Well, maybe around him though. I do Clam Up like a Cherrystone.
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Reply #8 posted 09/09/02 9:16pm



The song does seem to include a little bitterness from Prince being hurt by his relationship with Mayte. I suppose in a round-about way he's telling Mayte that he doesn't feel she loved him the way she should have. I doubt the song is FOR Mani... but it's about her. It would be nice to hear a song that's specifically written for her.
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Reply #9 posted 09/09/02 9:28pm


Well,Mayte must be One Hellofafool. Good Riddance and she's found her Soulmate in Tommy Lee. Prince should Realize she just wasn't the Right one and although he wanted er to be that Fantasy Woman she Wasn't. I think it's terrible she Hurt him so much,but why didn't he talk to the Fans? I always ,always heard Negative Comments about her from the Fans. Sure she was Beautiful,but no one I know and I know a lot of Fans no one liked her. Everybody said she was Stupid. Everybody,so if she wasn't then she should have shown us. She didn't come across that well and I liked her somewhat. But of course I really don't think Prince's fans want him Married at all. That's the Vibe I get. Nobody wants a man who has a Playboy Image to Actually be Married. No way!
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Reply #10 posted 09/09/02 9:44pm


I agree with jaszia. But if Mani loves Prince for Prince why did she convince him to buy a 5 million dollar mansion in her home town and now they live there and no more jams on Friday night,Everyone.

I think Mayte was a lot better for Prince.

Does anyone remember Mani at the booths? She is not shy.
Rude and on edge would be a better term.

Takam, Maybe she didn't speak the whole time your conversation was going on because she thinks she is above any of the fans or just down right rude.
If you are married to a rich rock star and one of the fans walks up, you arenot going to be shy.

Does anybody really think that Mani is a friend of any of the fans? Ha.
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Reply #11 posted 09/09/02 9:50pm


well, i dont know how much of this is true..after all, Mani was a lil stalker who took pride in hanging within the prince purple circle before she became his wife...

something scary about a man who would date his own *fanatic*..

and he is worried about calling his fans fams? HYPOCRICY!!!
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Reply #12 posted 09/09/02 10:20pm


Listen,I don't know either Woman ,but I'll tell ya this. I think Prince should Fix up Paisley Park, spend more time in Minneapolis and start those Friday Night Jams again. I'm not telling him to go back to Mayte no way. I just think he doesn't care so much about Paisley anymore or he just Forgot what it looked like in 95 and I think he Forgot Everything he was Sometimes and Doesn't Realize that The Fans Truly,Truly Love Him so Very Much and that he is and always will be to us our Idol.Our Hero,Our Man and we are Proud to Brag about this and don't care if we are labelled Fans,cause we are his Fans and there is Nothing wrong with being a Fan. Prince listen You Are Worth us going Crazy Over,Standing outside for Hrs in the cold or Sun. Spending all of our money on. You Are worth all of our Time. We Do Give a Damn! We do Care! Sometimes we Can't Always be there,however our wishes are Always there likewise our Love and we mean this Sincerely without asking for anything Back,because you through many years of enjoying your music have brought us Major Happiness. Prince I know I speak for all of your Fans when I say "We Love You Prince." Truly we do. Amen, Hallelulliah!
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Reply #13 posted 09/09/02 10:21pm


Nothing. I don't like the song.
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Reply #14 posted 09/09/02 10:54pm


And here is another thing that Doesn't make sense in that song and I want to know what he's talking about he says "Mani doesn't Care if he Writes 300 Melodies to her it's just 3." Well, what's that about? So he is saying he wants somebody who Doesn't Get Excited over him and his Music? So she is Unaffected and Blase about things? So really what it is is that he just wants a Person who just looks Good,doesn't have an Opinion, stands by her Man and doesn't talk or eat Meat? Henceforth, this Alien Creature Loves Him For Who he is? Mani, I'd want a Man saying Yeah,baby you Blow my Mind and I just Can't Breath when you're away. O.k. Prince so You Had the Sex now you just want a little Stability? Huh? A nice quiet woman who doesn't give you a Hard time? Oh,God I really wanna know this Interpretation? Come On Baby you Need some Fire in Your Life! Get Wild Again! Burn some Bridges. Get Funky,Get Raw,Get Nasty! God,Prince will ya Pleaze do the LIMBO??? Put some Freak in ya. Damn! Do I have to Blow Fire Up ya Ass to get ya ta Rumba and Tango! If anybody could Do it you Damn well Know it's gonna be Me! Abandon Old Thinking , Enter the New.
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Reply #15 posted 09/10/02 12:13am


maybe the 2 are soulmates - perhaps they are fundamentally alike?

he's singing about her attitude towards him, all the nice things she does for him, etc. perhaps mani could write a similar song about prince, if she were so inclined...
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Reply #16 posted 09/10/02 12:56am


That's Cool and she looks fairly nice and Gentle,but I just don't Hear anything Passionate going on in that song. Well,I guess it's just not the Spiritual way. But what I can't Fathom is How this Man who is So Very Talented just wants you to be Ho-Hum about Himself and his Work! Is he F-Upped? How can one Not be so Taken and Passionate about him? Just Doesn't make Sense to me! Doesn't he know it's Impossible not to Gush or Swoon when you Admire someone So Very Much? Of course he's Human and a Man and so on and so forth,but Damn He's Dynamite and there is Absolutely No way you can Just not get Excited Over Him. Case Closed End Of Story. Finito!
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Reply #17 posted 09/10/02 1:06am


Since the emotions and feelings involved in love are so numerous maybe this song just covers a few of them. He doesn't have to talk about sex and passion in every song, but that doesn't mean it's not there. Who really knows about their relationship? It's pretty hard to say anything worthwhile about it. For me this song means a nice song I like to listen to when I'm relaxing with my missus, a welcome soothing interlude to the funk of TRC. Natasha, if u saw Mani in the street what would u do? Just asking...
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Reply #18 posted 09/10/02 1:08am


I said the same thing on another post about this song having no passion or feeling compared to his other songs with so much feeling in them.
I think this song is so blah. It's one of the most boring songs prince has ever written.
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Reply #19 posted 09/10/02 1:19am


Bancock,I wouldn't do a thing cause Firstly I don't Know her,secondly why should I do or care to Do anything to her? I Don't attack or Bother People. I would leave her Alone like any normal person would. Trust me I'm not that Kind of Person! Just cause I have Lust for her Man who Cares. It is not an Issue. I don't Hate or Dislike anybody unless they Hate on me. I say Live and let Live and Keep your Nose Clean. But absolutely no one is going to Tell me not to Have lustful feelings or Love for Prince. To those People I say Bug-Off and Go to Sleep!
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Reply #20 posted 09/10/02 6:34am


not a gotdamn thing. neutral
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Reply #21 posted 09/10/02 11:28am



Ok my twocents

Did anyone ever wonder if the man behind the curtin is really Prince?

My theory: Prince is more reserved and shy than people make him out to be. I think he puts on a pretty good act (or did) during the nasty days, but I think he's that same person we saw for the first time on American Bandstand. Shy. Afraid he'll say the wrong thing. Wanting everything to be perfect.

He's an act. An actor playing a part and his part is "Prince".

I mean don't we all assume that he's some big time (or was) party animal that had all the beautiful girls, that he's had sex with everyone of the them. Etc., etc., etc.

What if he's not? What if he's just like you and me?
(you know what I mean)

I think that's what the songs about. He doesn't have to put on an act with this person. (not sure if the song is about Mani, I haven't paid that much attention to it) but,

He can be himself totally and absolutely.

Hope this made sense.

If the wind blew every petal from your precious red rose wilted
Would U be afraid of what U'd find inside? rose

Prince - Dreamin' About U
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Reply #22 posted 09/10/02 11:46am



I think it's clear (at least to me) that this song is about Mani. It's also clear since Mayte got engaged to Tommy Lee exactly what Prince is saying.

Mani "loves him for him" and not for what he can DO for her - not for how much MUSIC he can write - not for how SUCCESSFUL he is. Yes, your soulmate/wife should appreciate your music and creativity, but she should not love you for it.

As much as I loved (and still do) and miss Mayte, the fact that she turned around and married another rock star really makes me think that she is trying to get her career going by dating/marrying men who can help her out. I thought she really loved Prince but now, thinking back to their interviews together, I believe Prince loved her much more than she loved him.

I still miss her energy and dancing on stage and just as a presence around Prince.

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Reply #23 posted 09/10/02 12:00pm



Well who knows when this was written!

But this song is the epitomy of trust between partners!
Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections... unknown
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Reply #24 posted 09/10/02 12:59pm


Well,if Prince is Shy or is an Actor putting on a Great Act or Image doesn't he KNOW that some of his Fans would Absolutely Even Love him More? Maybe he would be more Respected also in the Music world amongst the Big Shots and Also in Ordinary Communities of People? I for one would Adore him More if he would Just tell the Truth,Be Real and Forthcoming and Forget the Image. I just want the Truth Always. I already Know it and I Love him for that and I want Others to Love him for the Wonderful Person he is also. I want People to Stop Hating on Him and Acknowledge and Know the Good things he's done for Organizations and Communities in this World without Bragging about it or much Fanfare. This is why He was Dogged in the Newspapers,cause he is Shy and Private. And I don't like the Way the Media made my Hero Look like a Corrupt,Creepy Person. Cause it Isn't true and he was Always Provoked. Anybody would act Perturbed or Unfriendly. He is Entitled to His Privacy. I may be an Open Book,but not every Performer is and henceforth that ought to be Respected. I want People to Know what a Wonderful Person he is and I don't like other Fans saying Mean things about him or critics Dogging him. It all makes for good reading in the Trash papers,but it's NOT Reality. And what other Fans See in his Music and in him make me Sick sometimes. Get Over it and Acknowledge that Prince Is and Always will be Perfect!
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Reply #25 posted 09/10/02 1:17pm



Listening to the lyrics, there was obviously a problem with Mayte. They would still be together otherwise, and he's happy with Mani. Period.

The song just means that she loves him. Without condition.
No matter what, and he's happy about it. Has nothing to do with fans. I don't understand how anyone would see that.
He can just be himself with her and it's cool.

My favorite line is "I can write another 300 melodies, to her it's just 3, 'cause this one, she loves me for me".
That's classic. For someone who used to write a lot (myself),
I can just imagine what it must be like for whomever is with him. To come to your mate, and ask them to listen to a new song every day must wear on them. I used to sit my girlfriends down and say listen to my new song or read these lyrics. In the beginning it's a novelty, after a while it can get tedious for them. 300 songs, and she acts
excited to hear every one as if it's just 3. That's cool.
(My then girlfriend even got that one right away, and she never gets Prince.).
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Reply #26 posted 09/10/02 2:27pm


"She Loves Me 4 Me" has nothing 2 do with a woman but with the Music : now he is free and his music (Muse) is also free , he doesn't have 2 live up 2 no one's fantasy, he could written another 300 melodies, 4 her it's just 3 cuz ...
this one , this one She Loves Him 4 Him
all the song is dedicated 2 the Muse (music)

As a matter of fact u can listen 2 his music 2day and u can say that the music is really the best he ever done (Xenophobia Celebration was a good example), the music is even good as she were in the early years when he was naive regardind the record industry (1976-1988)
Do note that from 1989(Batman) 'till 2000 the music is also very good but written with an ulterior motive about how his music would have been manipulated by the media (record companys,scagazines, hellavision)

Anyway any song is a jewel.

Let's do the Work

P&BW y'all

this is my point of view, I didn't say that it is The TRUTH !
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Reply #27 posted 09/10/02 2:30pm


Who is Prince talking about in this song? Only he knows for sure. My theory is that he probably did something wrong and was in the doghouse. He was feeding his doves and having a touching movement and thought 'You know, you are the only things in this place that really love me for me.' Or maybe it was as he was pumping gas into his car? Who knows what inspired him to write this song. It could be about one relationship, many, or a dream girl.

As far as his relationships, I wish him and the person he is with luck (whoever that might be this year). Relationships are hard and there is always two sides to a story. Lord only knows I have enough of my own problems without worrying about what Prince is going through or putting someone else through.
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Reply #28 posted 09/10/02 3:36pm



markos said:[quote]"She Loves Me 4 Me" has nothing 2 do with a woman but with the Music :

You have to be kidding.
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Reply #29 posted 09/10/02 5:24pm


The man is simply saying that the woman loves him for him.

That's all.
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