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Thread started 07/16/02 7:50pm


The cutes/funniest Prince reference/mention in a 'movie?

I don't know if I'm the only one here but I JUST LUV IT when somebody 'mention' Prince in some movie.

Just like Pretty Woman;). Julia was singing along wit the brotha on 'KISS' while she's taking a bath. Gere was looking at her funny. When she noticed him, she sighed and went like :Don't you just
LOVE Prince??? And Gere said: MORE THAN LIFE!!

Man I screamed like a freaking wich when I saw that LOL biggrin. That Coming from a woman I trully love(Julia) to another Person I ADORE(Prince) is mighty funky!!!
[This message was edited Tue Jul 16 12:52:02 PDT 2002 by Harlepolis]
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Reply #1 posted 07/16/02 7:58pm


Julia LOVES HER LIFE!! She is self absorbed
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Reply #2 posted 07/16/02 8:08pm


I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF, moreso than anyone else in the theatre at the Prince scene in Scary Movie. I'm sorry if it offended anyone, but that was some funny shit!
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Reply #3 posted 07/16/02 8:16pm


Tom said:

I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF, moreso than anyone else in the theatre at the Prince scene in Scary Movie. I'm sorry if it offended anyone, but that was some funny shit!

Yeah that was funny. And there's a copycat of a scary movie and its called 'Shrik' or sumthin and there was COOLIO playing Prince or O+> wink doing the P's signature 'scream'!!!
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Reply #4 posted 07/16/02 10:17pm



Just for obscurity sake I like the reference in the movie "Unbreakable" when Robin Wright Penn tells Bruce Willis that her favorite song is "Soft and Wet by the Artist Formerly Known as Prince".

I'm imagining 99% of the people who saw this movie had never of "Soft and Wet".

For humor sake I like the reference in "The Last Boyscout" when Bruce Willis (again) tells Damon Wayans that his daughter hates him, but "loves Prince" and then Wayans says, "I like Prince" and does a girlish Prince scream. Too funny.
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Reply #5 posted 07/16/02 11:24pm





Not actually spoken, but 4 those of u who can remember the movie "The Breakfast Club" with the "brat pack" back in the 80's...Ally Sheedy's character is spending some of her detention time looking at the double album "1999".

I always thought that was a cool reference 2 Prince.

[June7, "ModGod"]
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Reply #6 posted 07/17/02 12:32am



June7 said:

Not actually spoken, but 4 those of u who can remember the movie "The Breakfast Club" with the "brat pack" back in the 80's...Ally Sheedy's character is spending some of her detention time looking at the double album "1999".

I always thought that was a cool reference 2 Prince.

In "Sixteen Candles" as Molly Ringwald is getting on the bus the band "geeks" are playing "1999". I guess John must have liked that album.

Edited for grammar.
[This message was edited Tue Jul 16 17:44:18 PDT 2002 by lovemachine]
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Reply #7 posted 07/17/02 12:37am


Not direct, but:

In "Risky Business", DMSR gets played during the hooker

In "Waiting To Exhale", during the club scene "Head" gets played, and Loretta Devine's reaction to hearing it seems so damn authentic, it's
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Reply #8 posted 07/17/02 1:15am



In a scene from "Weird Science" when they're getting ready for the big party, "Private Joy" is playing in the background. Not the "cutest/funniest" ever, but worth a mention.
*this is for whoever taught you how to kiss in designer jeans*
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Reply #9 posted 07/17/02 9:03am



Don't forget Demi Moore dancing to If I Was Your Girlfriend for Burt Reynolds in Striptease...

FYI, I loved that part in Unbreakable, thought it was so crazy. What was even better was that they didn't pick an extremely well-known P song for it, like When Doves Cry, 1999, or Purple Rain...
I mean, like, where is the sun?
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Reply #10 posted 07/17/02 5:30pm


There's a scene in 'LOVE JONES' where darius hand Nina(Nia Long) an Isly Brothas cd. He asked her 4 a date, she went like :MMmmm mmm mm: and he said: Ah don't lemme bring another more CDs ok?? Cuz I'll start by Prince CDs, now you know that brotha bumb 3 or 4 cds in a week I mean I'll come here everyday",,

I think that was cute!!!
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Reply #11 posted 07/17/02 8:13pm



I remember when I was about 11 and being the only person I knew (apart from like, my mum) and watching the Goonies with some friends. All the way through this film Cory Feldman (Ithink that is his name) is wearing a Purple Rain T-shirt. Although there was no spoken reference to Prince-I was sure that my friends would finally accept that it was cool that I liked Prince lol
The Hottest chip of them all - - Get down with Prince
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Reply #12 posted 07/17/02 8:21pm


ladymisskat said:

I remember when I was about 11 and being the only person I knew (apart from like, my mum) and watching the Goonies with some friends. All the way through this film Cory Feldman (Ithink that is his name) is wearing a Purple Rain T-shirt. Although there was no spoken reference to Prince-I was sure that my friends would finally accept that it was cool that I liked Prince lol

Speaking of T-shirts/Posters,,

I suppose you've seen the movie 'Romeo must die' starring Aaliyah+Jet Li. The scene when the big brotha entered Trish's(Aaliyah) room and saw Purple Rain's big poster on the wall. He went like: Ahh Prince 'princely scream wink' you're freak too Trish. Everybody in the theatre laughed their asses
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > The cutes/funniest Prince reference/mention in a 'movie?