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Thread started 03/26/06 12:30pm


Michael Jackson Vs Prince

I've always considered Michael Jackson to be a true genius.

I've also since 1996 liked Prince. i would say now hes my second favorite artist.

To be honest I consider Prince to be a poor mans Michael Jackson, but he puts out albums on a regular basis and i find most of them enjoyable, but never to the level of MJ's. Prince helps fill the time between Michael's albums.

I would say Michael is a far better singer, Dancer and songwriter. I also Think his live shows are the best ever. As far as musicainship goes prince can play more but I think Michael is maybe better on piano.

Prince is good but he at his best for me when doing pop type music and whenhe does I always hear Michaels influence in that music.

For me Michael is a 10/10

Prince a 8/10
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Reply #1 posted 03/26/06 12:35pm


When you compare both bodies of work from both

Prince: 10/10

MJ: 6/10

And Prince the poor mans MJ? Get your head checked or maybe listen to his albums again, this time closely
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Reply #2 posted 03/26/06 12:42pm


Prince 10/10

MJ 3/10

Prince's music is a strong magnetic force compared to MJ's mixed melodies.
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Reply #3 posted 03/26/06 12:51pm



thedoveoflove said:

I've always considered Michael Jackson to be a true genius.

I've also since 1996 liked Prince. i would say now hes my second favorite artist.

To be honest I consider Prince to be a poor mans Michael Jackson, but he puts out albums on a regular basis and i find most of them enjoyable, but never to the level of MJ's. Prince helps fill the time between Michael's albums.

I would say Michael is a far better singer, Dancer and songwriter. I also Think his live shows are the best ever. As far as musicainship goes prince can play more but I think Michael is maybe better on piano.

Prince is good but he at his best for me when doing pop type music and whenhe does I always hear Michaels influence in that music.

For me Michael is a 10/10

Prince a 8/10

nuts nuts nuts omg omg omg omfg omfg omfg sick sick sick wall wall wall

Oh, and btw,

blunt blunt blunt stoned stoned stoned

isn't good for your health. wink

Just kidding. Like what you like. But that "Michael is better on the piano" shit is sooo wrong, it's not even funny anymore.
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Reply #4 posted 03/26/06 1:04pm


I do like a lot of Princes albums, my favorite would be Emancipation, which was my first. And prince puts out alot more albums which is good, Michael should try to put out more but he has had a lot lot of crap to deal with
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Reply #5 posted 03/26/06 1:10pm



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Reply #6 posted 03/26/06 1:21pm


ummmmm, no.

I'll even give you this. Michael Jackson does have a better singing voice. Or at least he used to.

Michael Jackson is a better dancer. C'mon now, even hard CORE Prince fans have to agree there. Prince dances very well but...Come on.... give it up now.

Michael Jackson has released far fewer albums so he's had more time to uh... pick better songs for uh... rather than Prince who for a time seemed to be more into quantity over quality.

And, damn I was trying to prove you wrong wasn't I?
*runs away*

*runs back*
"blood is on the dancefloor." Prince wins.

*runs away again, lol *
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Reply #7 posted 03/26/06 1:24pm


I like MJ but honestly he is only as good as the "latest" producer he can hire and the "best" video he can shoot.

Prince is a MUSICIAN.....the best musician you can find anywhere on this planet. He doesn't focus on "hot" producers and making fancy video's.
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Reply #8 posted 03/26/06 1:27pm


Graycap23 said:

I like MJ but honestly he is only as good as the "latest" producer he can hire and the "best" video he can shoot.

Prince is a MUSICIAN.....the best musician you can find anywhere on this planet. He doesn't focus on "hot" producers and making fancy video's.

wow...I didn't even think about it like that...

yeah..prince wins...sorry, fly away...oh damn..but neverland is closed eek
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Reply #9 posted 03/26/06 1:35pm


Prince is cool

But he could never help and move the world like Michael did with Heal The World.
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Reply #10 posted 03/26/06 1:38pm



MJ hasn't grown past Off The Wall. All he has done is repeat that "blueprint" of making an album. All the songs always have to follow that pattern. MJ needs money and major promotion for hype. Now that he isn't being financed, where is he??

You can not be considered anywhere near Prince's Level if you have to release "Greatest Hits" Packages for 10 years straight & since your last new album in 2001, all you have released are greatest hits packages in a row.
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Reply #11 posted 03/26/06 1:40pm



thedoveoflove said:

Prince is cool

But he could never help and move the world like Michael did with Heal The World.

Are you kidding? That's the most cheesy, annoying song he ever made. I even like some of Michael's earlier stuff, but "Heal the World"??? Nooo.

The moment Prince records such an embarrassment, I'll stop bying his records.
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Reply #12 posted 03/26/06 1:41pm


I think you'll find Michael had a lot of shit too deal with since 2001 and the greatest hts albums were all great and sold more than most Prince albums.

And to those you forgot Michael was innocent, proven ok end of.
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Reply #13 posted 03/26/06 1:46pm



thedoveoflove said:

I think you'll find Michael had a lot of shit too deal with since 2001 and the greatest hts albums were all great and sold more than most Prince albums.

And to those you forgot Michael was innocent, proven ok end of.

And what does that prove? I think Neil Diamond also sold more records than Prince, do you think he's better? And what about Engelbert? Cliff Richard? They all sold lots, lots of records. Are they in your collection?
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Reply #14 posted 03/26/06 1:51pm




I love MJ, don't get me wrong. But Prince has more talent in his little finger. for EVERY MJ album I can name you 4 Prince albums that are better.

MJ's live shows are OK, but completely and 100% rehearsed, they never jam on any songs, MJ even mimes a lot of songs.
[Edited 3/26/06 5:52am]
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Reply #15 posted 03/26/06 1:51pm


ElectricBlue said:

MJ hasn't grown past Off The Wall. All he has done is repeat that "blueprint" of making an album. All the songs always have to follow that pattern. MJ needs money and major promotion for hype. Now that he isn't being financed, where is he??

You can not be considered anywhere near Prince's Level if you have to release "Greatest Hits" Packages for 10 years straight & since your last new album in 2001, all you have released are greatest hits packages in a row.
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Reply #16 posted 03/26/06 1:52pm


ElectricBlue said:

MJ hasn't grown past Off The Wall. All he has done is repeat that "blueprint" of making an album. All the songs always have to follow that pattern. MJ needs money and major promotion for hype. Now that he isn't being financed, where is he??

You can not be considered anywhere near Prince's Level if you have to release "Greatest Hits" Packages for 10 years straight & since your last new album in 2001, all you have released are greatest hits packages in a row.

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Reply #17 posted 03/26/06 2:06pm


This is a serious question: What is MJ without the latest "hot" producer? What MJ without the "hot" video?.....answer not much on the music side of things.
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Reply #18 posted 03/26/06 2:08pm



thedoveoflove said:

I think you'll find Michael had a lot of shit too deal with since 2001 and the greatest hts albums were all great and sold more than most Prince albums.

And to those you forgot Michael was innocent, proven ok end of.

Btw, it's not that he released tons of albums before 2001...
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Reply #19 posted 03/26/06 2:15pm


thedoveoflove said:

I think you'll find Michael had a lot of shit too deal with since 2001 and the greatest hts albums were all great and sold more than most Prince albums.

And to those you forgot Michael was innocent, proven ok end of.

you're trippin' for real....

i like mj but prince WILL have the greater legacy as far as musicianship which I think he'd prefer over some odd pop icon that screwed up his own legacy.
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Reply #20 posted 03/26/06 2:21pm



It really is like saying which is best apples or oranges? Of course you're not going to convince MJ is better over-all than Prince on a Prince fan discussion site, anymore than you could convince Prince is best on an MJ site.

I do love MJs music and videos and his albums are always listenable because he always delivers the same type of catchy pop. Prince's albums are usually more challenging and take longer to get into - but when you do, you're just as hooked.

MJ in the 80's was certainly a powerhouse comparable to Prince, but it has become clear that MJ has run out of ideas. Albums like Invincible are filled with the same ticks, yelps and human beatbox that MJ has been using since Dangerous, I mean, look at the video for Rock My World, it is the same moves and gangster look that MJ did way back for Smooth Criminal.

MJ's musical growth has certainly been stunted by all the crap that has happened, but it is almost entirely brought upon by himself. In fact if he had concentrated more on his music than his lifestyle, it all might never have happened

To compare the 2 now, all you have to do is look at their efforts to raise money for Katrina victims - Prince writes and performs a song in one night and has it for sale the next day - MJ enlists the help of various artists and recording studios, flies here and there spending a fortune he could have just given to the victims, and ends up wasting a lot of people's time for no result.

Sadly, MJ is a spent force, and that's entirely his own fault, whereas Prince has constantly grown and experimented and is still at the top of his game and in control of his finances and empire. MJ WAS a pop music genius and will forever be remembered as that - but if I want new music, I'll turn to Prince.

And by the way, no way is MJ a better piano player than Prince. Give me one song which you can definitely state is performed by MJ and not a session musician which proves he's great on piano, and I'll give you a dozen tracks where Prince is better.
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Reply #21 posted 03/26/06 2:33pm


Lol, I would like to see MJ do this:

MJ is a better singer, hands down.

But, Prince is one-thousand times a better songwriter than MJ.

P produced a whole album in which he did everythin Xcept for a few phrases in Soft'n wet when he was 19.

He plays tons of instrument and is one of the best guitarists ever.

Prince: 10/10
MJ: 6/10
[Edited 3/26/06 6:35am]
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Reply #22 posted 03/26/06 2:47pm



prince: 9/10
mj: 6/10
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #23 posted 03/26/06 2:55pm


I'm not sure if anybody remembers (nor cares) that I once said Prince, in his '80s prime, would be my all-time favorite artist for life, but after discovering Me'Shell and Stevie Wonder (in his '70s prime).. I ain't so sure. lol And MJ in my all-time Top 5? I could really care less about any of his music right now.

Okay, anyway, Prince is easily the superior of the two: Worlds ahead of Mike in the songwriting department, the more prolific, the more spontaneous and musical live performer, the more experimental, and the FAR more instrumentally talented. There's just no comparison. Mike shats all over him vocally and dance-wise.. and that's as far as it goes.

Prince is even SEXIER and better-looking. MJ looks inhuman.
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Reply #24 posted 03/26/06 3:05pm



thedoveoflove said:

Prince is cool

But he could never help and move the world like Michael did with Heal The World.

This is a regular poster on a piss taking session.

No one is that stupid
“If I can shoot rabbits/then I can shoot fascists”
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Reply #25 posted 03/26/06 3:07pm


This debate has been going on for many years. The two artist come from different backgrounds.

Let me remind someone of one fact when they Michael Jackson is a "spent force". I think you all would agree with me in saying that when Prince was just getting his debut album off the ground, Michael Jackson already had 6 No.1 Hits to his credit and had released 16 albums with the Jacksons. He and his brothers had already carried out 7 successful world tours. They had already sold between 50-75 million albums worldwide. Michael Jackson was a musical force before Prince released his first album. Michael Jackson had already been a musical prodigy 10 years before Prince. Michael Jackson has been in the music industry for nearly 40 years.

The two artist reigned the 80's generation. However, Michael Jackson was the absolute artist. By then end of the 1990's Michael Jackson had sold nearly 3x's more albums worldwide than Prince. Michael Jackson also had twice as many No. 1 hits than Prince, in the U.S. and overseas (U.K., Brazil, Japan, ect...)

Michael Jackson is a musical talent. Michael Jackson has always said he could not read music or sight read a master piece of music, however, give him a cord to sing and he will sing it. Many of you think that Michael Jackson goes into a studio completely blind as to what he wants to create, which is so far from the truth. Michael Jackson's vision of his music is shaped by his producers and himself whom ever they maybe.

Michael Jackson has a wonderful body of work that many believe to be great music that will span a lifetime. Alot of Michael Jackson's songs have very complexed sound effects and futuristic and innovative that alot is created by Michael Jackson's skill as a beat boxer. Which only few artist actually are able to do. Alot of his beats he creates are done on the beat box.


Michael Jackson is a pop artist that creates music for the masses. You ask the average person to name 5 Prince album most of them could not tell you. You ask the average person walking down the street to name 5 Michael Jackson albums they will tell you. Prince is known only for Purple Rain and Musicology to the this generation of fans. However, Michael Jackson is known for every solo album he has released, because he creates music for the time. That is what seperate the two artist.

Agreed, Prince is a much more electic musican, but don't dismiss Michael Jackson as being just the same. Michael Jackson is also held to a much higher stand than Prince, believe it or not. When Michael Jackson released Invincible is sold respectfully 2.5 million copies in the U.S. and estimated 10 million worldwide, the industry called it a flop. Prince released Musicology and everyone called it a commercial comeback. The double standard is clear.

Michael Jackson has remained he hates to tour, because it is grueling in the body. If Michael Jackson needed a source of income Michael Jackson could easily go on tour and make just as much or more than Prince.

I've been to a Michael Jackson concert 4 times and I've been to a Prince concert. They are both awesome performers. However, Michael Jackson sets stadiums on fire with electricity. Prince for me gave me the best musical experience of my life. I became a new fan after seeing him in concert for the first time.

My point is Michael Jackson is a spent force only because he wants to be a spent force. His personal life has not made him incapable of creating good music. Michael Jackson and Prince both are great artist who will be remembered throughout time. They are two artist with completely different walks of life. Michael Jackson was built up and tore down to literally nothing. He has been vilified and dismissed as if he never existed or gave this world some of the most memorable pop hits of our generation. Michael Jackson has nothing to prove to anyone because before there was Michael Jackson not many (only one comes to mind...) artist even stood or stand on his level. You can say Michael brought it on himself, but noone no matter what they do in thier person time, deserves the kind of treatment the American media has submitted Michael Jackson to in the past years.


Michael Jackson's legacy will only be remember once he has past away and that is a shame, because we will be wishing for a prodigy like Michael Jackson to reignite music.

Prince has his style and Michael Jackson has his style. I'm sure the two artist have great respect for each other.

He shouldn't be dismissed as just spent energy as if he has come and gone. He is still here and none of us know what he has left in him. His musical prowess just doesnt go away. He has a gift that was given to him from God and he will use it at his own time and place.

Prince has the same option...
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Reply #26 posted 03/26/06 3:13pm


Make this thread a sticky!!

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Reply #27 posted 03/26/06 3:17pm


squiddyren said:

I'm not sure if anybody remembers (nor cares) that I once said Prince, in his '80s prime, would be my all-time favorite artist for life, but after discovering Me'Shell and Stevie Wonder (in his '70s prime).. I ain't so sure. lol And MJ in my all-time Top 5? I could really care less about any of his music right now.

Okay, anyway, Prince is easily the superior of the two: Worlds ahead of Mike in the songwriting department, the more prolific, the more spontaneous and musical live performer, the more experimental, and the FAR more instrumentally talented. There's just no comparison. Mike shats all over him vocally and dance-wise.. and that's as far as it goes.

Prince is even SEXIER and better-looking. MJ looks inhuman.

And then you have blanketed subjective trifling comparisons like this. Have anyone of you read any of Michael Jackson's poems? Michael Jackson has always said he has written thousands of songs, however, Michael Jackson is a pop artist and only the select songs he and the record company deam album worthy make it. Lyrically, I put the two on the same level, What does Prince say that Michael Jackson doesnt? How do you even compare how someone writes lyrically? I think you can't really distinguish the two...

If you ask me Michael Jackson is lyrically the better, because when you craft and art for entertainment the proof is how your lyrics are recieved. Michael Jackson may have a smaller body of work, but he has sold 3x's more albums than Prince.

Someone in a post said he has released nothing but greatest hit albums. Mind you... Michael Jackson is contracted by a record label. They do not need his permission to release a greatest hits compilation. However, he is bound to his contract. He has also said he doesnt plan on releasing another major album on Sony, he is fulfilling contractual obligations. However, Michael Jackson is deeply involved in Sony and could do what Prince did and simply rebelled.
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Reply #28 posted 03/26/06 3:23pm


jlpugh said:

...How do you even compare how someone writes lyrically? I think you can't really distinguish the two...

If you ask me Michael Jackson is lyrically the better...

Make this thread a sticky now!!

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Reply #29 posted 03/26/06 3:23pm



Not all MJ fans are this stupid orgers. honest.

I daren't read all this thread as no doubt MJ is taking a bashing once again, i think the thread author should be the object of contempt and ridicule in this instance.

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