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Thread started 01/27/12 4:37am


RIP Clare Fischer

Just read that Clare Fischer passed....what a stunning loss. His contributions to purple music were many. Rest in peace.

Occupy Alphabet Street!
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Reply #1 posted 01/27/12 4:48am



RIP Clare.. I dug his work with Prince...rose

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Reply #2 posted 01/27/12 5:31am



Very sad day.

"The Screams of Passion"
"I Wonder U"
"Mia Bocca"
"Baby You're a Trip"
"Alexa de Paris"

I could go on and on. Sadness.
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Reply #3 posted 01/27/12 5:58am




I was hoping to hear more collaborations with him. I know P has some stuff in the vault. what a great arranger and composer.

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Reply #4 posted 01/27/12 7:30am



A sad day indeed. He brought so much to Prince's music...

The Parade album / UTCM soundtrack...

Songs like "Pink Cashmere" and "The One"... goosebumps.

A legend in his own right, but even more so in the Prince-world. RIP sad

Toejam @ Peach & Black Podcast:
Toejam's band "Cheap Fakes":,
Toejam the solo artist:
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Reply #5 posted 01/27/12 8:15am



RIP Mr.Fischer!

stoned That's some good shit!
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Reply #6 posted 01/27/12 8:19am


An amazingly talented man who brought so much to Prince's music. I can't imagine Parade or The Family album without his colors. Rest in Peace Clare.

The expanded version of my book PRINCE and The Purple Rain Era Studio Sessions 1983-1984 was released in November 2018. ( or
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Reply #7 posted 01/27/12 8:38am


One of the most lavish displays of his talent,,,

Thank you for the music.

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Reply #8 posted 01/27/12 10:17am



Oh, man... this is very sad news. An invaluable talent with an incredibly distinctive sound. Those records we listen to regularly just would not be the same without Mr Fischer's other-worldly textures.

Peace to his family. rose

If were to be made idiot proof, someone would just invent a better idiot.
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Reply #9 posted 01/27/12 11:44am



sad I was just talking about him yesterday, on the "strings" thread.... pray Rip, Clare....


" I've got six things on my mind --you're no longer one of them." - Paddy McAloon, Prefab Sprout
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Reply #10 posted 01/27/12 11:55am


Oh no. sad sad sad

I'm actually really sad about this one.

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Reply #11 posted 01/27/12 12:27pm




RIP Clare.

I interviewed him last April (along with his son Brent) when I made my Parade documentary. He didn't talk much, but when he did he was friendly and interesting. A musical genius. RIP.

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Reply #12 posted 01/27/12 1:18pm


RIP-Thanks for adding so much colour to Prince's sound.

[Edited 1/27/12 5:18am]

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Reply #13 posted 01/27/12 1:43pm


Damn. Very sad, indeed.


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Reply #14 posted 01/27/12 1:43pm



Such beautiful music he brought into this world, truly "making brighter the colors black and white". A musician's musician, "he recorded more than 45 albums and has arranged, composed or played on more than 100 other artist's records." God's love and peace with him, prayers for his family and loved ones.
[Edited 1/27/12 6:10am]
"So fierce U look 2night, the brightest star pales 2 Ur sex..."
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Reply #15 posted 01/27/12 1:58pm





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Reply #16 posted 01/27/12 2:59pm



squirrelgrease said:

Oh, man... this is very sad news. An invaluable talent with an incredibly distinctive sound. Those records we listen to regularly just would not be the same without Mr Fischer's other-worldly textures.

Peace to his family. rose


We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #17 posted 01/27/12 3:14pm



This is the biggest Prince related news in a long while - it belongs on the main page.

For me, he was Prince's 3rd most important collaborator after W & L, and Levi Seacer Jr.

My favourite 'Fischered' piece is probably Monie Love's In A Word Or 2, although if memory serves he wasn't officially credited anywhere on the liner notes for that one.


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Reply #18 posted 01/27/12 3:29pm



sad Very sad. His strings brought a lot to Prince's music. I think I'll listen to "Christopher Tracy's Parade". I think that was my first introduction to his work.

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Reply #19 posted 01/27/12 3:39pm



McD said:

This is the biggest Prince related news in a long while - it belongs on the main page.

For me, he was Prince's 3rd most important collaborator after W & L, and Levi Seacer Jr.

My favourite 'Fischered' piece is probably Monie Love's In A Word Or 2, although if memory serves he wasn't officially credited anywhere on the liner notes for that one.


Agreed. Fischer is an artist in his own right. I was surprised when the other thread got locked by mods. I suppose allowing him into inner circle of Associated Artists & People is an honor within this site, holding him closer as one of our own, but the larger world will remember him as more than "the guy who added strings to the Parade album". My favorite Prince contribution of his would probably be Scandalous, it's practically just he and Prince alone. It's interesting that even having been such collaborators, they never did meet in person.
"So fierce U look 2night, the brightest star pales 2 Ur sex..."
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Reply #20 posted 01/27/12 3:48pm



Talk about irreplacable

His touch on all those Parade Dream Factory songs and outtakes

Since 1985 Fischer wrote orchestral arrangements for pop artist Prince. Some appeared on Prince's albums and have been used for his movies Under the Cherry Moon (Fischer's first screen credit), Graffiti Bridge and in Spike Lee's Girl 6. One of Fischer's Prince arrangements was also used in a revised form for the movie Batman. Prince's December 2005 single "Te Amo Corazon," a mid-tempo Latin jazz track, featured string arrangements by Fischer.

On January 8, 2012, Fischer suffered a cardiac arrest in Los Angeles, following a minor surgery a few days before. His wife of 18 years, Donna, was at his side and performed CPR, which saved his life. He remained in ICU on life support, and died on January 26, 2012. He is survived by his wife; three children, Lee, Brent and Tahlia; and two stepchildren, Lisa and Bill Bachman.

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Reply #21 posted 01/27/12 4:17pm



Holy shit I just found out! This is a stunning loss. Prince never met him! Sad.

All you others say Hell Yea!! woot!
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Reply #22 posted 01/27/12 4:21pm



Clare Fischer is as important to the Prince sound as Eric Leeds or Matt Fink. Much love to his soul.


Still it's nice to know, when our bodies wear out, we can get another

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Reply #23 posted 01/27/12 4:42pm



Shocking, RIP neutral

"Don't make me chase u, even doves have pride.."
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Reply #24 posted 01/27/12 5:01pm



Very sad news! My condolences to his family and friends.



I'm firmly planted in denial
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Reply #25 posted 01/27/12 5:09pm



So sad. He was an amazing arranger.

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Reply #26 posted 01/27/12 5:27pm



This is sad news!

I just made a playlist dedicated to all of his work JUST 2 DAYS AGO. I've been studying the genius of this man as of recent! So amazing. This is just an incredible LOST! He has blessed Prince's music with his string arrangements, and compositions. He was just amazing! This is such a DEEP lost for the world of music. sad

My thoughts and prayers are with his family and with Prince.

Prince must be hurt to hear he passed. I imagine the emotion of his lost, as the world has lost such a gifted man! This really comes at such a LOST and sadness for me.

Rest in Paradise!

It's Button Therapy, Baby!
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Reply #27 posted 01/27/12 6:13pm



dannyd5050 said:

sad Very sad. His strings brought a lot to Prince's music. I think I'll listen to "Christopher Tracy's Parade". I think that was my first introduction to his work.

"The Ladder" was mine.

U 'gon make me shake my doo loose!
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Reply #28 posted 01/27/12 6:28pm



daPrettyman said:

dannyd5050 said:

sad Very sad. His strings brought a lot to Prince's music. I think I'll listen to "Christopher Tracy's Parade". I think that was my first introduction to his work.

"The Ladder" was mine.

Didn't realize he was on that one. I enjoyed his work on "Crystal Ball" too or as it was known in the bootleg world then, "Expert Lover".... wink

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Reply #29 posted 01/27/12 6:49pm



A great composer who made his mark on the music world and

brought a new dimension to the purple one's music.

Sad to hear he has passed.

Stand Up! Everybody, this is your life! follow me on twitter @thepope2the9s
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