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Thread started 05/02/15 12:59am



Paisley Park DANCE RALLY 4 PEACE. Saturday May 2, 2015. Starts at NINE THIRTY

· 11m

Paisley Park DANCE RALLY 4 PEACE. Saturday May 2, 2015. Starts at NINE THIRTY.

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Reply #1 posted 05/02/15 1:06am



Hopefully we'll get to see the new song live, or at least a recording of it. Pretty sure that will happen.

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Reply #2 posted 05/02/15 1:08am



motherfunka said:

Hopefully we'll get to see the new song live, or at least a recording of it. Pretty sure that will happen.

Yes I surely hope so...!


[Edited 5/1/15 18:09pm]

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Reply #3 posted 05/02/15 3:54am



Just saw this--you beat me to it. I hope the lyrics are better and the music scorches the asses off all the naysayers = Passion/Protest/Resolution. I hope. wink

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #4 posted 05/02/15 4:42am



Cool and for those who can go have fun dancing 4 peace razz


Check for details cool


[Edited 5/1/15 21:50pm]

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Reply #5 posted 05/02/15 6:45am


prince is a class act.....


eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #6 posted 05/02/15 1:00pm


purplethunder3121 said:

Just saw this--you beat me to it. I hope the lyrics are better and the music scorches the asses off all the naysayers = Passion/Protest/Resolution. I hope. wink

Agreed. But 'simple', direct lyrics are not necessarily a problem in a song like this if they are delivered passionately. It's probably best that Prince doesn't risk anything too cryptic in a situation as volatile as this where he could easily be misunderstood.

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Reply #7 posted 05/02/15 6:41pm



OperatingThetan said:

purplethunder3121 said:

Just saw this--you beat me to it. I hope the lyrics are better and the music scorches the asses off all the naysayers = Passion/Protest/Resolution. I hope. wink

Agreed. But 'simple', direct lyrics are not necessarily a problem in a song like this if they are delivered passionately. It's probably best that Prince doesn't risk anything too cryptic in a situation as volatile as this where he could easily be misunderstood.


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Reply #8 posted 05/02/15 7:46pm


Considering the new song, and that his likeness is on the flyer, I feel like a performance seems more likely than for previous events...
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Reply #9 posted 05/02/15 8:13pm


"bAlTiMoRe" will b the new theme song 4 urban rights all over the world! It will bring a new meaning to #BLACKLIVESMATTER which is what prince should have REALLY named the future classic.

[Edited 5/2/15 13:26pm]

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #10 posted 05/02/15 8:20pm




"bAlTiMoRe" will b the new theme song 4 urban riots all over the world! It will bring a new meaning to #BLACKLIVESMATTER which is what prince should have REALLY named the future classic.

eek neutral

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #11 posted 05/02/15 8:29pm



purplethunder3121 said:


"bAlTiMoRe" will b the new theme song 4 urban riots all over the world! It will bring a new meaning to #BLACKLIVESMATTER which is what prince should have REALLY named the future classic.

eek neutral


I don't think P would want one of his songs playing while some folks are tearing up a CVS.

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Reply #12 posted 05/02/15 11:36pm



"bAlTiMoRe" will b the new theme song 4 urban rights all over the world! It will bring a new meaning to #BLACKLIVESMATTER which is what prince should have REALLY named the future classic.

[Edited 5/2/15 13:26pm]

is this a real account or is it Prince?

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Reply #13 posted 05/02/15 11:49pm


tab32792 said:


"bAlTiMoRe" will b the new theme song 4 urban rights all over the world! It will bring a new meaning to #BLACKLIVESMATTER which is what prince should have REALLY named the future classic.

[Edited 5/2/15 13:26pm]

is this a real account or is it Prince?

It can't be Prince. Prince is a lot more down to Earth than this fella...
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Reply #14 posted 05/03/15 7:32am


Cool night... Tired so I'll keep this short.

I got there about 11:00 and they were playing some concert footage up on the screen in the soundstage. After a while a DJ played some tunes with old Soul Train playing on the screen. Prince and 3rdEyeGirl took the stage and played a rock heavy set including Chaos and Disorder, Crimson and Clover, Dreamer, Guitar, Plectrum Spectrum. Good size crowd was fun. I'm sorry, I'm sure someone can post a better review than I!!
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Reply #15 posted 05/03/15 7:38am



^ Thanks for taking the time to post...good to hear it was a guitar-heavy set! How about the new masterpiece "Baltimore"...did you get to hear it?

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Reply #16 posted 05/03/15 7:46am



Prince did a cover of The Whole of the Moon by the Waterboys. It was freaking awesome. He was playing bass the whole time. Baltimore wasn't played, but he did say a few words regarding the situation. Like the show from a couple of weeks ago, he was playing guitar God again tonight.

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Reply #17 posted 05/03/15 8:21am



motherfunka said:

Prince did a cover of The Whole of the Moon by the Waterboys. It was freaking awesome. He was playing bass the whole time.

Baltimore wasn't played, but he did say a few words regarding the situation. Like the show from a couple of weeks ago, he was playing guitar God again tonight.

eek Okay? That's interesting that it wasn't played...

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Reply #18 posted 05/03/15 8:39am



7roses said:

motherfunka said:

Prince did a cover of The Whole of the Moon by the Waterboys. It was freaking awesome. He was playing bass the whole time.

Baltimore wasn't played, but he did say a few words regarding the situation. Like the show from a couple of weeks ago, he was playing guitar God again tonight.

eek Okay? That's interesting that it wasn't played...

It is. Funkenberry is reporting it was, but if it was I didn't hear it. Set list was:

Chaos and Disorder


Crimson and Clover



The Whole of the Moon

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Reply #19 posted 05/03/15 9:21am



At the end he said something like: Regardless of color we need to take care of each other, we're all family You are my family I'm your family too...

He did a lot of guitar and keyboard sound improvisations, very unusual and cool.. He also talked a lot, said he didn't always live in Chanhassen, lived in Plymouth too lol

At one point he kept asking, "Where are U from" and making his own guitar answer with some alien like sounds... Too cool

[Edited 5/3/15 2:24am]

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Reply #20 posted 05/03/15 12:30pm


motherfunka said:

7roses said:

motherfunka said:

Prince did a cover of The Whole of the Moon by the Waterboys. It was freaking awesome. He was playing bass the whole time.

Baltimore wasn't played, but he did say a few words regarding the situation. Like the show from a couple of weeks ago, he was playing guitar God again tonight.

eek Okay? That's interesting that it wasn't played...

It is. Funkenberry is reporting it was, but if it was I didn't hear it. Set list was:

Chaos and Disorder


Crimson and Clover



The Whole of the Moon

thanks 4 the setlist. did he play whole of the moon in its entirety?
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Reply #21 posted 05/03/15 2:04pm




inspireof said:

At the end he said something like: Regardless of color we need to take care of each other, we're all family You are my family I'm your family too...

He did a lot of guitar and keyboard sound improvisations, very unusual and cool.. He also talked a lot, said he didn't always live in Chanhassen, lived in Plymouth too lol

At one point he kept asking, "Where are U from" and making his own guitar answer with some alien like sounds... Too cool

[Edited 5/3/15 2:24am]

To clarify, he said he lived ON Plymouth, as in Plymouth Avenue in North Minneapolis. He mentioned a few other streets/intersections in north as well. He was contrasting the experience of living in NoMi, a predominantly minority and poorer part of the city (if Mpls had a 'hood that would be it) with living in Chanhassan, a comparatively affluent outer ring suburb.

[Edited 5/3/15 7:49am]

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Reply #22 posted 05/03/15 2:50pm




rafael said:

motherfunka said:

It is. Funkenberry is reporting it was, but if it was I didn't hear it. Set list was:

Chaos and Disorder


Crimson and Clover



The Whole of the Moon

thanks 4 the setlist. did he play whole of the moon in its entirety?

Yes, for the most part. Whole of the Moon was fantastic. He was just playing bass and singing over a loop. And doing some call and response along the way.

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Reply #23 posted 05/03/15 3:03pm


Wasn't the whole point to feature the new song? It doesn't sound like he played it. That dude is still talking loud and saying nothing. He has a real problem with execution.

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Reply #24 posted 05/03/15 3:34pm



we were allowed into the paisley park parking lot at 9:00 p.m, where the parking lot monitor told us to stay in our vehicles, lights off, until the doors opened around 9:30.


once we were inside, the DJ played songs for us in the love4oneanother room while the animated movie Rio played onscreen. smile gotta love purple birds flying around the room hey


people were in a good mood, dancing and swaying around and just as the love4oneanother room filled up to a crowdy level, one of the giant gates to music heaven swung open, pouring us into the sound stage. equipment was already set up onstage, no scrim this time.


people mostly gathered round the stage at first, but gradually the crowd started grooving to the music while concert clips and clips from Soul Train videos showed onscreen.


we were treated to a clip of Jimi Hendrix as well - it was a music history lesson on the many outstanding contributions of the african american community to the american music scene. really, where would we be without the funk?


the DJ'd dance party went on for around an hour, then prince and 3rdeyegirl took the stage.


prince was dressed in a sombre shade of gray, no sparkles. he seemed to be in a serious kind of mood last night, not playfully joking around, but dedicated to the theme of the party which was, of course, the race riots in baltimore and freddie gray's untimely death in police custody.


i wish i could remember his exact words when he said something about being afraid to drive, clutching the steering wheel too tightly. i'm not sure, the sound was a bit fuzzed, but i believe he made reference to the harassment of black people by the authorities and how people living in chanhassen don't have to worry so much.


it was a bit heartbreaking, watching prince on stage, thinking about how many black people are unjustly detained by the authorities, how many innocents are dead because of an unfair and racially biased system.


thinking about what if it were him? when if the world lost prince himself due to the bigoted actions of some ignoramus in a uniform? how many centuries have to pass before we can accept the fact that humans beings come in many glorious colors and all are beautiful?


at one point prince used his keyboard to give us a long, off-the-charts ethereal groove that he seemed to be channeling from another planet.


which notion was confirmed moments later when he grabbed his guitar and asked us what an alien voice might sound like? then proceeded to show us with the strangest whirl of sound i've ever heard coming from a stringed instrument.


he didn't play for very long last night but he was very intense. i have no way of knowing for sure exactly what he was thinking about, but i'm guessing that's what it sounds like when doves come face to face with racial discrimination.


3eyegirl played a heavy three note drift, featuring the words 'baltimore, peace forevermore' which prince told us to sing along with and keep in our heads all the way out the door and back home to our destinations.


i don't think they played the new baltimore song for us - at least i don't remember hearing the lyrics which were released from a few days ago.


toward the end of the show prince told us we better watch out for each other, since we're all family. some of the crowd were allowed onstage and danced around up there with the band for a while.


last night wasn't just another dance party - he really gave us something to think about. the events in baltimore are clearly weighing heavy on his heart.


thanks out to the amazing crew at paisley park and prince. i think we all appreciate that you permitted us to join you last night!


[Edited 5/3/15 8:59am]

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Reply #25 posted 05/03/15 4:04pm



XxAxX said:

we were allowed into the paisley park parking lot at 9:00 p.m, where the parking lot monitor told us to stay in our vehicles, lights off, until the doors opened around 9:30.


once we were inside, the DJ played songs for us in the love4oneanother room while the animated movie Rio played onscreen. smile gotta love purple birds flying around the room hey


people were in a good mood, dancing and swaying around and just as the love4oneanother room filled up to a crowdy level, one of the giant gates to music heaven swung open, pouring us into the sound stage. equipment was already set up onstage, no scrim this time.


people mostly gathered round the stage at first, but gradually the crowd started grooving to the music while concert clips and clips from Soul Train videos showed onscreen.


we were treated to a clip of Jimi Hendrix as well - it was a music history lesson on the many outstanding contributions of the african american community to the american music scene. really, where would we be without the funk?


the DJ'd dance party went on for around an hour, then prince and 3rdeyegirl took the stage.


prince was dressed in a sombre shade of grey, no sparkles. he seemed to be in a serious kind of mood last night, not playfully joking around, but dedicated to the theme of the party which was, of course, the race riots in baltimore.


i wish i could remember his exact words when he said something about being afraid to drive, clutching the steering wheel too tightly. i'm not sure, the sound was a bit fuzzed, but i believe he made reference to the harassment of black people by the authorities and how people living in chanhassen don't have to worry so much.


it was a bit heartbreaking, watching prince on stage, thinking about how many black people are unjustly detained by the authorities, how many innocents are dead because of an unfair and racially biased system.


thinking about what if it were him? when if the world lost prince himself due to the bigoted actions of some ignoramus in a uniform? how many centuries have to pass before we can accept the fact that humans beings come in many glorious colors and all are beautiful?


at one point prince used his keyboard to give us a long, off-the-charts ethereal groove that he seemed to be channeling from another planet.


which notion was confirmed moments later when he grabbed his guitar and asked us what an alien voice might sound like? then proceeded to show us with the strangest whirl of sound i've ever heard coming from a stringed instrument.


he didn't play for very long last night but he was very intense. i have no way of knowing for sure exactly what he was thinking about, but i'm guessing that's what it sounds like when doves come face to face with racial discrimination.


3eyegirl played a heavy three note drift, featuring the words 'baltimore, peace forevermore' which prince told us to sing along with and keep in our heads all the way out the door and back home to our destinations.


i don't think they played the new baltimore song for us - at least i don't remember hearing the lyrics which were released from a few days ago.


toward the end of the show prince told us we better watch out for each other, since we're all family. some of the crowd were allowed onstage and danced around up there with the band for a while.


last night wasn't just another dance party - he really gave us something to think about. the events in baltimore are clearly weighing heavy on his heart.


thanks out to the amazing crew at paisley park and prince. i think we all appreciate that you permitted us to join you last night!


[Edited 5/3/15 8:54am]


Thanks for the report...nice to read a little bit more on what happened last night at Paisley Park, especially in what sort of mood things were taking place.

I'm surprised that he didn't play "Baltimore" in concert, or at least through DjDudleyD. It seems it was the perfect opportunity to premier the song, he must have his reasons to wait....

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Reply #26 posted 05/03/15 5:38pm



It was a really special night. A somber, emotional, personal sharing of music to heal our wounds and bring us all closer together, in peace and in love. Last night was not about Prince the music icon performing for an audience but was shared experience between a man saddened by recent events and those of us who share in that sadness. The music provided a catharsis to channel that sadness into caring for one another and a feeling that we all indeed are family. We began somber and gray, and ended loving and joyous. An amazing experience. Thank you, Prince, for who you are, and for opening Paisley Park and yourself to us.

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Reply #27 posted 05/03/15 5:45pm


PurpGirl said:

It was a really special night. A somber, emotional, personal sharing of music to heal our wounds and bring us all closer together, in peace and in love. Last night was not about Prince the music icon performing for an audience but was shared experience between a man saddened by recent events and those of us who share in that sadness. The music provided a catharsis to channel that sadness into caring for one another and a feeling that we all indeed are family. We began somber and gray, and ended loving and joyous. An amazing experience. Thank you, Prince, for who you are, and for opening Paisley Park and yourself to us.

Brilliant post!!!! prince will b proud 2 know, that U got the message he conveyed......

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #28 posted 05/03/15 6:06pm



CarrieMpls said:

inspireof said:

At the end he said something like: Regardless of color we need to take care of each other, we're all family You are my family I'm your family too...

He did a lot of guitar and keyboard sound improvisations, very unusual and cool.. He also talked a lot, said he didn't always live in Chanhassen, lived in Plymouth too lol

At one point he kept asking, "Where are U from" and making his own guitar answer with some alien like sounds... Too cool

[Edited 5/3/15 2:24am]

To clarify, he said he lived ON Plymouth, as in Plymouth Avenue in North Minneapolis. He mentioned a few other streets/intersections in north as well. He was contrasting the experience of living in NoMi, a predominantly minority and poorer part of the city (if Mpls had a 'hood that would be it) with living in Chanhassan, a comparatively affluent outer ring suburb.

[Edited 5/3/15 7:49am]

Ahh Thank you that makes more sense! smile

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Reply #29 posted 05/03/15 6:15pm



XxAxX said:

we were allowed into the paisley park parking lot at 9:00 p.m, where the parking lot monitor told us to stay in our vehicles, lights off, until the doors opened around 9:30.


once we were inside, the DJ played songs for us in the love4oneanother room while the animated movie Rio played onscreen. smile gotta love purple birds flying around the room hey


people were in a good mood, dancing and swaying around and just as the love4oneanother room filled up to a crowdy level, one of the giant gates to music heaven swung open, pouring us into the sound stage. equipment was already set up onstage, no scrim this time.


people mostly gathered round the stage at first, but gradually the crowd started grooving to the music while concert clips and clips from Soul Train videos showed onscreen.


we were treated to a clip of Jimi Hendrix as well - it was a music history lesson on the many outstanding contributions of the african american community to the american music scene. really, where would we be without the funk?


the DJ'd dance party went on for around an hour, then prince and 3rdeyegirl took the stage.


prince was dressed in a sombre shade of gray, no sparkles. he seemed to be in a serious kind of mood last night, not playfully joking around, but dedicated to the theme of the party which was, of course, the race riots in baltimore and freddie gray's untimely death in police custody.


i wish i could remember his exact words when he said something about being afraid to drive, clutching the steering wheel too tightly. i'm not sure, the sound was a bit fuzzed, but i believe he made reference to the harassment of black people by the authorities and how people living in chanhassen don't have to worry so much.


it was a bit heartbreaking, watching prince on stage, thinking about how many black people are unjustly detained by the authorities, how many innocents are dead because of an unfair and racially biased system.


thinking about what if it were him? when if the world lost prince himself due to the bigoted actions of some ignoramus in a uniform? how many centuries have to pass before we can accept the fact that humans beings come in many glorious colors and all are beautiful?


at one point prince used his keyboard to give us a long, off-the-charts ethereal groove that he seemed to be channeling from another planet.


which notion was confirmed moments later when he grabbed his guitar and asked us what an alien voice might sound like? then proceeded to show us with the strangest whirl of sound i've ever heard coming from a stringed instrument.


he didn't play for very long last night but he was very intense. i have no way of knowing for sure exactly what he was thinking about, but i'm guessing that's what it sounds like when doves come face to face with racial discrimination.


3eyegirl played a heavy three note drift, featuring the words 'baltimore, peace forevermore' which prince told us to sing along with and keep in our heads all the way out the door and back home to our destinations.


i don't think they played the new baltimore song for us - at least i don't remember hearing the lyrics which were released from a few days ago.


toward the end of the show prince told us we better watch out for each other, since we're all family. some of the crowd were allowed onstage and danced around up there with the band for a while.


last night wasn't just another dance party - he really gave us something to think about. the events in baltimore are clearly weighing heavy on his heart.


thanks out to the amazing crew at paisley park and prince. i think we all appreciate that you permitted us to join you last night!


[Edited 5/3/15 8:59am]

Thank U, I'm so terrible at writing reviews, this was perfect!! smile

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