In Ernie's defense, that tied-off shirt look did not appear as "gay" back in the day as it does now in retrospect. Back then, along with the headband around the forehead and the bell-bottoms, it just looked FUNKY, with sort of a Caribbean flair. Because if you think about it; you couldn't wear ANY of the outfits ANY of the Isley Brothers wore back then TODAY, without appearing gay.
Though this is not a commentary on the actual sexual identities of any of these guys, just a note on how fashion (...and attitude) has changed through the years.
I hate that it even had to appear "gay". To me he looked real cool but I guess when you're so fragmented, you believe anything that anyone TELLS you. Back then, black and white musicians didn't care how they appeared to people, now it seems like people try too hard to get away from that tag. But yeah back in 1974 this was real cool.
I agree wholeheartedly. It never even crossed my mind in all these years that Ernie may possibly even be gay. Never even thought about it until reading the reactions to this picture posted here. Ernie used to wear his shirts like that often, it was part of his look. In fact, I can recall many male artists that wore their shirts like that in the 70's.
Dudes back in the day were much less paranoid about their look, or you would have NEVER seen them in those ass-hugging, package enhancing, spandex outfits, lol. Seems to me Brothers were even PROUD of their solid, round, handsome asses back in the day, and sure as Hell didn't mind wearing the kind of pants that showed them off.
Fuzzy Haskins was giving his spandex "WHAT FOR" in his smokin' performance of "Standing On The Verge of Gettin' It On", lol.
"There's Nothing That The Proper Attitude Won't Render Funkable!"
Man if Parliament-Funkadelic started emerging TODAY, people would be so negative. It's sad. That's why sometimes I wished I was transported in a time machine to be back there.
Today Andre 3000 gets away with it to some extent, but he got called names though.
Some people said he was brainwashed by Erykah Badu to start dressing "weird".
You can take a black guy to Nashville from right out of the cotton fields with bib overalls, and they will call him R&B. You can take a white guy in a pin-stripe suit who’s never seen a cotton field, and they will call him country. ~ O. B. McClinton
Some people said he was brainwashed by Erykah Badu to start dressing "weird".
I used to believe that but looking back, he was already heading that way by the time they did ATLiens and I think he and Erica dated the following year. Now Common on the other hand...
Man if Parliament-Funkadelic started emerging TODAY, people would be so negative. It's sad. That's why sometimes I wished I was transported in a time machine to be back there.
Some people TODAY still have the nerve to be negative of Parliament/Funkadelic. I'm remembering some of the trolling comments left behind on Garry Shider's memorial thread; just ignorance and pure immaturity.
Personally, I noticed attitudes begin to change in regards to artistic expression right around 1981 or so. Needless to say; if you ever locate that Time Machine, hit me up... I wanna hitch a ride!
"There's Nothing That The Proper Attitude Won't Render Funkable!"
Man if Parliament-Funkadelic started emerging TODAY, people would be so negative. It's sad. That's why sometimes I wished I was transported in a time machine to be back there.
Some people TODAY still have the nerve to be negative of Parliament/Funkadelic. I'm remembering some of the trolling comments left behind on Garry Shider's memorial thread; just ignorance and pure immaturity.
Personally, I noticed attitudes begin to change in regards to artistic expression right around 1981 or so. Needless to say; if you ever locate that Time Machine, hit me up... I wanna hitch a ride!
Some people said he was brainwashed by Erykah Badu to start dressing "weird".
I used to believe that but looking back, he was already heading that way by the time they did ATLiens and I think he and Erica dated the following year. Now Common on the other hand...
Damn, as much as I love Common, there is some truth to that. While he was dating Erykah his whole persona changed...soon as they broke up it's like he dropped all that weird nonsense and got to being a Chicagoian.
I will forever love and miss sweet Prince.
Personally, I noticed attitudes begin to change in regards to artistic expression right around 1981 or so.
That's around the time when hip hop started to take over from R&B with some of the younger black youth. But the earlier rap groups like Grandmaster Flash & Sugarhill Gang dressed in the flamboyant outfits like the funk groups. But I remember when MJ's Billie Jean video came out, some of the kids at school said Mike was a sissy with the outfit he was wearing and the tweezed eyebrows and soft talking voice didn't help. I recall Farrakhan saying acts like Mike & Prince weren't good role models for young black men as they were feminine. When Run DMC took over, is kind of when "keepin it real" began. It really spread when groups like Geto Boys & NWA became popular and the androygynous thing died out in the mainstream, even with white acts as white teens were the biggest buyers of gangsta rap. Then grunge with the plain sloppy look really killed it. Remember LL Cool J getting booed for staying with the flashy clothes and chains and making songs like I'm That Type Of Guy and Going Back To Cali. Oddly, the "pants on the ground" look became popular in the 1990's. That came from prison and meant that a guy was "available". So that would seem more "gay" than a guy wearing tight pants. Tight pants weren't seen as gay before the 1990's.
You can take a black guy to Nashville from right out of the cotton fields with bib overalls, and they will call him R&B. You can take a white guy in a pin-stripe suit who’s never seen a cotton field, and they will call him country. ~ O. B. McClinton
Personally, I noticed attitudes begin to change in regards to artistic expression right around 1981 or so.
That's around the time when hip hop started to take over from R&B with some of the younger black youth. But the earlier rap groups like Grandmaster Flash & Sugarhill Gang dressed in the flamboyant outfits like the funk groups. But I remember when MJ's Billie Jean video came out, some of the kids at school said Mike was a sissy with the outfit he was wearing and the tweezed eyebrows and soft talking voice didn't help. I recall Farrakhan saying acts like Mike & Prince weren't good role models for young black men as they were feminine. When Run DMC took over, is kind of when "keepin it real" began. It really spread when groups like Geto Boys & NWA became popular and the androygynous thing died out in the mainstream, even with white acts as white teens were the biggest buyers of gangsta rap. Then grunge with the plain sloppy look really killed it. Remember LL Cool J getting booed for staying with the flashy clothes and chains and making songs like I'm That Type Of Guy and Going Back To Cali. Oddly, the "pants on the ground" look became popular in the 1990's. That came from prison and meant that a guy was "available". So that would seem more "gay" than a guy wearing tight pants. Tight pants weren't seen as gay before the 1990's.
So true. Levi's 501 jeans were in EVERY man's closet back in the day, and they were worn as tightly as you could possibly squeeze into them, lol. AND your shirt would be tucked in, lol. A pair of Converse sneakers or Pro Keds finished the look.
"There's Nothing That The Proper Attitude Won't Render Funkable!"
Yes, the tied up shirt...not a good look at all. The article said "Uncle Ernie" approved her writing the book BUT did he approve that picture?
Geven that we're all frequenting a site devoted to man who paraded around in draws and leg warmers, and assless pants in his youth...I'm rather surprised anybody would clown poor Earnie for his fashion misshaps
Yes, the tied up shirt...not a good look at all. The article said "Uncle Ernie" approved her writing the book BUT did he approve that picture?
Geven that we're all frequenting a site devoted to man who paraded around in draws and leg warmers, and assless pants in his youth...I'm rather surprised anybody would clown poor Earnie for his fashion misshaps
But why is it a mishap? He still dresses somewhat flamboyant.
You can take a black guy to Nashville from right out of the cotton fields with bib overalls, and they will call him R&B. You can take a white guy in a pin-stripe suit who’s never seen a cotton field, and they will call him country. ~ O. B. McClinton
Yes, the tied up shirt...not a good look at all. The article said "Uncle Ernie" approved her writing the book BUT did he approve that picture?
Anyway, I found excerpts, and there is a whole chapter on how Rudolph Isley beat his 4 kids (3 of whom were girls!!!) with boards or slats from the bed and he also beat Ernie and Marvin with the boards, apparently till they were all black and blue and bruised and swollen! wonder the younger guys always submitted to the older guys, except brother-in-law Chris Jasper, whose sister is Elaine Isley (Rudolph's wife)...I guess she wasn't going to let Rudolph beat on her little brother!
If someone gets this book, post some of the excerpts...interesting reading???
OMG that is terrible. Its bad enough that the kids were getting beat, but why were the younger brothers getting beat? Were they adults by this time? Were they in the band? No wonder they broke up in the 1980's.
The Isley Brothers were talented, but they always seemed like pimps to me, (the oldest three) and they looked like woman beaters!
[Edited 3/23/11 13:04pm]
I'm in the mood for love...simply because your near me.
Geven that we're all frequenting a site devoted to man who paraded around in draws and leg warmers, and assless pants in his youth...I'm rather surprised anybody would clown poor Earnie for his fashion misshaps
But why is it a mishap? He still dresses somewhat flamboyant.
homegirl really couldn't afford a better graphic designer than what looks like swapmeet work?
HAHA - it's so easy to hate on people doing better than you are.... while your passing judgement she's collecting checks.... think about it. PS- this is my moms book so kindly stfu
Hmm, I just googled on the book and I think it's more than 72 pages, there's like 10 or more chapters.
I know KGA is a big Isleys fan so maybe she has more info, she said Rudolph used to physically dominate his kids and younger brothers (Ernie & Marvin).
Hi, Rudolph Isley is my grandfather, i dont know this side of him, because he has changed a lot, but all the info and truth you are curious and seeking is in the book - check it out, it's a must read if you are a fan.
I'm sure she's real proud of herself and with who she is and all, but she may have been well served to have just featured some artwork on the cover, or with just the Brothers themselves, lol. Or if she NEEDED to be on the cover, maybe a baby picture would have been nice, lol.
Thanks for your opinion on my moms book... i think she did a great job. the point of the book is to tell about her past growing up with her famous family that led her to the woman she is today, so a baby picture wouldn't do it justice to the real message. thanks for the opinion though.
maybe you should write a book, im sure you'd want to be recognized for your work as well.... think it over.
homegirl really couldn't afford a better graphic designer than what looks like swapmeet work?
looks busted as hell.
Thats my mother you're talking about ... and unlike low-lives like you she should not be referred to as 'home girl' - i dont know what sad place you're from but we don't use terms like that.
and i'd love to see a picture of you, oh wait thats right, you're NO ONE so no one cares what you look like....
at the end of the day remember, "jealousy is the ugliest trait, it's also a disease, get well soon!"
Hmm, I just googled on the book and I think it's more than 72 pages, there's like 10 or more chapters.
I know KGA is a big Isleys fan so maybe she has more info, she said Rudolph used to physically dominate his kids and younger brothers (Ernie & Marvin).
Hi, Rudolph Isley is my grandfather, i dont know this side of him, because he has changed a lot, but all the info and truth you are curious and seeking is in the book - check it out, it's a must read if you are a fan.
Hi. I'll see about it when I can, thanks. And your grandfather/great-uncles are geniuses.
maybe you should write a book, im sure you'd want to be recognized for your work as well.... think it over.
Authors of books usually have their picture on it, but not on the front cover though, unless it is an autobiography or they write advice books. A picture is generally on the back inside flap (if a hardcover) or on the back cover.
You can take a black guy to Nashville from right out of the cotton fields with bib overalls, and they will call him R&B. You can take a white guy in a pin-stripe suit who’s never seen a cotton field, and they will call him country. ~ O. B. McClinton
I'm sure she's real proud of herself and with who she is and all, but she may have been well served to have just featured some artwork on the cover, or with just the Brothers themselves, lol. Or if she NEEDED to be on the cover, maybe a baby picture would have been nice, lol.
maybe you should write a book, im sure you'd want to be recognized for your work as well.... think it over.
Thought it over, my opinion stands. Though I can appreciate your avidity to defend your moms work.
"There's Nothing That The Proper Attitude Won't Render Funkable!"
maybe you should write a book, im sure you'd want to be recognized for your work as well.... think it over.
Authors of books usually have their picture on it, but not on the front cover though, unless it is an autobiography or they write advice books. A picture is generally on the back inside flap (if a hardcover) or on the back cover.
You're right, authors of books 'usually' do this... my mom isn't you're usual person. Dare to be different, or just go unnoticed. Nice to know you have an eye for the obvious though !
Hi, Rudolph Isley is my grandfather, i dont know this side of him, because he has changed a lot, but all the info and truth you are curious and seeking is in the book - check it out, it's a must read if you are a fan.
Hi. I'll see about it when I can, thanks. And your grandfather/great-uncles are geniuses.
[Edited 4/8/11 18:59pm]
Thank you so much for the positive support! Their great men and had/have great talent! I Love my family!<3
I used to believe that but looking back, he was already heading that way by the time they did ATLiens and I think he and Erica dated the following year. Now Common on the other hand...
Damn, as much as I love Common, there is some truth to that. While he was dating Erykah his whole persona changed...soon as they broke up it's like he dropped all that weird nonsense and got to being a Chicagoian.
People seemed to think Common weirded out. I don't know if it was the way he dressed
around that time or what but i do know i loved the hell out of Electric Circus. Very underrated
Don't laugh at my funk
This funk is a serious joint