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Reply #30 posted 06/29/05 5:57am


Anxiety said:


HELL YEAH!! worship my absolute FAVE soundtrack awesome!
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Reply #31 posted 06/29/05 10:16am



I'm in love with the Velvet Goldmine soundtrack.

The one for Good Morning, Vietnam is pretty damn good too. thumbs up!

Legs -are you talking about the live action Popeye movie with Robin Williams? That song he sings when he's writing the letter to Swee' Pea makes me cry. bawl
"A Watcher scoffs at gravity!"
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Reply #32 posted 06/29/05 10:25am


meow85 said:

Legs -are you talking about the live action Popeye movie with Robin Williams? That song he sings when he's writing the letter to Swee' Pea makes me cry. bawl

nod Yes Meow. This is the movie. The part you mentioned was brilliant along with the Sweat Haven Theme. I knew there had to be someone on the org that saw this wonderful musical film besides myself.
[Edited 6/29/05 3:26am]
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Reply #33 posted 06/29/05 10:33am



MsLegs said:

meow85 said:

Legs -are you talking about the live action Popeye movie with Robin Williams? That song he sings when he's writing the letter to Swee' Pea makes me cry. bawl

nod Yes Meow. This is the movie. The part you mentioned was brilliant along with the Sweat Haven Theme. I knew there had to be someone on the org that saw this wonderful musical film besides myself.
[Edited 6/29/05 3:26am]

I love this movie, but up until now the few people I've met who've seen it thought it was crap.

Shows what they know. hmph!
"A Watcher scoffs at gravity!"
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Reply #34 posted 06/29/05 11:20am


MsLegs said:

meow85 said:

Legs -are you talking about the live action Popeye movie with Robin Williams? That song he sings when he's writing the letter to Swee' Pea makes me cry. bawl

nod Yes Meow. This is the movie. The part you mentioned was brilliant along with the Sweat Haven Theme. I knew there had to be someone on the org that saw this wonderful musical film besides myself.
[Edited 6/29/05 3:26am]

It's a Robert Altman film - of course I saw it and loved it biggrin
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Reply #35 posted 06/29/05 12:53pm



Anxiety said:

13inchshoe said:

David Lynch's "Twin Peaks,Fire Walk with Me sdtrk from 92.Great moody music,and sone beautiful voices on this disc,along with the usual Lynch "craziness"!

all the stuff coming from david lynch from that era was just fabulous - the twin peaks soundtracks, the julee cruise albums, everything. i even like the mulholland dr. soundtrack - there's some really cool stuff written and performed by david lynch himself in it. very "hep" and bizarre, of course.

you mean his career era? wink
Space for sale...
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Reply #36 posted 06/29/05 12:54pm



my addies,

Wild Orchid
Losing Isiah
Mo Better Blues
Space for sale...
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Reply #37 posted 06/29/05 1:00pm



Claudine--gladys knight and the pips
"on and on: was the shit! biggrin
[Edited 6/29/05 6:05am]
you look better on your facebook page than you do in person hmph!
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Reply #38 posted 06/29/05 4:03pm


sosgemini said:

Anxiety said:

all the stuff coming from david lynch from that era was just fabulous - the twin peaks soundtracks, the julee cruise albums, everything. i even like the mulholland dr. soundtrack - there's some really cool stuff written and performed by david lynch himself in it. very "hep" and bizarre, of course.

you mean his career era? wink

actually, the soundtrack to his last movie was quite nice, and some of the tracks came from an album david lynch recorded called "blue bob", which is some pretty kick-ass weirdo rockabilly stuff. seek it out if ya like lynch soundtracks. thumbs up!
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Reply #39 posted 06/29/05 6:26pm


meow85 said:

MsLegs said:

nod Yes Meow. This is the movie. The part you mentioned was brilliant along with the Sweat Haven Theme. I knew there had to be someone on the org that saw this wonderful musical film besides myself.
[Edited 6/29/05 3:26am]

I love this movie, but up until now the few people I've met who've seen it thought it was crap.

Shows what they know. hmph!

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Reply #40 posted 06/29/05 6:26pm


RipHer2Shreds said:

MsLegs said:

nod Yes Meow. This is the movie. The part you mentioned was brilliant along with the Sweat Haven Theme. I knew there had to be someone on the org that saw this wonderful musical film besides myself.
[Edited 6/29/05 3:26am]

It's a Robert Altman film - of course I saw it and loved it biggrin

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Reply #41 posted 06/29/05 6:27pm


meltwithu said:

Claudine--gladys knight and the pips
"on and on: was the shit! biggrin
[Edited 6/29/05 6:05am]

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Reply #42 posted 06/29/05 6:52pm



MsLegs said:

meltwithu said:

Claudine--gladys knight and the pips
"on and on: was the shit! biggrin


Claudine, awhhh shit, yezzzz! "To be invisble" was one of the first Curtis Mayfield creations I heard... still one of my faves. fantastic!
Vanglorious... this is protected by the red, the black, and the green. With a key... sissy!
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Reply #43 posted 06/29/05 11:39pm


Dancelot said:

MsLegs said:


Claudine, awhhh shit, yezzzz! "To be invisble" was one of the first Curtis Mayfield creations I heard... still one of my faves. fantastic!

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Reply #44 posted 06/29/05 11:47pm


GLITTER is one of the best soundtracks i'ver heard. and u guys all say it's shit . Glitter fucking rules cool
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Reply #45 posted 06/29/05 11:49pm


sosgemini said:

my addies,

Mo Better Blues

nod This was a tight ass soundtrack.
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Reply #46 posted 06/30/05 4:48am


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Reply #47 posted 06/30/05 5:58am



The Jackie Brown Soundtrack is incredible.
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Reply #48 posted 06/30/05 6:04am


DirkFunk said:

The Jackie Brown Soundtrack is incredible.

Definitely. It's a great soundtrack b/c it includes all the jams from the 70's.
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Reply #49 posted 06/30/05 6:19am



lilgish said:

Prince - Batman

Got that right. Love it
Straight Jacket Funk Affair
Album plays and love for vinyl records.
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Reply #50 posted 06/30/05 9:11pm


Arguably the most underrated of Prince's albums.
Good night, sweet Prince | 7 June 1958 - 21 April 2016

Props will be withheld until the showing and proving has commenced. -- Aaron McGruder
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Reply #51 posted 06/30/05 11:11pm


paisleypark4 said:

lilgish said:

Prince - Batman

Got that right. Love it

Preach! wave
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Reply #52 posted 07/01/05 2:51am



Some I like:

Less Than Zero
Grosse Point Blank
10 Things I Hate About You

and my fuck favorite, Passion.
a psychotic is someone who just figured out what's going on
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Reply #53 posted 07/01/05 1:57pm


Its gotta be parade, thats his best work without a doubt.
And I like glitter, a wee take off of some classic disco doesnt go amiss! didnt see the film though, probably sucks.

And just for the cheesy 80s factor, Dirty Dancing aint too bad either.... smile
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Reply #54 posted 07/01/05 2:01pm



[Edited 7/1/05 7:02am]
a psychotic is someone who just figured out what's going on
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Reply #55 posted 07/01/05 7:41pm


meow85 said:

I'm in love with the Velvet Goldmine soundtrack.

The one for Good Morning, Vietnam is pretty damn good too. thumbs up!

Legs -are you talking about the live action Popeye movie with Robin Williams? That song he sings when he's writing the letter to Swee' Pea makes me cry. bawl

OMG how could I have not mentioned Velvet Goldmine omfg

worship clapping dancing jig headbang
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Reply #56 posted 07/01/05 8:32pm



If you're at all into metal, i would have to recomend the soundtrack to "friday the 13th part VI" besides being one of the better sequals to the franchise, it has some great Alice Cooper tracks on it. and in the same vein, the soundtrack to the 1986 horror movie "Trick or Treat" was pretty good too.
[Edited 7/1/05 14:11pm]
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Reply #57 posted 07/01/05 8:54pm


byronic said:

If you're at all into metal, i would have to recomend the soundtrack to "friday the 13th part VI" besides being one of the better sequals to the franchise, it has some great Alice Cooper tracks on it. and in the same vain, the soundtrack to the 1986 horror movie "Trick or Treat" was pretty good too.

worship Alice...
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Reply #58 posted 07/03/05 2:21am



AirFireWaterEarth said:

meow85 said:

I'm in love with the Velvet Goldmine soundtrack.

The one for Good Morning, Vietnam is pretty damn good too. thumbs up!

Legs -are you talking about the live action Popeye movie with Robin Williams? That song he sings when he's writing the letter to Swee' Pea makes me cry. bawl

OMG how could I have not mentioned Velvet Goldmine omfg

worship clapping dancing jig headbang

Hi! wave
"A Watcher scoffs at gravity!"
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Reply #59 posted 07/03/05 11:39pm



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