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Thread started 06/10/04 12:05pm




Calling 'Nana & Dansa!! I've been searching for this picture for about 2 years now & I'm going nutty

It's from the Lovesexy era. It's a live concert photo. I believe it may be from the same performance/show as these:

Wigging out on the Lovesexy tour! (1988)

Cover of 'Prince' book by Jurgen Seibold.

© Intertopics, Hamburg/John Roca

BUT in the one I'm looking for he's right up against the mic singing into it, his lips look like they're right on it. I think you can see the guitar strap, the hair is cascading around his face - it's just an awesome pic.

There's an Orger who has it as his/her avatar but I forget their name (Funk something, or something Funky). I OrgNoted them once to ask where I could get it but they never told me. I hate all that secretive shit! mad

Also, it was used for a boot called Crystal Ball (don't know why that would be a boot title, but it definitely wasn't the official release) - the pic was black & white, very fuzzy. I'm hoping it exists in better quality.

Anyway, any help would be much appreciated. I adore this pic but have only seen it as a teeny tiny avatar sad HELP! biggrin

[This message was edited Thu Jun 10 5:30:43 2004 by CalhounSq]
heart prince I never met you, but I LOVE you & I will forever!! Thank you for being YOU - my little Princey, the best to EVER do it prince heart
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Reply #1 posted 06/10/04 12:15pm



Here are a few...maybe not what you're looking for....
check my lovesexy gallery..might have it....

I'll check around for you too.... biggrin
**...they were right about you.**
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Reply #2 posted 06/10/04 12:22pm



FiveFootNine said:

Nope, those aren't it BUT THAT SECOND ONE IS HOT! horny I've never seen it, thanks! woot!
heart prince I never met you, but I LOVE you & I will forever!! Thank you for being YOU - my little Princey, the best to EVER do it prince heart
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > HELP ME FIND THIS PIC!