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Thread started 03/12/04 1:02pm


No labels touching "Musicology"?: Associated Press

Excerpts from a NEW AP article on "Musicology":

AP New York-...the singer HAD been negotiating with several major labels to release his upcoming album, "Musicology",his publicist, Ronnie Lippin told the AP Wednesday.

HOWEVER, the 45-year old musician decided INSTEAD to give away the disc
at his concerts.

...His website will make downloads available March 29th, and the disc will be in record stores at a later date. (capitalizations mine)

neutral Notice Lippen used the words "HAD been negotiating", and "Decided INSTEAD". Considering Prince was SO gung-ho about a label signing ONLY weeks ago, the only conclusion is that every potential label in the end REJECTED "Musicology"! How else can you explain this turn of events?

The fact that "Musicology" will now be "in record stores at a later date", would seem to suggest that it will now be released once a distribution deal gets done, ala "Newpower Soul","Rainbow Children", "NEWS".We ALL know the success this method achieves.

I think this turn of events may say a lot about the contents of "Musicology". Maybe the "comeback" is over before it even started?

You can Google the full article cool
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Reply #1 posted 03/12/04 1:07pm


seems to me that the author of this article got stuff a bit mixed don't mention anything about anyone changing their minds or whatever.
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Reply #2 posted 03/12/04 1:18pm



I wonder if the writer of this article heard that the album was going to be given to concertgoers and then assumed that was an indication that Prince changed his mind.
2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past....
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Reply #3 posted 03/12/04 1:30pm



Don't worry, all I see here is the same info we already knew with some wild assumptions thrown in.
The world is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.

"You still wanna take me to prison...just because I won't trade humanity for patriotism."
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Reply #4 posted 03/12/04 1:41pm



The story I read said "the singer HAS been negotiating...". I took that to mean negotiations are still ongoing. But if Prince is giving away the CD at the concerts, he's giving it away at the concert movie, and he's offering it for downloads I can see where record companies may be hesitant to get on board considering they won't be able to squeeze every single penny out of it. But, I'll have my copy on the 29th, so I'm still a happy camper. biggrin
Plus, everyone knows touring is where the real money is made, so screw the record companies.
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Reply #5 posted 03/12/04 1:43pm


Well, this is an annoying little mix-up of facts, now isn't it? confused
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Reply #6 posted 03/12/04 1:43pm



Who cares? Either way we get "Musicology".
"New Power slide...."
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Reply #7 posted 03/12/04 1:45pm



It doesn't look great, admittedly, but I don't think we can assume much about the quality of the content. It probably has more to do with the fact that he couldn't get multiple labels to agree to release it simultaneously. Here's the optimistic assumption (which is what these all are...assumptions): All us hardcore fans get our hands on it, it's amazing, we buzzabout it here, there and everywhere, thereby racheting up interest from the labels, ONE of which he finally cuts a deal with.

Could happen.
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Reply #8 posted 03/12/04 2:16pm


warning2all said:

Notice Lippen used the words "HAD been negotiating", and "Decided INSTEAD". Considering Prince was SO gung-ho about a label signing ONLY weeks ago, the only conclusion is that every potential label in the end REJECTED "Musicology"! How else can you explain this turn of events?

The fact that "Musicology" will now be "in record stores at a later date", would seem to suggest that it will now be released once a distribution deal gets done, ala "Newpower Soul","Rainbow Children", "NEWS".We ALL know the success this method achieves.

I think this turn of events may say a lot about the contents of "Musicology". Maybe the "comeback" is over before it even started?

You can Google the full article cool

it's interesting that the assumption, or conclusion, you come to is that the cd was rejected. perhaps, as is most likely with any situation involving prince, the labels could not offer him exactly what he wanted. that is, of course, if the article is even accurate. prince is not in a position to NEED to compromise for a label. the tour is sponsored and paid for. the promo appearances have put ol' boy in the press more than any recent release in years. the most a label can offer him, unless bending to his every demand, is a few extra sales.

by the way...i think this big comeback that everyone's dreamt up is bound to be a let down. prince will be in the public eye for the next year because of the 20th anniversary of purple rain, the hall of fame induction and a major world tour. not because he has a new record out. he would be stupid not to capitalize on the moment. the new record is, in my opinion, just a frill for the longtime fans...hence its being given away.
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Reply #9 posted 03/12/04 2:29pm



A Hollywood reporter on a local radio station this morning said that all the labels turned Prince down because his demands were very high and they didn't think it would sell.

The announcer had specifically asked about Prince because there is a buzz in town because of the Hall of Fame thing.
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Reply #10 posted 03/12/04 2:37pm


lovemachine said:

A Hollywood reporter on a local radio station this morning said that all the labels turned Prince down because his demands were very high and they didn't think it would sell.

The announcer had specifically asked about Prince because there is a buzz in town because of the Hall of Fame thing.

but does that mean they turned him down or he turned them down? sounds to me that he had high demands of which they could not, or would not, be able to meet. it sounds very mutual to me.
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Reply #11 posted 03/12/04 2:55pm



any label would sign prince under the right circumstances... but none will be interested in releasing an album he's giving away for free... that said i dont think anyone passed on it.. maybe they passed on the idea of all the labels releasing it at once...

but i must say that his idea of including the cost of the album in his ticket sales is brillinat and will expose a lot of peopel to his new music who never would have heard it if warner or any other major label put it out...

this may be a better thing in the long run...

i can't wait for musicology!!
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Reply #12 posted 03/12/04 3:39pm


avatar does a $15 movie ticket price spell free cd?

i'm sure the concert prices are up there too! the spur of the moment jams he has been doing have cost at least $65 and the one he did in the bay area on valentine's day was $100. i'm sure tickets will cost at least $55. i heard member tickets are $75. so i'm not clear on how so many of you think that he is giving it away. he can jack up the ticket price if he likes, and still make good return and possibly gain new fans in the process if the album is even decent.

with a tour of at least 38 national cities, probably international soon as well, plus, revenue for any people that check out the concert at the movie theatre. he may not rank high on soundscan, but there is massive potential for the cd. so far, his concerts have been selling well for this tour. i just hope he gives a great show for the people that go (most likely he will).
[This message was edited Fri Mar 12 15:57:08 2004 by dealodelandron]
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Reply #13 posted 03/12/04 3:44pm


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Reply #14 posted 03/12/04 3:57pm


dealodelandron said: does a $15 movie ticket price spell free cd?

i'm sure the concert prices are up there too! the spur of the moment jams he has been doing have cost at least $65 and the one he did in the bay area on valentine's day was $100. i'm sure tickets will cost at least $55. so i'm not clear on how so many of you think that he is giving it away. he can jack up the ticket price if he likes, and still make good return and possibly gain new fans in the process if the album is even decent.

with a tour of at least 38 national cities, probably international soon as well, plus, revenue for any people that check out the concert at the movie theatre. he may not rank high on soundscan, but there is massive potential for the cd. so far, his concerts have been selling well for this tour. i just hope he gives a great show for the people that go (most likely he will).
[This message was edited Fri Mar 12 15:40:35 2004 by dealodelandron]

The record industry has just started to turn around after a five year slump in sales. If Prince had high demands at this time he was asking to be turned down. My guess is he is getting something for the simulcast of the concert and the tickets for some of the shows have sold well. He is going to make plenty of money and maybe after everything is done this year he can get a record deal off all the publicity and hype. I know a lot of you guys think he is stupid when it comes to business but, he is still a top concert draw and he always seems to land on his feet.

I not hating on him. He should get out a make all the money he can. He is 45 and the older you are the harder it is to make it in the music industry.
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Reply #15 posted 03/12/04 4:42pm



Seems to me the album is really gonna suck dick. I could be wrong, but....
"You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." "

Al Pacino- Scarface
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Reply #16 posted 03/12/04 4:47pm



laurarichardson said:

dealodelandron said: does a $15 movie ticket price spell free cd?

i'm sure the concert prices are up there too! the spur of the moment jams he has been doing have cost at least $65 and the one he did in the bay area on valentine's day was $100. i'm sure tickets will cost at least $55. so i'm not clear on how so many of you think that he is giving it away. he can jack up the ticket price if he likes, and still make good return and possibly gain new fans in the process if the album is even decent.

with a tour of at least 38 national cities, probably international soon as well, plus, revenue for any people that check out the concert at the movie theatre. he may not rank high on soundscan, but there is massive potential for the cd. so far, his concerts have been selling well for this tour. i just hope he gives a great show for the people that go (most likely he will).
[This message was edited Fri Mar 12 15:40:35 2004 by dealodelandron]

The record industry has just started to turn around after a five year slump in sales. If Prince had high demands at this time he was asking to be turned down. My guess is he is getting something for the simulcast of the concert and the tickets for some of the shows have sold well. He is going to make plenty of money and maybe after everything is done this year he can get a record deal off all the publicity and hype. I know a lot of you guys think he is stupid when it comes to business but, he is still a top concert draw and he always seems to land on his feet.

I not hating on him. He should get out a make all the money he can. He is 45 and the older you are the harder it is to make it in the music industry.

well said
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Reply #17 posted 03/12/04 4:49pm


Now, I aint saying this is true, but IF he were to be turned down by any of the major companies, then he only has himself to blame.

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Reply #18 posted 03/12/04 4:53pm


warning2all said:

Considering Prince was SO gung-ho about a label signing ONLY weeks ago, the only conclusion is that

Oh my, oh my.
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Reply #19 posted 03/12/04 7:08pm



Several labels want Prince to sign the biggest being WB & J-Records.
Both have contracts on the tables.
This was from a mid-level source within the industry.

The hold up is with timing.Prince will release this album sometime this summer when the Purple Rain hype is full zenith.
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Reply #20 posted 03/12/04 9:24pm



I think that we're getting CD-R's at the theater and the link to NPGMC.
If were to be made idiot proof, someone would just invent a better idiot.
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Reply #21 posted 03/13/04 2:38am


Hmm , thats right you just keep looking for the negatives!. Anyone with half a brain cell can see that with the performance at the Grammys and the hype that that created Prince is right back in vogue. Bearing in mind that Record companies need to make money dontcha think they would be viewing Prince as another means to earn some money?, with the hype of P. Rain around this is the year that all the parties should cash in. I would be very surprised if P didn't cut some kind of deal with a record company seeing as the global tour is named after the album.
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Reply #22 posted 03/13/04 3:20am


i can see how many would turn him down, and maybe think hey no dont put the cd as part of the theatre and live show package, but im sure the more intelligent ones wouldnt htink that (its a great way to introduce himself surely?!) but even if most reject him surely there would be at least one willing to take a risk

hes back on the billboard charts this week in the pop catalogue, ok its not a huge amount of sales on there (anyone know how much #16 would sell?) but it seems to have been climbing lately and thats sales right there. we'll see but im sure at least one record company would have offered a decent enough contract, its just whether prince decided to take it or not
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Reply #23 posted 03/13/04 3:34am


warning2all said:

Excerpts from a NEW AP article on "Musicology":

AP New York-...the singer HAD been negotiating with several major labels to release his upcoming album, "Musicology",his publicist, Ronnie Lippin told the AP Wednesday.

HOWEVER, the 45-year old musician decided INSTEAD to give away the disc
at his concerts.

...His website will make downloads available March 29th, and the disc will be in record stores at a later date. (capitalizations mine)

neutral Notice Lippen used the words "HAD been negotiating", and "Decided INSTEAD". Considering Prince was SO gung-ho about a label signing ONLY weeks ago, the only conclusion is that every potential label in the end REJECTED "Musicology"! How else can you explain this turn of events?

The fact that "Musicology" will now be "in record stores at a later date", would seem to suggest that it will now be released once a distribution deal gets done, ala "Newpower Soul","Rainbow Children", "NEWS".We ALL know the success this method achieves.

I think this turn of events may say a lot about the contents of "Musicology". Maybe the "comeback" is over before it even started?

You can Google the full article cool

Or maybe he couldn't find a deal he was happy with. Anyway, it seems that he's getting enough publicity to distribute it himself.
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Reply #24 posted 03/13/04 5:15am



Handclapsfingasnapz said:

Nothing will ever top Emancipation. horns

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Reply #25 posted 03/13/04 8:14am



SassyFras said:

lovemachine said:

A Hollywood reporter on a local radio station this morning said that all the labels turned Prince down because his demands were very high and they didn't think it would sell.

The announcer had specifically asked about Prince because there is a buzz in town because of the Hall of Fame thing.

but does that mean they turned him down or he turned them down? sounds to me that he had high demands of which they could not, or would not, be able to meet. it sounds very mutual to me.

First of all.. No Major Label. = Forgotten project that only diehards will know about.

There is NOT going to be a contract that states that other labels can distribute the album. Prince's lane brain proposal was a joke to the music industry. Some are saying that they hope he learns his lesson this time to hire qualified business management and stop listening to the advice of a lawyer. Others are suggesting that perhaps this new album is just another weak ball of his half baked religion and it was his original intention to toss the holy nugget for free at the concerts in the first place.

beware of free gifts containing self installing/sneaky things on it other than music. wink
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Reply #26 posted 03/13/04 9:07am


Prince's lane brain proposal was a joke to the music industry. Some are saying that they hope he learns his lesson this time to hire qualified business management and stop listening to the advice of a lawyer. Others are suggesting that perhaps this new album is just another weak ball of his half baked religion and it was his original intention to toss the holy nugget for free at the concerts in the first place.

how do you know what the labels are thinking? i mean, some are suggesting this is a ball of half baked religion? so they havent actually heard the album? gee, i would have thought if you were considering signing an artist, you'd listen to their album. or do you just mean the general music industry, in which case again how do you know! wink
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Reply #27 posted 03/13/04 9:09am


softandwet said:

Prince's lane brain proposal

lol "LAME BRAIN"..Yount!
Oh my, oh my.
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Reply #28 posted 03/13/04 9:13am


EvilWhiteMale said:

I could be wrong, but....

What are the odds of THAT?
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Reply #29 posted 03/13/04 9:17am


I am beginning to think that he planned all along to give this album to the fans for free (or by download) and that he's got something else to throw at the labels.

At least I hope he does...
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