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Reply #120 posted 06/25/03 1:17pm


DeVaniti said:

SquirrelMeat said:

DeVaniti said:

First of all, I would hope that people are being respectful at the NPGMC because simply, they were raised with manners! I wouldn't go into someone's home and then talk about them like they weren't a child of The Creator. Attacking and critizing the way their home looks,sounds,smells, etc. If I didn't like something about the person, or their home, I wouldn't go in the first place. So I wouldn't have to fake being nice.

I see your point, but judging from your statement, you would talk to someone in their house like they were the son of god? I don't think thats what you mean, but thats the way it could read.

That aside. I think there is nothing wrong with entering someones house with a differing view. That person has the right to remove you from the house. But if they remove you because they refuse to listen to a different point of view, which party lacks manners?

In my view, the lack of manners comes from the host who invited you in, particularly if they invite you in under the terms "U tell us".

It is my view that we are all children of The Creator, and we should respect each other as such, however, many of us don't. No, I don't think Prince is Jesus Christ(I feel that is what you are really hinting at). I do feel at his club his rules should be respected. If that means no negativity so be it.

In my house I don't allow smoking, my fiance' pays the mortgage, insurance, and taxes, and when his friends and family visit and want to light up, they all go outside. Except this one brother who feels that since his brother is paying everything he should be able to do what he feels. Well he tried to get away with it and was warned the first time. On the second attempt I took the cigarette from him. The third time I was sick it and him so I threw him out. And he is no longer welcome in my home. If he wants to get together with my fiance' they meet somewhere else. And when I have special events like my annual Fourth of July BBQ he is not invited. Should he blame me? (Which he does by the way) Or should he have respected the rules of my house in the first place?

At the club it's the same thing. It is a matter of respect, unlike here at the org where many orger's like my future brother-in-law, lack the concept.

Why would people on THIS site respect NPGMC's site rules HERE? That makes no sense whatsoever.

I certainly agree that whilst posting on NPGMC, one should respect their site rules and Prince's wishes, just as we try to adhere to the site rules when posting here.

However, if respecting Prince's rules means not being able to give an honest opinion about something, then CLEARLY there is a necessity for sites like and AMP which will allow people to tell it like it is.
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Reply #121 posted 06/25/03 1:26pm


DeVaniti said:

DavidEye said:

No offense,but why does it bother YOU so much when other fans complain? Unless you are Prince,I can't see why it pisses you off so much.Personally,I like to hear all sides of an issue,the positive and the negative.I respect and enjoy hearing differing opinions,that's what makes these discussions so interesting.You must obviously agree,otherwise you wouldn't be on this site in the first place smile

That was my reason for joining, yes. My reason for staying is to try and counter some of the negativity, not necessarily the complaints because if they are accurate so be it. What I'm referring to when I say negativity is it the utter contempt that many have here for Prince. For whatever their reasons. Which the majority isn't about customer service at all. Most of the people that hung out here who really dig Prince don't bother to come anymore because they are hanging at the club, and they don't have the heart for participating in this Prince bashing spectacle. I'm not easily intimidated.

That is entirely untrue, and unfounded. Everyone on this site digs Prince or they wouldn't be here in the first place. That doesn't mean that everyone here thinks he is the Messiah or that the sun shines out of his arse and he can do no wrong, and it doesn't mean that everyone will love every bit of music that puts out.

Additionally, there are many people on this site who have been here since day one - in fact many were on the PML and the PPML before the Org too, and they still visit this site. Your claim that "most" of the people who "really dig" Prince have left is completely untrue. You just made that up. One quick glance over at the NPGMC forums, and you'll see that it is actually pretty dead over there. I guess that's what happens when you silence honest opinions. I say that with all due respect for those involved - I quite like NPGMC and despite past disappointments I remain optimistic for its future.
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Reply #122 posted 06/25/03 1:30pm


Of course there is an obvious irony present here... DeVaniti decrying the people who just complain and whine about NPGMC but keep on joining... kinda like the people who keep on complaining about the Org but keep on posting eh? And remember DeVaniti, complaining never achieves anything. You said so.
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Reply #123 posted 06/25/03 1:52pm


this boolshit is still goin? neutral
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Reply #124 posted 06/25/03 1:55pm


Handclapsfingasnapz said:

this boolshit is still goin? neutral

Yeah, funny isn't it biggrin biggrin Cool sig tho!
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Reply #125 posted 06/25/03 1:59pm


ian said:

Handclapsfingasnapz said:

this boolshit is still goin? neutral

Yeah, funny isn't it biggrin biggrin Cool sig tho!

hehehehe...thanx, ian biggrin
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Reply #126 posted 06/25/03 2:15pm


DavidEye said:

To tell you the truth,I can really only name TWO Orgers who continually criticize everything that Prince does (Bart,who rarely posts here, and EvilWhiteMale),so I really don't see all this "negativity" that you're referring to.And EWM just started a thread that praises Prince's song "I'm Yours".But I think,for the most part,everyone else is fair and objective when it comes to Prince.Or maybe I'm misssing something? Enlighten me.


you forgot Swinger and his disgruntled self (haven't seen that guy in a while...good lol) and there's some other folks who pop up every once in a while, like (t)rick james--i mean thechronic...evillol but for the most part, everybody here's cool. it's all how one looks at the contents of the site and how one perceives 'em.

another thing: i keep readin about how folks would much rather be surrounded by "positivity" and all this shit. you want that? stay logged on. venture outside of your house and you gonna find way worse matters than what's on your computer screen. heaven forbid if you ain't surrounded by sunshine all the time....

that's exactly it: on your computer screen. i don't understand why the fuck some cats get so riled up over opinions they read on a website. it ain't forget it, i done said it enuff awready. talkin to some folks here is a lot like talkin to brick walls.

batting eyes negative edit
[This message was edited Wed Jun 25 7:18:21 PDT 2003 by Handclapsfingasnapz]
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Reply #127 posted 06/25/03 4:29pm


Go through this thread and look at how people have rated themselves, as P fans, in their profiles. Very few casual fans. And people on "both sides of the divide" area calling themselves "obsessed". This has nothing to do with who likes Prince and his music, and who doesn't. This is about personalities, and people's personal views about fame, and stuff like that. If you don't like the org, and think the NPGMC is better, I don't understand why you don't just go there, instead of coming here. . .question

Perhaps some of you think the org is so negative because you only come here to create or respond to threads that are bitching about the org.
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Reply #128 posted 06/25/03 5:17pm



ian said:

Of course there is an obvious irony present here... DeVaniti decrying the people who just complain and whine about NPGMC but keep on joining... kinda like the people who keep on complaining about the Org but keep on posting eh? And remember DeVaniti, complaining never achieves anything. You said so.

I'm not complaining, I'm debating the issues, there is a difference. As you are free to voice your opinion, so am I to voice mine. No one has to agree with it, I've never asked anyone to. I'm confident enough in what I have to say to know that my point gets made. What tickles me is how it can be dished out around here, but you guys damn sure can't take it.

Welcome 2 The Dawn!
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Reply #129 posted 06/25/03 5:46pm


muleFunk said:

I have been a Prince fan for 20 years now and most complaints about Prince from fans are funny.If you have followed his career you know that Prince does not follow timetables & rules well.So when I joined the NPGMC, I "knew" what to expect.

If you paid money for something you should get what you paid for,but some had "UNREAL" expectations for the club in the first place.I was extremely surprised that it worked as well as it did.

The NPGMC has exposed Prince to why the record companies exists.Marketing,mass production,& distribution all make that system flow smoothly.

I'd co-sign that. I've admired Prince in many ways for a long time, but I wouldn't pay him cash upfront and wait for the product later. Sorry. I don't trust him like that.
Good night, sweet Prince | 7 June 1958 - 21 April 2016

Props will be withheld until the showing and proving has commenced. -- Aaron McGruder
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Reply #130 posted 06/25/03 7:51pm


DeVaniti said:

ian said:

Of course there is an obvious irony present here... DeVaniti decrying the people who just complain and whine about NPGMC but keep on joining... kinda like the people who keep on complaining about the Org but keep on posting eh? And remember DeVaniti, complaining never achieves anything. You said so.

I'm not complaining, I'm debating the issues, there is a difference. As you are free to voice your opinion, so am I to voice mine. No one has to agree with it, I've never asked anyone to. I'm confident enough in what I have to say to know that my point gets made. What tickles me is how it can be dished out around here, but you guys damn sure can't take it.

scathingly true

methinks some mods protest-eth too much...hmmm
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Reply #131 posted 06/25/03 8:17pm



That's ludicrous! What's the difference between debating the issues and complaining, exactly? Oh yeah...people whose opinions you disagree with are complaining, while people whose opinion you agree with are simply debating the issues.

Do you honestly not see that you are guilty of everything that you supposedly despise? It makes absolutely no sense to tell people that if they have issues with anything regarding the club, they should just leave...yet in the same breath say that you can't stand the org, but you stay because you're not easily discouraged, and you're simply debating the issues!!

Seriously, you don't see any contradiction in your stance? Of course you can come on here and tell us all we're negative, and anything else you want to say...just like I can go onto the club and state my opinion, whether you like it or not.

DeVaniti said:

I'm not complaining, I'm debating the issues, there is a difference. As you are free to voice your opinion, so am I to voice mine. No one has to agree with it, I've never asked anyone to. I'm confident enough in what I have to say to know that my point gets made. What tickles me is how it can be dished out around here, but you guys damn sure can't take it.
No confusion, no tears. No enemies, no fear. No sorrow, no pain. No ball, no chain.

Sex is not love. Love is not sex. Putting words in other people's mouths will only get you elected.

Need more sleep than coke or methamphetamine.
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Reply #132 posted 06/25/03 8:19pm



This is so funny. I can't believe how many pro NPGMC and ass kissers are posting here (pretending not to be wound up) defending the positivity of the official boards.

Am I the only one who finds it fantastically ironic that a heated debate about the freedom on the NPGMC is taking place on the org because it would get closed down on the NPGMC!

Can we have a new org strap line? "This is what freedom sounds like!"

The NPGMC has house rules we should respect. Just like a certain building in Waco did 10 years ago!

You've gotta laugh! smile
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Reply #133 posted 06/25/03 8:36pm


The fact remains thatit looks as if there is just as much asskissing,sexual content,ridiculousness,frivolty,vitrol, stupidity, sageness etc over there as there is here. At first it looked like the moderation was dubious there (it still is to a point,as well as here, they just refuse to let some things get way out of hand including moderation lol..but there is favoritism over there as as well as here), but both places are humorously quite similar in it's constituents-members. If anything, the criticism towards Prince or his music is debated or attacked by some "members", not the powers that be. People here complaining about asskising over there have tattoos of Prince etc. Let's be reasonable here. lol Preconceived notions and pot-kettles are a laugh riot.

[This message was edited Wed Jun 25 13:46:04 PDT 2003 by Presence]
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Reply #134 posted 06/25/03 9:44pm



bankrobberman said:

Do you think that the NPGMC forum is all buttkissing and the only reason they are posting nice stuff all the time is cuz its princes place and they think he might read it and invite them round for baclava and a bigle with cream cheese?

"I saw a woman with major Hammer pants on the subway a few weeks ago and totally thought of you." - sextonseven
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Reply #135 posted 06/25/03 9:49pm



pimpdoutt said:

I've gone to the NPG chat and I felt like I was in a twilight zone episode where everything is mind controlled and everyone speaks in unison with one voice.

It freaked me out.

It's not a point of it being too just seems too fake that there are no contradicting point of views.

This site tends to be alot more on the negative side. Somedays are more positive with others but that really has alot to do with who is posting on that day.

I enjoy coming here and reading other opinions from nations other than the USA.

As we are sheltered from alot of the chaos outside our doors, until I started coming here, I didn't know we were so unliked in the rest of the world.

I didn't know people didn't like Jehova's Witnesses so much.

I like that people are so committed to their beliefs and are willing to put up a fight.

That's what a chat forum should be.

"I saw a woman with major Hammer pants on the subway a few weeks ago and totally thought of you." - sextonseven
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Reply #136 posted 06/25/03 9:58pm



preciosa863 said:

this is the reason that most of all the old "ORGERs" are no longer here...A lot of Prince fans are tired of coming to a place that is almost always ragging on Prince. At NPGMC it is refreshing to hear some positive and not so positive thoughts, but in a different TONE...It's the stinky a** TONE here that distracts me. Has ALOT to do with the moderation here, or lack there of...With saying that, I'm out. I'd rather be around positivity every day, it makes me feel better...

See ya!!
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.


"I saw a woman with major Hammer pants on the subway a few weeks ago and totally thought of you." - sextonseven
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Reply #137 posted 06/25/03 11:52pm



theblueangel said:

That's ludicrous! What's the difference between debating the issues and complaining, exactly? Oh yeah...people whose opinions you disagree with are complaining, while people whose opinion you agree with are simply debating the issues.

Do you honestly not see that you are guilty of everything that you supposedly despise? It makes absolutely no sense to tell people that if they have issues with anything regarding the club, they should just leave...yet in the same breath say that you can't stand the org, but you stay because you're not easily discouraged, and you're simply debating the issues!!

Seriously, you don't see any contradiction in your stance? Of course you can come on here and tell us all we're negative, and anything else you want to say...just like I can go onto the club and state my opinion, whether you like it or not.

DeVaniti said:

I'm not complaining, I'm debating the issues, there is a difference. As you are free to voice your opinion, so am I to voice mine. No one has to agree with it, I've never asked anyone to. I'm confident enough in what I have to say to know that my point gets made. What tickles me is how it can be dished out around here, but you guys damn sure can't take it.

[Snip. Flame removed. Ian]

I really don't give a damn about what you do, continue to do whatever makes you happy. As I will always do whatever makes me happy, without any regard to the simple minds that can't deal with it. For you, if that means running back and forth from here to the club with your drama, knock your damn self out. Just know someone may call you on it. Sometimes life can be so nice!

Since you really don't know, here is the difference between complaining and debating:

Expressing pain or dissatisfaction of resentment

1. Argue with one another
2. Think about carefully; weigh
3. Discuss the pros and cons of an issue
4. Have an argument about something

Since this doesn't mean enough to me to cause me pain or dissatisfaction of resentment, I've been thinking carefully about the issues, attempting to discuss the pros and cons, which have resulted in me arguing pretty much all day. So there!tease
[This message was edited Wed Jun 25 16:55:25 PDT 2003 by DeVaniti]
[This message was edited Wed Jun 25 17:01:37 PDT 2003 by DeVaniti]

Welcome 2 The Dawn!
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Reply #138 posted 06/25/03 11:58pm


DeVaniti said:

Since this does't mean enough to me to cause me pain or dissatisfaction of resentment, I've been thinking carefully about the issues, attempting to discuss the pros and cons, which have resulted in me arguing pretty much all day. So there!tease

coulda sworn you just said that's debating, man...
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Reply #139 posted 06/26/03 9:22am


DeVaniti said:

ian said:

Of course there is an obvious irony present here... DeVaniti decrying the people who just complain and whine about NPGMC but keep on joining... kinda like the people who keep on complaining about the Org but keep on posting eh? And remember DeVaniti, complaining never achieves anything. You said so.

I'm not complaining, I'm debating the issues, there is a difference. As you are free to voice your opinion, so am I to voice mine. No one has to agree with it, I've never asked anyone to. I'm confident enough in what I have to say to know that my point gets made. What tickles me is how it can be dished out around here, but you guys damn sure can't take it.

Can't take it? I think the length of this thread speaks for itself. Plenty of people have responded to your points, and have illustrated some of the perceived absurdities in your comments. What more can you ask for? No one has fobbed you off, we're still here discussing the matter which is what this site is all about - discussion.

You're the one who has wilfully avoided answering a lot of the responses to your own points. Diversionary tactics so you don't have to change your position mid-argument. Well, whatever gets you through the day. By conveniently ignoring half of the points put to you, you aren't "debating" or anything like it.
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Reply #140 posted 06/26/03 9:27am


Presence said:

DeVaniti said:

ian said:

Of course there is an obvious irony present here... DeVaniti decrying the people who just complain and whine about NPGMC but keep on joining... kinda like the people who keep on complaining about the Org but keep on posting eh? And remember DeVaniti, complaining never achieves anything. You said so.

I'm not complaining, I'm debating the issues, there is a difference. As you are free to voice your opinion, so am I to voice mine. No one has to agree with it, I've never asked anyone to. I'm confident enough in what I have to say to know that my point gets made. What tickles me is how it can be dished out around here, but you guys damn sure can't take it.

scathingly true

methinks some mods protest-eth too much...hmmm

It's called discussion. Try joining in, you are most welcome as long as you have something to contribute other than one-liner "me-too!" statements and cheap sniping from the sidelines.
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Reply #141 posted 06/26/03 9:33am


tricky99 said:

The positive folks have left this ship. They are all over there at the club. It nice to not hear how Prince sucks or how this song or that album sucks. People are more respectful of prince and each other over there. The club members are the true believers. The people who are enjoying Prince right NOW and not just longing for 1980 or 1984. club.

Like a true CULT.
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Reply #142 posted 06/26/03 9:35am


SquirrelMeat said:

Am I the only one who finds it fantastically ironic that a heated debate about the freedom on the NPGMC is taking place on the org because it would get closed down on the NPGMC!

smile Good point!
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Reply #143 posted 06/26/03 9:37am


DeVaniti said:

First of all, I would hope that people are being respectful at the NPGMC because simply, they were raised with manners! I wouldn't go into someone's home and then talk about them like they weren't a child of The Creator. Attacking and critizing the way their home looks,sounds,smells, etc. If I didn't like something about the person, or their home, I wouldn't go in the first place. So I wouldn't have to fake being nice.

Secondly, this site allows and encourages the majority of the negativity that goes on here. It boasts about freedom of expression, yeah right, 'free drama' is more like it. Some folks come here simply for the negativity, never contributing anything of value. Just pure venom, but you know something I've realized since I've started coming here, the venomous negativity and poison that gets peddled around hasn't hurt Prince in the least little bit, and those spitting it, it falls right back on them two fold.

Now dwell on that,'Haters.
[This message was edited Mon Jun 23 12:37:14 PDT 2003 by DeVaniti]

Either you really do work for them or you are definitly applying for a job at PP! lol
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Reply #144 posted 06/26/03 11:17am


I come here to the org and also the NPG chatboard, I enjoy the club and also the chat board, but a lot of people on the NPG chatboard do seem like they are butkissing.

I cannot believe that so many people are so pleased with the NEWS cd. I know there are people that are disappointed, But so far I have only seen one post on the NPG saying this.

A lot of post on the chatboard at NPG are taken off.
I posted something about the 80's music being better than now and it disappeared.It wasn't there the next day.
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Reply #145 posted 06/26/03 4:41pm


lovebird said:

I come here to the org and also the NPG chatboard, I enjoy the club and also the chat board, but a lot of people on the NPG chatboard do seem like they are butkissing.

I cannot believe that so many people are so pleased with the NEWS cd. I know there are people that are disappointed, But so far I have only seen one post on the NPG saying this.

A lot of post on the chatboard at NPG are taken off.
I posted something about the 80's music being better than now and it disappeared.It wasn't there the next day.

Is it any wonder then that with these kind of "fans" and associates kissing his ass all day long and swirling around him Prince isn't able to see reality, let alone ever return to it?
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Reply #146 posted 06/26/03 5:10pm


ian said:

DeVaniti said:

ian said:

Of course there is an obvious irony present here... DeVaniti decrying the people who just complain and whine about NPGMC but keep on joining... kinda like the people who keep on complaining about the Org but keep on posting eh? And remember DeVaniti, complaining never achieves anything. You said so.

I'm not complaining, I'm debating the issues, there is a difference. As you are free to voice your opinion, so am I to voice mine. No one has to agree with it, I've never asked anyone to. I'm confident enough in what I have to say to know that my point gets made. What tickles me is how it can be dished out around here, but you guys damn sure can't take it.

Can't take it? I think the length of this thread speaks for itself. Plenty of people have responded to your points, and have illustrated some of the perceived absurdities in your comments. What more can you ask for? No one has fobbed you off, we're still here discussing the matter which is what this site is all about - discussion.

You're the one who has wilfully avoided answering a lot of the responses to your own points. Diversionary tactics so you don't have to change your position mid-argument. Well, whatever gets you through the day. By conveniently ignoring half of the points put to you, you aren't "debating" or anything like it.
Gosh, Ian, I love you! If I wasn't so busy trying to marry Camille4U, EWM, or some other orgers, I'd be on bended knee proposing to you, too!
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Reply #147 posted 06/26/03 5:27pm


I think that NPGMC is a place that one don't have to hear constant negativity. A more respectful, humane site to share with others where you don't have to read vulgarity, or just some thread that's full of non-sense. A person can think about the topics given. You can be a part of Prince's world directly from him, knowing what he's thinking and feeling without speculation all the time. On the other hand, The Org. is definitly the place to be to laugh your behind off. Y'all are too You can get photos of Prince that you never saw or haven't seen in a long time.(HANDCLAPS).smile Plus, here people can discuss unreleased Prince albums/videos to look out for. I enjoy both sites equally,but for different reasons. Just my twocents
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Reply #148 posted 06/26/03 6:23pm


ian said:

Can't take it? we're still here discussing the matter which is what this site is all about - discussion.


You're the one who has wilfully avoided answering a lot of the responses to your own points. Diversionary tactics so you don't have to change your position mid-argument. Well, whatever gets you through the day. By conveniently ignoring half of the points put to you, you aren't "debating" or anything like it.

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Reply #149 posted 06/26/03 6:52pm


ian said:

Presence said:

DeVaniti said:

ian said:

Of course there is an obvious irony present here... DeVaniti decrying the people who just complain and whine about NPGMC but keep on joining... kinda like the people who keep on complaining about the Org but keep on posting eh? And remember DeVaniti, complaining never achieves anything. You said so.

I'm not complaining, I'm debating the issues, there is a difference. As you are free to voice your opinion, so am I to voice mine. No one has to agree with it, I've never asked anyone to. I'm confident enough in what I have to say to know that my point gets made. What tickles me is how it can be dished out around here, but you guys damn sure can't take it.

scathingly true

methinks some mods protest-eth too much...hmmm

It's called discussion. Try joining in, you are most welcome as long as you have something to contribute other than one-liner "me-too!" statements and cheap sniping from the sidelines.

Oh brother lol. I have made contributions and comments other than what you accuse me of. Look at the thread. And it is quite telling that you would accuse of sideline sniping and cheap one liners only when it comes to being not deemed in your favor. It seems that you are all to willing to do such a thing when things are deemed in your favor, but when there is a fair statement about moderation (you)or the site, you are there to act above it all. But when it is all gravy to you, you are there with an "applause, yes!", doing what you claim others do. You do discuss some things at times but you sideline swipe most definitely. But this is all to obvious. This is how you do things. It's cool. I expect a deletion of this post etc.

And people say their are issues with Pfams etc and other sites and their moderation (gestapo), lol. I am tickled .
[This message was edited Thu Jun 26 11:55:10 PDT 2003 by Presence]
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > The great NPGMC and .org divide