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Thread started 03/22/25 8:01am


Songs titles that sum up the current estate …

The recent thread about ‘Thieves in the Temple’ extended version immediately made me think how well that title sums up the state of the esstate. In my head, it’s called ‘Thieves in the Temple (Extended Remix)’, which I think is too perfect. And of course it is too perfect, as that’s not quite the right name. Prince vault has it as ‘(Remix)’.

Anyway, anyone got other titles to sum up where we’re at with these guys? ‘Chaos and Disorder’ seems too generous!
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Reply #1 posted 03/22/25 8:10am


Face Down! (dead like Elvis) lol

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Reply #2 posted 03/22/25 10:37am


cause and effect.

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Reply #3 posted 03/22/25 11:36am


"I Like It There"

Describing how the estate are stuck on Purple Rain release, after Purple Rain release. Without moving onto anything else.

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Reply #4 posted 03/22/25 11:37am



Thieves In The Temple... lol Oops--already taken. razz lol

[Edited 3/22/25 11:38am]

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #5 posted 03/22/25 12:47pm


Del Amitri - Nothing Ever Happens

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Reply #6 posted 03/22/25 12:59pm


Can we get some 'in this bed when doves scream' bedsheets?
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Reply #7 posted 03/22/25 1:09pm



We Can Fuck (fans in the arse with our overpriced bedsheets)

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Reply #8 posted 03/22/25 1:52pm


Dig U Better Dead

...too harsh?

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Reply #9 posted 03/22/25 5:04pm



bozojones said:

Dig U Better Dead

...too harsh?

Prince KNEW what he was singing about, here. I think he realized how all of the post-death stuff with his recordings (and merch) would go down with the controlled chaos occuring around what bits that he did structure, without there being any direct heirs to involve with it. So here we are, letting the highest bidders win their bits of control per project.
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Reply #10 posted 03/22/25 6:35pm


Count the days! mad eek
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Reply #11 posted 03/22/25 7:33pm



Everybody Want What They Don't Got... lol

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #12 posted 03/22/25 7:56pm



Strange Relationship

Sad actually. Prince deserves so much better.

[Edited 3/23/25 4:38am]

Shockadelica, she must be a witch
She got your mind, body, and soul hitched
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Reply #13 posted 03/22/25 10:34pm



"Don't Play Me"

"Whatever skin we're in
we all need 2 b friends"
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Reply #14 posted 03/23/25 8:24am


Some because of the titles, some because of the lyrics :


♥ Or $


Dead On It






Damn U


Strange But True


Jack U Off


Dig U Better Dead


Old Friends For Sale


Strange Relationship




Something In The Water (Does Not Compute)


Do U Lie?




Sign O' The Times


Had U


Art Official Cage


Love U But Don't Trut U Anyomre


Colonized Mind


Pearls B4 The Swine




Right The Wrong



"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972)
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Reply #15 posted 03/23/25 3:40pm


purplethunder3121 said:

Everybody Want What They Don't Got... lol

Ha! Lots of great one here, but I love the simplicity of this one. It’s pretty obvious right?
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Reply #16 posted 03/23/25 5:22pm


A Million Days before we get another SDE.
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Reply #17 posted 03/23/25 6:05pm


Is there a song called Fk the Estate?

Graycap23 was ME!
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Reply #18 posted 03/23/25 6:12pm


Money don't matter 2 night (unless it's earned from selling gaudy puffer jackets and bed sheets)
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Reply #19 posted 03/23/25 6:49pm



Dead On It

The Ride(as we are being taken on one)

The Future

Vicki(and all of us too are)Waiting

When Will We Be Paid- vox by McMillions
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Reply #20 posted 03/24/25 6:52am


Fuck it up!
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Reply #21 posted 03/24/25 10:52am


No written by Prince but " No Future" would be a good title !
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Reply #22 posted 03/25/25 7:23pm



Gooddoctor23 said:

Is there a song called Fk the Estate?

There should be

Shockadelica, she must be a witch
She got your mind, body, and soul hitched
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Reply #23 posted 03/25/25 7:45pm



"Purple Rain"

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Reply #24 posted 03/26/25 12:42am



My opinion on this subject and other life issues is currently summed up by Phil Collin's song "I Don't Care Anymore." confused

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #25 posted 03/26/25 9:35am


It's funny, I also start to 'don't care anymore'. but....

We will see how much "I/we don't care" will be true. Till, that one day (maybe) some new music will be available... Cause that's what we all are still looking for the most, right?

I mean, we, here, this small group of old fans.

Time is streched and stretched again. There is no flying fuck we can change about it.

Don't expect much or anything exciting new in 2025, except for that tired 'celebration.'

Where fools paying so much for celebrating not Prince, but the grab-cash machine. Which still is gaining money it seems, more than any new SDE release. At least that's what I think.

Same for the merch. Wwhy else whould they put up new shit all the time?

Simply because there's a demand for it, I think.


So, another thing, how is it going with that 'musical' ?

Still running ? Or is it also put on hold ?

Plus, is there already a new victim found to make that new documentary ?

And, are there still people working for the estate that we know of ?

Reason why I think there's nothing planned (yet), is that there's still no leak or news from some prints made in some record plant.Like whathappened in the beginning of 2023...


Are some of you waiting for that musical or new planned new cleaned-up documentary ?


So far, this are the most exciting items for 2025, available... Gee, woohoo!


"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972)
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Songs titles that sum up the current estate …