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Thread started 02/11/25 6:54pm



Where any of you all ever a member on Prince's NPG Music Club website?

Just curious who was on there back in the day and still come here and post smile cool eye wildsign beret

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Reply #1 posted 02/11/25 7:37pm


I was.

I remember the day it opened.

My computer couldn't handle it. It made the monitor flicker so much it was unusable.

There was some good stuff but ultimately it failed to live my hopes for it
[Edited 2/11/25 19:39pm]
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Reply #2 posted 02/11/25 7:50pm


I’d assume most here were members! 😃
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Reply #3 posted 02/11/25 7:51pm


Member from day 1 till it folded.

I loved the idea of this, but when it turned out that what we were getting were mostly
new songs and there was a problem with releasing older material, it went downhill for
the remainder of it's duration.

But it was fun while it lasted.

And it lasted longer than lol disbelief

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Reply #4 posted 02/11/25 10:56pm



I was a member. I didn't have many expectations for it so I guess that's why I don't feel let down. I got access to some songs I wouldn't have otherwise heard (at the time), it was my first exposure to artists like Ani Difranco and I got some sweet seats for a couple of shows. No complaints here.

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Reply #5 posted 02/12/25 5:33am



FJODOR said:

Member from day 1 till it folded.

I loved the idea of this, but when it turned out that what we were getting were mostly
new songs and there was a problem with releasing older material, it went downhill for
the remainder of it's duration.

But it was fun while it lasted.

And it lasted longer than lol disbelief

Lotusflower was a weird site... lol

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #6 posted 02/12/25 7:20am


Yes. Enjoyed it until Prince jacked me on Lotus Flower. Paid $77 for something he sold for $12 at target.

Graycap23 was ME!
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Reply #7 posted 02/12/25 7:28am



Yes. It was exciting and at the same time, we complained all the time, as usual. lol

Well, at least it allowed me to shook Prince's hand at an afterparty. That was nice of him.

[Edited 2/12/25 7:30am]

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Reply #8 posted 02/12/25 7:54am


I was. I remember waiting for hours for its music to finally download.

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Reply #9 posted 02/12/25 9:03am



olb99 said:

Yes. It was exciting and at the same time, we complained all the time, as usual. lol

We complained rightfully. Prepaying $100 for a second annual membership and then having the club shut down after 1-2 months without any refunds was not cool. Getting terrible quality and copyprotected wma and mp3 files wasn't cool. I understand the technical challenges his team faced but he made a lot of money on the service yet their database was on post-it notes...
The whole thing was being run extremely unprofessionally – although I respect the fact that he trusted and routinely gave opportunities to people with no relevant experience. This also led to a few positive fuckups, like getting 2 copies of Crystal Ball sets, 2 copies of Rave In2 and a couple of other extras. (Returning them would've been cost-prohibitive as I'm in Europe).

Friends don't let friends clap on 1 and 3.

The Paisley Park Vault spreadsheet:
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Reply #10 posted 02/12/25 1:27pm


Yeah, I was, after a few teething problems, what it ended up offering in terms of exclusive products, the NPGAHDIO formats (surely, a precursor to Podcasts) and access to tickets (i'm UK based) made for a fabulous fan/customer relationship engagement proposition - that many brands to this day would love to be able to offer.

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Reply #11 posted 02/12/25 2:23pm



I was. I loved it. The best part was early/easy access to the best seats at concerts. When I saw the Musicology tour I was in the first row for every show. It was well worth the membership....

"New Power slide...."
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Reply #12 posted 02/12/25 7:14pm




Unfortunately, napster was still legal, so Prince made all his music files "DRM".

If you somehow lost your downloads from NPGMC after napster lost it's legal rights,
there was no way to recover them.

Of course one can get all the files now, but back then it was frustrating!

There were a handful of songs from that era that had an original version, but later were changed for the 'Chocolate Invasion' compilation.
"Sexme?sexmenot" and "Vavoom" being two examples.

"Whatever skin we're in
we all need 2 b friends"
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Reply #13 posted 02/12/25 8:16pm


I was in the first edition (mp3 files) and second one (cds).

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Reply #14 posted 02/13/25 9:26am



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Reply #15 posted 02/13/25 11:40am


Yeah I'd assume most of us were. It was a bit of a bumpy launch, they're written a custom client app (maybe built in Quicktime or something very Apple-centric?) rather than a web client so it was all a bit messy to start with, stability issues, download issues. It was pretty awesome though, very ahead of its time, and the thing I felt was most promising was the NPG Ahdio shows, I really wish they'd kept that going but it became clear over time that Prince himself wouldn't always be available to get involved etc so it felt like it sort of fizzled out.

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Reply #16 posted 02/14/25 1:48am



I was and I absolutely LOVED the first year, it was so exciting yes

Then of course from the second year onwards not much happened anymore, which was a pity, but those first 12 months were fabulous as far as I was concerned. I wish he'd kept that formula going.

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Reply #17 posted 02/14/25 1:51am



Gooddoctor23 said:

Yes. Enjoyed it until Prince jacked me on Lotus Flower. Paid $77 for something he sold for $12 at target.

THAT was crazy. To this day I still have no idea what he was thinking. The website was gorgeous, it was so exciting on the day it opened. Then... vitually nothing for the rest of the year. He could effortlessly have dropped some new material every month. It was like purposedly trying to antagonize his most loyal fanbase. Weird.

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Reply #18 posted 02/14/25 9:15am


Kares said:

olb99 said:

Yes. It was exciting and at the same time, we complained all the time, as usual. lol

We complained rightfully. Prepaying $100 for a second annual membership and then having the club shut down after 1-2 months without any refunds was not cool. Getting terrible quality and copyprotected wma and mp3 files wasn't cool. I understand the technical challenges his team faced but he made a lot of money on the service yet their database was on post-it notes...
The whole thing was being run extremely unprofessionally – although I respect the fact that he trusted and routinely gave opportunities to people with no relevant experience. This also led to a few positive fuckups, like getting 2 copies of Crystal Ball sets, 2 copies of Rave In2 and a couple of other extras. (Returning them would've been cost-prohibitive as I'm in Europe).

I have nothing to add to the conversation, just wanted to say your signature gave me a good chuckle! biggrin

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Reply #19 posted 02/14/25 9:17am


This could be nostalgia talking but I wonder if a better way to distribute Prince's vault material could be more akin to the NPGMC subscription model.

The number of actual fans willing to part with money for unfinished Prince jams, alternate takes, demos, rehearsals, live shows etc... the audience for this stuff is small and shrinking all the time as we get older. Investing time in polishing up, mixing and mastering these materials and creating massive box sets just slows it down further.

If the Estate brought back NPGMC in some form, with a monthly digital drop of some Vault material both audio and video on the understanding that it is what it is, it's not finished or perfect... could be really amazing. This provides a "fast path" to monetizing the Vault material while there is still a fanbase, minimizing overheads, and anything uncovered along the way that merits a larger mainstream "slow path" physical release can still have that too.

Bring back NPGMC smile And bring back NPG Ahdio, with former band members and stuff. I'd be all over that.

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Reply #20 posted 02/14/25 3:05pm



It was wonderful, with the access to top-notch concert seating and soundcheck access, the variety of "rooms" to wander around and play in, nice merchandise access--rare and vintage--at reasonable prices, and the guaranteed music features sent to your home were brilliant! I loved the Ahdio Shows, but those and whatever downloads came from them were excruciating to try and download over a CREEPING telephone modem and mostly didn't happen for me. That was a tech limitation of the day for a lot of people. I could stream a lot for a novelty listen, though. I was able to download the Xenophobia collection it its entirety and also copy it onto CD--all of that still works for me! Dumb luck, I guess--or maybe just simple-tech perseverance.
There was SO much potential for music distribution here, community networking, you name it! I was so shocked when it all came to a halt after the copyright to "NPG" was discovered to have been secured by a different media agent.
I'm happy that another of his contemporaries, Sananda Maitreya fka TTD, was able to adopt his own version of an online presence in the early 2000s and really run with such an online presence in his own style. All love, baby! heart
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Reply #21 posted 02/14/25 3:20pm



Kares said:

This also led to a few positive fuckups, like getting 2 copies of Crystal Ball sets, 2 copies of Rave In2 and a couple of other extras. (Returning them would've been cost-prohibitive as I'm in Europe).


Well, at least I got my Crystal Ball t-shirt. hmph!

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Reply #22 posted 02/14/25 3:46pm



Yes, the concert seat early options were pretty great.
(Insert something clever here)
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Reply #23 posted 02/14/25 5:26pm


Getting into the soundchecks was awesome. Really, although there were some technical hiccoughs, NPGMC was pretty great, I'd forgotten just how good.

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Reply #24 posted 02/14/25 7:10pm



Time keeps on slipping into the future...

This moment is all there is...
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Reply #25 posted 02/14/25 8:47pm



Nostalgia's all that's left in Princeland... sigh

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #26 posted 02/14/25 9:24pm



YES! where is my shirt? and I bought tickets to a Musicology show and I found out I could not go and they did not issue refunds! So I tried to sell and got emails from...someone...saying they were cancled and I would not get a refund...After a few emails they gave up and I got them and YES I sold them for about the my cost.

"Keep on shilling for Big Pharm!"
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Reply #27 posted 02/14/25 10:01pm



OnlyNDaUsa said:

YES! where is my shirt? and I bought tickets to a Musicology show and I found out I could not go and they did not issue refunds! So I tried to sell and got emails from...someone...saying they were cancled and I would not get a refund...After a few emails they gave up and I got them and YES I sold them for about the my cost.

Probably I have your shirt. Or someone else's. smile

Friends don't let friends clap on 1 and 3.

The Paisley Park Vault spreadsheet:
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Reply #28 posted 02/14/25 11:08pm



olb99 said:

Kares said:

This also led to a few positive fuckups, like getting 2 copies of Crystal Ball sets, 2 copies of Rave In2 and a couple of other extras. (Returning them would've been cost-prohibitive as I'm in Europe).


Well, at least I got my Crystal Ball t-shirt. hmph!

I got 2 ONA Live and 3 ONA. I didn't realize they'd be worth money someday back in 2002, so I resold one ONA Live to a local record store immediately (prabably for peanuts), and gave away my 2 extra ONAs to a friend and a girlfriend... Silly me rolleyes

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Reply #29 posted 02/15/25 7:27am


Yesss I loved the NPGMC! woot!

Especially during the ONA tour with the soundcheck access, effin amazing!

This was really special.

Also NPGAhdio was fun with new music and related artists.

Ofcourse P. got bored with it and made promises he did not deliver, like the albums which were mentioned in the NPGMC store book/flyer.

The Estate should really bring the NPGMC back.

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