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Thread started 10/15/23 3:34pm


Rolling Stone’s 2023 "250 Greatest Guitarists

Cutting to the chase: they've moved Prince up to #14 based on two songs (Purple Rain, WDC). Seriously?
I think we could make a list of 20-25 better examples that would place him higher on the list (Hendrix got a lazy #1 again). They seem to like metal/heavy more than musical.


[Edited 10/15/23 8:37am]
Welcome to "the org", laytonian… come bathe with me.
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Reply #1 posted 10/16/23 6:23am



Rollong Stine is a joke, and not a funny one.

Formerly TheDigitalGardener etc.
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Reply #2 posted 10/16/23 3:29pm



Call People Magazine "Rollong Stine".

What do you expect from people who wouldn't know to reference
the Trojan Horse or the Mace2theO channel?

I say leave'em B.
What do they NO.

This young man with a talented soul died when he wanted 2
So he shall not B pitied, nor shall the guilty B forgiven
Until they find it in their hearts 2 Right the Wrong
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Reply #3 posted 10/16/23 10:48pm


Sorry, folks. I didn't notice the "Stine" typo until just now. I had poor eyesight and can't always see what I'm posting. Sorry, again.

Welcome to "the org", laytonian… come bathe with me.
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Reply #4 posted 10/17/23 4:26am



laytonian said:

Sorry, folks. I didn't notice the "Stine" typo until just now. I had poor eyesight and can't always see what I'm posting. Sorry, again.

My poor eyesight read it as 'Rolling Stone" no typo anyway, lol.

It works either way because they're such trash don't even dignify them with proper attribution.

Their founder had some interview or book quote come out recenty that pretty much confirmed the racism that's always been seethingly latent in that magazine. They're clearly trying to overcompensate in the other direction now.

The Rollong Stone I grew up with would've given the Top 5 slots to all four members of The Beatles + Pete Best. R.L. Stine reader beware you're in for a scare.

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Reply #5 posted 10/17/23 9:14am


not a bad list, regardless of gripes about the order.

no james williamson though which is wrong razz(not a good soloist, but a great rhythm/lead player)

prince at 14 is a good placing.

good to see nick zinner, and jimmy nolen in there.

id have broken it up by genre though.

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Reply #6 posted 10/19/23 7:33am



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Reply #7 posted 10/20/23 1:41am


WhisperingDandelions said:

Their founder had some interview or book quote come out recenty that pretty much confirmed the racism that's always been seethingly latent in that magazine.

Yeah,Jann Wenner really exposed his racism and he was quickly “cancelled”
biggrin dumb old man
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Reply #8 posted 10/20/23 10:41am


Steve Vai Not Even top100: the Edge , who could Not play along Jimmy Page Top50…. this List is so bland. The best I‘ve seen: Frank Gambale exceot Prince of course guitar woot!
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Reply #9 posted 10/24/23 2:32am



They screwed up. The yellow cloud didn't come until the 90's. Mid 80's = White Cloud

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Reply #10 posted 10/24/23 8:05pm



It´s cool to see Prince there, but it´s a very bad list overall. Andy Summers 250? Steve Vai 127? George Benson and Joe Pass not on the list?

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Reply #11 posted 10/25/23 12:13am


chrisslope9 said:

They screwed up. The yellow cloud didn't come until the 90's. Mid 80's = White Cloud

It's the same guitar. It's in the Smithsonian and they analyzed the layers of paint on it. The base was white, the top layer was yellow.

Welcome to "the org", laytonian… come bathe with me.
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Reply #12 posted 10/25/23 10:37am



14 is about right....

"Keep on shilling for Big Pharm!"
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Reply #13 posted 11/07/23 3:52am


I will also continue to support him.

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Reply #14 posted 11/09/23 4:39pm



laytonian said:

Cutting to the chase: they've moved Prince up to #14 based on two songs (Purple Rain, WDC). Seriously? I think we could make a list of 20-25 better examples that would place him higher on the list (Hendrix got a lazy #1 again). They seem to like metal/heavy more than musical. https://www.rollingstone....234814293/ . < [Edited 10/15/23 8:37am]

It just proves those who compiled the list don't know much about music. Not surprising, this publication has gone downhill bigtime over the past decade.

"You always get the dream that you deserve, from what you value the most" -Prince 2013
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Rolling Stone’s 2023 "250 Greatest Guitarists