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Reply #90 posted 09/26/22 5:28pm


laytonian said:

HatrinaHaterwitz said:

Are you fucking serious? Clearly, he NEEDED to be babysat because had just one person been there, it very well LITERALLY may have saved his life!

There is someone else, THE person, who he listened to for guidance in the alst 17-18 years of his life. The man who tried to help him "pray it away" BUT was not there for him at a critical moment. Maybe because there wasn't money in it any longer. He'd lived on P's dime for years, been employed by him, toured with him, led him to JW. But when push came to shove, where was HE?
But we know when the investigators went to his door and asked for him, he lied and told him he (himself) was not home. WTF.

Also don't forget that he wanted Tamron to come to MPLS and had also asked Judith to stay longer after the plane landed from Moline.

He was let down by so many.
What should have happened? Someone should have called everyone he'd ever worked with and/or loved, explained the situation and got them to Paisley ASAP and talk to him. Show him love. Like a large intervention.

What about Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins and Meron Burke?

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Reply #91 posted 09/27/22 12:36am



LoveGalore said:

HatrinaHaterwitz said:

They way people are dropping left and right, being an old woman is a blessing and when I get to be one, I'll appreciate it as such. My emotionally charged rantings have nothing to do with age. They stem from the anger that I have because Prince died alone, period! Whether or not you agree, I truly give no fucks but what you are not going to do is bully me into not saying whatever I want because you haven't any more of an idea than the rest of us.

As for the "when Prince says go away you go away. Yes, even YOU." No, I'm afraid not ME because that's what cowardly bitch-ass sycophants do, not people that honestly LOVE someone when clearly they are in crisis and need of help. Prince would have just had to be mad as fuck with ME! Cuss me, fire me, cut me off financially, stop speaking to me, physically fight me, call the cops on me, whatever it took but you know what? I'd have been okay with all of that because he'd have likely been ALIVE the next day to get the damn help he needed and perhaps even still here today!

He WAS getting the help he needed! And he should be rewarded with his autonomy. Prince died because of a really, really poorly timed accident. And what is poetic about how and where he died is exactly what he was talking about in Let's Go Crazy. That's what is so stunning and crazy ABOUT it. Prince was off his game, big time, in the end. And above all, he let himself down. He let down the people who thought he was smarter than that - just taking random pills or pills not even prescribed to him or not knowing exactly what he's putting in himself or not being so sloppy as to overdose twice within a week. Again, his death was a fucking accident. Not some conspiracy. Not some negligence. But an accident. And they do happen. And sometimes they're incredibly costly. But it doesn't make it any more or less an accident. Folks who were around Prince loved that man too, and check the record - they did what they could. What any one really could.

Accidents just happen. For an accident to be "really, really poorly timed", a matter of intention is involved somewhere. What's poetic about "how and where he died is exactly what he was talking about in Let's Go Crazy" is perhaps it was Prince's final attempt to use his music to lead to the truth. I think he got into that elevator and died alone because he knew what was happening to him was not right, and how he'd be found would NEVER sit right with a whole lot of people, inspite of all the bullshit rhetoric he knew would be spewed.

I knew from the start that I loved you with all my heart.
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Reply #92 posted 09/27/22 10:24am


HatrinaHaterwitz said:

LoveGalore said:

HatrinaHaterwitz said:

They way people are dropping left and right, being an old woman is a blessing and when I get to be one, I'll appreciate it as such. My emotionally charged rantings have nothing to do with age. They stem from the anger that I have because Prince died alone, period! Whether or not you agree, I truly give no fucks but what you are not going to do is bully me into not saying whatever I want because you haven't any more of an idea than the rest of us.

As for the "when Prince says go away you go away. Yes, even YOU." No, I'm afraid not ME because that's what cowardly bitch-ass sycophants do, not people that honestly LOVE someone when clearly they are in crisis and need of help. Prince would have just had to be mad as fuck with ME! Cuss me, fire me, cut me off financially, stop speaking to me, physically fight me, call the cops on me, whatever it took but you know what? I'd have been okay with all of that because he'd have likely been ALIVE the next day to get the damn help he needed and perhaps even still here today!

He WAS getting the help he needed! And he should be rewarded with his autonomy. Prince died because of a really, really poorly timed accident. And what is poetic about how and where he died is exactly what he was talking about in Let's Go Crazy. That's what is so stunning and crazy ABOUT it. Prince was off his game, big time, in the end. And above all, he let himself down. He let down the people who thought he was smarter than that - just taking random pills or pills not even prescribed to him or not knowing exactly what he's putting in himself or not being so sloppy as to overdose twice within a week. Again, his death was a fucking accident. Not some conspiracy. Not some negligence. But an accident. And they do happen. And sometimes they're incredibly costly. But it doesn't make it any more or less an accident. Folks who were around Prince loved that man too, and check the record - they did what they could. What any one really could.

Accidents just happen. For an accident to be "really, really poorly timed", a matter of intention is involved somewhere. What's poetic about "how and where he died is exactly what he was talking about in Let's Go Crazy" is perhaps it was Prince's final attempt to use his music to lead to the truth. I think he got into that elevator and died alone because he knew what was happening to him was not right, and how he'd be found would NEVER sit right with a whole lot of people, inspite of all the bullshit rhetoric he knew would be spewed.

You really think Prince had that much forethought while overdosing on fentanyl?

Somehow I don't think science supports that thought.
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Reply #93 posted 10/07/22 7:38am


I read this thread again because "my org" said it had new posts since my last visit (what a cliffhanger way to say something lol) like "when last we met" anyway I just have to say that my emotionally charged rantings have EVERYTHING to do with age and I'm just happy I'm still learning new words like sycophants.

I don't understand the point of this question.

So what if he did and so what if he didn't. Is the way I see it.

Welcome to "the org", heartpeacesheart…
Thread missing or not yet approved
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Reply #94 posted 10/07/22 7:40am


heartpeacesheart said:

I read this thread again because "my org" said it had new posts since my last visit (what a cliffhanger way to say something lol) like "when last we met" anyway I just have to say that my emotionally charged rantings have EVERYTHING to do with age and I'm just happy I'm still learning new words like sycophants.

I don't understand the point of this question.

So what if he did and so what if he didn't. Is the way I see it.

Well, you see what so in the replies above. If he lived alone, it was a failing of his and everyone around him because actually Prince was not a 58 year old man, he was a wittle bay-bee.
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Reply #95 posted 10/09/22 9:42am



HatrinaHaterwitz said:

LoveGalore said:

HatrinaHaterwitz said:

I'm more curious about the fact that Prince died alone. With all the staff, yes men, supposed love interests and such always being with him; all these years later, I truly still do not understand at all, HOW the fuck that happened? confuse

He sent them away.

Okay. Let's start there.

Is that something Prince normally did? Send EVERYBODY including his security personnel away? If so, why hasn't anyone acknowledged that? If not, why isn't anyone acknowledging that? hmm

Lots of lies told there too.
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Reply #96 posted 10/09/22 10:02am


muleFunk said:

HatrinaHaterwitz said:

LoveGalore said:

HatrinaHaterwitz said:

I'm more curious about the fact that Prince died alone. With all the staff, yes men, supposed love interests and such always being with him; all these years later, I truly still do not understand at all, HOW the fuck that happened? confuse

He sent them away.

Okay. Let's start there.

Is that something Prince normally did? Send EVERYBODY including his security personnel away? If so, why hasn't anyone acknowledged that? If not, why isn't anyone acknowledging that? hmm

Lots of lies told there too.

Told where? And where did you find the true information?

Hope this helps.
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Reply #97 posted 10/09/22 1:57pm


paisleyparkgirl said:

TrivialPursuit said:

Doesn't mean she didn't either. Stop with your pseudo narrative of Prince being some isolated, lonely middle-aged man. It's tired.

I am not stating facts, I'm asking questions. Just like any fan, I hope he had someone close to him but that doesn't mean I believe it was Judith.

[Edited 9/18/22 18:09pm]

He was sleeping with her, FFS. She was with him on the flight where he OD'd a week before he died. They were very close.
Deny all you awnt. You SHOULD state facts instead of fantasy.
Are you a guy wanting to hear something else?

Welcome to "the org", laytonian… come bathe with me.
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Reply #98 posted 10/09/22 6:05pm



laytonian said:

paisleyparkgirl said:

I am not stating facts, I'm asking questions. Just like any fan, I hope he had someone close to him but that doesn't mean I believe it was Judith.

[Edited 9/18/22 18:09pm]

He was sleeping with her, FFS. She was with him on the flight where he OD'd a week before he died. They were very close.
Deny all you awnt. You SHOULD state facts instead of fantasy.
Are you a guy wanting to hear something else?

why was she staying in a hotel then ?

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Reply #99 posted 10/10/22 2:47am


I truely hope the mistery of his death will never ever be solved.

That is what I think in my humble opinion what he also wanted.

He lived an extremely private life... from all the information we have so far, we know for sure that He certainly did not wanted anyone to know he was taking pain killers, so go figure.

Honestly. What can it add to Prince's musical legacy anyway of what exactly happened...

Antoher thing... As much as he sang about sex.. we've heard some stories already of how horny - or not - a stalion he was... I leave that for what it's worth.

When I saw the investigation pictures of his death and how he left his bedroom and all other rooms in Paisley Park (untaken care off), my immediate thought was 'poor guy, look how you're living, and how ''the elevator brought you down'', how you're leaving the world... so bizarre yet real, and star-less, also very human even.' And that was OK for me, and still is. No answers needed for me.

[Edited 10/10/22 3:38am]

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts" (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972)
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Reply #100 posted 10/10/22 8:25am


paisleyparkgirl said:

laytonian said:

paisleyparkgirl said:

I am not stating facts, I'm asking questions. Just like any fan, I hope he had someone close to him but that doesn't mean I believe it was Judith.

[Edited 9/18/22 18:09pm]

He was sleeping with her, FFS. She was with him on the flight where he OD'd a week before he died. They were very close.
Deny all you awnt. You SHOULD state facts instead of fantasy.
Are you a guy wanting to hear something else?

why was she staying in a hotel then ?

I mean, there's tons of viable answers to that. First and foremost, Prince was like that.

Do you know if he ever let women watch him put on makeup? I can't recall. It wouldn't surprise me if he was traditional and liked his space and she liked hers. When she provided that info, it didnt stick out to me other than the fact that it's only a 3 star hotel.
[Edited 10/10/22 8:25am]
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Reply #101 posted 10/10/22 11:04am



Vannormal said:

When I saw the investigation pictures of his death and how he left his bedroom and all other rooms in Paisley Park (untaken care off), my immediate thought was 'poor guy, look how you're living, and how ''the elevator brought you down'', how you're leaving the world... so bizarre yet real, and star-less, also very human even.' And that was OK for me, and still is. No answers needed for me.

[Edited 10/10/22 3:38am]

the way he was living the last few months of his life is not an indication of how he lived his entire adult life.

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Reply #102 posted 10/10/22 8:25pm



paisleyparkgirl said:

the way he was living the last few months of his life is not an indication of how he lived his entire adult life.

Yet you're the one theorizing that he was "alone" for the better part of a decade before he died. A decade was 20%+/- of his life.

If you have a problem with me, text me. If you don't have my number, you don't know me well enough to have a problem with me.
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Reply #103 posted 10/10/22 8:28pm



TrivialPursuit said:

paisleyparkgirl said:

the way he was living the last few months of his life is not an indication of how he lived his entire adult life.

Yet you're the one theorizing that he was "alone" for the better part of a decade before he died. A decade was 20%+/- of his life.

Duuude I was asking a question, the title is "DID PRINCE ....?"

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Reply #104 posted 10/11/22 8:42pm


What makes it worse Pepe and Chaka said he was always lonely. That must have been torture living inside of a building the size of an IKEA. I think when Paisley was built he never intended for it to be his primary residence. It just ended up that way. He had houses nearby to live in.

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Reply #105 posted 10/11/22 8:50pm



SanDiegoFunkDaddy said:

What makes it worse Pepe and Chaka said he was always lonely. That must have been torture living inside of a building the size of an IKEA. I think when Paisley was built he never intended for it to be his primary residence. It just ended up that way. He had houses nearby to live in.

From what I've gathered thus far, it seemed like he moved permanently to Paisley around 2015 when his health started deteriorating.

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Reply #106 posted 10/11/22 9:02pm


paisleyparkgirl said:

SanDiegoFunkDaddy said:

What makes it worse Pepe and Chaka said he was always lonely. That must have been torture living inside of a building the size of an IKEA. I think when Paisley was built he never intended for it to be his primary residence. It just ended up that way. He had houses nearby to live in.

From what I've gathered thus far, it seemed like he moved permanently to Paisley around 2015 when his health started deteriorating.

He had been living in Paisley since just after his divorce from Manuela and his letting go of the Toronto/Bridal Path house.
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Reply #107 posted 10/24/22 1:40am


paisleyparkgirl said:

Vannormal said:

When I saw the investigation pictures of his death and how he left his bedroom and all other rooms in Paisley Park (untaken care off), my immediate thought was 'poor guy, look how you're living, and how ''the elevator brought you down'', how you're leaving the world... so bizarre yet real, and star-less, also very human even.' And that was OK for me, and still is. No answers needed for me.

[Edited 10/10/22 3:38am]

the way he was living the last few months of his life is not an indication of how he lived his entire adult life.

I never said that.


By the way, don't forget that Prince also a first class asshole.

He decided everything, how people around him ciruculated, on payroll or not, welcome or not.

He was the tiran of his own camp / creation - and that was his full own right to do so.

People around Prince always were less talented than he was.

He decided what they played, wore, did, said, and sometimes even thought and ate, when they were welcome or simply were out.

I hardly can believe that a man with such power and influence had real good friends on the same level so to speak. But that is a hole other story and perspective of which I have no personal inside information (and all in my humble opinion of course).

But by now we know already so much of those who were able to talk, and others that did not.

It will always be a guess anyways what exactly happened, and so be it, and let it be folks.

He's dead for fucks sake, nothing is ever going to change that.

Looking for someone to blame, or a witch hunt is so has been.

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts" (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972)
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Reply #108 posted 10/26/22 5:37pm


rap said:

laytonian said:

There is someone else, THE person, who he listened to for guidance in the alst 17-18 years of his life. The man who tried to help him "pray it away" BUT was not there for him at a critical moment. Maybe because there wasn't money in it any longer. He'd lived on P's dime for years, been employed by him, toured with him, led him to JW. But when push came to shove, where was HE?
But we know when the investigators went to his door and asked for him, he lied and told him he (himself) was not home. WTF.

Also don't forget that he wanted Tamron to come to MPLS and had also asked Judith to stay longer after the plane landed from Moline.

He was let down by so many.
What should have happened? Someone should have called everyone he'd ever worked with and/or loved, explained the situation and got them to Paisley ASAP and talk to him. Show him love. Like a large intervention.

What about Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins and Meron Burke?

They were not in MPLS nor near Paisley. LG WAS. He was right there, a phone call away IF he'd wanted to be.

Welcome to "the org", laytonian… come bathe with me.
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Reply #109 posted 11/10/22 3:00pm


Everybody on the planet lived alone between 2006-2016 but they need to start paying people back their money. People were all lones.

I can't tell you how I know this, but I do.

Welcome to "the org", heartpeacesheart…
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Reply #110 posted 11/10/22 4:45pm



laytonian said:

rap said:

What about Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins and Meron Burke?

They were not in MPLS nor near Paisley. LG WAS. He was right there, a phone call away IF he'd wanted to be.

Maybe the jehovah witnesses killed Prince because Prince was on his way out same way the NOI killed Malcom X.

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Reply #111 posted 11/10/22 6:20pm


LoveGalore said:

paisleyparkgirl said:

why was she staying in a hotel then ?

I mean, there's tons of viable answers to that. First and foremost, Prince was like that. Do you know if he ever let women watch him put on makeup? I can't recall. It wouldn't surprise me if he was traditional and liked his space and she liked hers. When she provided that info, it didnt stick out to me other than the fact that it's only a 3 star hotel. [Edited 10/10/22 8:25am]

It's the same hotel we've all stayed at and the nicest in Chanhassen (Country Inn). It's decent. Not fancy. It's Chanhassen.

Oh, did a woman ever see him put on makeup?

Welcome to "the org", laytonian… come bathe with me.
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Reply #112 posted 11/10/22 8:35pm


Prince had no idea he was taking fentanyl / counterfeit tablets, this has been stated officially.
Business Manager to Cat Glover.
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Reply #113 posted 11/11/22 10:47am


Who knows at the end of the day, I can hear one interview and hear that PRINCE had so many around him and then hear "he was the loneliest guy I have ever met" this has been said by many. I mean from watching from afar which is all we are doing, it seems like things changed when he stopped touring which would be 2004 pretty much, YES he did still play, but did a lot of residence stops and things like that. He was getting older, more tired maybe, health, pain whatever, you sometimes don't want people around like you used to have. We can debate his final months and years till it rains purple but no one knows, regardless to what anyone says or has accounts for, the man died alone in an elevator, odds are that final week maybe no one was around him at all, who knows.

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Reply #114 posted 11/11/22 12:31pm


lurker316 said:

I got the impression that Prince was very introverted.

Before people jump down my throat, let me point out that introverted does NOT mean shy. Introverted people can be extremely personable, outgoing and "the life of the party". They don't mind interacting with others and being the center of attention . . . but they can only do that for finite periods of time. They absolutely need alone time to recharge.

When an introverted person goes off to be by themselves and recharge (be it working solo in the studio, or sleeping alone in a bed at night while their partner is at the their own place) there is nothing sad or lonely about. To the contrary, being alone, at least for short sints, brings them great happniess and peace.

I got that impression of him, too.

Hell, it’s practically the way I live my very own life.
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Reply #115 posted 11/11/22 11:43pm



I knew from the start that I loved you with all my heart. ♡

“The space between the notes, that’s the good part. How long the space is…that’s how funky it is or how funky it ain’t” - Prince
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Reply #116 posted 11/12/22 4:12am



riot said:

I knew from the start that I loved you with all my heart. ♡ ☆TRUTH♡


I knew from the start that I loved you with all my heart.
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Reply #117 posted 11/12/22 5:55am


laytonian said:

rap said:

laytonian said:

There is someone else, THE person, who he listened to for guidance in the alst 17-18 years of his life. The man who tried to help him "pray it away" BUT was not there for him at a critical moment. Maybe because there wasn't money in it any longer. He'd lived on P's dime for years, been employed by him, toured with him, led him to JW. But when push came to shove, where was HE?
But we know when the investigators went to his door and asked for him, he lied and told him he (himself) was not home. WTF.

Also don't forget that he wanted Tamron to come to MPLS and had also asked Judith to stay longer after the plane landed from Moline.

He was let down by so many.
What should have happened? Someone should have called everyone he'd ever worked with and/or loved, explained the situation and got them to Paisley ASAP and talk to him. Show him love. Like a large intervention.

What about Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins and Meron Burke?

They were not in MPLS nor near Paisley. LG WAS. He was right there, a phone call away IF he'd wanted to be.

What do you mean, if he wanted to be? You're either a call away or not.

And who would be making this call?

From my work in the 12 step program, I've come to learn all the little (and big) manipulative thoughts non-addicts have about being the addict's savior. They think, if only... if only... Yeah no. Addicts don't let you get in their way. They've been nurturing this hunger in the dark when they go to sleep, when they wake up, when they tie their shoes, when they are thinking about important things or unimportant. This romanticized and Disneyfied version of reality where the recovery MacGuffin is a phone call away doesn't really exist and it doesn't help the addict.

Personal responsibility does.

You. Can. Not. Save. An. Addict.
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Reply #118 posted 11/12/22 8:54am


LoveGalore said:

laytonian said:

They were not in MPLS nor near Paisley. LG WAS. He was right there, a phone call away IF he'd wanted to be.

What do you mean, if he wanted to be? You're either a call away or not. And who would be making this call? From my work in the 12 step program, I've come to learn all the little (and big) manipulative thoughts non-addicts have about being the addict's savior. They think, if only... if only... Yeah no. Addicts don't let you get in their way. They've been nurturing this hunger in the dark when they go to sleep, when they wake up, when they tie their shoes, when they are thinking about important things or unimportant. This romanticized and Disneyfied version of reality where the recovery MacGuffin is a phone call away doesn't really exist and it doesn't help the addict. Personal responsibility does. You. Can. Not. Save. An. Addict.

don't you soul clap at me today

MANY people could never save were it NOT for an addict or were it NOT for an addiction

what's the name of this

Welcome to "the org", heartpeacesheart…
Thread missing or not yet approved
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Reply #119 posted 11/12/22 9:36am


heartpeacesheart said:

LoveGalore said:

laytonian said:

They were not in MPLS nor near Paisley. LG WAS. He was right there, a phone call away IF he'd wanted to be.

What do you mean, if he wanted to be? You're either a call away or not. And who would be making this call? From my work in the 12 step program, I've come to learn all the little (and big) manipulative thoughts non-addicts have about being the addict's savior. They think, if only... if only... Yeah no. Addicts don't let you get in their way. They've been nurturing this hunger in the dark when they go to sleep, when they wake up, when they tie their shoes, when they are thinking about important things or unimportant. This romanticized and Disneyfied version of reality where the recovery MacGuffin is a phone call away doesn't really exist and it doesn't help the addict. Personal responsibility does. You. Can. Not. Save. An. Addict.

don't you soul clap at me today

MANY people could never save were it NOT for an addict or were it NOT for an addiction

what's the name of this

Try that again, and this time without the bullshit. It's a serious topic that deserves attention. The sooner non-addicts get this in their head and they drop the sanctimonious crap, the sooner their own healing can begin. The addict is responsible for their own healing and they are the only ones who can bring that healing to their world.
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Did Prince live alone between 2006-2016 ?