Thread started 11/30/21 8:05pmlavendardrumma chine |
Carl's Cousin What's known about this one?
Clip turned up on Youtube with a link to an auction site selling a rehearsell video and lyrics sheet plus more.
It looks like Parade era but they're saying it's 1985. Seems like a gem even if they're goofing around. Carl Weaver was in Sheila's band around 87, I think, maybe it's for him? |
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Reply #1 posted 11/30/21 8:10pm
FragileUnderto w 
Sounds like High Fashion Cant believe my purple psychedelic pimp slap
And I descend from grace, In arms of undertow
I will take my place, In the great below |
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Reply #2 posted 11/30/21 9:43pm
Reply #3 posted 12/01/21 2:51am
lavendardrumma chine |
FragileUndertow said:
Sounds like High Fashion
Oh that's so obvious now that you say it. It's definitely built off High Fashion if not High Fashion with inside joke lyrics.
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Reply #4 posted 12/01/21 10:45am
lavendardrummachine said:
FragileUndertow said:
Sounds like High Fashion
Oh that's so obvious now that you say it. It's definitely built off High Fashion if not High Fashion with inside joke lyrics.
Might be an extended (rehearsal) version of 'High Fashion' (for a live performance...)
Love Prince's silly rhythmless dancemoves. So funny.
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972) |
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Reply #5 posted 12/01/21 3:14pm

I'm wondering what is meant exactly by "original" in that case. Is that the master tape? Or a copy given to Sheila?
Does that mean there's no other copy of that rehearsal/performance in Prince/Iron Mountains' archive? |
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Reply #6 posted 12/01/21 3:24pm
olb99 said:
I'm wondering what is meant exactly by "original" in that case. Is that the master tape? Or a copy given to Sheila?
Does that mean there's no other copy of that rehearsal/performance in Prince/Iron Mountains' archive?
It's already confirmed a better quality and longer version is in the hands of some. And apparently in 1997 it was shopped around (or sold) to bootleggers.
[Edited 12/1/21 7:25am] |
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Reply #7 posted 12/01/21 3:40pm
Def High Fashion music with different lyrics. Same thing he did with Work That Fat and Martika's Kitchen Straight Jacket Funk Affair
Album plays and love for vinyl records. |
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Reply #8 posted 12/01/21 4:52pm
highcalonic |
Great to see some unreleased rehearsals footage! i thought it was Sheila E. next to him but Susannah Melvoin confirmed on twitter that it's her. "You can skate around the issue if you like,
But who's gonna get you high in the middle of the night?" |
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Reply #9 posted 12/02/21 9:59am
JorisE73 said:
olb99 said:
I'm wondering what is meant exactly by "original" in that case. Is that the master tape? Or a copy given to Sheila?
Does that mean there's no other copy of that rehearsal/performance in Prince/Iron Mountains' archive?
It's already confirmed a better quality and longer version is in the hands of some. And apparently in 1997 it was shopped around (or sold) to bootleggers.
[Edited 12/1/21 7:25am]
Strange that since 1997 it didn't appear on any bootleg, right ?
...since it's shopped around amonst bootleggers.
At least not that i know of "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972) |
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Reply #10 posted 12/02/21 10:03am
Vannormal said:
JorisE73 said:
It's already confirmed a better quality and longer version is in the hands of some. And apparently in 1997 it was shopped around (or sold) to bootleggers.
[Edited 12/1/21 7:25am]
Strange that since 1997 it didn't appear on any bootleg, right ?
...since it's shopped around amonst bootleggers.
At least not that i know of
But we all know the source for this BS, right ?
It's just one more among all those never verified so called "information". [Edited 12/2/21 2:04am] |
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Reply #11 posted 12/02/21 11:53am
fredmagnus said:
Vannormal said:
Strange that since 1997 it didn't appear on any bootleg, right ?
...since it's shopped around amonst bootleggers.
At least not that i know of
But we all know the source for this BS, right ?
It's just one more among all those never verified so called "information".
[Edited 12/2/21 2:04am]
No offense but you always claim BS when people actually have seen things. Just because they don't share with you doesn't mean it's BS, you just sound jealous and bitter.
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Reply #12 posted 12/02/21 4:42pm
JorisE73 said:
fredmagnus said:
But we all know the source for this BS, right ?
It's just one more among all those never verified so called "information".
[Edited 12/2/21 2:04am]
No offense but you always claim BS when people actually have seen things. Just because they don't share with you doesn't mean it's BS, you just sound jealous and bitter.
Hi Joris,
No, i'm fine.
Neither jealous nor bitter.
Just stating facts 
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Reply #13 posted 12/02/21 8:33pm

Probably just some bloke called Carl on site that day and he brough his cousin. Prince was rehearsing and playing the fool. If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it! |
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Reply #14 posted 12/02/21 9:17pm
lavendardrumma chine |
lust said:
Probably just some bloke called Carl on site that day and he brough his cousin. Prince was rehearsing and playing the fool.
They're singing about a Carl who seems to be related to half of Oakland. The lyrics sheet is a full song, not just a chorus. It's more of a song than "When Doves Scream" from what I can tell.
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Reply #15 posted 12/02/21 9:39pm
lavendardrumma chine |
JorisE73 said:
It's already confirmed a better quality and longer version is in the hands of some. And apparently in 1997 it was shopped around (or sold) to bootleggers.
[Edited 12/1/21 7:25am]
Longer version than what? The clip they uploaded was a preview, so how could anyone determine that?
For one thing, the topic doesn't seem that interesting to people which in itself is... interesting.
Aren't the insider know it all crowd prone to name dropping the non circulating titles when hoarding credibility? I didn't see a single mention on the Org, so maybe the search isn't complete but if a something was out there since 1997, there would usually be more awareness and yet there's like no anticipation for the first glimpse of it.
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Reply #16 posted 12/03/21 8:27am
fredmagnus said:
JorisE73 said:
No offense but you always claim BS when people actually have seen things. Just because they don't share with you doesn't mean it's BS, you just sound jealous and bitter.
Hi Joris,
No, i'm fine.
Neither jealous nor bitter.
Just stating facts 
But you've stated no facts. Like I said just because these things aren't shared with you (or you don't know where these things are shared) doesn''t mean your claim of BS is a fact. And if you think that the people who verified this "BS" (Susan Rogers, Peggy MCreary, Alan and Eric Leeds, Per Nilsen etc) and more associates are BS well then, OK. I guess you haven't read any Uptown mag or Per Nilsen book or know anything about them.
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Reply #17 posted 12/03/21 8:30am
lavendardrummachine said:
JorisE73 said:
It's already confirmed a better quality and longer version is in the hands of some. And apparently in 1997 it was shopped around (or sold) to bootleggers.
[Edited 12/1/21 7:25am]
Longer version than what? The clip they uploaded was a preview, so how could anyone determine that?
For one thing, the topic doesn't seem that interesting to people which in itself is... interesting.
Aren't the insider know it all crowd prone to name dropping the non circulating titles when hoarding credibility? I didn't see a single mention on the Org, so maybe the search isn't complete but if a something was out there since 1997, there would usually be more awareness and yet there's like no anticipation for the first glimpse of it.
Because it is veriefied that only the 'Carl\s Cousin' part of the rehearsal is on that tape. The full rehearsal has been out for decades it seems. There's a lot of material know one ever mentioned in the hands of few. For example, how many time has Prince's version/demo of Why Should I Love U been mentioned by anyone? That track has been in the hands of some since forever, hell I bet even people on here have it.
[Edited 12/3/21 0:51am] |
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Reply #18 posted 12/03/21 9:11am
love2thenines2 003 
JorisE73 said:
lavendardrummachine said:
Longer version than what? The clip they uploaded was a preview, so how could anyone determine that?
For one thing, the topic doesn't seem that interesting to people which in itself is... interesting.
Aren't the insider know it all crowd prone to name dropping the non circulating titles when hoarding credibility? I didn't see a single mention on the Org, so maybe the search isn't complete but if a something was out there since 1997, there would usually be more awareness and yet there's like no anticipation for the first glimpse of it.
Because it is veriefied that only the 'Carl\s Cousin' part of the rehearsal is on that tape. The full rehearsal has been out for decades it seems. There's a lot of material know one ever mentioned in the hands of few. For example, how many time has Prince's version/demo of Why Should I Love U been mentioned by anyone? That track has been in the hands of some since forever, hell I bet even people on here have it.
[Edited 12/3/21 0:51am]
....and so on.....14 mn version of Studio alternate version of Adore......alt.version longer of All the critics love u in NY....WDC 1st take much produced&longer version....Wally other takes and on and on an on....even ones we are not aware of ! [Edited 12/3/21 1:12am] |
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Reply #19 posted 12/03/21 1:31pm

love2thenines2003 said:
JorisE73 said:
Because it is veriefied that only the 'Carl\s Cousin' part of the rehearsal is on that tape. The full rehearsal has been out for decades it seems. There's a lot of material know one ever mentioned in the hands of few. For example, how many time has Prince's version/demo of Why Should I Love U been mentioned by anyone? That track has been in the hands of some since forever, hell I bet even people on here have it.
[Edited 12/3/21 0:51am]
....and so on.....14 mn version of Studio alternate version of Adore......alt.version longer of All the critics love u in NY....WDC 1st take much produced&longer version....Wally other takes and on and on an on....even ones we are not aware of !
[Edited 12/3/21 1:12am]
The technological singularity will happen before we've heard it all.  |
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Reply #20 posted 12/03/21 8:27pm
lavendardrumma chine |
JorisE73 said:
Because it is veriefied that only the 'Carl\s Cousin' part of the rehearsal is on that tape. The full rehearsal has been out for decades it seems. There's a lot of material know one ever mentioned in the hands of few. For example, how many time has Prince's version/demo of Why Should I Love U been mentioned by anyone? That track has been in the hands of some since forever, hell I bet even people on here have it.
[Edited 12/3/21 0:51am]
We know he did demos of most all songs he submitted to artists. That's not unknown because we didn't think much about it.
Obviously there's rare material, and unknown material even to the insider collector crowd....what there aren't many of, are 20+ year old secrets about that rare material. We usually hear about the names of rumored material, even if the names sound like a fan made them up.
This one doesn't exist in studio form, most likely. Full rehearsal tapes are fun, and that one looks like a good time, but you're missing the point, the interest here if there is any, is the unreleased variation of a song.
Okay though, the rehearsal has been out, and none of the know it alls recognized Carl's Cousin was notable? Still don't?
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Reply #21 posted 12/03/21 8:33pm
lavendardrumma chine |
love2thenines2003 said:
....and so on.....14 mn version of Studio alternate version of Adore......alt.version longer of All the critics love u in NY....WDC 1st take much produced&longer version....Wally other takes and on and on an on....even ones we are not aware of !
[Edited 12/3/21 1:12am]
If all those even exist, they're at least talked about and rumored, and people bragged about having this or that. We're not at the point where if the Prince hoarders don't acknowledge it or brag about it, then it doesn't count. Who cares if Questlove or Blah Blah had it on their shelf for two decades?
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Reply #22 posted 12/04/21 7:59am
love2thenines2 003 
lavendardrummachine said:
love2thenines2003 said:
....and so on.....14 mn version of Studio alternate version of Adore......alt.version longer of All the critics love u in NY....WDC 1st take much produced&longer version....Wally other takes and on and on an on....even ones we are not aware of !
[Edited 12/3/21 1:12am]
If all those even exist, they're at least talked about and rumored, and people bragged about having this or that. We're not at the point where if the Prince hoarders don't acknowledge it or brag about it, then it doesn't count. Who cares if Questlove or Blah Blah had it on their shelf for two decades?
I can assure u that these versions do EXIST & circulating but not for us fans or general Public ! |
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Reply #23 posted 12/04/21 1:53pm
lavendardrummachine said:
Obviously there's rare material, and unknown material even to the insider collector crowd....what there aren't many of, are 20+ year old secrets about that rare material. We usually hear about the names of rumored material, even if the names sound like a fan made them up.
Okay though, the rehearsal has been out, and none of the know it alls recognized Carl's Cousin was notable? Still don't?
Obviously nothing is being shared (anymore) here on but this rehearsal has been discussed before. For the last few years a lot has been shared on another semi-public place and nothing has been mentioned about those thing on here. A lot of things verified by associates and teh recent releases. The person who mentioned this rehearsal thought this was already widely circulating among us regulars that;s why he was surprised of it 'special' mention, because apparently it has been shopped around since '97. That's all.
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Reply #24 posted 12/04/21 8:20pm
lavendardrumma chine |
love2thenines2003 said:
I can assure u that these versions do EXIST & circulating but not for us fans or general Public !
Nah. There are other versions of Wally, but it's not the mythical original. Yeah people apparently have longer versions of All the Critics, and Adore but don't lump that in with the original WDC.
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