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Question about the book The Rise (and Fall) of Prince I was wondering why did the authors end the book at that particular time (the fall, I get it), why did they not write a follow up to it? Thanks. | |
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Possessed: The Rise and Fall of Prince (Alex Hahn) was first published in 2003, covering Prince's career up until 2002. The Rise of Prince: 1958-1988 was released earlier this year, co-authored by Alex Hahn and Laura Tiebert, drawing upon, and updating material from Alex's previous book, and providing a prologue covering the events of 2016.
ALT+PLS+RTN: Pure as a pane of ice. It's a gift. | |
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If I remember correctly I asked him if there was going to be a follow up when we were doing the book club. He said that he MIGHT but it takes quite a bit of time to do a book, and right now he and Laura were pretty busy.
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That would be great if he could come full circle and complete one on the latter half of Prince's life. I Love U, But I Don't Trust U Anymore... | |
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Mmmh... That's the issue with many artists' biographies: of course P's life lasted 57 years so 1989-2016 is the later half of his life, but too often it feels to me like 1978-1988 is considered one half of his career, and 1989-2016 the other. Well... no. A COMPREHENSIVE PRINCE DISCOGRAPHY (work in progress ^^): | |
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Just a couple of weeks ago, Alex Hahn asked followers on FB (believe it was on the Make The House Shake page) what they thought about the possibility that he and Laura Tiebert doing an expanded version of the book - expanding some chapters and the prologue as they have come across new information since the time they released the book. People were generally supportive of that but many seemed interested in a "next volume" picking up where they previously left off. Alex had stated in his initial comment that it would be quite a task and didn't seem that he was leaning in that direction - however, a comment was made by a follower that they would like a follow up at least covering 1989-2000 to which Laura had a positive reply. I think they both spent a tremendous amount of time on the project and, perhaps in time they will want to continue. "Remember when you told me that love was touching souls?" ☔️ A Case of You ☔️ | |
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I hope so but that is a tremendous amount of work to cover years even up to 2000. I hope someone will take on the project of doing that in the future. Alex did include a segment about Prince's last days in the new edition. "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato | |
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Thanks. So I guess it's impossible to get hold of the book covering his career up until 2002?
Also, I wonder why did he not update that one, instead of publishing a new one and stopping at 1988? It was a nice read, but too short. | |
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ALT+PLS+RTN: Pure as a pane of ice. It's a gift. | |
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Musze said:
That would be great if he could come full circle and complete one on the latter half of Prince's life. YES, PLEASE, ALEX!! ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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PennyPurple said: If I remember correctly I asked him if there was going to be a follow up when we were doing the book club. He said that he MIGHT but it takes quite a bit of time to do a book, and right now he and Laura were pretty busy.
Me too. And you did a great job as moderator, Penny😊 | |
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A better question would be what were your motives for writing Possessed? | |
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Hi all, glad to see the discussion here. As mentioned by one of the commenters, we've had a very helpful dialogue over at Make the House Shake, our Facebook group. We initially posed the question about whether to do a special edition of "The Rise of Prince" with expanded content. Several thought-provoking comments reopened a discussion of a potential Volume 2, the years it would span, etc. We first discussed covering 1989-2000 but are also debating whether it makes sense to cover Prince's life and work further into the 2000s.
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Hi, Laura, thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes, a follow up book would be very interesting and I'm sure many people would be buying that. I enjoyed your book, liked the way it was written, all the research and information. Stopping at Prince in the 80s seems to be a "crime", imo, since both his career and life took many turns after Sign O' the Times. There was the major incident with Warner Bros, the slave periods, his marriage and the loss of his son, Prince the family man, the opening up more, all his charity work that I believe should really be mentioned, his continued proteges and collaborators, the body of work he continued to create, his chosen forms of releasing new albums/material, the 21 nights in London, I could be here all night. There is way more richness to be discussed further. I believe this will take you guys some time, but you already have more written up until 2000, right? I'm sorry for my English, I hope I managed to express myself well enough.
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Your English is more than fine! Yes, we do have more material already at our disposal. In addition, since Prince's death, information continues to surface - in published books, a bazillion articles, podcasts and more. That presents its own unique challenges, in wading through the available information and making sense of it all. But it's certainly preferable to a lack of information.
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We know their motives. Someone is going to come along a do a really good documentary on Prince about his music and his life. | |
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I hope its Spike Lee ...some one who genuinely LOVED Prince , and had a relationship with him... | |
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Spike Lee? If he does something about Prince like he did about those Michael Jackson albums... then it'll not be the documentary I want. . I guess it's time for Wendy & Lisa to do something about Prince's life. Maybe with Susan Rogers. At least they tell the real story as opposed to the Prince myth. . On a more serious note, I think a "part two" to this book would be great, but I think that the time it would take to create is going to be years.. I'd buy the book in a minute and offer any help I can give, but I think it's going to be a major investment of time by whoever is going to attempt this. It definitely is not going to be a financially sound decision, as I think the revenue of such an attempt is not going to be much. . However, if you can make the time, Alex and Laura, then please do. We need more well balanced, well researched and well written books about Prince. Paisley Park is in your heart - Love Is Here! | |
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Im selected Spike Lee for his heart, as For Wendy and Lisa...Im more interested in Prince after 2004..From Musicology onwards he made massive shifts in his behavoiurs and grew up, not without struggle, but he achieved a gentlemanly status, known for his patience, love and generosity.
Im interested in Princes evolution not just as a Musician, but as a person,
because thats where we will all Learn the most.
Finances, a person who has the heart to do it properly will easily raise the finances to do so...
and its not all about making Money either.
Its about honouring a person who has affected both black and white history, in profound ways.
Prince is an extremely RARE Individual, He lived his life Fully as Himself, allowing spontaneous expression to manifest as beautiful art.I have never known anyone, ever ,who was as FREE as He.
Currently the world is being told all about his musical abilities, in this hyper early years , however, his creativity expanded, beyond music, and his mind came to embrace all religious doctrines as One Song..
I am a grandmother of three, Ive seen a thing or two in this life
but Prince is WAY..
He really cant be explained easily,
a religion unto his own self.... | |
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Interesting, cause that's where he said his written memoires would end, the Superbowl. | |
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You know our motives? What exactly do you think they are? Please explain yourself. | |
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Thanks for this thoughtful input. We are also aware that to do a part 2 well is a huge investment of time and energy, and without an advance from a traditional publisher, we will have no compensation to carry us through. Not to be undertaken lightly! | |
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Ironically, that's where Bruce Springsteen's recent autobiography ends... "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato | |
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Wow, now that you mention it, I do recall that Prince said he'd end on the Superbowl. Thanks for the reminder! He did know how to tell a story, that's for sure. About Springsteen - great catch. I guess he was taking a page out of Prince's playbook. We'll be back with updates on our decision and as always are grateful for the input and support. | |
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luvgirl said:
And corrects facts that were proven not to be true. | |
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Like what, for instance? | |
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mediumdry said: Spike Lee? If he does something about Prince like he did about those Michael Jackson albums... then it'll not be the documentary I want. . I guess it's time for Wendy & Lisa to do something about Prince's life. Maybe with Susan Rogers. At least they tell the real story as opposed to the Prince myth. . On a more serious note, I think a "part two" to this book would be great, but I think that the time it would take to create is going to be years.. I'd buy the book in a minute and offer any help I can give, but I think it's going to be a major investment of time by whoever is going to attempt this. It definitely is not going to be a financially sound decision, as I think the revenue of such an attempt is not going to be much. . However, if you can make the time, Alex and Laura, then please do. We need more well balanced, well researched and well written books about Prince. --Let the whitewash begin. Well Spilke has already said when things settle down he is going to work with the family to do a documentary. So get ready. Makes no sense that people he had not worked with in years should be the experts but you know that had to teach Prince about jazz and he was not even grateful. | |
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