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Reply #30 posted 09/13/17 10:00am


PeteSilas said:

johnnyribcage said:

laurarichardson said:

johnnyribcage said: He dabbled in drugs as a recreational drug user? How do you know this? Who in over a year and a half has said this?

At the risk of going down the rabbit hole, it is pretty well known he was on E when he decided to pull the Black album. You don't just say, "Hey, I've never done a drug before, but I'm going to have some E today just this once." If he was on E, it probably wasn't the first time, but even if it was, you'd be niave to think he never did anything before it. Or probably after. Pretty obvious he didn't do much (that was the point of my post). But he absolutely would have wanted to experience the same highs his musical heros did, even if just to try it out. You're going to tell me he toured all that time with Rick James, lifted huge chunks of his act and sound wholesale, and didn't try a little toot of coke here and there? Come on...

rick said the dude was so clean that he forced some alcohol down his throat, wish he'd stayed that way. I heard about the wine drinking years ago, but never heard about drugs until the black album story. He was certainly inconsisten when it came to drugs, they were a firing offense for his band and he chided the Time in song for messing with cocaine. Also, many people swear up and down that he was clean in those years, susan rodgers mentions that he was always sober in the studio and seems to have only encountered him on drugs the one time that she saw him during the black album episode. So, either Prince was someone who functioned perfectly normal on drugs or he only did it at certain times and somehow hid it really well.

Wine drinking? Oh my goodness, the horror. lol Unless the guy was getting hammered off wine I don’t even see why it even comes in to the conversation. I don’t know if PP was always alcohol free but in later years it certainly was. Adrian Crutchfield told a story about how he and a couple other horn players smuggled some alcohol into PP without Prince knowing because no alcohol was allowed in the building.
Paisley Park is in your heart
#PrinceForever 💜
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Reply #31 posted 09/13/17 10:27am


rogifan said:

PeteSilas said:

rick said the dude was so clean that he forced some alcohol down his throat, wish he'd stayed that way. I heard about the wine drinking years ago, but never heard about drugs until the black album story. He was certainly inconsisten when it came to drugs, they were a firing offense for his band and he chided the Time in song for messing with cocaine. Also, many people swear up and down that he was clean in those years, susan rodgers mentions that he was always sober in the studio and seems to have only encountered him on drugs the one time that she saw him during the black album episode. So, either Prince was someone who functioned perfectly normal on drugs or he only did it at certain times and somehow hid it really well.

Wine drinking? Oh my goodness, the horror. lol Unless the guy was getting hammered off wine I don’t even see why it even comes in to the conversation. I don’t know if PP was always alcohol free but in later years it certainly was. Adrian Crutchfield told a story about how he and a couple other horn players smuggled some alcohol into PP without Prince knowing because no alcohol was allowed in the building.

his image was completely against anything in those days so his wine drinking was a bit of a contradiction. Wendy says their relationship began to go downhill from the time he chewed her out over having a beer in public. He's the one who wanted to put out that image and he probably felt ashamed when he failed to live up to it. Is it a big deal? to some people it might be. I wasn't saying it in a judgemental way, i was saying that that was the only story i heard of about him and any kind of intoxicant in the early days. In an early interview he spoke against getting high, and there is also a story he got sick drinking from his parents alcohol collection and it ruined drinking for him. Either way, he had some issues at different points i think it's safe to say.

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Reply #32 posted 09/13/17 12:46pm


Pete, they have some good non-opioid things you can take for migraines now. I took them before and they do work. Do some research and ask your doctor.

"if you can't clap on the one, then don't clap at all"
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Reply #33 posted 09/13/17 12:47pm


poppys said:

Pete, they have some good non-opioid things you can take for migraines now. I took them before and they do work. Do some research and ask your doctor.

and you might want to try Cannibas oil...

It has the intoxicating part taken out and works like a dream for even the most serious pain..

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Reply #34 posted 09/13/17 12:56pm


Lovejunky said:

poppys said:

Pete, they have some good non-opioid things you can take for migraines now. I took them before and they do work. Do some research and ask your doctor.

and you might want to try Cannibas oil...

It has the intoxicating part taken out and works like a dream for even the most serious pain..

Do you know if you can get that in any state?

"if you can't clap on the one, then don't clap at all"
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Reply #35 posted 09/13/17 2:02pm


poppys said:

Lovejunky said:

and you might want to try Cannibas oil...

It has the intoxicating part taken out and works like a dream for even the most serious pain..

Do you know if you can get that in any state?

I dont sorry..Im in Australia

Its easy to obtain here though still illegal

I tell you...

it works...its not addicitive and apparently Heals on a cellular level

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Reply #36 posted 09/13/17 3:24pm


PeteSilas said:

rogifan said:

PeteSilas said:

rick said the dude was so clean that he forced some alcohol down his throat, wish he'd stayed that way. I heard about the wine drinking years ago, but never heard about drugs until the black album story. He was certainly inconsisten when it came to drugs, they were a firing offense for his band and he chided the Time in song for messing with cocaine. Also, many people swear up and down that he was clean in those years, susan rodgers mentions that he was always sober in the studio and seems to have only encountered him on drugs the one time that she saw him during the black album episode. So, either Prince was someone who functioned perfectly normal on drugs or he only did it at certain times and somehow hid it really well.

Wine drinking? Oh my goodness, the horror. lol Unless the guy was getting hammered off wine I don’t even see why it even comes in to the conversation. I don’t know if PP was always alcohol free but in later years it certainly was. Adrian Crutchfield told a story about how he and a couple other horn players smuggled some alcohol into PP without Prince knowing because no alcohol was allowed in the building.

his image was completely against anything in those days so his wine drinking was a bit of a contradiction. Wendy says their relationship began to go downhill from the time he chewed her out over having a beer in public. He's the one who wanted to put out that image and he probably felt ashamed when he failed to live up to it. Is it a big deal? to some people it might be. I wasn't saying it in a judgemental way, i was saying that that was the only story i heard of about him and any kind of intoxicant in the early days. In an early interview he spoke against getting high, and there is also a story he got sick drinking from his parents alcohol collection and it ruined drinking for him. Either way, he had some issues at different points i think it's safe to say.

I guessing never really paid attention to his comments on alcohol. For me it would depend on the situation. I’m not a big wine drinker at all but ever now and then I’ll have a glass with dinner. Or if it’s a special occasion I might have a glass of champagne. I don’t know Prince’s situation other than in later years at least no alcohol was allowed or served at Paisley Park. Same with smoking. I don’t even think you could smoke in the parking lot.
Paisley Park is in your heart
#PrinceForever 💜
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Reply #37 posted 09/13/17 9:42pm


poppys said:

Pete, they have some good non-opioid things you can take for migraines now. I took them before and they do work. Do some research and ask your doctor.

i think i'll be ok, depending on what's going on in my life, i haven't been getting that many but thefirst thing that happens when i get overworked or overstressed, or sick or anything, is it triggers migraines. I understand the logic of some drug use,you can lose a lot of time being in pain because you can't really be productive, for me that's a bigger problem than just the pain. I don't like losing time.

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Reply #38 posted 09/13/17 10:06pm


laurarichardson said:

johnnyribcage said:

My presumption is, besides it being one of those once in a generation voices, a lot of it comes down to technique and not living a typical rock lifestyle.

Technique: A lot of the great screamers use a technique that enables them to sound like they're screaming harder than they actually are. Some singers can make it sound like they're screaming but they're really not vocalizing any louder/harder than they would with a normal vocal.I know how to do it, it just doesn't sound that great when I do it.

Lifestyle: At one point or another in their careers, the majority of rockers and singers either smoked, did hard drugs, drank heavily (hard liquor), and sometimes all 3. That, even for a short time, will ravage a great set of vocal cords. Prince definitely dabbled in drugs, but he wasn't a smoker or hard drinker. Just some wine here and there from my understanding.

He dabbled in drugs as a recreational drug user? How do you know this? Who in over a year and a half has said this?

Now you're just trolling disbelief

The world's problems like climate change can only be solved through strategic long-term thinking, not expediency. In other words all the govts. need sacking!

If you can add value to someone's life then why not. Especially if it colors their days...
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Reply #39 posted 09/13/17 10:22pm


fortuneandserendipity said:

laurarichardson said:

johnnyribcage said: He dabbled in drugs as a recreational drug user? How do you know this? Who in over a year and a half has said this?

Now you're just trolling disbelief

NO...SHe wants to know WHERE Is the evidence that he was a recreational Drug USER ???

WHo said that he was...? WHere is there even a hint ?

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Reply #40 posted 09/14/17 2:20am



Lovejunky said:

fortuneandserendipity said:

Now you're just trolling disbelief

NO...SHe wants to know WHERE Is the evidence that he was a recreational Drug USER ???

WHo said that he was...? WHere is there even a hint ?

SMH Just because Prince might have tried X once and may have tried other things a couple of times does not make him a "recreational drug user." Many people "try" drugs a couple of times in their youth but don't do it again. In fact, all the evidence thus far points to Prince as someone who was against drug addiction and abuse; the fact that he became addicted to a perscription pain killer does not change that. Many people who were never "recreational drug addicts" can find themselves becoming dependent on perscription drugs later in life when they suffer from unceasing physical pain. That is the one and only comment I will make on this unending already exhausted topic. confused

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #41 posted 09/14/17 2:23am


purplethunder3121 said:

Lovejunky said:

NO...SHe wants to know WHERE Is the evidence that he was a recreational Drug USER ???

WHo said that he was...? WHere is there even a hint ?

SMH Just because Prince might have tried X once and may have tried other things a couple of times does not make him a "recreational drug user." Many people "try" drugs a couple of times in their youth but don't do it again. In fact, all the evidence thus far points to Prince as someone who was against drug addiction and abuse; the fact that he became addicted to a perscription pain killer does not change that. Many people who were never "recreational drug addicts" can find themselves becoming dependent on perscription drugs later in life when they suffer from unceasing physical pain. That is the one and only comment I will make on this unending already exhausted topic. confused

who knows, we weren't there, i've known a couple guys who tried marijuana once, had a bad trip, and didn't do it again, or didn't do it again for years because of it. What Prince had as it was described was a bad trip, whether he did the stuff all the time, some of the time, i don't think many of us know.

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Reply #42 posted 09/14/17 2:25am


purplethunder3121 said:

Lovejunky said:

fortuneandserendipity said:

Now you're just trolling disbelief

NO...SHe wants to know WHERE Is the evidence that he was a recreational Drug USER ???

WHo said that he was...? WHere is there even a hint ?

SMH Just because Prince might have tried X once and may have tried other things a couple of times does not make him a "recreational drug user." Many people "try" drugs a couple of times in their youth but don't do it again. In fact, all the evidence thus far points to Prince as someone who was against drug addiction and abuse; the fact that he became addicted to a perscription pain killer does not change that. Many people who were never "recreational drug addicts" can find themselves becoming dependent on perscription drugs later in life when they suffer from unceasing physical pain. That is the one and only comment I will make on this unending already exhausted topic. confused

This. Not hard to comprehend.
Paisley Park is in your heart
#PrinceForever 💜
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Reply #43 posted 09/14/17 10:17pm


poppys said:

Lovejunky said:

and you might want to try Cannibas oil...

It has the intoxicating part taken out and works like a dream for even the most serious pain..

Do you know if you can get that in any state?

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Reply #44 posted 09/15/17 1:04am



did someone mention the sweet leaf!? cool

luvsexy4all said:

poppys said:

Do you know if you can get that in any state?

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Reply #45 posted 09/15/17 3:29am


Way to gain a Mad Cats Attention !!! lol

MD431Madcat said:

did someone mention the sweet leaf!? cool

luvsexy4all said:

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Reply #46 posted 09/15/17 4:30am


^^ Nice crop, Mad. I've seen the oil for sale online. Sounds good for topical aches and pains.

"if you can't clap on the one, then don't clap at all"
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Reply #47 posted 09/15/17 2:37pm


67Cadillac said:

I wonder how much of it had to do with the fact that Prince did very little belting in his modal / chest range. His chest voice was quite underdeveloped compared to his falsetto.

I think that's a big part of it. His falsetto was one of the best in the business but compared to lots of other singers/his peers he didn't use his 'real voice' as much as they did. That's why/where you notice decline in singers voices in their later years.
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Reply #48 posted 09/15/17 2:42pm


Bodhitheblackdog said:

luvsexy4all said:

thebanishedone said:

Prince did use drugs,to which extent i don't know but his former associate girl ,singer and former lover told me that Prince did experiment with drugs with his inner circle.and no i don't want to tell who is the source but that girl was there for almost a decade. cool

too much truth for these people on here...

and I was told by an associate that near the end it had become a "horror show and everybody was waiting around for someone else to do something...everyone knew...and it had been going on for a long time."

OK everyone, back to your favorite album lists.

Really?!?! Did they say why they didn't do anything?
Not doing anything is just as bad as being an enabler
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Reply #49 posted 09/15/17 8:08pm


purple05 said:

Bodhitheblackdog said:

and I was told by an associate that near the end it had become a "horror show and everybody was waiting around for someone else to do something...everyone knew...and it had been going on for a long time."

OK everyone, back to your favorite album lists.

Really?!?! Did they say why they didn't do anything? Not doing anything is just as bad as being an enabler

do something about what? his drug use?

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Reply #50 posted 09/15/17 8:33pm


luvsexy4all said:

purple05 said:

Bodhitheblackdog said: Really?!?! Did they say why they didn't do anything? Not doing anything is just as bad as being an enabler

do something about what? his drug use?

Not doing anything IS being an enabler; it signals to the addict that his/her circumstance is normal, OK, not a problem. It also reassures the addict that they are still loved, admired, etc. 'of course, there's nothing wrong with you, of course you have everything under control.'

Those were Prince's hot buttons.

A wise friend once told me "denial is the strongest human emotion."

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Reply #51 posted 09/15/17 8:45pm


^^ Let's not deny that this thread is about Prince's vocal cords. Every thread is not about drug use, PLEASE.

"if you can't clap on the one, then don't clap at all"
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Reply #52 posted 09/15/17 11:28pm


I'll take the blame on this diverison. I threw a one off line in a longer post earlier about dabbling (see definition of dabbling btw and chill out, those that are butt hurt by my assertion), and it got picked up on. I responded, and the first thing I said was "At the risk of going down the rabbit hole..."
And here we are. Would have probably gotten there one way or another though.

Can we all agree that Prince had some once in a generation pipes, he mostly took care of himself, and he was a highly schooled (self or otherwise) expert in vocal techniques, and all of that probably led to his preservation of range and tone?

I'm sure there are a shitload of drug threads waiting to be revived or a new one should you so choose to start one. I say get off the drug talk and let's talk vocals.

Bob... Ain't dat a bitch?
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Reply #53 posted 09/16/17 4:34am


anyway, in my opinion, prince was so good because he always stayed on his chops and didn't abuse his voice. consistency and car beat all else. same with anything, if you get fat and out of shape whereas you were once in great shape, you simply will not be able to do the same things. The voice shows the lifestyle of a person, lots of singers who were, maybe not great, but ok singers can't sing at all anymore and some really good ones just let themselves go. Then you have guys like Prince or Springsteen who weren't even the best natural vocalists of their time but they only got better and better. Billy Joel usually sounds pretty good, McCartney sounds phenomenal for his age but even great singers who let themselves go just cannot get onstage and sound like their old selves. Whitney is a good example, some say Robert Plant can't sing anymore, from what i've seen he's done ok, some people have said Michael Jackson blew his voice out on the bad tour and that's why he lipsynced after that. Michael certainly wasn't what he once was at the time of This Is It, he seemed afraid to even sing in the documentary, worried about using up all his voice, I never saw Prince or Springsteen worried about using up their voice because they knew they had a reliable tool that they worked on all the time.

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Reply #54 posted 09/17/17 8:05pm




Lovejunky said:

Way to gain a Mad Cats Attention !!! lol

MD431Madcat said:

did someone mention the sweet leaf!? cool

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Reply #55 posted 09/18/17 11:45am


Lovejunky said:

fortuneandserendipity said:

Now you're just trolling disbelief

NO...SHe wants to know WHERE Is the evidence that he was a recreational Drug USER ???

WHo said that he was...? WHere is there even a hint ?

The mid 80s performance of purple rain where he's sweating his tits off. Or the early 90s gig where he can be seen smoking something. Are you seriously telling me he never experimented as a 'recreational drug user'? All drug experimenting qualifies as recreational use. The drugs would have found him. As they do all pop stars and movie stars. He would have had to say 'NO' more times than a stubborn laura richardson.

The world's problems like climate change can only be solved through strategic long-term thinking, not expediency. In other words all the govts. need sacking!

If you can add value to someone's life then why not. Especially if it colors their days...
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Reply #56 posted 09/18/17 9:55pm


fortuneandserendipity said:

Lovejunky said:

NO...SHe wants to know WHERE Is the evidence that he was a recreational Drug USER ???

WHo said that he was...? WHere is there even a hint ?

The mid 80s performance of purple rain where he's sweating his tits off. Or the early 90s gig where he can be seen smoking something. Are you seriously telling me he never experimented as a 'recreational drug user'? All drug experimenting qualifies as recreational use. The drugs would have found him. As they do all pop stars and movie stars. He would have had to say 'NO' more times than a stubborn laura richardson.

could be, I don't think we know much. I did see the puff of smoke and i wouldn't doubt an authority like Susan rogers who said his pupils were dilated when he called her too PP before the during the release of the black album. I don't know which performance of Purple Rain you are referring to, i'd like totake a look. That business is rife with snakes and drugs no doubt about it. Its a very nasty business when you consider the people who have power in it, they are the type to do anything to have gotten to where they are, hence, not good people. then, all the wierdness that celebrity attracts and the crazy women it would take a strong person to handle. Bruce Springsteen seems to be the only one I can think of (may be others that I don't know much about) who has managed to never let drugs get into his own life, he has seemed to be surprisingly strict when it comes to the groupies too. However, many people have said, susan rogers included, that during their times working together they never saw any evidence of him using anything. So it seems that he either dabbled, went through stages of use, or experimented up until his pain pill addiction.

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Reply #57 posted 09/19/17 12:14am


Okay. This is officially yet another drug thread with nothing new. We all know how he died, enough. It's just sad to me that this is what people want to dwell on. Sweating, ffs? I'm out. dove dove

"if you can't clap on the one, then don't clap at all"
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Reply #58 posted 09/19/17 12:23am


if he did, it never seemed to effect his voice, god bless him for keeping his tools sharp if nothing else.

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Reply #59 posted 09/20/17 5:07am


fortuneandserendipity said:

Lovejunky said:

NO...SHe wants to know WHERE Is the evidence that he was a recreational Drug USER ???

WHo said that he was...? WHere is there even a hint ?

The mid 80s performance of purple rain where he's sweating his tits off. Or the early 90s gig where he can be seen smoking something. Are you seriously telling me he never experimented as a 'recreational drug user'? All drug experimenting qualifies as recreational use. The drugs would have found him. As they do all pop stars and movie stars. He would have had to say 'NO' more times than a stubborn laura richardson.

that was 30+Years ago...and I addressed this in another post where I asked WHO amongst us has NEVER Experimented...

my ABOVE Comment was relevant to Lauras point that People are trying to pin recreational Drug use next to Princes name...

Recreational means one uses drugs to get HIGH relax, unwind, socialise,

Prince may have dabbled..more than once in his younger years, .

which I also addressed in another post..

MUSIC was his way of socialising, unwinding, relaxing, partying etc etc...

And I doubt he would have had to say NO very often if at all....

Do YOU Seriously think anyone in their right mind,

knowing that Prince would sack a person for just the hint of cigarette smoke on a mic,


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