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Thread started 09/15/16 2:09pm



Guardian "Transcendance" Interview with Prince at Paisley Park

This tidbit reminds me of Prince's last days at Paisley Park and presumbly what he would have been doing before he passed. It's from an older interview. It also makes me wonder if Prince practiced Transendental Medidation or any other type.

"He’s keen to emphasise that it’s an urge that’s never left him. Last night, he says, he sat here alone, after everyone else had gone home, and played and sang for three hours straight. “I just couldn’t stop,” he says. He’d got “in the zone … like an out-of-body experience”: it felt like he was sitting in the audience watching himself. “That’s what you want. Transcendence. When that happens” – he shakes his head – “Oh, boy.”

Still, it seems an oddly lonely image: sitting in an empty building in the middle of nowhere in the small hours. It makes me think of a heartbreaking interview he gave to Rolling Stone in the mid-80s, when he was clearly struggling to come to terms with the isolating effects of global superstardom.

He invited the writer back to his house and confided that his then-girlfriend had offered to show up while the journalist was there “to make it seem like you have friends come by”, but Prince had declined because “that would be lying”. I ask if there’s anything he still misses from the years before he became one of the biggest stars in the world.

“No,” he says firmly. “These days, I can get more done. I’m far more respected than I was before, when I say something with regard to changes in the music industry.”

[Edited 9/15/16 7:20am]

fan for life
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Reply #1 posted 09/15/16 3:52pm



A lot of celebrities, and non-celebrities of course, practice TM. It's not religious, it's just a meditation, twice a day, to clear the mind. People swear by it, and it's changed some folk's lives in helping them focus, and reset every day. Although, with Prince never wanting to stick to the norm of things, I have doubts if he practiced TM. His religion probably became his meditation. But who knows. (It'd be funny if his mantra was Oobey Doop or something. hahaha)

As far as Prince's comment with playing music, any musician probably knows what he means. At least I hope t hey do. I've hit those moments before where I'm playing and time ceases to exist, and you can literally feel the gift flowing through you. You can't stop playing, every note you hit is just right, and every chord is perfection. Call it 'in the zone' or whatever, but when it does happen, it's magic.

It seems a bit dramatic to say he was "sitting in an empty building in the middle of nowhere". It wasn't just a building, it was his home. It's where some of his greatest work was created. Sure it's a big place, but what's the difference in living at your studio vs. living in an 8K sq ft mansion alone, and sitting in your man cave watching The Shawshank Redemption at 3am? Whether it's a studio apartment or a mansion, we're all alone at some point. We all have lonely moments.

Sorry, it's the Hodgkin's talking.
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Reply #2 posted 09/15/16 4:12pm



I usually don't believe things people say that Prince said. I'd have to hear/see the words coming out of his mouth.

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Reply #3 posted 09/15/16 4:20pm

rogifan this interview Trevor Guy says Prince wasn't living at PP. I wonder where he was living then?
Paisley Park is in your heart
#PrinceForever 💜
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Reply #4 posted 09/15/16 4:42pm



rogifan said: this interview Trevor Guy says Prince wasn't living at PP. I wonder where he was living then?

Who is Trevor Guy?

There was rumor that he had recently purchased a house on Dakota Avenue, not far from Paisley Park. However, all signs do point to him maintaining a residence at PP.

Sorry, it's the Hodgkin's talking.
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Reply #5 posted 09/15/16 4:47pm


TrivialPursuit said:

rogifan said: this interview Trevor Guy says Prince wasn't living at PP. I wonder where he was living then?

Who is Trevor Guy?

There was rumor that he had recently purchased a house on Dakota Avenue, not far from Paisley Park. However, all signs do point to him maintaining a residence at PP.

I believe he's Donna Grantis's husband.
Paisley Park is in your heart
#PrinceForever 💜
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Reply #6 posted 09/15/16 4:47pm



Yeah he's talking about that zone u go into when creating & everything just flows cloud9
"We just let people talk & say whatever they want 2 say. 9 times out of 10, trust me, what's out there now, I wouldn't give nary one of these folks the time of day. That's why I don't say anything back, because there's so much that's wrong" - P, Dec '15
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Reply #7 posted 09/15/16 6:18pm


NinaB said:

Yeah he's talking about that zone u go into when creating & everything just flows cloud9

And time ceases to exist. Happens when I write. I get into that zone then suddenly hours have flown by.

Love when that happens!
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Reply #8 posted 09/15/16 6:23pm



LBrent said:

NinaB said:

Yeah he's talking about that zone u go into when creating & everything just flows cloud9

And time ceases to exist. Happens when I write. I get into that zone then suddenly hours have flown by.

Love when that happens!

It's the best biggrin Dancing & drawing do it 4 me.
"We just let people talk & say whatever they want 2 say. 9 times out of 10, trust me, what's out there now, I wouldn't give nary one of these folks the time of day. That's why I don't say anything back, because there's so much that's wrong" - P, Dec '15
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Reply #9 posted 09/15/16 6:32pm


NinaB said:

LBrent said:

And time ceases to exist. Happens when I write. I get into that zone then suddenly hours have flown by.

Love when that happens!

It's the best biggrin Dancing & drawing do it 4 me.

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Reply #10 posted 09/15/16 6:33pm



LBrent said:

NinaB said:

It's the best biggrin Dancing & drawing do it 4 me.


"We just let people talk & say whatever they want 2 say. 9 times out of 10, trust me, what's out there now, I wouldn't give nary one of these folks the time of day. That's why I don't say anything back, because there's so much that's wrong" - P, Dec '15
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Reply #11 posted 09/15/16 6:41pm



the death certificated stated that his address was PP.

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Reply #12 posted 09/15/16 7:01pm


Most people hit that zone doing something they love. The moment can be rare.

Do you think he tried to more or less live in that zone?

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Reply #13 posted 09/15/16 9:45pm



TrivialPursuit said:

It seems a bit dramatic to say he was "sitting in an empty building in the middle of nowhere". It wasn't just a building, it was his home. It's where some of his greatest work was created. Sure it's a big place, but what's the difference in living at your studio vs. living in an 8K sq ft mansion alone, and sitting in your man cave watching The Shawshank Redemption at 3am? Whether it's a studio apartment or a mansion, we're all alone at some point. We all have lonely moments.

exactly. plus, he was so busy all the time and most of the days surrouned by a lot of people,

in meeting, talking on the phone, rehearsing his band, producing people in the studio, etc etc.

a lot of people would go insane if they couldn't be alone a few hours a day when living such a
busy life.

he also liked to play and record on his own, always had done. plus then there's just time to
chill and read a book, take a bath or watch a movie and think about nothing for a bit.

people who feel comfortable in their skin and at ease with their life can spend some time by
themselves. they don't need to have people around 24/7.

it's horrible that he was alone when he was obviously having serious issues with his healt the
last few weeks of his life. but that's whole other issue.

as far as him skipping about all alone in paisley park at night, i can totally relate and don't
see that in any way as sad or lonely.

and true love lives on lollipops and crisps
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Guardian "Transcendance" Interview with Prince at Paisley Park