But P is not here...and Blackwell and his family are in dire straits right now. Please help if you can. His wife issued the following statement on his Facebook page two days ago.
I was scheduled to fly to Japan today to accompany my husband on his flight back to Florida, whenever the hospital releases him in the next days. But, Doctors strongly recommend that he flies with 2 doctors on an air ambulance, if any emergency happens on the plane, because of high altitude and long hours of the flight, that may press his brain.
I decided to cancel my flight, because we need all the money possible to make sure he gets an air ambulance to be transported to Florida, I wish I could have medical training to assist him in a case of an emergency in the air.
Thanks God John has very good friends in Japan that are assisting him with everything he needs while in the hospital. Also, I want to recognize all the donors who entered on the donations link to make their contribution. Thank you so much.
We have medical insurance which began exactly on July the 1st. (the same day that John was admitted in the hospital in Japan).... But, they are telling us that they will not pay the hospital expenses upfront. They are telling us to pay at the time of the release, and then we will get a reimbursement in the next 30 days. And, about the air ambulance, the quote we received form the hospital in Japan was $40,000 US Dollars.
We are calling once again for your compassion and solidarity to share and donate on this GoFundMe link I created to cover John's medical and everyday expenses. We really need it, now that he is ready to fly back home, this is the inconvenience we are facing.
Thank you for reading and for all that each of you are doing to help in this unpredictable situation.
John Blackwell was diagnosed with two brain tumors, and at this point we still do not have any details of how they could be treated. As a result of this, my husband is paralyzed on his left arm and leg. He received some sessions of physical therapy in the hospital, where he feels a little of improvement in the leg.
Here is the link: https://www.gofundme.com/...lackwellJr
Please share,#ThankYou, #weneedyou #heneedsyou
#JohnBlackwellJr #gofundme #drums
Thank you,
Yaritza Cambero Blackwell