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Thread started 05/07/16 10:01pm


Did Prince record/video-tape every concert?

This is something that I have been wondering about for a while. Been to a few Prince concerts in the past including one that I got on stage with other fans. What I remember is the entire concerts were also filmed or maybe just live right then and there for the audience elsewhere in the arena to see up close on those screens? But there were big film cameras several places.

Then I have heard he was such a perfectionist musically that he would tape each concert to rewatch them afterwards. Any truth to this? If so any chance of us the fans ever having some new Prince live dvd/bluray?

A part of me wishes something will be released so we can look back at those memories and relive them that way. Just would be so cool to see those concerts again. But maybe for now just a long lost dream! cool

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Reply #1 posted 05/07/16 10:20pm


I have been to 15 over the years and it did appear that they were taped. It seems like a ton of stuff, including some concert footage, has been placed on Youtube since his passing.

I went to the Purple Rain tour and that concert was sold on vhs years ago. I think some segments, if not the entire video, is on Youtube. Also, you can purchase Rave In2 the year 2000, the televised 1999 concert, which I know is on DVD. There is Prince in Las Vegas, also a live show sold on DVD. If you can find Sign O the Times DVD, that pretty much showed parts from that tour as well.

On Youtube you can also see a small portion from the Welcome 2 America tour from 2011. It was originally shown as part of an Africa Channel special.. Hope that was helpful.

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Reply #2 posted 05/07/16 10:27pm



I doubt he was watching them all afterwards given his already super-human feats of what he fit into a single day. Especially given that he was already en route to an aftershow by then. I know U2 watch every gig back afterwards though.

Most concerts are also shown on a screen so it would be real easy just to capture that as they went. No reason why any big shows would NOT be captured.
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Reply #3 posted 05/07/16 10:37pm


oldschoolfam said:

I have been to 15 over the years and it did appear that they were taped. It seems like a ton of stuff, including some concert footage, has been placed on Youtube since his passing.

I went to the Purple Rain tour and that concert was sold on vhs years ago. I think some segments, if not the entire video, is on Youtube. Also, you can purchase Rave In2 the year 2000, the televised 1999 concert, which I know is on DVD. There is Prince in Las Vegas, also a live show sold on DVD. If you can find Sign O the Times DVD, that pretty much showed parts from that tour as well.

On Youtube you can also see a small portion from the Welcome 2 America tour from 2011. It was originally shown as part of an Africa Channel special.. Hope that was helpful.

I have only been to concerts from 2011 and onwards in Europe, so mostly interested in those from the last 5-6 years ago. I have the Prince live dvd´s that are already available including that Rave In2 the year 2000 + Las Vegas one. I was too young to have seen him in the 80s and 90s though! Lucky you!

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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Did Prince record/video-tape every concert?