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Thread started 04/25/16 10:14am



Can his old videos get cleaned/polished/remastered too?

I know they were mostly filmed on video so it's not like film where they can get an upgrade easily.


It's been great seeing them again on the music channels in the last few days, but on today's modern TV's they're not looking like they used to.


So can they be improved? Will they be?


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Reply #1 posted 04/25/16 10:22am



It feels almost heartless to be making fan requests at a time like this, but I would love to see a boxset of all of his music videos from I Wanna Be Your Lover right through to Breakfast Can Wait (that was the last official music video, was it not?).

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Reply #2 posted 04/25/16 10:32am


MattyJam said:

It feels almost heartless to be making fan requests at a time like this, but I would love to see a boxset of all of his music videos from I Wanna Be Your Lover right through to Breakfast Can Wait (that was the last official music video, was it not?).

The WB lyric videos from AOA I believe would be his last official ones. But what he has in the vault is anyone's guess.

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Reply #3 posted 04/25/16 10:45am


The answer is not straight forward. It is a mixture of 'yes', 'no' and 'maybe'.


Early videos were recorded on 16 or S16mm film and then transfered to tape for editing. I've been involved in 35mm productions (like Natalie Imbruglia's Torn), but it can be a lot more expensive.


Early videos would have been edited and mastered onto U-matic tape. As time moves on the process evolved into ferous oxide beta tapes, then digi beta tapes and finally digital formats.


So as you can see mastering onto tape in the 80s and 90s has it's limitations. It would be technically impossible to go back to the film source to re-composite the master as the original EDL (edit decision list) would need to exist. Even then this would be technically tough to do.


In the 90s when editors were using digital compositing machines, such as the Quantel Harry, you would still need all of the software components to remaster. This would be near impossible.


The only option would be to go back to the original tape master, digitise it, and to then digitally clean up any imperfections. BUT you will never make a blu-ray quality video out of something that was only an early broadcast quality.


This is something I was involved with during the re-release of 1999 in (of course) 1999.


We got from Warners in the USA the original tape master of 1999. We took a new "dub master" from the original, cleaning it up as much as possible along the way.


So in Europe in 1999/2000, when you saw 1999 being shown, you would have seen the new cleaned up shiny version.


Hope this explains a little.



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Reply #4 posted 04/25/16 1:29pm



I don't mind if the older videos are grainy it adds to the era and authenticity. I would like to see proper boxed sets released too
Thank you Prince for every note you left behind 💜
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Reply #5 posted 04/25/16 3:09pm



darkroman said:

The answer is not straight forward. It is a mixture of 'yes', 'no' and 'maybe'.


Early videos were recorded on 16 or S16mm film and then transfered to tape for editing. I've been involved in 35mm productions (like Natalie Imbruglia's Torn), but it can be a lot more expensive.


Early videos would have been edited and mastered onto U-matic tape. As time moves on the process evolved into ferous oxide beta tapes, then digi beta tapes and finally digital formats.


So as you can see mastering onto tape in the 80s and 90s has it's limitations. It would be technically impossible to go back to the film source to re-composite the master as the original EDL (edit decision list) would need to exist. Even then this would be technically tough to do.


In the 90s when editors were using digital compositing machines, such as the Quantel Harry, you would still need all of the software components to remaster. This would be near impossible.


The only option would be to go back to the original tape master, digitise it, and to then digitally clean up any imperfections. BUT you will never make a blu-ray quality video out of something that was only an early broadcast quality.


This is something I was involved with during the re-release of 1999 in (of course) 1999.


We got from Warners in the USA the original tape master of 1999. We took a new "dub master" from the original, cleaning it up as much as possible along the way.


So in Europe in 1999/2000, when you saw 1999 being shown, you would have seen the new cleaned up shiny version.


Hope this explains a little.



Fantastic response. Thanks for that. smile

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Reply #6 posted 04/25/16 4:51pm


Happy to helps.



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Reply #7 posted 04/25/16 5:33pm



The copies they have been showing here in the UK are terrible.

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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Can his old videos get cleaned/polished/remastered too?