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Prince In your life My first prince concert was Wembley arena uk 1986 ..have been to many since ...been so lucky met prince tower records ..went to his shop opening ..went to London to change Blenheim tickets only to be told cancelled ..can be seen in crowd shots for live 4 love video ..met many of band and have plectrums tambourine concerts programmes t shirts records cd's ..was one of the early controversy members and enjoyed vip seating thanks to Eileen ...went to Wembley stadium concert 95 got to concert early ..waited in que for hours ..went to get drink and came back to find que jumper..thought she was nice so not chatting ..went into concert and wet separate ways ..I thought that was that..after walking through car park and fate took its hold ..yes met her again..exchanged numbers ..and have been married for 18 years..first dance was (cringe) I love you in wanted to take our 12 year old to see prince and experience everything we have seen at prince concerts ..a massive part of our lives have gone ..we are devastated | |
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