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Thread started 10/10/13 6:28pm



Prince tour 2014

I think Prince should do a good sized tour in 2014-15. It would be in stadiums and be average sized. It would take him to the prime continents of Europe , North America, Asia,and Australia.

It would be a huge set packed with tons lighting,3-4 HD screens,a unigue set design, surround soun, and lasers. Maybe Lenny Kravitz would open for him. Is Shenna Easton still big in Europe?

Maybe Cameo or Lakside. Dunno if George Clinton or The Time would sell anymore. The tour would begin June 7th in Russia on Prince's birthday.


7 Moscow

9 Kiev

11 Warsaw

12 Vienna

13 Budapest

14 Istanbul

15 Bucharest

17 Athens

19 Rome

21 Lisbon

22 Barcelona

23 Lyons

24 Paris

25 Frankfurt

27 Zurich

28 Berlin

29 Hamburg

30 Brussels


2 Copenhagen

3 Stockholm

4 (Some City in Norway,Minsk?)

5 Helsinki

6 (Lithuanian City)

8 Glasgow

9 Dublin

10 London

11 Amsterdam

Working up a purple sweat.
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Reply #1 posted 10/10/13 6:49pm



Then he comes to North America


23 Boston

24 New York City

25 Philadelphia

26 Baltimore

27 D.C.

29 Atlanta

30 Orlando

31 Miami


3 Charlotte

4 Nashville

5 Cleveland

6 Detroit

7 Toronto

9 Quebec City

10 Montreal

12 Ontario

14 Chicago

15 ST.Louis

16 Kansas City

19 Dallas

20 San Antonio

21 Houston

22 New Orleans

24 Phoniex

25 Denver

27 Minneopolis

30 Winnepeg


1 Calgary

2 Vancouver

3 Seattle

4 San Fransico

5 Los ANgeles

6 San Diego

9 Las Vegas

Working up a purple sweat.
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Reply #2 posted 10/10/13 6:58pm



Then We have our Tour of Australia and Asia.


24 Sydney

25 Darwin

27 Melbourne


3 Calcutta

4 Manila

5 Singapore

7 Bangcok

9 New Dehli

11 Hong Kong

12 Shanghai

11 Bejing

13 Osaka

14 Tokyo

16 Seoul

Working up a purple sweat.
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Reply #3 posted 10/10/13 7:05pm



I was thinking about flames and pyro. But Prince never does that. Don't know if he doesn't care or is scared of the pops. Well he can do without but it would be so fitting to have a curtain of falling fireworks that's purple during Purple Rain. Big show. VH1 would cover opening night as well as Access Hollywood. There"d be commercials, billboard, Many people do the end but the Houston, Las Vegas, Hamburg,and Seoul shows would be filmed for DVD-VCD. Maybe do a telivised concert for Christmas in Tel-Aviv.

Working up a purple sweat.
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Reply #4 posted 10/10/13 7:23pm



wtf? whofarted

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Reply #5 posted 10/10/13 8:02pm



erm, aren't u missing off Glastonbury there?

Comin str8 outta Preston...
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Reply #6 posted 10/10/13 8:53pm


I've heared nothing from Sheena Easton in a looong time, so no, she's not big in Europe anymore. (If she ever was. Just a girl with a few hits.)
And what makes you think he'd sell tix in places like India or Thailand? Does anyone there even know who he is?
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Reply #7 posted 10/10/13 8:56pm



Prince is one of the biggest artists in Thwe World. They've got TV. Michael Jaackson sold good in India.

ANd as for Glastonbury I was gonna include it but ti's not very big of a city is it? Generally I included cities of 3 million and up > SOme of them were smaller cause they were out in the middle of nowhere.

Working up a purple sweat.
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Reply #8 posted 10/10/13 8:57pm


And you start the tour in Russia? President Putin would throw him in jail for promoting non-traditional sexual preferences! tonk cop
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Reply #9 posted 10/10/13 11:17pm



fluid said:Prince is one of the biggest artists in Thwe World. They've got TV. Michael Jaackson sold good in India. ANd as for Glastonbury I was gonna include it but ti's not very big of a city is it? Generally I included cities of 3 million and up > SOme of them were smaller cause they were out in the middle of nowhere. I think it's pretty safe to assume that SuperSoulFighter was referring to the Glastonbury Festival (one of the best and longest-running music festivals in the world).....not the town! Mind you, SSF's ponderance over whether Prince could sell in India or Thailand is itself somewhat short-sighted. For the record, the kind of tour you are want would never work on the schedule you have proposed - you just couldn't take that size show from one country/city to the next. Furthermore, only 1 night in these massive cities? Prince sold out 21 nights last time he played London! Playing just one night in most of the cities you mention just wouldn't be economically viable. The extent of this tour, both geographically and production-wise would have to be played out over a longer period with longer stays in some of the cities. Prince is well-known for his hard work, but this would probably be too much for even him!
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Go and glisten wink
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Reply #10 posted 10/11/13 12:08am


All I know is I hope he scales that band back. It's a cluttered mess. Yeah I would pay to see it if he came to philadelphia but it's too much. The original NPG had just enough horns. Trumpet, sax & trombone maybe.
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Reply #11 posted 10/11/13 2:31am


This is a great idea - if you want to kill Prince. 36 shows over three months. You have two months that have 18 or 19 shows each. Plus the traveling. This a tour for a young person. Not Prince.

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Reply #12 posted 10/11/13 3:11am



Actually I scaled it down. It's not in all cities and stadiums should have enough capacity. I give hime 2...3 days rest somtimes. Ieven gave hime a couple of months between legs. My iteneror is basically cities over 3 million,cities out in the middle of nowhere, and very big fan cities. The first you understand but in the middle nowhere(St.Louis,Kansas City) cause there's no other shows for a thousand miles. So every oone in that radius come it should fill up. Also hotbeds. Not sure about France but Germany is a big fan of Prince and most artists. So I did 3 shows in that country. Sweden,Japan,California, and Texas would be my nex guesses. Maybe I should ad another Sweden-Norway and Japan. Charlotte I was debating but it's a good distance from any other gigs.

What do you mean capacity. If Prince does stadiums 30,000 and up it should be enough seats. Only places I could conceive would be New York, London, and Tokyo where he might need 2 or more shows. All those cities have stadiums over 80,000 ,which is 4-6 nights at an arena. He did 21 nights at Londons arena. That was the only city on the Earth Tour. For instance here in Houston he did 2 shows. That would fit right into Minute Maid(40,000) Park. Janet Jackson for instance played 2 years on tour. It would make money with 80,000 seats. Plaus Prince is a big artist. He could charge $120 for the best seats. Madonna $400.

Working up a purple sweat.
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Reply #13 posted 10/11/13 6:09am


fluid said:

I think Prince should do a good sized tour in 2014-15. It would be in stadiums and be average sized. It would take him to the prime continents of Europe , North America, Asia,and Australia.

It would be a huge set packed with tons lighting,3-4 HD screens,a unigue set design, surround soun, and lasers. Maybe Lenny Kravitz would open for him. Is Shenna Easton still big in Europe?

Maybe Cameo or Lakside. Dunno if George Clinton or The Time would sell anymore. The tour would begin June 7th in Russia on Prince's birthday.


7 Moscow

9 Kiev

11 Warsaw

12 Vienna

13 Budapest

14 Istanbul

15 Bucharest

17 Athens

19 Rome

21 Lisbon

22 Barcelona

23 Lyons

24 Paris

25 Frankfurt

27 Zurich

28 Berlin

29 Hamburg

30 Brussels


2 Copenhagen

3 Stockholm

4 (Some City in Norway,Minsk?)

5 Helsinki

6 (Lithuanian City)

8 Glasgow

9 Dublin

10 London

11 Amsterdam

Is this for real?

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Reply #14 posted 10/11/13 6:14am


SuperSoulFighter said:

And you start the tour in Russia? President Putin would throw him in jail for promoting non-traditional sexual preferences! tonk cop


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Reply #15 posted 10/11/13 9:48am


fluid said:

Then We have our Tour of Australia and Asia.


24 Sydney

25 Darwin

27 Melbourne

Do you even know where Darwin is in relatin to the other 2 cities?shake

Plus he might get eaten by a Dingo razz

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Reply #16 posted 10/11/13 11:00am



fluid said:

I think Prince should do a good sized tour in 2014-15. It would be in stadiums and be average sized. It would take him to the prime continents of Europe , North America, Asia,and Australia.

It would be a huge set packed with tons lighting,3-4 HD screens,a unigue set design, surround soun, and lasers. Maybe Lenny Kravitz would open for him. Is Shenna Easton still big in Europe?

Maybe Cameo or Lakside. Dunno if George Clinton or The Time would sell anymore. The tour would begin June 7th in Russia on Prince's birthday.


7 Moscow

9 Kiev

11 Warsaw

12 Vienna

13 Budapest

14 Istanbul

15 Bucharest

17 Athens

19 Rome

21 Lisbon

22 Barcelona

23 Lyons

24 Paris

25 Frankfurt

27 Zurich

28 Berlin

29 Hamburg

30 Brussels


2 Copenhagen

3 Stockholm

4 (Some City in Norway,Minsk?)

5 Helsinki

6 (Lithuanian City)

8 Glasgow

9 Dublin

10 London

11 Amsterdam

Minsk is not a city in Norway, it's the Belarusian capital........ Oh, why did I bother.................... confused

Aka Mister T at
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Reply #17 posted 10/12/13 5:00am



Well I wanted a city in Belerus. Thought Kiev was.

Don't know should it be a central or endstage. Either way I think there should be runways bringing Prince closer to the audience. Least stending halfway back. Maybe one that goesall the way around.

Working up a purple sweat.
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Reply #18 posted 10/12/13 10:18pm


Where do I get tickets for the July 8th gig in Glasgow?
don't play me...i'm over 30 and i DO smoke weed....
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Reply #19 posted 10/12/13 10:43pm



a) This is just about the most unrealistic tour plot I've ever seen.

b) Ontario is not a city.

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Reply #20 posted 10/13/13 6:11am



I know(province. But I could have swore there was a city Ontario. Cause the Pussycat Dolls messed up and said goodnight Ontario and they were in Toronto.

Working up a purple sweat.
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Reply #21 posted 10/13/13 10:16am



Would prefer if he did smaller cities.



for example in the UK

What's wrong with the world 2day?
Things just got 2 get better
Sho' ain't what the leaders say
Maybe we should write a letter
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Reply #22 posted 10/13/13 12:15pm


what did you smoke? stoned

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Reply #23 posted 10/13/13 7:30pm


these kinda tours are over

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Reply #24 posted 10/13/13 7:33pm



fluid said:

I know(province. But I could have swore there was a city Ontario. Cause the Pussycat Dolls messed up and said goodnight Ontario and they were in Toronto.

yeah but they were a bunch of strippers too stupid to know any different smile

She Believed in Fairytales and Princes, He Believed the voices coming from his stereo

If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me?
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Reply #25 posted 10/13/13 8:37pm


I'm sorry, but this is an absolute nonsense thread.

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Reply #26 posted 10/14/13 12:29am



fluid said:

I know(province. But I could have swore there was a city Ontario. Cause the Pussycat Dolls messed up and said goodnight Ontario and they were in Toronto.

Toronto is IN Ontario. There was no mess up there lol

Making love and music are the only things worth fighting for.
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Reply #27 posted 10/14/13 4:15am



Oh... to have too much time in your hands.


I miss those days. sad

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Reply #28 posted 10/20/13 11:19pm



What about Africa? And wouldn't he love to visit Rio again?
What do you mean it's not in the computer?
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Reply #29 posted 10/21/13 1:13am



Wishing that Prince tours in the US...somewhere, somehow, someway, someday soon. smile

~honey is b-ing 1 with the 1~
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