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Thread started 07/03/13 2:05pm



Menstrual Cycle / Octopus Heart Live

It was up on a few minutes ago but has now disappeared. Guess that's the next download to be released...

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Reply #1 posted 07/03/13 3:32pm



3eg did say in chat on 3rd eye tv that it would be up 4 sale later tonight.

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Reply #2 posted 07/03/13 4:32pm



I heard that these trax were originally considered for the album but are now outtakes so its kinda cool their releasing them. I liked the live versions, especially Menstrual Cycle.

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Reply #3 posted 07/03/13 4:42pm


These are helluva titles for Prince songs, especially Menstrual Cycle eek . Sounds like it should be an outtake from 1991-93. Be very surprised if it lives up to its title's potential. Imagine if the Prince of 1983 (Sugar Walls) or 1993 (Come era) had done a song of this title and what it may now turn out to be like wink.

Hope to be wrong tho.

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Reply #4 posted 07/03/13 4:48pm



I'm wondering how to catalog this (when it becomes available). Next to Scarlet Pussy, I guess? hmmm

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #5 posted 07/03/13 7:23pm



From the 3rd Eye TV thread, courtesy of Serpan:

serpan99 said:

Legit FREE downloads straight from 3RDEYEGIRL:


[Edited 7/3/13 12:24pm]

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Reply #6 posted 07/03/13 8:02pm



Menstrual Cycle (I can't believe I just typed that disbelief ) is like drippy trippy hippy music. Despite the hideous name, I'm kinda lovin' it. I could totally get into a whole album of that.

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #7 posted 07/03/13 8:08pm



Genesia said:

Menstrual Cycle (I can't believe I just typed that disbelief ) is like drippy trippy hippy music. Despite the hideous name, I'm kinda lovin' it. I could totally get into a whole album of that.

I hear you about the name. Love the song, but I'm imaginging my wife's expression tonight when I say "Hey sweetie, check out this cool new Prince track...." tonight.

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Reply #8 posted 07/03/13 8:11pm



TwiliteKid said:

Genesia said:

Menstrual Cycle (I can't believe I just typed that disbelief ) is like drippy trippy hippy music. Despite the hideous name, I'm kinda lovin' it. I could totally get into a whole album of that.

I hear you about the name. Love the song, but I'm imaginging my wife's expression tonight when I say "Hey sweetie, check out this cool new Prince track...." tonight.

I'm sure hers would be roughly the same as mine, which approximated this --> whofarted

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #9 posted 07/03/13 8:27pm



i've already renamed it "mantra cycle" in my mind, you know,

like a wheel within a wheel kind of thing.


and true love lives on lollipops and crisps
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Reply #10 posted 07/03/13 8:28pm



IstenSzek said:

i've already renamed it "mantra cycle" in my mind, you know,

like a wheel within a wheel kind of thing.


Thanks for giving my mind a different direction to go in. lol

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #11 posted 07/03/13 8:29pm



you're welcom biggrin

and true love lives on lollipops and crisps
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Reply #12 posted 07/03/13 8:31pm



i'm hoping these won't be on the album. not that there's anything wrong

with them - i absolutely love both of them. and the fact that they are up

for free download in great wav quality is super.

but i just love it when i get an album by someone and i know only one,

perhaps two songs on it yet. it kind of makes it a nicer experience just

to discover all that new music.

but that's just nitpicking. smile

and true love lives on lollipops and crisps
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Reply #13 posted 07/03/13 8:33pm



Genesia said:

I'm wondering how to catalog this (when it becomes available). Next to Scarlet Pussy, I guess? hmmm

i've just started a first attempt to catalog everything we got since andy allo's facebook posts

and those doc funkenberry rehearsals up until now. i just put all that stuff into one huge and

chaotic folder and now i'm having to sift through it and create some order. not complaining,

better too much to go through than too little smile

and true love lives on lollipops and crisps
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Reply #14 posted 07/03/13 8:36pm



IstenSzek said:

i'm hoping these won't be on the album. not that there's anything wrong

with them - i absolutely love both of them. and the fact that they are up

for free download in great wav quality is super.

but i just love it when i get an album by someone and i know only one,

perhaps two songs on it yet. it kind of makes it a nicer experience just

to discover all that new music.

but that's just nitpicking. smile

I believe someone said in the 3rd Eye TV thread that the Livestream chat rep said they aren't on the album.

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Reply #15 posted 07/03/13 8:39pm



TwiliteKid said:

IstenSzek said:

i'm hoping these won't be on the album. not that there's anything wrong

with them - i absolutely love both of them. and the fact that they are up

for free download in great wav quality is super.

but i just love it when i get an album by someone and i know only one,

perhaps two songs on it yet. it kind of makes it a nicer experience just

to discover all that new music.

but that's just nitpicking. smile

I believe someone said in the 3rd Eye TV thread that the Livestream chat rep said they aren't on the album.

ah, thank you! i don't know if it makes any sense to anyone else,

but somehow that makes me enjoy them even more right now smile

and true love lives on lollipops and crisps
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Reply #16 posted 07/03/13 8:40pm



I sent it to one of my friends, who replied...

If all periods felt as groovy and kind as this track the world would be a better place.


We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #17 posted 07/03/13 8:51pm



I just want to put this thing on a loop, fix myself a drink and chill for the rest of the day. stoned

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #18 posted 07/03/13 8:55pm



octopus heart works very well on a loop, actually.

and true love lives on lollipops and crisps
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Reply #19 posted 07/03/13 9:49pm


Genesia said:

I just want to put this thing on a loop, fix myself a drink and chill for the rest of the day. stoned

Agreed. Very laid back vibe from both. In fact, I'm kinda getting flashbacks to the C-NOTE mini-album of 2003-ish (in a good way). The playing may be a little less polished on these new tracks , but definitely, that 'Here's a cool rehearsal/ soundcheck thing that got kinda happenin, so I thought I'd release it somewhere' thang. smile cool

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Reply #20 posted 07/03/13 9:55pm


This stuff is good!! smile I would love album an album like this, it would be trippy! Something like this would be PERFECT! WE did not hear an instrumental ALBUM AS A WHOLE, since N.E.W.S! SO this is already great news already!

1 - Octopus Heart = 3 2 - The Visine Question = Eye 3 - Menstrual Cycle = Girl

It's Button Therapy, Baby!
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Reply #21 posted 07/03/13 10:01pm



yuck! imho: boring instrumentals...

even worse than N.E.W.S. zzz

Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #22 posted 07/03/13 11:04pm



thedance said:

yuck! imho: boring instrumentals...

even worse than N.E.W.S. zzz

I agree, even though I'm not a big fan of N.E.W.S at least that album had some interesting instrumentals. These new instrumentals are among the worst he has released
Welcome 2 The Dawn
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Reply #23 posted 07/03/13 11:07pm


"Menstrual Cycle"?? falloff is he serious?!

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Reply #24 posted 07/03/13 11:22pm



SoulAlive said:

"Menstrual Cycle"?? falloff is he serious?!

'controversial' title -> a few headlines -> more interest



and true love lives on lollipops and crisps
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Reply #25 posted 07/03/13 11:53pm



I'm liking Octopus Heart better, but they're both nice tracks.

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Reply #26 posted 07/04/13 12:31am



the doc just confirmed on 3rd eye tv chat that these two tracks,

and none of the other tracks thus far on 3rdEyeTv will be no the


and true love lives on lollipops and crisps
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Reply #27 posted 07/04/13 12:41am



My question in the last 3EG chat. "if 3rdEyeGirls periods were in sync yet??" and now Menstrual Cycle! I bet they are in sync. I'm really loving all these instrumental jams and the constant floooowwwwwww! of new music.

Getting new music really makes the day ace.

What are you outraged about today? CNN has not told you yet?
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Reply #28 posted 07/04/13 1:00am



EyeJester7 said:

This stuff is good!! smile I would love album an album like this, it would be trippy! Something like this would be PERFECT! WE did not hear an instrumental ALBUM AS A WHOLE, since N.E.W.S! SO this is already great news already!

1 - Octopus Heart = 3 2 - The Visine Question = Eye 3 - Menstrual Cycle = Girl

What's the Visine Question?

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Reply #29 posted 07/04/13 1:14am



It's a reworking of Evenflow, hence the "humorously" reworked title.

Now, if he was backed by Wings when he performs it live.......

If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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