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Thread started 03/05/03 11:57pm



at the mixing desk

perhaps one of my favourite parts of the SOTT movie is during the end credits when an instrumental version of the title track is played. I find it so moving, the space he creates using those few instruments is truly inspired. It demonstrates princes greatness from back then when 'less' equals 'more' (see also 'forever in my life' from the same film). He makes every note sound vital and it seems so, so effortless. Without the vocal line, the tension of the actual music is much more evident. for instance, the short 'stabs' of the brooding synthesiser are so intense and often take over the role of silence (do u get what i mean here?). it almost sounds like a different song

This experience got me thinking. If you were given the chance to pick one of princes master tapes to a song (released or not) and take it into the studio, what would you do with it? For instance, have you got a favourite track that you just cant hear what he sings in a certain section? well now you could pull all the faders down and listen to just that section! would you listen turn up the guitar solo on joy in repetition? it would be an amazing experience. What song would you choose? why would you choose it? what would you manipulate the sounds recorded on the master tape to help you gain further insight into the creation of your chosen song.
You do as I say
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Reply #1 posted 03/06/03 2:45pm


Prince was good enough to allow me to do just that in early 1994. I had only just discovered 'All the critics love you in New York', i never understood it until then. I discussed my new found fondness of the track and P insisted that we take it into the studio and groove on it. he pulled everything off the track besides the basic drum and bass lines. Prince strapped on his guitar and played some great guitar over it while i accompanied on the electronic percussion set up we had a paisley at the time. He must of had at least 9-15 takes of this track, each funkier/quirkier than the last. it was a great great time.

Michael B x
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Reply #2 posted 03/06/03 2:50pm



MichaelBland said:

Prince was good enough to allow me to do just that in early 1994. I had only just discovered 'All the critics love you in New York', i never understood it until then. I discussed my new found fondness of the track and P insisted that we take it into the studio and groove on it. he pulled everything off the track besides the basic drum and bass lines. Prince strapped on his guitar and played some great guitar over it while i accompanied on the electronic percussion set up we had a paisley at the time. He must of had at least 9-15 takes of this track, each funkier/quirkier than the last. it was a great great time.

Michael B x

Avatar by Byron rose

prince Proud member of Prince's cult for 20 years! prince
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Reply #3 posted 03/06/03 2:50pm



I purchased your "Sons of Almighty" CD last month after some Major internet searching to find it and the Atomic K Records site (I believe) hinted at a newer album to be released soon. Would you mind giving us an update on your music?

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Reply #4 posted 03/06/03 2:57pm


LittlePill said:

MichaelBland said:

Prince was good enough to allow me to do just that in early 1994. I had only just discovered 'All the critics love you in New York', i never understood it until then. I discussed my new found fondness of the track and P insisted that we take it into the studio and groove on it. he pulled everything off the track besides the basic drum and bass lines. Prince strapped on his guitar and played some great guitar over it while i accompanied on the electronic percussion set up we had a paisley at the time. He must of had at least 9-15 takes of this track, each funkier/quirkier than the last. it was a great great time.

Michael B x


rubbin bland, is it really u? eek
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Reply #5 posted 03/06/03 3:00pm


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Reply #6 posted 03/06/03 3:11pm



Anybody besides Mr bland (if that is him) wanna respond to my question?
You do as I say
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Reply #7 posted 03/06/03 3:45pm


i have the boot of COOKIE JAR, the parlets song. It sounds so cool but its a very bad boot. i would love to have that brought up to scratch.
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Reply #8 posted 03/10/03 2:41pm


- I'd loop the intro to rapberry beret (video version) for 3mins before bringing the full song in.

- I'd turn up the solo in when doves cry

- i'd turn the guitar solo up in joy in repetition and the morning papers.

- i'd love to break down all the component parts of something in the water does not compute. That song is the shit!
You'll never know a girl called Nikki and you'll never find Erotic City
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Reply #9 posted 03/10/03 2:53pm



I gotta agree with u there, when doves cry is an amazing track but i just wish that the solo would 'rip' through my speakers a little more!
You do as I say
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Reply #10 posted 03/10/03 3:05pm



  • I'd wanna hear what he's saying in the latter instrumental of TRC (I can make out "gimme a beat" but I wanna hear the rest)

  • I'd turn up the crowd noise in certain spots on ONA-L! Sometimes he does something kickass but the crowd is so muted, you can't tell they're REALLY trippin off what he just did. I'd turn it up @ those crucial moments to more accurately mimick the live experience

  • I'd remove the rap in Sun, Moon & Stars, don't know what I'd put in its place

  • I'd loop Digital Garden w/ just the hook (no lyrics, no revved up ending)

There's more, can't think right now... Good thread biggrin

[This message was edited Mon Mar 10 7:05:52 PST 2003 by CalhounSq]
heart prince I never met you, but I LOVE you & I will forever!! Thank you for being YOU - my little Princey, the best to EVER do it prince heart
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Reply #11 posted 03/10/03 3:21pm



....and remember: Members get to hear it last cry
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Reply #12 posted 03/10/03 3:55pm



I'd take "Forever In My Life" and line up the backing vocals with the lead vocals, the way he originally intended for the song to be, even though the studio mistake made a VERY interesting song, I'd just like to hear what he originally intended for it to sound like.
The Last Otan Track:
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Reply #13 posted 03/10/03 4:18pm



Crystal Ball without vocals..."this is not music, this is a trip"!!
My Name is Dita...I'm your mistress tonite...
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Reply #14 posted 03/10/03 4:19pm



....and remember: Members get to hear it last cry
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Reply #15 posted 03/10/03 5:11pm


Yeah Michael, i'd take the Gold album and mix down all that intrusive drumming!!, what is it with Prince , fat drummers and power drum solos. Q THE FLAMES!!. just kiddding.
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > at the mixing desk