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Thread started 08/22/12 3:45am





Save the Funk~! Funk Raiser!

Very worthwhile. Show your support folks.



Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #1 posted 08/22/12 4:36am



I shall give

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Reply #2 posted 08/22/12 5:18am



klick2me said:

I shall give klick

I kinda think donating money to this health issue is better than wasting money on protegee album, so I shall give I reckon

Prince I will always miss and love U.
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Reply #3 posted 08/22/12 5:19am



I think everyone should give what they can.. Think of it, once Dr Funkenberry is gone where are we gonna get Prince news first? He's been dedicating years selflessly to give us fams news first for free, isn't it time to give back?

Just saying...

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Reply #4 posted 08/22/12 5:21am



OzlemUcucu said:

klick2me said:

I shall give klick

I kinda think donating money to this health issue is better than wasting money on protegee album, so I shall give I reckon

I think his post indicates that the cost of keeping his website up is an issue as well as his health...

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Reply #5 posted 08/22/12 5:57am



inspireof said:

OzlemUcucu said:

I kinda think donating money to this health issue is better than wasting money on protegee album, so I shall give I reckon

I think his post indicates that the cost of keeping his website up is an issue as well as his health...

From what I read both are at issue, but he spent his savings to work on the site revamp instead of covering for proper health insurance. The bummer is that he's got serious health problems such as spasm (as he says), and needs the money for that. I don't understand why he's saying he's got to keep up with Perez and TMZ. He'll never be as big as them, and that's even not the reason why I'd be donating.

Prince I will always miss and love U.
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Reply #6 posted 08/22/12 10:42am



A website like this should be run as a business - does he not have advertising and sponsorship?

I'm sympathetic to his health concerns, but the upkeep of a small, unknown celebrity gossip website is hardly a priority, and paying it's hosting bill certainly shouldn't take presidence over the guys health.

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Reply #7 posted 08/22/12 10:58am




A diabetic with no healthcare. (at all!)

This, so far, is quite unimaginable in my part of the world.

This means that he is victim of the system that is named as USA.

But: my 'paycheck' arrived today...

Pills and thrills and daffodils will kill... If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.
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Reply #8 posted 08/22/12 12:00pm



I care about FB health problems

but i don´t care about all that gossip crap.

Prince can run his own internet site or forum to spread news

and don´t need ppl to do that for him for free.

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Reply #9 posted 08/22/12 12:50pm





inspireof said:

I think everyone should give what they can.. Think of it, once Dr Funkenberry is gone where are we gonna get Prince news first? He's been dedicating years selflessly to give us fams news first for free, isn't it time to give back?

Just saying...

Awwwwwww. Well said thumbs up!


Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #10 posted 08/22/12 1:09pm


Done and very surprised to hear this. I will have no problem giving to 'J' and wishing him well healthwise.hug, but he should definitely put his health first. He could always get someone to assist him in getting the info out for his site.

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Reply #11 posted 08/22/12 1:16pm


Not be mean but why on earth would someone who so sick invest all there money into these popstars popularity that dont give a shit about him, and not on there own health and well being first? Thats absolutely crazy.

Seeing as he's given all these celebrities free advertisement, especially Mr Prince, Maybe he should ask them but mainly Prince for the medical costs, consider how much Prince is uses him for free press coverage.

FUNKNROLL! dancing jig "February 2014, wow". 'dre. nod
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Reply #12 posted 08/22/12 1:43pm


catpark said:

Not be mean but why on earth would someone who so sick invest all there money into these popstars popularity that dont give a shit about him, and not on there own health and well being first? Thats absolutely crazy.

Seeing as he's given all these celebrities free advertisement, especially Mr Prince, Maybe he should ask them but mainly Prince for the medical costs, consider how much Prince is uses him for free press coverage.

Well, it seems it's something he enjoys doing and I don't think celebs should be blamed for a site DrF chose to do on his own. Everyone has a passion and often times, many people tend to put their passion(s) over their health until the day comes that they get a wake up call, when they realize their health is taking a turn in another direction.

To stay in competition with the other sites mentioned, he needs to work with a team in getting the info out instead of trying to do it all alone, especially if he has a health issue that should be a 'priority', even if it is a goal of his to have a popular celeb website, as the ones mentioned. He could always hire interns for free, like many other people who maintain websites. Wish him well, but he should put his health first and as far as seeking health insurance, should look into a health facility/hospital center that may offer low-cost fees for outpatient clinic visits based on a patient's income.

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Reply #13 posted 08/22/12 2:14pm



Apparently Prince is no longer paying his bills again. Dr Funkenberry is getting first hand experience of what it's like to be on Prince's payroll.
"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #14 posted 08/22/12 2:27pm


So let's get this straight - Someone who's a diabetic puts running a "celebrity" gossip website ABOVE health insurance ?

Christ, don't send cash - send some brain cells !!!

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Reply #15 posted 08/22/12 2:55pm


How is this a worthy cause? Get a job or spend the money currently spent running a gossip site on health insurance. The man comes off as very pathetic.

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Reply #16 posted 08/22/12 3:06pm



Go get a real job so you can get the insurance you obviously need despearatly and once you get the treatment you need for your health you can then focus on your stupid website

Priorities people! Geeez

The greatest live performer of our times was is and always will be Prince.

Remember there is only one destination and that place is U
All of it. Everything. Is U.
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Reply #17 posted 08/22/12 3:44pm



inspireof said:

I think everyone should give what they can.. Think of it, once Dr Funkenberry is gone where are we gonna get Prince news first? He's been dedicating years selflessly to give us fams news first for free, isn't it time to give back?

Just saying...

Prince will find some other shill to send his press releases to. That's what.
"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #18 posted 08/22/12 3:58pm




I knew from the start that I loved you with all my heart.
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Reply #19 posted 08/22/12 4:02pm



i just see it as he needs some funds to revamp his website so he can make his website more viable so he can profit and gain healthcare? If people enjoy his website, I think it would be worth a gamble giving $5 or $20 or whatever. can't knock someone for trying to do/provide something vs. just going straight on the system. KWIM? Wish he would have asked us months ago.

What are you outraged about today? CNN has not told you yet?
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Reply #20 posted 08/22/12 4:05pm


HatrinaHaterwitz said:


Excellent. lol

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Reply #21 posted 08/22/12 4:30pm


Oh please. Maybe Prince should help him if this is such a viable outlet for Prince news. Just sounds like Prince is trying to get his fans to pay for some outlet so he can send riddles out about nothing. Maybe Prince should create his own website instead of using this guy and trying to get his fans to pay for it...again.

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Reply #22 posted 08/22/12 5:47pm



i don't know him at all, other than i visit his website now and then when there is a prince update. but you guys are pretty mean, if you don't wanna give, then don't, but there's no need to be nasty about it.eek

be kind, be a friend, not a bully.
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Reply #23 posted 08/22/12 6:05pm


Jesus H Christ, this is front page news? Give me a fucking break.

The [Name calling snip - luv4u] is Prince's mouthpiece. Who cares if his site closes.

fucks sake.

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Reply #24 posted 08/22/12 6:41pm


Front Page Stickie - WTF!

And while some of you gullible people have your cheque book out, email me - I need $ too. And I say shame on F for even asking.

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Reply #25 posted 08/22/12 6:55pm



swanny said:

Jesus H Christ, this is front page news? Give me a fucking break.

The [Name calling snip - luv4u] is Prince's mouthpiece. Who cares if his site closes.

fucks sake.

...and I always (especially from around the 2007 London shows) thought that Prince = Drfunkenberry and that was another site of Prince...

But Prince would not hustle for money at his followers, would he? But if = Prince be aware it might be a trap.

On the other hand, if I donate I will first get my back order LotusFlow3r t-shirt!

I'll discuss it with the Handsome Men's Club

What do you mean it's not in the computer?
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Reply #26 posted 08/22/12 7:34pm


avatar has been a great source of info when it comes to P. Let's not forget the music as well (temp files ppl). I think the Doc or his site is worthy of a few dollars. Let's all chill and leave the negative behind.

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Reply #27 posted 08/22/12 7:49pm



errant said:

Apparently Prince is no longer paying his bills again. Dr Funkenberry is getting first hand experience of what it's like to be on Prince's payroll.


He'd suck your last cent outta your ass, that's how Prince rolls. He's a hardliner. I never met anybody that greedy as Prince.

Prince I will always miss and love U.
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Reply #28 posted 08/22/12 8:04pm


Altho I enjoy reading his posts and I can totally understand the money issue...

I just can't give...

Money is So tight with us.. my husband works in the Mortgage/Loan Business and its very VERY slow going... Some months I can't even afford to get the Inhalers and Medications I need to help treat/control My ASTHMA ...

If his money is so tight then he really should cut back on the web site and put his extra cash to his health...

In these times we ALL have money issue's.. not many of us are "well off" any more....

But I sure don't except others to give me money ....

And I kinda agree.. not really front page news.. but I didn't think the thing about ?uest was either..

Altho Princes world is SOOO slow lately.......

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Reply #29 posted 08/22/12 10:13pm


HatrinaHaterwitz said:



I mean I do feel for him and his health issues but all that money he put into making his site, he could've at least save some up for his health expenses. People need to stop spending beyond their means and learn to save up their money. I mean if you guys wanna continue donating because you feel for this dude, go ahead but I can't go with this. So if it makes me heartless to some, so be it. shrug

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