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Thread started 07/04/12 7:44pm


Prince and Freedom

Happy 4th of July Everyone! I heart this day because of the reason it's celebrated, Freedom!! yay! biggrin

And although I agree that until all are free, no one is really free, I can't help but think of Prince on this day and wondering if anyone else has ever felt this way?

Prince music has always felt especially freeing to me. He has the key to unlock all kinds of fears and misunderstandings which hold the keys to what real love should be. imo

Prince music reminds me that there is a greater type of love, one that is for Everyone. He's an advocate of love 4 one another, and he's made it his message consistantly. It's the way he combines his music and lyrics to highlight what will make this world a better place to be star

The key = LOVE yes

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Reply #1 posted 07/04/12 8:19pm



Prince is a Jehovah's Witness, so will not be celebrating 4th July.

RIP sad
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Reply #2 posted 07/05/12 11:37am


TheEnglishGent said:

Prince is a Jehovah's Witness, so will not be celebrating 4th July.

Thank You for the reply EnglishGent, I guess the point i was trying to make was how freeing I feel Prince music can be. I did wonder if the JW's were allowed to celebrate this holiday. The point that i failed to make was just that the 4th reminds me of those who fought for us to have our freedom. Like my Dad did. It makes me grateful to think of those who've put their lives on the line for us and this noble purpose. At the same time I felt like thanking Prince for freeing me from the restraints of my mind at certain times throughout his career.

I tried to explain this to a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses who came to visit the other day, who were saying how some music can be dangerous. But there is something very liberating about the vibration of Prince's music and message that I have found over the years that have helped to free my mind.

In an instant the sound of his voice along with his lyrics and music have had the ability to make me feel free of some constraints. I could give personal examples but hesitate due to the way it might be received. I am often misunderstood, not just here, but everywhere because of the way I write or try to express myself. I was truly interested to know if anyone else has ever experienced a 'freeing effect' solely from hearing Prince's music. I hope to think that I am not the only one who has felt this powerful transformation because I believe it highlights one of Prince's greatest qualities of his music. Especially when it comes to relating to the masses. Idk for sure, and it's only my opinion.

The only thing that I do to celebrate the 4th of July is to allow myself to feel free and be me. For example. I started out the day starting this thread, something i rarely do, knowing it might not be well received. And that I might face ridicule and more taunting than discussion. Also severe storms were moving in and I knew that I'd need to shut my pc down not being able to reply right away.

I could have mowed the lawn yesterday before the storm hit, but decided to leave the clover for the bunnies to eat and not care what the neighbors might think. By free I mean feeling able to say 'no' to others demands and requests of me, unless it's something that i really want to do. That's what I love about the day we celebrate our freedom...or what's left of our freedom anyway heart

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Reply #3 posted 07/05/12 12:24pm



colorblu said:

Happy 4th of July Everyone! I heart this day because of the reason it's celebrated, Freedom!! yay! biggrin

And although I agree that until all are free, no one is really free, I can't help but think of Prince on this day and wondering if anyone else has ever felt this way?

Prince music has always felt especially freeing to me. He has the key to unlock all kinds of fears and misunderstandings which hold the keys to what real love should be. imo

Prince music reminds me that there is a greater type of love, one that is for Everyone. He's an advocate of love 4 one another, and he's made it his message consistantly. It's the way he combines his music and lyrics to highlight what will make this world a better place to be star

The key = LOVE yes

It's funny because i just had this conversation with someone yesterday. Music can either unite people 2 be as one or it can cause division. I love Prince music because his message is about love, this is our future ...FUTURE SOUL SONG! Love you Prince, we are ONE NATION UNDER A GROOVE! hug

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Reply #4 posted 07/05/12 12:36pm



TheEnglishGent said:

Prince is a Jehovah's Witness, so will not be celebrating 4th July.

I'm one of Jehovah's Witness and true we don't celebrate the 4th of July. This thread is about how Prince music unite people 2 become one. Love is about the Unity, ONE NATION UNDER A GROOVE! hug grouphug

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Reply #5 posted 07/05/12 1:45pm



TheEnglishGent said:

Prince is a Jehovah's Witness, so will not be celebrating 4th July.

Label of this life only, JW. The Oversoul is VAST and truly Free.

True Freedom is found on the inside and lived both in the inner and outer planes. We are a blessed and free nation of Light, the United States of America. Sometimes it doesn't seem as such, but the Masters that are Free do say so. Because of this, don't believe that any1 can say that they don't celebrate the 4th of July because the fireworks and light that we see on the outer plane are mirrors of the inner planes.

Loving God makes us free and is true freedom.

~honey is b-ing 1 with the 1~
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Reply #6 posted 07/05/12 4:21pm



raddahone said:

TheEnglishGent said:

Prince is a Jehovah's Witness, so will not be celebrating 4th July.

Label of this life only, JW. The Oversoul is VAST and truly Free.

True Freedom is found on the inside and lived both in the inner and outer planes. We are a blessed and free nation of Light, the United States of America. Sometimes it doesn't seem as such, but the Masters that are Free do say so. Because of this, don't believe that any1 can say that they don't celebrate the 4th of July because the fireworks and light that we see on the outer plane are mirrors of the inner planes.

Loving God makes us free and is true freedom.


RIP sad
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Reply #7 posted 07/05/12 4:35pm



TheEnglishGent said:

raddahone said:

Label of this life only, JW. The Oversoul is VAST and truly Free.

True Freedom is found on the inside and lived both in the inner and outer planes. We are a blessed and free nation of Light, the United States of America. Sometimes it doesn't seem as such, but the Masters that are Free do say so. Because of this, don't believe that any1 can say that they don't celebrate the 4th of July because the fireworks and light that we see on the outer plane are mirrors of the inner planes.

Loving God makes us free and is true freedom.



Andy is a four letter word.
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Reply #8 posted 07/06/12 8:03pm


Don't sleep 'til the sunrise, listen 2 the falling rain
Don't worry 'bout tomorrow, don't worry 'bout your pain
Don't cry unless you're happy, don't smile unless you're blue
Never let that lonely monster take control of U

Be glad that U r free
Free 2 change your mind
Free 2 go most anywhere, anytime
Be glad that U r free
There's many a man who's not
Be glad 4 what U had baby, what you've got
Be glad 4 what you've got

I know (my?) heart is beating, my drummer tells me so
If U take your life 4 granted, your beating heart will go
So don't sleep until you're guilty, 'cuz sinners all r we
There's others doing far worse than us, so be glad that U r free

Be glad that U r free
Free 2 change your mind
Free 2 go most anywhere, anytime
Be glad that U r free
There's many a man who's not
Be glad 4 what U had baby, what you've got
Be glad 4 what you've got

Soldiers are a marching, they're writing brand new laws
Will we all fight together 4 the most important cause?
Will we all fight 4 the right 2 be free?
Free (Be glad that U r free)
Free 2 change my mind (Free 2 change your mind)
Free 2 go most anywhere, anytime (Free 2 go most anywhere,anytime)
I'm just glad, I'm just glad I'm free, yeah (Be glad that U r free)
There's many a man who's not (There's many a man who's not)
Glad 4 what I had baby, (Be glad 4 what U had and)
Glad 4 what I got, oh yeah (for what you've got)
Oh I'm just glad, I'm just glad I'm free,yeah (Be glad that U r free)
Free 2 change my mind (Free 2 change your mind)
Free 2 go most anywhere, anytime (Free 2 go most anywhere,anytime)
(Be glad that U r free)
(There's many a man who's not)
I'm so... (Be glad 4 what U had and for)
(what you've got)

Jamie Starr & The Starr ★ Company

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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Prince and Freedom