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Reply #60 posted 05/06/12 11:34pm



L4OATheOriginal said:

setlist question and answer translation .."i'm too lazy 2 really give the fans coming 2 the shows new material or classic versions so i'll stick with what i've been doing since the musicology tour"

i dont care nana

i want the hits!

seems that i was busy doing something close to nothing, but different than the day before music beret
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Reply #61 posted 05/06/12 11:34pm


L4OATheOriginal said:

Paris9748430 said:

You're right, during an arena tour, an artist should NEVER play his most popular and enduring song because of how old it is!

I guess the Rolling Stones should've stopped playing Satisfaction in the 80's.

Springsteen should drop Born to Run from his setlist.

Stevie Wonder should never play Superstition again!

Like I said, not everybody goes to every single show and listens to every single bootleg. If you're tired of hearing those songs, it's your own fault.

now that's one of the most stupidiest things on here i have ever heard. how is it the listerners fault for being tired of hearing a song? if anyone turns on the radio, tv and hears a song it's their fault? really? some people think that purple rain is the only album he's ever done in over a 30+ year career. better yet go google up joe perry and read what he thinks about walk this way playing it over and over again or many other musicians that have that same feeling about some of their biggest hits. u might be suprised how they really feel about it.

I'm talking about those people who go see Prince every single time he goes to their city and listens to every single bootleg that comes. They know Prince's setlist backward and forward, and they have the nerve to get pissed off because Prince is playing his songs!

You ever hear of the term "Familiarity breeds Contempt"?

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Reply #62 posted 05/06/12 11:48pm


2elijah said:

Paris9748430 said:

You're right, during an arena tour, an artist should NEVER play his most popular and enduring song because of how old it is!

I guess the Rolling Stones should've stopped playing Satisfaction in the 80's.

Springsteen should drop Born to Run from his setlist.

Stevie Wonder should never play Superstition again!

Like I said, not everybody goes to every single show and listens to every single bootleg. If you're tired of hearing those songs, it's your own fault.

Good points. I could never see an artist not playing his most popular or classics at an arena show, especially when it's the fans that made those songs popular, so it is not surprising that a musician would play their most familiar and popular songs, during their shows. Agree with you about Stevie, Bruce and the Rolling Stones' popular songs. I think some fans forget at times, that Prince is not playing his songs, for 'one' particular fan at his shows, especially when he has to play for an entire 'audience' combined of fans of his music from the late 70s/the 80s/90s/2000s, and various age groups.

yeahthat yeahthat

I could not agree more with these statements! More likely than not he will perform the not as known songs at an aftershow or some other gig. He can't do everything, and quite frankly he has done enough. But there is always a complaint

It's Button Therapy, Baby!
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Reply #63 posted 05/07/12 12:16am



Prince hasn't performed in Australia in 9 years.

Anyone who has chased him around the world to see as many concerts as possible and then complains that he's doing a "tired old setlist" is a complete nutcase.

Everyone else going to his concerts this month will be seeing him for the first time in 9, maybe even 20 years.

He hasn't been on mainstream radio here for a long time, and when he does make an appearance, it's always the hits.

And yet, we are in a purple frenzy down here at the moment. I see him on the front page of newspaper sections and I keep hearing his name everywhere. One of our new digital radio stations has him featured this month and the other night I heard about an hour's worth of hits, back to back - then heard it again the next day.

Prince fans are coming out of the woodwork all over the place. Someone I've known for almost 10 years casually dropped a reference to "She's Always In My Hair" the other day, despite the fact that I had no idea they were even a fan.

I ended up in a text discussion with someone I nearly sold a spare ticket too last night (unfortunately for her, I'd just sold it to someone else) and I helped her choose another good ticket. She was so excited. She's organised a babysitter and her and her husband are going to the show on Monday night. She's never been to a big arena concert in her life.

Her final text to me? "I can't wait!!! I hope he does all his hits!!"

I cringed when I read it, because of how taboo a statement like that is around here, but it turns out that in the outside world, it's pretty friggin' normal.

Most people at his Aussie shows will be hanging for "Raspberry Beret", "Kiss", "Cream", etc...

But he's obviously got some surprises for us too - I'm really looking forward to what Andy McKee brings to the show and how the acoustic feature set will play out.

I saw him 5 times in California last year and I loved every moment of it.

He could do basically the same shows as that, or he could do completely different shows - all hits, all obscure songs or something in between - and I'm just looking forward to basking in that purple energy and enjoying the excitement and joy of a live Prince concert.

Sorry if it means that the bootlegs are boring for people who won't be there, actually having the experience, but rather want to complain about something they paid nothing for and were never meant to hear.

(That's not to say that you can't have an opinion on the show of course - there's taking something for what it is and not liking it, and then there's complaining bitterly about it, as if Prince has somehow done you wrong by not providing a better bootleg experience.)

I DO hope he lets go of his issues with the music industry soon though and releases a fantastic new album that reflects more of his outstanding artistry, rather than any sort of attempt to appease the masses, as that's something most people here can legitimately enjoy.

I'm not saying his opinions on the subject aren't valid - I just think there comes a point where you have to "suck it up", so to speak, and work with what you got. Much like he's done with other obstacles his entire career ("Oh, I can't use my name to record stuff independently? No problem. I'll change it." etc...)

Ok, rant over wink

4 sleeps to go!! excited

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Reply #64 posted 05/07/12 12:19am



gusfrancesco said:

NeonCraxx said:

That Britney Spears question was random as fuck.

I thought that too. :/

Waste of a question. New album details would've been ∞% better.

In the preamble to the interview, the journalist explains that he had the opportunity to email a whole series of questions to Prince, who would then answer whichever ones he wanted.

So the journalist sent 40 questions - Prince chose to answer the 12 questions you see listed, including the Britney Spears one.

I would imagine that questions about remasters, a new album, etc... were amongst the 28 he didn't answer.

Lake Minnetonka Music:
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Reply #65 posted 05/07/12 1:16am


nothing new, just interresting answers cool

answer to question 10 really stands out giggle...that something a schoolboy would say or a much younger prince

also, "As a band leader, what do you expect from the musicians you work with? 1. Foot washing 2. Locks of hair 3. Per diem."

does he mean everyone in his band? wink

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Reply #66 posted 05/07/12 1:40am



Interesting interview. I will say that it's kind of ironic that he doesn't like digital music. I get what he is saying in this interview (and actually agree), BUT, in the late 90's and early 00's Prince was ALL ABOUT digital music and MP3's. During the Emancipation era, He was a leader in the internet music scene. He had the Crystall Ball download only,, and then He actually has quite a few songs which have never been released besides being an MP3! Then again, he does say in the interview that the music audience made the decision, not the artist. I agree on this one too, but also feel like I personally liked it best when he embraced the technology and used it to sell his own music. It was during that time that I felt the "closest" to him. The music wasn't always his best during that era, but being invited to come to Minneapolis and witness private concerts where you end up bumping into Prince before he takes to the stage are PRICELESS moments in life. Those moments were provided because I was able to "connect" to Prince easier through the NPGMuisicClub. Now he has dismantled that "Digital Garden". And I miss it. I drove by Paisley Park recently and it stood there, dark and lonely. Lots of good memories there, and a couple shitty ones too. I wonder if Prince could maybe come home soon. After Australia, maybe?

[Edited 5/6/12 18:46pm]

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Reply #67 posted 05/07/12 2:41am



prb said:

L4OATheOriginal said:

setlist question and answer translation .."i'm too lazy 2 really give the fans coming 2 the shows new material or classic versions so i'll stick with what i've been doing since the musicology tour"

i dont care nana

i want the hits!




man, he has such an amazing body of music that it's sad to see him constrict it down to the basics. he's too talented for the lineup he's doing. estelle 81
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Reply #68 posted 05/07/12 2:49am



Paris9748430 said:

L4OATheOriginal said:

now that's one of the most stupidiest things on here i have ever heard. how is it the listerners fault for being tired of hearing a song? if anyone turns on the radio, tv and hears a song it's their fault? really? some people think that purple rain is the only album he's ever done in over a 30+ year career. better yet go google up joe perry and read what he thinks about walk this way playing it over and over again or many other musicians that have that same feeling about some of their biggest hits. u might be suprised how they really feel about it.

I'm talking about those people who go see Prince every single time he goes to their city and listens to every single bootleg that comes. They know Prince's setlist backward and forward, and they have the nerve to get pissed off because Prince is playing his songs!

You ever hear of the term "Familiarity breeds Contempt"?

there are many complaints being thrown around from him not singing his own songs to him doing covers and yes even doing the same songs over and over again.

if someone likes the constant repetiveness that's on them. but even if someone got every single bootleg out there or goes 2 multiple cities it's okay as well. but that's their choice not a fault that they are hearing the same song tho that it then becomes tiresome in the repetition.

my own personal feeling is seperate than looking at it from a overall pleasing standing and also from a business and musician outlook. a hardcore fan looks at things differently from a casual fan or a young fan. there should just be a balance in setlists 2 please everyone

man, he has such an amazing body of music that it's sad to see him constrict it down to the basics. he's too talented for the lineup he's doing. estelle 81
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Reply #69 posted 05/07/12 2:53am



Chiquetet said:

Prince hasn't performed in Australia in 9 years.

Anyone who has chased him around the world to see as many concerts as possible and then complains that he's doing a "tired old setlist" is a complete nutcase.

Everyone else going to his concerts this month will be seeing him for the first time in 9, maybe even 20 years.

He hasn't been on mainstream radio here for a long time, and when he does make an appearance, it's always the hits.

And yet, we are in a purple frenzy down here at the moment. I see him on the front page of newspaper sections and I keep hearing his name everywhere. One of our new digital radio stations has him featured this month and the other night I heard about an hour's worth of hits, back to back - then heard it again the next day.

Prince fans are coming out of the woodwork all over the place. Someone I've known for almost 10 years casually dropped a reference to "She's Always In My Hair" the other day, despite the fact that I had no idea they were even a fan.

I ended up in a text discussion with someone I nearly sold a spare ticket too last night (unfortunately for her, I'd just sold it to someone else) and I helped her choose another good ticket. She was so excited. She's organised a babysitter and her and her husband are going to the show on Monday night. She's never been to a big arena concert in her life.

Her final text to me? "I can't wait!!! I hope he does all his hits!!"

I cringed when I read it, because of how taboo a statement like that is around here, but it turns out that in the outside world, it's pretty friggin' normal.

Most people at his Aussie shows will be hanging for "Raspberry Beret", "Kiss", "Cream", etc...

But he's obviously got some surprises for us too - I'm really looking forward to what Andy McKee brings to the show and how the acoustic feature set will play out.

I saw him 5 times in California last year and I loved every moment of it.

He could do basically the same shows as that, or he could do completely different shows - all hits, all obscure songs or something in between - and I'm just looking forward to basking in that purple energy and enjoying the excitement and joy of a live Prince concert.

Sorry if it means that the bootlegs are boring for people who won't be there, actually having the experience, but rather want to complain about something they paid nothing for and were never meant to hear.

(That's not to say that you can't have an opinion on the show of course - there's taking something for what it is and not liking it, and then there's complaining bitterly about it, as if Prince has somehow done you wrong by not providing a better bootleg experience.)

I DO hope he lets go of his issues with the music industry soon though and releases a fantastic new album that reflects more of his outstanding artistry, rather than any sort of attempt to appease the masses, as that's something most people here can legitimately enjoy.

I'm not saying his opinions on the subject aren't valid - I just think there comes a point where you have to "suck it up", so to speak, and work with what you got. Much like he's done with other obstacles his entire career ("Oh, I can't use my name to record stuff independently? No problem. I'll change it." etc...)

Ok, rant over wink

4 sleeps to go!! excited

even tho i live in the states, i have felt that he should have toured aussie and japan more often

man, he has such an amazing body of music that it's sad to see him constrict it down to the basics. he's too talented for the lineup he's doing. estelle 81
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Reply #70 posted 05/07/12 6:00am


One of the most entertaining and funny "interviews" I've read from him in quite a while. I take any media stories about him with skepticism, but, he has had some ambiguous TV interviews and alleged quotes in other articles in the last couple of years. I think this is great as he sounds really concise, articulate, coherant, and his humor really shines through.

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Reply #71 posted 05/07/12 6:02am



When is someone finally gonna ask him about releasing some re-master albums?

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Reply #72 posted 05/07/12 7:01am



funkycat00 said:

When is someone finally gonna ask him about releasing some re-master albums?

The reporter emailed him 40 questions. He answered 12.

I don't think the question is so much about when someone's going to ask him, it's more to do with when's he going to answer wink

Lake Minnetonka Music:
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Reply #73 posted 05/07/12 9:41am



What is a 360 deal and what makes it an ideal defecating area?

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Reply #74 posted 05/07/12 9:44am


There was a time when Prince would perform less known songs/b-sides/whatever and have time to play his hits.

Those were not club gigs, those types of setlist were performed at regular shows in massive arena's.

[Edited 5/7/12 2:45am]

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Reply #75 posted 05/07/12 10:20am



L4OATheOriginal said:

toots said:

Paris9748430 said:

But not every person who goes to see Prince goes to every single show and listens to every single live bootleg.

Yeah, let's pack an arena full of people and play a bunch of songs that nobody's heard!

wait u forgot .. lets play PR every dam setlist too ugh that 20 yr some old song is getting quite OLD

u mean he's never done that song live before ..EVER?

Nooo.....never..*inserts lots of sarcasim* nana
Smurf theme song-seriously how many fucking "La Las" can u fit into a dam song wall
Proud Wendy and Lisa Fancy Lesbian asskisser thumbs up!
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Reply #76 posted 05/07/12 10:24am



errant said:

BobGeorge909 said:

errant said: He wasn't out touting it. He said a friend hipped him to use it. There is also the possibility of a perception difference on what is digital music. It seems he's speaking to a means of consumption rather than a creative process.

If he believed it, the waveforms for his last 10 albums wouldn't look like bricks.

You're just displaying exactly what he is bemoaning! Looking at a waveform is no substitute for actually listening to a waveform.

...we have only scratched the surface of what the mind can do...

My dance project;

Listen to any of my tracks in full, for free, here;

Go and glisten wink
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Reply #77 posted 05/07/12 10:49am



funkycat00 said:

When is someone finally gonna ask him about releasing some re-master albums?

I asked him wink

YOU try getting a straight answer out of him !

Hard to believe I've been on the org for over 25 years now!
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Reply #78 posted 05/07/12 10:51am


An interview where he actually made sense & made some points I agree with. Something's up.

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Reply #79 posted 05/07/12 11:06am


Mindflux said:

errant said:

If he believed it, the waveforms for his last 10 albums wouldn't look like bricks.

You're just displaying exactly what he is bemoaning! Looking at a waveform is no substitute for actually listening to a waveform.

The problem is, you can actually hear the compression...

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Reply #80 posted 05/07/12 1:49pm



Nice simple email interview...

Nothing earth shattering ans why would there be? He's there to play a string of live shows...not unveil a new album or talk about the re-masters. The average Joe reading this in the newspaper only knows the hits and wants to hear only the hits when they go to a show.

B-sides/rarities are saved for the after shows if he decides to have any and someone from the audience can yell questions at him about a new album or the remasters...I'm sure he'll respond with, what else, a short cryptic answer wink

The greatest live performer of our times was is and always will be Prince.

Remember there is only one destination and that place is U
All of it. Everything. Is U.
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Reply #81 posted 05/07/12 2:46pm


I'm a huge fan of Prince (or else I wouldn't be here.)

But his hypocritical thought process and contradictions are unnerving.

Sorry, I like Robin Thicke and he has written tons of material for other R&B artists. He is well respected and sought after. Did I mention his wife is fine as can be?

360 deals. Without them Prince you might not have made it to where you are. The problem Prince is that you have to learn to make things work FOR you. Not just whine and pout and try to not honor your agreement. With a 360 dealio; record companies work harder to promote you and use their monies to promote you because they have a stake and interest. Think about this, Prince.

Tour riders: Come on, Prince! Your riders are notorious! Give us a break!

Digital Music: Are you kidding me Prince!?! You were one of the first artists to distribute your music this way! (And the quality of the digital music you put out on your NPGMC was crappy!)

Please don't compare a music album with a book or a movie! They are completely different! Besides: your concept albums are disjointed and non cohesive to the story line you are communicating. If your individual songs were more focused and to the point of the concept of the album, then maybe we could sort of agree.

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Reply #82 posted 05/07/12 2:53pm


Almost sounded normal til he got to sounding like a Cylon woith his "we" stuff. That said I am shocked to hear that his band plays like he would if he were in that position. Maybe that's why I find most of them bringing nothing to the table. It's too bad he doesn't understand it is waht people collectively bring to the table verus just being a team player if you really want to push things forward. It's the differnce between a band and people you hired to play behind you.

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Reply #83 posted 05/07/12 3:18pm



msicfan said:

I'm a huge fan of Prince (or else I wouldn't be here.)

But his hypocritical thought process and contradictions are unnerving.

Sorry, I like Robin Thicke and he has written tons of material for other R&B artists. He is well respected and sought after. Did I mention his wife is fine as can be?

But he's hardly in the same league is he..? What's his wife gotta do with it?

360 deals. Without them Prince you might not have made it to where you are. The problem Prince is that you have to learn to make things work FOR you.

Ok you're now addressing Prince directly - you think he's gonna read this, and then respond...? Hmm don't think Prince has ever has a 360 deal has he?. Prince appears to be managing fine without anyone elses pearls of wisdom/ free advice

Digital Music: Are you kidding me Prince!?! You were one of the first artists to distribute your music this way! (And the quality of the digital music you put out on your NPGMC was crappy!)

I think his email response acknowledges digital format is a necessity now - but that he would prefer analog quality.

Please don't compare a music album with a book or a movie! They are completely different! Besides: your concept albums are disjointed and non cohesive to the story line you are communicating.

in your opinion - again, as above, he makes the point that HIS albums were packaged to be listened to as one experience - not as single 'stand alone' tracks.

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Reply #84 posted 05/07/12 3:22pm



Zannaloaf said:

It's too bad he doesn't understand it is waht people collectively bring to the table verus just being a team player if you really want to push things forward. It's the differnce between a band and people you hired to play behind you.

I've always seen each carnation of NPG, and The Revolution for that matter, as musicians hired to play behind him

Writing collaboration aside, I mean this in the sense that Prince has always been the bandleader and had a very clear vision of what the live experience should look like and sound like - whatever the players

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Reply #85 posted 05/07/12 4:13pm



80spfantwp said:

The usual moans, from the usual suspects: Prince playing the hits - only on the org...!

What is so difficult to comprehend?

- Prince is playing large arenas i.e. 20k crowds

- He has promised 'the hits' - because that's what the mainstream wanna hear

The 'Welcome 2 ......' gt run has been very successful - very few artists switch up their setlists like Prince does; no 2 concerts are the same

Some of y'all just look for negative - jeez he aint even played in ustralia yet and you're knocking him already. No wonder he's on a nostalgia trip - gets plenty of love outside of his hardcore fanbase.

Compare Prince's setlists to Madonna's and then answer me: why can't "sophisticated/smart" Prince fans handle new songs in concert whereas Madonna's audiences can? Her tours are always at least 50% new music.

Radiohead barely play any of their hits.

Prince is in the same league as oldies acts.

© Bart Van Hemelen
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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Reply #86 posted 05/07/12 4:23pm



80spfantwp said:

msicfan said:

I'm a huge fan of Prince (or else I wouldn't be here.)

Please don't compare a music album with a book or a movie! They are completely different!

How are they different? They all belong to Culture and the Arts?

Culture and the Arts - ArtsBeat Blog - - Vertaal deze pagina

28 minutes ago – The New York Times ArtsBeat blog explores the world of culture and the arts, including art, TV, books, movies, music and more. Also, reports ..

"Free URself, B the best that U can B, 3rd Apartment from the Sun, nothing left to fear" Prince Rogers Nelson - Forever in my Life -
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Reply #87 posted 05/07/12 4:27pm



thumbs up! @ Prince! He's funny! biggrin

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Reply #88 posted 05/07/12 4:30pm



BartVanHemelen said:

Compare Prince's setlists to Madonna's and then answer me: why can't "sophisticated/smart" Prince fans handle new songs in concert whereas Madonna's audiences can? Her tours are always at least 50% new music.

Radiohead barely play any of their hits.

Prince is in the same league as oldies acts.

Well Bart, why don't you go and set up a research about

1. What criteria are needed to be qualified a sophisiticated/smart Prince fan.

2. How many of those fans can handle news songs in concert.

3. Why they can (what factors are involved)

4. Why they can't. Ditto

As there's no discrimination in Prince's concert as to who can attend, i.e. casual and new fans, also run a research, on at least please 500 participants and find out what songs they want to hear.

As for Madonna. She has always been the material girl and she's continued to survive in this market by conforming and participating in this mega throw away society. Out with the old in the new. If it works for her, good for her.

Doesn't mean Prince needs to follow suite.

By the way with all your business models you propose. Is your stack as high as the man's yet?

"Free URself, B the best that U can B, 3rd Apartment from the Sun, nothing left to fear" Prince Rogers Nelson - Forever in my Life -
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Reply #89 posted 05/07/12 4:45pm



giggle he's having fun with this...

As a band leader, what do you expect from the musicians you work with? 1. Foot washing 2. Locks of hair 3. Per diem.

eek lol lol

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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Melbourne Prince Interview May 6