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Cool Article About Prince's Charitable Efforts For Pioneering R&B Musicians This article is from a great website for all Black Music:, there are links to the Rhythm and Blues Foundation and the site where this article comes from "Commentary: (MJ vs. Prince). On the left side of the page there's a link to Larry Graham's acceptance speech for this R&B Foundation Award and you can hear Larry Graham take a swipe at Michael Jackson aka The Master. You gotta listen to it, to get it. Enjoy!
Hey.... 3121 #1 THIS YEAR | |
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Prince and MJ are my two joint favorite artists of all time, so I don't get into these topics, but this is an awful article.
Michael was on a PRESS TOUR promoting his album. Press tours are intense, especially for the biggest artist in the world. For all we know, Michael may have wanted to go to this R&B Foundation ceremony, but there simply wasn't time. It takes a lot of preparation to get Michael and his entourage anywhere. It's a lot of co-ordination, anywhere Michael went got flooded with fans, sometimes even before he arrived, which has to be co-ordinated so it doesn't break public safety rules.
Was he asked to attend this ceremony in advance? Was it co-ordinated for him to be there? I'm guessing not. With the King of Pop, it doesn't take a genius to understand that it's not a case of him "simply showing up". Prince was less in the public eye in 2001 so it was easier for him to be there. And they probably arranged it in advance for him to be there and he didn't have prior arrangements.
And yeah, Larry was maybe bitter that Michael owned the catalog, but that's BUSINESS. He wouldn't sit and make shots at random businessmen if they owned the catalog, would he? Michael was an easy target. And frankly, we know nothing about what Michael's relationship was like with Sly regarding the catalog. Saying Michael "didn't bother to show up" because he's "one of the masters" is so misguided it's ridiculous and just looks like the author has an axe to grind. |
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Good points. This was also around the time when Prince and Larry were recording The Rainbow Children and their friendship probably was centered around their past grievances around the business of the music industry as well as spiritual matters. And when Larry spoke about "The Master", that sounded like Prince speak. But Larry did make some good points about the notion that if artists did own their master recordings there would be no need for sponsors, businesses and artists donating money to a foundation for artists to pay for funeral expenses, keeping their lights on etc.. Aside from the serious tone of the story, hearing Larry Graham in his "Baptist Preacher" mode was amusing. 3121 #1 THIS YEAR | |
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always eemed to me that michael owned masters to make money and not out of love for the music
outbidding mccartney forhis own musuc then selling that shit for commercials and movies?? shame on mike | |
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Thanks for the link amazing choice of free radio!! thanks man!! | |
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Mike own Sly's music & tried to give them back to Sly, for nothing.....FREE!!!
Just like he did for Little Richard, but Sly wanted the million dollars instead..
Not Mike's fault | |
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SOURCE?????? | |
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lol, that's not true, it's both. He loved the music and wanted to become successful at business.
As Paul McCartney himself mentioned countless times in interviews, outbidding itself didn't really bothered him. It's not MJ's fault Paul trusted Yoko on that one is it? | |
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oh come on...paul mccartney was pissed at that. mike stabbed him in the back-or rather im sure the guys who were telling mike what to do.
and as for the what did mr jackson do with the beatles legacy?? and sly and the family stones??
larry g has a right to be pissed at the "master" | |
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Co-Sign. I am not sure where this stuff about Paul not being mad is coming from. Paul went to the media with his grip about Mike and the Beatles catalog and stopped working or speaking to Mike because of it. It was documented in the press back in the day.
In addtion, some one else mentioned that Mike had a press tour to do but the foundation has been around for a while. Did Mike every support it. You got a big difference between dragging someone out on stage and actually helping artist who are struggling.
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this is going to be a fun thread Bogey and Bacall, peanut butter and jelly, Wall being on fucking point, is "classic" dipshit. An iphone is top shelf technology. Get it straight. This thing is 4g. -Wall the great | |
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Like I said, Paul himself said, the fact that MJ bought Beatles publishing rights was something that he was "cool" with at the time. Which he should've been, because ATV first offered the catalogue to Paul and Yoko but they weren't bidding high enough. Paul and Yoko bid £10 million, which is like what, less than 20 million USD right? But Michael ended up paying 46 million USD for the catalogue, so really, it wasn't even a close bid. The catalogue was going to be owned by either Jackson or any other bidder at the market, (as far as I know, many other music market moguls were also in the auction, I mean, duh), but not Paul and Yoko. Looks like either they simply didn't have enough money, or didn't really care enough to own the publishing rights at the time. What Paul was so bitter about was when Paul asked for a raise and MJ didn't give him any lol. MJ wasn't really willing to sell that ATV catalogue back to Paul, but that's something Paul had to deal with, because the catalogue was now worth more than 200 million.
Oh yeah, and he seemed pretty bitter at the fact that the song was used in commercial.
But what did MJ do with Beatles legacy? Sure, he once used the original Beatles song for Nike commercial, which made Paul, George, Ringo and die hard Beatles fans mad as hell. But hey, the use of that song was actually approved by Yoko Lennon, so really, there wasn't anything the rest of the members can do about it. Correct me if I'm wrong but after that, MJ did take Paul's anger and opinions into consideration and never used the original Beatles song for commercials, as far as I know. But honestly, I have to ask you guys about using songs in commercials and movies. Does it really "cheapen" artists' legacy like Paul was so worried about 25 yrs ago? Or the fact that Beatles songs (mostly covers, but still) have been everywhere to the point where they're almost shoved in our faces on a daily bases, actually turned out well for them because after 40 years the band broke, their albums still sell like crazy? Hmm, I don't know, let's look what's been happening with the Wings and McCartney solo work catalogue. Last time I checked, their songs were used in the movies. Maybe Paul now realizes using songs in the movies and commercials is not such a bad thing after all? There's difference between publishing rights and royalty, right? All artists naturally get the royalty of their own catalogue but publishing rights is simply a separate business. There's not that many artists who actually own the publishing rights to their own catalogue. This is not a stab at Paul but if you ask me, artists should know better and before you buy a fancy house and a fancy car, should pay for the publishing rights of your own damn catalogue first. [Edited 3/18/12 10:40am] | |
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"rights was something that he was "cool" with at the time." No he was not cool with it. Paul was on T.V and print interviews saying that he was mad that Mike went ahead and brought the songs after Paul had told Mike about the opportunity. Paul felf Mike went behind his back.
I remember seeing Paul on t.v and reading this in print. Paul might be okay with it now since he cannot do anything about it but not back at the time. | |
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There's an interview done only 2 years after MJ snatched the ATV catalogue.(1989) I think it may be on youtube.
Paul says "I can't blame him, you know, it was on the market". and that was his exact words. If he ever said he was "angry" at MJ for buying the catalogue, it's kinda laughable because 1. MJ DID tell Paul he was going to buy it, Paul's the one who took it as a joke, 2. Paul reached out to Yoko but they didn't even have enough money to buy it; well, it surely seems like it [Edited 3/18/12 14:19pm] | |
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hell yes i think using the beatles songs in a shoe advert cheapens the art
same as mike slugging back cans of pepsi
but i guess one can always use another 20million on top of your 500m | |
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does he look"cool with it"??
mike sold out the beatles...SHAME ON HIM
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Just fucking disgusting.................
paul mccartney is so dignified
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paulmccartney said"WE DONT DO COMMERCIALS" what did mike do? sell revolution for sneakers
all you need is love for a fucking biscuit??
this should be made into a wider thread!! | |
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A Beatle song was used in a commercial
gheesss | |
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I saw an interview with Paul and he said that he was with Michael just talking and Michael said "I think I'm going to buy your music" (said it in a MJ voice). Paul than said I thought he was joking because I was just telling him that I was thinking about buying the masters. Paul was upset and shocked. He said he hasn't spoken to Michael since and you could see he wasn't happy. Call it business but that's not cool to do to a friend. Would you out bid your friend on a house he was looking at? Stuff like this was the reason MJ dind't have a lot of friends and was in bad debt. JMO Prime aka The Kid
"I need u to dance, I need u to strip I need u to shake Ur lil' ass n hips I need u to grind like Ur working for tips And give me what I need while we listen to PRINCE" | |
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Well, Paul himself said that.
Or is he considered "hypocrite" just because he said this AFTER MJ died? I don't know, U tell me.
The song "Revolution", used for Nike commercial, was solely written by Lennon anyway, and Jackson got Yoko Lennon's approval on that one, which he didn't have to, obviously.
Really, the bottom line is, the publishing right was going to be owned by either MJ or other company, NOT McCartney.
If you were going to be immature like that, How about "shame on McCartney" for being a cheapskate? Being dumb as hell at music publishing business? Even if he didn't have the money, there are ways to get that catalogue. At the end of the day, music publishing is a business and if you're not smart about it, oh well, too bad. You can whine about it all you want but you had your chance, so...
[Edited 3/18/12 21:07pm] | |
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No...again, it wasn't the fact that MJ acquired the publishing rights that ticked him off... MJ bought that catalogue in 1985, and this picture was taken 1987, the "bad" era Jackson (You can tell by his hairstyle, nose, and the outfit). They seem to be pretty close, don't they?
Paul was mad about the songs being used in commercials, MJ declining his requests for a raise.
I understand your viewpoint, and I agree friendship is a precious thing, but the reality is, it wasn't only MJ that had out bidden Paul. There was no way Paul and Yoko could've bought that catalogue with the amount of money they offered. I heard CBS was also in the auction and they had already out-bidden Paul and Yoko's offer, by offering roughly around 35 or 40 million USD. Imagine if companies like CBS ended up owning the catalogue, Beatles would be known as pure Jingle singers by now, lol.
[Edited 3/18/12 21:22pm] | |
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^ sexy picture, all you need is glove | |
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It's Button Therapy, Baby! | |
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wow...........i post two interviews with paul mccartney saying how upset he was that mike bought his back catologue and whored it for a buck
AND mj fans still deny it............its fascinating | |
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Bogey and Bacall, peanut butter and jelly, Wall being on fucking point, is "classic" dipshit. An iphone is top shelf technology. Get it straight. This thing is 4g. -Wall the great | |
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Help me out, who has denied the fact that Paul got upset at MJ used songs for commercials :confused:
I guess at this point, you're simply only reading what you want to read. | |
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lol Please, let me remind you, the reason why MJ threads get locked is something you showed us a long time ago. You seem to always go into every thread that mentions MJ, have nothing informational to offer but throw some random insults at certain fan group to provoke them. Either that or bring up some gossip talk about his kids that no one gives a damn. Obviously too immature to ever be taken seriously. | |
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[Edited 3/19/12 14:06pm] Bogey and Bacall, peanut butter and jelly, Wall being on fucking point, is "classic" dipshit. An iphone is top shelf technology. Get it straight. This thing is 4g. -Wall the great | |
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