Sorry but this comment is uncalled for..Michael didn't abuse little boys, or anything reflective to that nature. Go somewhere else with that, I rather keep this thread clean without disrespect and grave inconsideration. PLEASE! It's Button Therapy, Baby! | |
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Thanks, and much love to you as well, but I guess many people make celebrities out to be what they want them to be, often times based on information they obtain from many media sources, without knowing that celebrity on a personal level. On the other hand, I guess that comes with the territory when you're a celebrity--there will either be positive/negative things said about them.
Anyway, I can't believe you have never seen Prince perform live, yet your girlfriend has. What's wrong with you? | |
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I would say no, Because that made him more famous. But I would say his image physically and his sexually if anything over shadowed his talents more than his attitude back then. "Don't make me chase u, even doves have pride.." | |
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prince's attitude matter in a lot of ways. the ways he treats his old buddys from the hood) which by the way, he dosen't keep in contact with, record execs and personal manangment) which he has show extreme rudness to. critics and his fanbase= total disregard and disrespect. bandmembers and family= total disregard and lack of sensitivity. | |
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First off, I'm in a long distance relationship..IT WILL END PERMANENTLY in 4 months. Haha SO, currently my girl lives in Sweden, and she saw him in when he performed in WAY OUT WEST in August. She worked backstage and saw him up close. (I was so jealous!..Haha) The problem is that he performed one week before I came over there. I WAS FURIOUS! He would and perform right before I came. Another time I was going to see him is when she came stayed with me in my hometown New Orleans. This was around April-May..(Of course the same time for Welcome 2 America/21 Nites LA) So of course I purchased tickets for us to go to the LA Forum. BUT the worst experience happen in my life, that mashed up everything.
You're very welcome though! Thank you again for the love and the truth in the seed of your delivery! It's Button Therapy, Baby! | |
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I really don't think so. He's definitely more famous for his music, not for his personal life story or projected personality. Honestly, I think only fans and some (maybe a few) journalists only know of his personality, or more like, most of them think they do. And of course people who worked with him and his personal friends would know him better..but that's about it. I just think it's hard to cut an artist out of your life just because he/she doesn't seem like a nice person when you're addicted to their art, unless they've personally done something horrible to you. I agree in a way his music is what really matters to me at the end of the day. He's a human and no one's perfect..He may have had come off as an asshole to some people sometimes, but really, everyone has flaws and I think just because he's a celebrity people like to exaggerate the bad part.
Weird how you mentioned MJ. He really did seem very caring and down to earth toward his fans, but wasn't his music overshadowed in the later years by the controversy, almost completely? Even when he announced This Is It tour, I remember even a CNN journalist couldn't say a sentence without joking about his surgeries/vitiligo/weird behaviors/etc., while reporting live about MJ's announcement in London. And the essence of his art - his passion for music, dancing, visual art, wanting to entertain people, and wanting to challenge himself to the limit - was completely ignored by simple comments such as "well he desperately needs money, he better do concerts or release an album or something"... I think it would've eventually had some sort of impact on the way people judge his new music as well. So for him, it was extreme polarization in a way that fans who love his personality are completely devoted to him and his art, and people who are weirded out by him wouldn't necessarily have taken his material seriously.
It's very hard to tell that "line" though. Like you said, the fact that Edger Allan Poe married his 13 year old cousin when he was in his mid 20's isn't going to stop me from liking his novels. But at the same time, when I see certain artists being very kind to his fans(or to the public in general), or being an active humanitarian, or if they have a personal life story that is very inspiring, I tend to give them "extra credit" (even though technically, it's only "projected personality") in a way that I take a second look at their art. So yeah, I guess I really can't be someone who says "I don't give a damn about artists' personality or personal life!".. [Edited 1/2/12 23:58pm] | |
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yeah sure
This is still a Prince site. So I dont care about your silly political correctness! He was just that, a child molester !!!
[Edited 1/3/12 4:29am] "ohYeeeeeah" said: I'm a massive Bowie fan. Even on Scary Monsters, I always skip Fame ... | |
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I don't care if this is a 'Prince' sight or not, that still leaves no room to disrespect someone. If you want to disrespect someone, do so with FACTS not reported slander, delivered under the prosecution of Tom Sneddon, or any of fabrication of truth such as this link. I'm not being politically correct, I'm being correct in my response to you. He wasn't a child molester, I'm not going to argue with you on a forum where the only response to you will be through the typing of my finger tips...
ALL I'm saying is this is no place for that. The link you provided is one of the most silliest videos, if you believe something like this, likely you'll believe anything. If you want to have a discussion about this send me a message, but sending a link to a video and merely stating an opinion based on what you've heard, is pretty weak and utterly childish. With that being said...COME OFF OF IT.
It's Button Therapy, Baby! | |
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I don't think you should cut artists out because of their personal choice. I say the same, that's why I created this thread. A lot people let small things effect them, & while I don't agree with some things Prince does, at the end of the day..IT REALLY DOES NOT MATTER. Just like people don't agree with what some things I do, they can't tell me, I shouldn't do them..I mean they can, but is that going to make me stop? No. It's my life, and if it doesn't abuse me, or any one else around me I could care less. Those who know Prince well, always talks as if he is a JOKER..he tells jokes, changes his voice to certain characters, and is very funny. The stories I hear of him being SERIOUS, mean, and disrespectful are really personally individual and I think sometimes hyperbole's. I totally agree that, with celebrities people tend to elaborate more. My Father always told me, The only reason the Media or no one is talking about YOU, is because you aren't famous.
I agree with you in that I DO VERY MUCH FEEL, after 'Invincible' (His last studio album) The media could not focus on anything on Michael Jackson within his music. Even before then, the greater deal about MJ was him & children after 1993. He did much to surface over that, but there were still people out to get him. He became immensely paranoid, and I would too. He made bad choices, and continued to distance himself from reality by becoming even more sheltered. The media for the most part only talked about the surgery, masks, molestation charges, the kid like behavior, etc... it became a serious masquerade, that did indeed shatter his perception to everyone else. He became more of a joke, who needed money, and would go through all costs to get it. I'm led to believe that was not the case at all about MJ. It seems as if nothing mattered what MJ did, and whatever did it had to be through the media of his personal life, and all of the lies and slander over these years.
I think for the most part, we do see an image of what is not really real, BUT THAT IS NOT to say, their personal life means nothing. Of course it does. I meant, that we should not look at celebrities in a sense that we forget they are really there for their talents..SUPPOSE TO BE ANYWAYS...COUGH THE KARDASHAINS COUGH..Haha It's Button Therapy, Baby! | |
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Thanks for the comment! Many people are saying his image, and I guess that has something to do with it. I'm sure it did more harm for "Americans" than anyone else. Everyone else seemed to embrace it, especially if they embraced it with Mick Jagger, Areosmith, etc. With Prince, maybe they thought it was too much? Some people are too up tight. It's Button Therapy, Baby! | |
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Thanks for the comment! I know in a lot ways, all of those things you mention are largerly elaborated on. They're other sides of the spectrum, while he is all of these things you think it's the MAJOR reason why some ignore him? It's Button Therapy, Baby! | |
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Oh i didnt know that that the video with the secret "molesting chamber" next to his bedroom is faked!! Where can i read about that please?
I guess the MJ interview where he states that it is "the most normal thing for a 40year old to sleep in the same bed with little boys" has been faked as well then????!!!
Diane Dimond a liar, La Toya a liar, his ex manager a liar as well.....
But why did he need to pay off Jordan Chandler if he indeed was innocent??? Can you explain it for silly people like me??
Seriously, you seem to have some real insider information about the case! Real FACTS, not just your oppinion! Please share it with us!
[Edited 1/3/12 11:55am] "ohYeeeeeah" said: I'm a massive Bowie fan. Even on Scary Monsters, I always skip Fame ... | |
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I rather Orgnote you. I am NOT going to get off the topic, to entertain a weak approach made in unfounded research. So check your Orgnotes! It's Button Therapy, Baby! | |
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yes mrjester7 it matters a great deal. how would you like to work with an artist on the road who only wants to talk to you thru handwritten notes or thru his bodyguard. would you be excited to deal with him? | |
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I'd be excited to be making money. "I never want to stop singing this song!" Prince in Montreal, 12/2/11, just before performing Purple Rain | |
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"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato | |
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Apart from what we read or hear, none of us really know what kind of a person Prince is. So his attitude shouldn't really matter. | |
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This is not saying much but, I've met Prince ( thanks to my wife ) one evening at the 3121 Las Vegas Jazz Club during the Vegas stint. He was warm, inviting and ... 'nice'. The brother even shook my hand. I had seen and read many interviews where he didn't do THAT anymore or what have you. I've read interviews with former friends or musicians who have worked with him that'll say he's one of the best bosses to work for and we never hear the latter.
I think everything he's done he's done purposely and it's worked out well for him. Peace ... & Stay Funky ...
~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~ |
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Sorry for going on RANT, but the hypocrisy is some people is just baffling!
But thank you for your comment, I agree with you totally, the media can once again influence his perception. But, I think it's worked out well for him too. He is doing "HIS THANG" I don't mind people doing..THEIR THANG!!! It's Button Therapy, Baby! | |
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It's Button Therapy, Baby! | |
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No it doesn't.
Only to retarted people who think that just because someone is famous it makes them practically personal friends of then to the point of slamming people they don't know or judging music based on a stranger's personal life. They're dumb. Alienated. People get too pissed when someone famous does something that they don't agree with. Be it a good or a bad thing. They shouldn't. They don't know famous people. It's just dumbness and egoism all the way. bleh | |
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i have altitude .. ya i said altitude so .
its all part of the rock n roll magic the atitude thing. When i give my daughter tude she rolls her eyes n laughs | |
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