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Thread started 12/05/11 6:50pm



Vote for Prince's Ladies' Raps

Here's one to stir the pot -- soliciting opinions on who laid down the worst female rap on a Prince track (by the way I do like Sheila's "Trans-Atlantic Rap"):

  • Andy
  • Cat
  • Eve
  • Ninety-9
  • Mayte (wait, did she actually rap?)
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Reply #1 posted 12/05/11 7:02pm


none of em! razz

[Edited 12/5/11 12:07pm]

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Reply #2 posted 12/05/11 7:15pm



Eve wasn't one of "Prince's ladies"...

She is a rapper in her own right, who was a guest on a song.

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #3 posted 12/05/11 7:27pm



alphachannel said:

(by the way I do like Sheila's "Trans-Atlantic Rap"):

That's the Trans-Mississippi Rap. wink

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Reply #4 posted 12/05/11 7:57pm




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Reply #5 posted 12/05/11 7:59pm



Best: Cat, Alphabet St.

Worst: Cat, Cindy C

Just my opinion.

[EDIT:] No, wait! Worst: Robin Power, 'Number One'

[Edited 12/5/11 12:00pm]

PRINCE: the only man who could wear high heels and makeup and STILL steal your woman!
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Reply #6 posted 12/05/11 8:57pm


Best; Cat, alPhabet street
Worst ever; Andy on extra lovable suuuuuccckkkkss sound like that nikki Girl!
prince is Sexy. Period.
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Reply #7 posted 12/05/11 10:20pm



Efan said:

alphachannel said:

(by the way I do like Sheila's "Trans-Atlantic Rap"):

That's the Trans-Mississippi Rap. wink

Eve wasn't one of "Prince's ladies"...

She is a rapper in her own right, who was a guest on a song.

Wow -- two brain farts in one post. I guess I need a nap... biggrin.

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Reply #8 posted 12/05/11 11:03pm


Yellooo said:

none of em! razz

[Edited 12/5/11 12:07pm]


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Reply #9 posted 12/06/11 12:43am



Eve was the best because she was ACTUALLY A RAPPER!

The rest sucked dick on Tuesdays and I say that with love. Girls who can't sing most definitely shouldn't rap and girls who can't rap most definitely shouldn't attempt to rap for Prince. Hell even Prince shouldn't rap.

RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. rose
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Reply #10 posted 12/06/11 1:09am




Cindy C, Alphabet Street, It's Gonna Be A Beautiful Night.

She wins my vote.

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Reply #11 posted 12/06/11 1:36am


Cat's rap on "Alphabet St" by far the best.
Carmen Electra on "The Continental" and her "Get On Up" are 2nd for me
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Reply #12 posted 12/06/11 2:49am


Can't forget Sheila's little rappy in the sign of the times movie. biggrin I think the song was beautiful night. I was so in awe of her watching that Movie for the first time. When she got on the drums and did that blew my bind!

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Reply #13 posted 12/06/11 2:53am


joyfantastica said:

Can't forget Sheila's little rappy in the sign of the times movie. biggrin I think the song was beautiful night. I was so in awe of her watching that Movie for the first time. When she got on the drums and did that blew my bind!

Havent heard Andy's although i like her voice.

I would have to pick Cat.

...."now run and tell your mom bout that......and while your at it tell your pop bout this" headbang

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Reply #14 posted 12/06/11 3:53am




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Reply #15 posted 12/06/11 4:24am



NeonCraxx said:


Cindy C, Alphabet Street, It's Gonna Be A Beautiful Night.

She wins my vote.

Cat didn't rap on It's Gonna Be A Beautiful Night.

I guess nobody's mentioned Rosie on Jughead... best or worst?
"So fierce U look 2night, the brightest star pales 2 Ur sex..."
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Reply #16 posted 12/06/11 4:33am


Worst: Sheila E Holly Rock

Best: Sheila E It's Gonna Be A Beautiful Night

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Reply #17 posted 12/06/11 11:24am



I guess nobody's mentioned Rosie on Jughead... best or worst?

Ha! i had forgotten Rosie's terrible rap on Push

'Well, all U people out there, U better beware
Cuz they call me Rosie G. and I just don't care'

You're right, Rosie - I don't think anyone cares...

[Edited 12/6/11 3:25am]

PIPS! Eurgh...
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Reply #18 posted 12/06/11 11:29am



joyfantastica said:

Can't forget Sheila's little rappy in the sign of the times movie. biggrin I think the song was beautiful night. I was so in awe of her watching that Movie for the first time. When she got on the drums and did that blew my bind!

whatever she was wearing blew my...mind... also, it was like she wasnt even wearing a top almost

Bogey and Bacall, peanut butter and jelly, Wall being on fucking point, is "classic" dipshit. An iphone is top shelf technology. Get it straight. This thing is 4g. -Wall the great
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Reply #19 posted 12/06/11 4:00pm




[Edited 12/6/11 8:03am]

Just somewhere in the middle,
Not too good and not too bad.
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Reply #20 posted 12/06/11 9:53pm



Aww, you're mean! I actually like Andy's rap, especially the way she says - 'we have our little tiffs ' too cute lol

vvluvfunk said:

Best; Cat, alPhabet street Worst ever; Andy on extra lovable suuuuuuuuccckkkkss sound like that nikki Girl!

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Reply #21 posted 12/07/11 2:19pm



joanne55555 said:

Aww, you're mean! I actually like Andy's rap, especially the way she says - 'we have our little tiffs ' too cute lol

vvluvfunk said:

Best; Cat, alPhabet street Worst ever; Andy on extra lovable suuuuuuuuccckkkkss sound like that nikki Girl!


Bogey and Bacall, peanut butter and jelly, Wall being on fucking point, is "classic" dipshit. An iphone is top shelf technology. Get it straight. This thing is 4g. -Wall the great
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Reply #22 posted 12/07/11 3:04pm


eyewishuheaven said:

Best: Cat, Alphabet St.

Worst: Cat, Cindy C

Just my opinion.

[EDIT] No, wait! Worst: Robin Power, 'Number One'

[Edited 12/5/11 12:00pm]

Cindy C: the Music Is the Key ... rap?

that was the same one used on Positivity(unreleased)

{Rap from "Music Is The Key" by J.M. Silk}
Music is the key 2 set yourself free
From depression, drugs and increasing poverty
The key is 2 the lock, the lock is on the door
The door has a knob that U never turned before
The jack, use the jack, it opens up the lock
Cuz there's the key 2 unlock the body
Place it like that 2 open up the door
The door 2 the house 4 the people galore
The beat won't stop till the J.M. jocks
And he jacks the box till the party rocks
The clock tick-tocks and the place gets hot
And believe it or not, all the troubles U forgot
It's just that easy if U want it 2 be
4 all the fellas and the young ladies
So ease your mind and set yourself free
2 the mystifying music that we call Cindy C.

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Reply #23 posted 12/07/11 3:04pm


Cat: Alphabet St

Talk 2 me lover, come and tell me what U taste
Didn't your mama tell U life is 2 good 2 waste?
Did she tell U Lovesexy was the glam of them all?
U can hang, U can trip on it, U surely won't fall
No side effects, the feeling last 4ever
Straight up, it tastes good, it makes U feel clever
U kiss your enemies like U know U should
And then U jerk your body like a horny pony would
U jerk your body like a horny pony would
Now run and tell your mama about that!

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Reply #24 posted 12/07/11 3:10pm


{Poem by Edward Lear titled "The Table And The Chair"}

Said the Table 2 the Chair
"U can hardly be aware
How I suffer from the heat
And from chilblains on my feet"
"If we took a little walk
We might have a little talk
Pray let us take the air"
Said the Table 2 the Chair
(Can't nobody fuck with us {repeat})

Said the Chair unto the Table
"Now U know we are not able
How foolishly U talk
When U know we cannot walk"
Said the Table with a sigh
"It can do no harm 2 try
I've as many legs as U
Why can't we walk on 2?" (Say...)

So they both went slowly down
And walked about the town
With a cheerful bumpy sound
As they toddled round and round
And everybody cried
As they hastened 2 their side
"See! The Table and the Chair
Have come 2 take the air"
(Paris, y'all, can't nobody...) (Say it y'all)

But in going down an alley
2 a castle in the valley
They completely lost their way
And wandered all the day
Till, 2 see them safely back
They paid a Ducky-quack
And a Beetle, and a Mouse
Who took them 2 their house

When they whispered 2 each other
"O delightful little brother
What a lovely walk we've taken
Let us dine on Beans and Bacon"
So the Ducky, and the leetle (Say it, y'all)
Browny-Mousey and the Beetle
Dined, and danced upon their heads
Till they toddled 2 their beds

Good God, uh!

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Reply #25 posted 12/07/11 3:46pm


Efan said:

alphachannel said:

(by the way I do like Sheila's "Trans-Atlantic Rap"):

That's the Trans-Mississippi Rap. wink

You are a true funk soldier.

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Reply #26 posted 12/07/11 4:15pm



novabrkr said:

Efan said:

That's the Trans-Mississippi Rap. wink

You are a true funk soldier.


Thank you for recognizing.

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Reply #27 posted 12/07/11 4:41pm



Cat...we need u 2 rap....

That rap in Cindy C reminds me a lot of Sinead O Connor, I thought it was her at first listening...

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Reply #28 posted 12/07/11 6:22pm



TheFreakerFantastic said:

Cat...we need u 2 rap....

That rap in Cindy C reminds me a lot of Sinead O Connor, I thought it was her at first listening...

You mean MC Lyte right? Or did Sinead actually lay down some rhymes???

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Reply #29 posted 12/07/11 6:24pm



^ I mean whoever did the rap in Cindy C...i assumed it was Cat...(but it does sound a helluva lot like Sinead....)

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