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it's nothing like being a stalker. you may as well say asking a question is piracy or racialist. they are all entirely different things
and wtf kinda fan r u? every1 knows he don't wear no underwear. jeez | |
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... this is getting GOOD !!! [Edited 4/11/11 9:32am] Peace ... & Stay Funky ...
~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~ |
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The point I was trying to make is, it's none of your business. What kind of fan am I? A fan who doesn't give a fuck if he doesn't pay his bills. I love his music end of story. If you don't pay your bills that's on you... It doesn't matter to me because that's your issue not mine. The statement was just an example of how silly you are being by asking why the man doesn't pay his bills. I'm very aware of the fact that he's not a fan of fruit of the loom or hanes thank you very much. [Edited 4/7/11 14:15pm] This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319 | |
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Me too cause I don't work for free... This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319 | |
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What it 'feels' like lPoeticl is that some orgerz and I do not like to speak for someone when they have a voice of their own but, I have the impression that some members may feel that Prince may be some type of 'shady' character that just because it is REPORTED that he owes someone or doesn't pay this or that 'bill' that that translates into the music or albums that we buy or find out about.
I agree with you (about not caring about that).
I have bills in collections and some bill collectors calling me but, that does not show and prove my character as a person because I do not pay so said bill on time to some collector. I'll pay it when I pay it and I don't think any orger cares about my bills just like I could care less about theirs and I'm not saying I don't care about anyone that's a member of the org but, I know personally maybe 5 orgers.
The music is one thing and what he pays or does not pay or how he treats one of the past related artist or how he treats and x-wife or an x-girlfriend has no bearing on me going to one of his concerts or buying the latest album.
Nuff said ... Peace ... & Stay Funky ...
~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~ |
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True... This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319 | |
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i'm guessing that you aren't a multi millionaire who gives hundreds of thousands of pounds away to charity, instead of using that money to pay your bills though? your situation doesn't compare in the slightest
it's a reasonable question to ask why someone gives away large sums to charity and publicises it, whilst he is taken to court for not paying bills, and still has unpaid debts that he was ordered by court to pay. if you don't care about that, why are you taking the time to discuss it? i don't discuss things i don't care about, unless i'm forced to, and no-one is forcing you to read, nevermind reply on a fan website. you might not care, but it piques the interest of others | |
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. . unique...i think that when he has to pay up...when the lawyers start freezing his assets...he will pay up...i have no doubt he has plenty put by to cover these things....i just think he hates paying bills....just like the rest of us...the difference is he is in a position where he can f**k them about for a long period of time... . i f**king hate lawyers grabbing bastards...£150 an hour ? a working man on £10 to £15 an hour ....they might as well say...bend over and take this you peseant... .
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Lol. He has the money to not pay the bill and when they take him to court so then he can pay less than he owes at a reduced rate. Hmmmm. Wish I could do that. Lol.Oh and Bravo to you for your charitable contribution, Prince!!! [Edited 4/8/11 6:57am] | |
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I was just adding my 2cents on a fan site, Unique. Nothing more nothing less. Love your insights (in a lot of your post) though ... Peace ... & Stay Funky ...
~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~ |
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it's a different story when you are talking about a man who gets paid more for 2 hours work than most of the top lawyers earn in a year though
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everybody wants to talk about "lawsuits this, Prince is broke that!" finally someone has a positive thread. thanx for this. I'm sick and tired of making plans without making up my mind, teacher teacher can't u see I just need a little time. | |
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Does anyone pry in to how much you make an hour? So why critisize someone when you havent got a clue about his financial affairs? what proof do you have that he has unpaid bills? no proof, until now...Prince does not owe one cent to IRS or Lawyers, and he just paid his cellphone bill on the 12th april, which has got nothing to do with you, but i just wanted to clear my boss` name....he loves his fans, but hates haters like you....infact he despises you all who pretend to be his fans when really you suck the goodness from anything he does. MINIDIP | |
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why it take so long for the nutters to come out? | |
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everyone laughs at you all, you havent got a clue, you think y`all know, you know shit. MINIDIP | |
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well, i hope to make people laugh
do you hope to make people think you are mental? | |
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... come now children, just RELEASE it !!! Peace ... & Stay Funky ...
~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~ |
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It was such a positive thread... way to go. This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319 | |
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errrrm me? mental? haha! you are funny, if only you knew who you were speaking to!! this is too much!!!! hahahahahahaha!!!!! hey, heres an idea, why dont you put all your spare time to good use, and maybe go learn a musical instrument, read a book, volounteer at a homeless shelter or are wayyyyy too smart to be spending your life on the ORG buddy....cheer up. MINIDIP | |
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well newbie, i don't care who you are. i taught myself to play most instruments and i do more volunteering and charity work in a day than you probably do in a week. i just don't like to talk about my work in those areas, it's my personal business. if i wanted people to know about it i'd make a big fucking sign and tell the world about it
i also pay my bills. on time almost every time unless i forget. i don't have people chasing me for debts. i get my priorities right
and as i'm human i have shortcomings, which means i can't work all day every day, so sometimes i spend some time online and try and be helpful to some people, and make others laugh, sometimes make people think, and ideally do all 3 at the same time
and if i want to post something you don't like, i don't give a fucking shit. and i don't care if you are prince or the wizard of fucking oz, it's irrelevant. and i don't give a fuck what you say either. and before you respond with "why you replying then", i'll reply if i fucking want to or not
so don't try and derail the thread with your bullshit
to bring it back on topic, why the fuck is prince bragging about giving money to charity when he doesn't pay his bills on time, and even ignores court orders? it's a valid enough topic of conversation, if you don't like the question, you don't have to follow it
and to remind again, no-one is critisising anyone for giving to charity. i don't care who gives, it's all good. but that's not the question | |
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Oh lawd... not again. This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319 | |
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aww that is so sweet my baby prince is giving back to the community, that is really sweet of him!!!
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all hail Our Hero Prince | |
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Or a friend of Prince? 99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%. | |
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