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Reply #90 posted 04/06/11 8:06pm



IamFunkay7 said:

I notice some people always got something to say, but I believe if the shoe was on the other foot some of you talking crap would be like whats charity? lol

so what, my goodness, people think way too highly of themselves if they think they can judge him, some of you don't even pay your own bills lol. yeah he might owe people money. Now I think it was really nice what he did donate because some ppl don't do it at all, he could have given more? well whatever, I think you should worry about your own life more. He is not the only person donating because there are many more, so there are some people getting taken care of without his help lol. I tip my hat to Prince for giving anything at all rolleyes people this is why I love this place lol

[Edited 4/6/11 13:02pm]

some people on here do a lot more for charity than prince does. for some it's a full time job

prince is the only person i can think of that can give money to charity and have fans fucking moaning about it

if i chuck a pound in the charity box it doesn't dissolve me of my sins. i still have to pay my bills. and if i give money to charity instead of paying my bills, i'm still responsible for my actions and still have to pay my bills

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Reply #91 posted 04/06/11 8:26pm



unique said:

acjohns said:

Just because some one says you owe them money doesn't necessarily means that it is true.

Maybe just maybe Prince feels he doesnt owe these two organizations any money.If that is the case, he probably wants them to sue him so he can defend his case as to why he is not paying them.

but in the most referenced case, he was taken to court, he lost, was ordered to pay up, and still hasn't paid up

what more do you want?

just because he doesn't "feel" he owes them money doesn't mean he can avoid paying what he's legally obligated to do

You must be a creditor... lol

This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319
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Reply #92 posted 04/06/11 8:27pm



unique said:

IamFunkay7 said:

I notice some people always got something to say, but I believe if the shoe was on the other foot some of you talking crap would be like whats charity? lol

so what, my goodness, people think way too highly of themselves if they think they can judge him, some of you don't even pay your own bills lol. yeah he might owe people money. Now I think it was really nice what he did donate because some ppl don't do it at all, he could have given more? well whatever, I think you should worry about your own life more. He is not the only person donating because there are many more, so there are some people getting taken care of without his help lol. I tip my hat to Prince for giving anything at all rolleyes people this is why I love this place lol

[Edited 4/6/11 13:02pm]

some people on here do a lot more for charity than prince does. for some it's a full time job

prince is the only person i can think of that can give money to charity and have fans fucking moaning about it

if i chuck a pound in the charity box it doesn't dissolve me of my sins. i still have to pay my bills. and if i give money to charity instead of paying my bills, i'm still responsible for my actions and still have to pay my bills

And how do you know there's not a check in the mail already? Can it mad

This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319
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Reply #93 posted 04/06/11 8:42pm


unique said:

IamFunkay7 said:

I notice some people always got something to say, but I believe if the shoe was on the other foot some of you talking crap would be like whats charity? lol

so what, my goodness, people think way too highly of themselves if they think they can judge him, some of you don't even pay your own bills lol. yeah he might owe people money. Now I think it was really nice what he did donate because some ppl don't do it at all, he could have given more? well whatever, I think you should worry about your own life more. He is not the only person donating because there are many more, so there are some people getting taken care of without his help lol. I tip my hat to Prince for giving anything at all rolleyes people this is why I love this place lol

[Edited 4/6/11 13:02pm]

some people on here do a lot more for charity than prince does. for some it's a full time job

prince is the only person i can think of that can give money to charity and have fans fucking moaning about it

if i chuck a pound in the charity box it doesn't dissolve me of my sins. i still have to pay my bills. and if i give money to charity instead of paying my bills, i'm still responsible for my actions and still have to pay my bills

I agree but do you see where I'm going with this, why does it matter? does it affect your life? no it doesn't and I tip my hat to those people as well. yes its still his responsibility, but like I said, why does it matter, he doesn't owe any of us money lol.

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Reply #94 posted 04/06/11 8:44pm


lPoeticl said:

unique said:

some people on here do a lot more for charity than prince does. for some it's a full time job

prince is the only person i can think of that can give money to charity and have fans fucking moaning about it

if i chuck a pound in the charity box it doesn't dissolve me of my sins. i still have to pay my bills. and if i give money to charity instead of paying my bills, i'm still responsible for my actions and still have to pay my bills

And how do you know there's not a check in the mail already? Can it mad

lol... my God people act like he own them money lol

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Reply #95 posted 04/06/11 8:50pm


unique said:

IamFunkay7 said:

I notice some people always got something to say, but I believe if the shoe was on the other foot some of you talking crap would be like whats charity? lol

so what, my goodness, people think way too highly of themselves if they think they can judge him, some of you don't even pay your own bills lol. yeah he might owe people money. Now I think it was really nice what he did donate because some ppl don't do it at all, he could have given more? well whatever, I think you should worry about your own life more. He is not the only person donating because there are many more, so there are some people getting taken care of without his help lol. I tip my hat to Prince for giving anything at all rolleyes people this is why I love this place lol

[Edited 4/6/11 13:02pm]

some people on here do a lot more for charity than prince does. for some it's a full time job

prince is the only person i can think of that can give money to charity and have fans fucking moaning about it

if i chuck a pound in the charity box it doesn't dissolve me of my sins. i still have to pay my bills. and if i give money to charity instead of paying my bills, i'm still responsible for my actions and still have to pay my bills

lol We're all responsible for paying our bills, regardless if one chooses to donate to a charity/organization. The difference is, when a celebrity falls back on payments or end up in debt, owe taxes, etc., that news will occasionally hit the press. Nothing new and no one says that's acceptable. Why some folks go batsh*t crazy in a state of euphoria over that type of news, to the point where they obsessively rant , moan or stress themselves out over it, like that news decreases their own debts or adds something to their lives, is freaking hilarious. I'm sure there's more important issues in this life many can dedicate their time to, instead of wasting their time worried about someone else's personal finances. Life goes on and then some.

[Edited 4/6/11 16:36pm]

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Reply #96 posted 04/06/11 8:53pm



2elijah said:

unique said:

some people on here do a lot more for charity than prince does. for some it's a full time job

prince is the only person i can think of that can give money to charity and have fans fucking moaning about it

if i chuck a pound in the charity box it doesn't dissolve me of my sins. i still have to pay my bills. and if i give money to charity instead of paying my bills, i'm still responsible for my actions and still have to pay my bills

lol We're all responsible for paying our bills, regardless if one chooses to donate to a charity/organization. The difference is, when a celebity falls back on payments or end up in debt, owe taxes, etc., that news will occasionally hit the press. Why some folks go batsh*t crazy in a state of euphoria over that type of news, to the point where they obsessively rant , moan or stress themselves out over it, like that news decreases their own debts or adds something to their lives, is freaking hilarious. I'm sure there's more important issues in this life many can dedicate their time to, instead of wasting their time worried about someone else's personal finances. Life goes on and then some.

[Edited 4/6/11 13:52pm]

Tell em... hug

[Edited 4/6/11 13:54pm]

This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319
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Reply #97 posted 04/06/11 8:58pm


lPoeticl said:

2elijah said:

lol We're all responsible for paying our bills, regardless if one chooses to donate to a charity/organization. The difference is, when a celebity falls back on payments or end up in debt, owe taxes, etc., that news will occasionally hit the press. Why some folks go batsh*t crazy in a state of euphoria over that type of news, to the point where they obsessively rant , moan or stress themselves out over it, like that news decreases their own debts or adds something to their lives, is freaking hilarious. I'm sure there's more important issues in this life many can dedicate their time to, instead of wasting their time worried about someone else's personal finances. Life goes on and then some.

[Edited 4/6/11 13:52pm]

Tell em... hug

[Edited 4/6/11 13:54pm]

You'd think some of them reached the best sexual climax they've ever experienced in their lives, over that kind of news. lol Ridiculous. At the end of the day, it's Prince's problems, not ours. Life goes on.

[Edited 4/6/11 14:00pm]

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Reply #98 posted 04/06/11 9:02pm



2elijah said:

lPoeticl said:

Tell em... hug

[Edited 4/6/11 13:54pm]

You'd think some of them reached the best sexual climax they've ever experienced in their lives, over that kind of news. lol Ridiculous. At the end of the day, it's Prince's problems, not ours. Life goes on.

[Edited 4/6/11 14:00pm]

That's the last thing on my mind... right now my pay is in jeporady because of this government...

This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319
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Reply #99 posted 04/06/11 9:12pm


2elijah said:

unique said:

some people on here do a lot more for charity than prince does. for some it's a full time job

prince is the only person i can think of that can give money to charity and have fans fucking moaning about it

if i chuck a pound in the charity box it doesn't dissolve me of my sins. i still have to pay my bills. and if i give money to charity instead of paying my bills, i'm still responsible for my actions and still have to pay my bills

lol We're all responsible for paying our bills, regardless if one chooses to donate to a charity/organization. The difference is, when a celebrity falls back on payments or end up in debt, owe taxes, etc., that news will occasionally hit the press. Nothing new right and no one says that's acceptable. Why some folks go batsh*t crazy in a state of euphoria over that type of news, to the point where they obsessively rant , moan or stress themselves out over it, like that news decreases their own debts or adds something to their lives, is freaking hilarious. I'm sure there's more important issues in this life many can dedicate their time to, instead of wasting their time worried about someone else's personal finances. Life goes on and then some.

[Edited 4/6/11 13:59pm]

yeahthat lol, I don't get it... lol the answer might be, I wanna see justice lol

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Reply #100 posted 04/06/11 11:02pm



unique said:

fantasticjoy said:

unique said:

the people at croke park are still waiting on money and that happened years ago. would you like to wait years to get over a million quid that's yours, after you forked out the money from your own pocket?

Unless he owes me money personally, its not my concern who he owes. I just think regardless its very big of him to give to many who are less fortunate.

so your alright, so fuck everyone else?

It's just a situation where it's Prince business and the people he owe, not mine or anyone else on here unless he personally owe them. It's funny MJ was in the same situation where he owed left and right, but I havent heard about his fans getting upset about it. I just fail to understand why anyone that it doesn't concern would get upset about it and be so quick to judge him. Who ever he owes will get their money one way or the other. Until then how does it affect us. I can speak for myself, it doesn't affect me at all.
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Reply #101 posted 04/06/11 11:44pm


SagsWay2low said:

Lady Gaga would have given more.

Fuck Lady Gaga !!!!

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Reply #102 posted 04/07/11 1:23am



ConsciousContact said:

conciousone said:

Completely agree.

The guy blows his own trumpet and defeats his...

My twelve step program teaches humility ALONG with service work.

He's talented but I've lost a lot of respect for him personally because of this...not that he cares what we think...right?


I was taking the piss. I was assuming the viewpoint of someone who would criticise Prince for making a public donation. I couldn t care less if he kept his donations secret or public.

I apologize for the assumption, CC.

I inhaled my own self-absorption for years and never realized as such.

My post does come off a little snarky now that I read it! eek

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Reply #103 posted 04/07/11 3:21am



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Reply #104 posted 04/07/11 3:57am


Prince that was awesome here is a song for you:

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Reply #105 posted 04/07/11 4:14am



2elijah said:

Militant said:

Props to Prince! Love ya P!

Wonder what the negative nancys will have to say about this one... lol

Who cares what they think? lol It seems life is always miserable for them. They're not happy unless they're miserable.

Anyway, this is a thread regarding positive news and I think we should just embrace it, and just to add, judging from the end of that news clip, I'm assuming the band may be headed for Los Angeles next.

Here's a pic/excerpt from the article orger "Kevinpnb" posted,

showing Ms. Shelby J and John Blackwell of the NPG.

Prince and The New Power Generation Eau Claire Promise Zone

"Members of Prince and The New Power Generation, including Shelby J. and Columbia native John Blackwell, a drummer, present a check for $250,000 to the Eau Claire Promise Zone.

Here's some info on the Eau Claire Children's program and a link to their website:"

Who We Are

The Eau Claire Promise Zone, a 501c3 non-profit organization, is a citywide grassroots coalition of community partners committed to doing “whatever it takes” to ensure all of our children are prepared to graduate from college and be successful in their career and in life.

It is part of the nationwide “Promise Neighborhoods” movement, modeled after the groundbreaking work of Geoffrey Canada and his Harlem Children’s Zone.

Where We Are

The Promise Zone is a place: 12 contiguous neighborhoods in the heart of Eau Claire- an urban community- like thousands of others around the nation- struggling to break free of the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

These are the neighborhoods of Eau Claire High School and its feeder schools: Arden, Hyatt Park, and John P. Thomas Elementary Schools, and Alcorn and Gibbes Middle Schools.

In this community, we have made a promise to our children- “Failure is not an option for you. You will make it. You will succeed. We will make sure of it.”

[Edited 4/5/11 10:49am]

cool Prince has been doing these wonderful things a LONG time. AWESOME that this is for EDUCATION and for KIDS!!! I value education...and I'm NOT a kid. Wonderful cause. LOVE YOU always.

May the BELLS ring 4 U even when ur not in love. hug kisses
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Reply #106 posted 04/07/11 9:36am


dJJ said:

^ I think the Columbia issues deserve to be reported more that P his charity.


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Reply #107 posted 04/07/11 9:43am



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Reply #108 posted 04/07/11 12:32pm



fantasticjoy said:

unique said:

so your alright, so fuck everyone else?

It's just a situation where it's Prince business and the people he owe, not mine or anyone else on here unless he personally owe them. It's funny MJ was in the same situation where he owed left and right, but I havent heard about his fans getting upset about it. I just fail to understand why anyone that it doesn't concern would get upset about it and be so quick to judge him. Who ever he owes will get their money one way or the other. Until then how does it affect us. I can speak for myself, it doesn't affect me at all.

if it's prince's business, why publicise the money to charity with a big massive fake cheque and have two band members pose for pictures with it?

if it's irrelevant, then most of what is posted on this site is irrelevant, but it's a topic of interest like everything else here. if that kind of stuff isn't of interest, then why join in the discussion in the first place, or even join a fan site?

regarding MJ, as everyone knows, his fanbase are fucking mental. they toe the party line, so if MJ lies to them and says he isn't shagging boys or isn't broke or hasn't had plastic surgery, that's what they believe, and who betide anyone who calls themselves a fan who dares to even consider different

that's what sets prince fans aside from most other fans is they don't just accept the party line, and will ask questions. and this news does raise the question, why does he pay charities so publically, yet he doesn't pay his bills to the extent that he is sued and ordered to make payment by courts, and still doesn't make payments. that's as much a valid question as anything else discussed on the org. it's a question, not a critisism or comment. if we said he was a broke ass for doing so, that's a critisism or comment. but i asked the question why, as it doesn't seem to make any sense

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Reply #109 posted 04/07/11 12:46pm



paisleyemp said:

dJJ said:

^ I think the Columbia issues deserve to be reported more that P his charity.


I assume you mean 'are'. Leave it to the people who are educated enough wink

dJJ's profile mentions that she is in Amsterdam, which suggests that English is her second language.

Presumably your first language has no lower case alphabet.

People don't need to be an authority on anything in order to post here - anyone can share their opinion, no matter how much if conflicts with your own.

I believe that it's far more important to publicise charities and the work that they do than it is to publicise who is donating to them.

I suspect Prince normally feels the same - he chose to make this one public for his own reasons, perhaps because of the link Shelby and John B have to the area, or perhaps simply because it was literally the easiest way to give the charity itself some publicity.

Regardless, dJJ didn't seem to be having a go at Prince with her comment.

You might want to rethink ending each of your posts with "PEACE" after shouting at people in capital letters and launching personal attacks on other posters (such as judging their level of education).

You seem quite frustrated and angry. Perhaps you could try some painting classes or do yoga or something. I hear it's helpful wink

Lake Minnetonka Music:
Lake Minnetonka Press Kit:
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Reply #110 posted 04/07/11 1:48pm


unique said:

fantasticjoy said:

unique said: It's just a situation where it's Prince business and the people he owe, not mine or anyone else on here unless he personally owe them. It's funny MJ was in the same situation where he owed left and right, but I havent heard about his fans getting upset about it. I just fail to understand why anyone that it doesn't concern would get upset about it and be so quick to judge him. Who ever he owes will get their money one way or the other. Until then how does it affect us. I can speak for myself, it doesn't affect me at all.

if it's prince's business, why publicise the money to charity with a big massive fake cheque and have two band members pose for pictures with it?

if it's irrelevant, then most of what is posted on this site is irrelevant, but it's a topic of interest like everything else here. if that kind of stuff isn't of interest, then why join in the discussion in the first place, or even join a fan site?

regarding MJ, as everyone knows, his fanbase are fucking mental. they toe the party line, so if MJ lies to them and says he isn't shagging boys or isn't broke or hasn't had plastic surgery, that's what they believe, and who betide anyone who calls themselves a fan who dares to even consider different

that's what sets prince fans aside from most other fans is they don't just accept the party line, and will ask questions. and this news does raise the question, why does he pay charities so publically, yet he doesn't pay his bills to the extent that he is sued and ordered to make payment by courts, and still doesn't make payments. that's as much a valid question as anything else discussed on the org. it's a question, not a critisism or comment. if we said he was a broke ass for doing so, that's a critisism or comment. but i asked the question why, as it doesn't seem to make any sense

So when did it become a crime to publicize a celebrity giving to a charity? Since when does any individual donating to specific charities/organizations have to get permission from the general public, as to whether or not they have a right to make that information public or private? Point is, it is that individual's choice to make that information public or choose to keep it private. The majority of the time over the years, he's kept that information private, as noted by many of his fans, in past discussions. Bill Gates, Magic Johnson, Bill Cosby, and other celebs or public figures have made their donations or philanthropic work public. So what's the problem or is it just because it's Prince who made the information public a problem for you?

At the beginning of the W2A concert series press conference, he made it clear that some of the funds from the concert series would be donated to specific charities/organizations to support the arts/education. What part of that press conference, which was posted on several sites did you miss? So basically, he's pretty much following up on his intentions and what was stated in that press conference. Remember, at that time, no one knew exactly how long the W2A concert series was going to last or what other areas of the U.S. he was going to take it. It is obvious from the last couple of performances, he's been taking it to several states around the U.S. for now. So chill and don't make his personal finances your problem, that's for Prince to handle, not the responsibility of his fans to worry about now is it?

Point is, at the end of the day, no matter how you feel about it, it's the kids in those programs, who will be the ones to benefit from his donations, and that's a good thing. Now how can anyone be angry about that? Have a good day. biggrin

[Edited 4/7/11 6:58am]

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Reply #111 posted 04/07/11 3:37pm



2elijah said:

unique said:

if it's prince's business, why publicise the money to charity with a big massive fake cheque and have two band members pose for pictures with it?

if it's irrelevant, then most of what is posted on this site is irrelevant, but it's a topic of interest like everything else here. if that kind of stuff isn't of interest, then why join in the discussion in the first place, or even join a fan site?

regarding MJ, as everyone knows, his fanbase are fucking mental. they toe the party line, so if MJ lies to them and says he isn't shagging boys or isn't broke or hasn't had plastic surgery, that's what they believe, and who betide anyone who calls themselves a fan who dares to even consider different

that's what sets prince fans aside from most other fans is they don't just accept the party line, and will ask questions. and this news does raise the question, why does he pay charities so publically, yet he doesn't pay his bills to the extent that he is sued and ordered to make payment by courts, and still doesn't make payments. that's as much a valid question as anything else discussed on the org. it's a question, not a critisism or comment. if we said he was a broke ass for doing so, that's a critisism or comment. but i asked the question why, as it doesn't seem to make any sense

So when did it become a crime to publicize a celebrity giving to a charity? Since when does any individual donating to specific charities/organizations have to get permission from the general public, as to whether or not they have a right to make that information public or private? Point is, it is that individual's choice to make that information public or choose to keep it private. The majority of the time over the years, he's kept that information private, as noted by many of his fans, in past discussions. Bill Gates, Magic Johnson, Bill Cosby, and other celebs or public figures have made their donations or philanthropic work public. So what's the problem or is it just because it's Prince who made the information public a problem for you?

At the beginning of the W2A concert series press conference, he made it clear that some of the funds from the concert series would be donated to specific charities/organizations to support the arts/education. What part of that press conference, which was posted on several sites did you miss? So basically, he's pretty much following up on his intentions and what was stated in that press conference. Remember, at that time, no one knew exactly how long the W2A concert series was going to last or what other areas of the U.S. he was going to take it. It is obvious from the last couple of performances, he's been taking it to several states around the U.S. for now. So chill and don't make his personal finances your problem, that's for Prince to handle, not the responsibility of his fans to worry about now is it?

Point is, at the end of the day, no matter how you feel about it, it's the kids in those programs, who will be the ones to benefit from his donations, and that's a good thing. Now how can anyone be angry about that? Have a good day. biggrin

[Edited 4/7/11 6:58am]

what the fuck are you on about? try spending half the time you did typing, by reading what the fuck people are saying before you sprout some long winded reply that missed the fucking point

i'm not critisising him, i'm just asking the fucking question

and as for everyone else, i don't think anyone is critisising him for giving money to charity, i don't think anyone is saying they think it's a bad idea. what they are saying, is why the fuck is he giving money to charity and announcing it so publicaly when we've had umpteen news articles about him not paying his fucking bills. giving to charity is fucking fantastic, and paying bills is shit, but that's what normal folks have to do

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Reply #112 posted 04/07/11 4:09pm



unique said:

2elijah said:

So when did it become a crime to publicize a celebrity giving to a charity? Since when does any individual donating to specific charities/organizations have to get permission from the general public, as to whether or not they have a right to make that information public or private? Point is, it is that individual's choice to make that information public or choose to keep it private. The majority of the time over the years, he's kept that information private, as noted by many of his fans, in past discussions. Bill Gates, Magic Johnson, Bill Cosby, and other celebs or public figures have made their donations or philanthropic work public. So what's the problem or is it just because it's Prince who made the information public a problem for you?

At the beginning of the W2A concert series press conference, he made it clear that some of the funds from the concert series would be donated to specific charities/organizations to support the arts/education. What part of that press conference, which was posted on several sites did you miss? So basically, he's pretty much following up on his intentions and what was stated in that press conference. Remember, at that time, no one knew exactly how long the W2A concert series was going to last or what other areas of the U.S. he was going to take it. It is obvious from the last couple of performances, he's been taking it to several states around the U.S. for now. So chill and don't make his personal finances your problem, that's for Prince to handle, not the responsibility of his fans to worry about now is it?

Point is, at the end of the day, no matter how you feel about it, it's the kids in those programs, who will be the ones to benefit from his donations, and that's a good thing. Now how can anyone be angry about that? Have a good day. biggrin

[Edited 4/7/11 6:58am]

what the fuck are you on about? try spending half the time you did typing, by reading what the fuck people are saying before you sprout some long winded reply that missed the fucking point

i'm not critisising him, i'm just asking the fucking question

and as for everyone else, i don't think anyone is critisising him for giving money to charity, i don't think anyone is saying they think it's a bad idea. what they are saying, is why the fuck is he giving money to charity and announcing it so publicaly when we've had umpteen news articles about him not paying his fucking bills. giving to charity is fucking fantastic, and paying bills is shit, but that's what normal folks have to do

And we're saying why are you and others so worried about it? What he does is his business. Is he giving money to charity with your hard earned bucks? Nope. Then letitgo. Say "Oh that's nice" and move on. I don't think filling up a thread going back and forth about who he owes is even necessary. This thread is about him giving money to charity. There is a thread about who he owes. Can we have some positivity in this damn forum? Prince did a good thing. twocents

[Edited 4/7/11 9:11am]

This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319
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Reply #113 posted 04/07/11 4:21pm


unique said:

2elijah said:

So when did it become a crime to publicize a celebrity giving to a charity? Since when does any individual donating to specific charities/organizations have to get permission from the general public, as to whether or not they have a right to make that information public or private? Point is, it is that individual's choice to make that information public or choose to keep it private. The majority of the time over the years, he's kept that information private, as noted by many of his fans, in past discussions. Bill Gates, Magic Johnson, Bill Cosby, and other celebs or public figures have made their donations or philanthropic work public. So what's the problem or is it just because it's Prince who made the information public a problem for you?

At the beginning of the W2A concert series press conference, he made it clear that some of the funds from the concert series would be donated to specific charities/organizations to support the arts/education. What part of that press conference, which was posted on several sites did you miss? So basically, he's pretty much following up on his intentions and what was stated in that press conference. Remember, at that time, no one knew exactly how long the W2A concert series was going to last or what other areas of the U.S. he was going to take it. It is obvious from the last couple of performances, he's been taking it to several states around the U.S. for now. So chill and don't make his personal finances your problem, that's for Prince to handle, not the responsibility of his fans to worry about now is it?

Point is, at the end of the day, no matter how you feel about it, it's the kids in those programs, who will be the ones to benefit from his donations, and that's a good thing. Now how can anyone be angry about that? Have a good day. biggrin

[Edited 4/7/11 6:58am]

what the fuck are you on about? try spending half the time you did typing, by reading what the fuck people are saying before you sprout some long winded reply that missed the fucking point

i'm not critisising him, i'm just asking the fucking question

and as for everyone else, i don't think anyone is critisising him for giving money to charity, i don't think anyone is saying they think it's a bad idea. what they are saying, is why the fuck is he giving money to charity and announcing it so publicaly when we've had umpteen news articles about him not paying his fucking bills. giving to charity is fucking fantastic, and paying bills is shit, but that's what normal folks have to do

Hey wave Mr. Miserable, you're so cute when you're angry. I can only laugh at your response. Sure looks like life stole your sunshine from under the table. Take a deep breath won't you? Question is, why are you making those news articles about him supposedly not paying his bills your problem? lol You could easily ignore those articles but instead you choose to make it your worry and allow articles of that type, to draw you in, just like the suckers they know they can attract. I bet he's not worried about who you or any of us owe, because that's not his problem now is it?

Try and have a nice day. I suggest a cup of decaffeinated tea, coffee or a nice, cool glass of a virgin pina colada, may do you some good and not add to your already, angry behavior. By the way, not to piss you off, but starting sentences with an initial cap and ending your sentences with a period, is not a bad idea, seeing how you're quick to point out the errors of others' ways. Again, have a good day. biggrin

[Edited 4/7/11 10:02am]

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Reply #114 posted 04/07/11 5:36pm



lPoeticl said:

unique said:

what the fuck are you on about? try spending half the time you did typing, by reading what the fuck people are saying before you sprout some long winded reply that missed the fucking point

i'm not critisising him, i'm just asking the fucking question

and as for everyone else, i don't think anyone is critisising him for giving money to charity, i don't think anyone is saying they think it's a bad idea. what they are saying, is why the fuck is he giving money to charity and announcing it so publicaly when we've had umpteen news articles about him not paying his fucking bills. giving to charity is fucking fantastic, and paying bills is shit, but that's what normal folks have to do

And we're saying why are you and others so worried about it? What he does is his business. Is he giving money to charity with your hard earned bucks? Nope. Then letitgo. Say "Oh that's nice" and move on. I don't think filling up a thread going back and forth about who he owes is even necessary. This thread is about him giving money to charity. There is a thread about who he owes. Can we have some positivity in this damn forum? Prince did a good thing. twocents

[Edited 4/7/11 9:11am]

i'm not worried about it, and i don't think anyone else gives a shit, but in the context of a fan website, we are asking the fucking question

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Reply #115 posted 04/07/11 5:48pm



unique said:

fantasticjoy said:

unique said:

so your alright, so fuck everyone else?

It's just a situation where it's Prince business and the people he owe, not mine or anyone else on here unless he personally owe them. It's funny MJ was in the same situation where he owed left and right, but I havent heard about his fans getting upset about it. I just fail to understand why anyone that it doesn't concern would get upset about it and be so quick to judge him. Who ever he owes will get their money one way or the other. Until then how does it affect us. I can speak for myself, it doesn't affect me at all.

if it's prince's business, why publicise the money to charity with a big massive fake cheque and have two band members pose for pictures with it?

if it's irrelevant, then most of what is posted on this site is irrelevant, but it's a topic of interest like everything else here. if that kind of stuff isn't of interest, then why join in the discussion in the first place, or even join a fan site?

regarding MJ, as everyone knows, his fanbase are fucking mental. they toe the party line, so if MJ lies to them and says he isn't shagging boys or isn't broke or hasn't had plastic surgery, that's what they believe, and who betide anyone who calls themselves a fan who dares to even consider different

that's what sets prince fans aside from most other fans is they don't just accept the party line, and will ask questions. and this news does raise the question, why does he pay charities so publically, yet he doesn't pay his bills to the extent that he is sued and ordered to make payment by courts, and still doesn't make payments. that's as much a valid question as anything else discussed on the org. it's a question, not a critisism or comment. if we said he was a broke ass for doing so, that's a critisism or comment. but i asked the question why, as it doesn't seem to make any sense

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Reply #116 posted 04/07/11 6:00pm



unique said:

fantasticjoy said:

unique said:

so your alright, so fuck everyone else?

It's just a situation where it's Prince business and the people he owe, not mine or anyone else on here unless he personally owe them. It's funny MJ was in the same situation where he owed left and right, but I havent heard about his fans getting upset about it. I just fail to understand why anyone that it doesn't concern would get upset about it and be so quick to judge him. Who ever he owes will get their money one way or the other. Until then how does it affect us. I can speak for myself, it doesn't affect me at all.

if it's prince's business, why publicise the money to charity with a big massive fake cheque and have two band members pose for pictures with it?

if it's irrelevant, then most of what is posted on this site is irrelevant, but it's a topic of interest like everything else here. if that kind of stuff isn't of interest, then why join in the discussion in the first place, or even join a fan site?

regarding MJ, as everyone knows, his fanbase are fucking mental. they toe the party line, so if MJ lies to them and says he isn't shagging boys or isn't broke or hasn't had plastic surgery, that's what they believe, and who betide anyone who calls themselves a fan who dares to even consider different

that's what sets prince fans aside from most other fans is they don't just accept the party line, and will ask questions. and this news does raise the question, why does he pay charities so publically, yet he doesn't pay his bills to the extent that he is sued and ordered to make payment by courts, and still doesn't make payments. that's as much a valid question as anything else discussed on the org. it's a question, not a critisism or comment. if we said he was a broke ass for doing so, that's a critisism or comment. but i asked the question why, as it doesn't seem to make any sense

I never said anything about being his business for giving to charities. I said that about who he owes and only that. I just have my opinion its not my business or anyone he doesn't owe. Do you feel its everybody else's business who you may or may not owe. I just feel that's his personal business whether he's rich, poor, celebrity, or an unknown. I have my own bills and I'm just concerned about those being paid because it affects me whether they're paid or not. Like I said who ever he owes they will get their money one way or the other. We don't even know all the details, except for what one side has claimed . Who knows why Prince put himself in that position. Its his life , his money , and that's why I feel its his business. I got better things to be concerned about.
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Reply #117 posted 04/07/11 7:08pm





I love that NPG Logo on the check ...

Peace ... & Stay Funky ...

~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~
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Reply #118 posted 04/07/11 7:51pm



unique said:

lPoeticl said:

And we're saying why are you and others so worried about it? What he does is his business. Is he giving money to charity with your hard earned bucks? Nope. Then letitgo. Say "Oh that's nice" and move on. I don't think filling up a thread going back and forth about who he owes is even necessary. This thread is about him giving money to charity. There is a thread about who he owes. Can we have some positivity in this damn forum? Prince did a good thing. twocents

[Edited 4/7/11 9:11am]

i'm not worried about it, and i don't think anyone else gives a shit, but in the context of a fan website, we are asking the fucking question

I'm sorry, that's not being a fan that's being a stalker... that's almost along the same lines as "Why doesn't Prince wear silk underwear" who gives a fuck. And obviously you are worried if you have to ask.

This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319
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Reply #119 posted 04/07/11 7:53pm




lPoeticl said:

2elijah said:

You'd think some of them reached the best sexual climax they've ever experienced in their lives, over that kind of news. lol Ridiculous. At the end of the day, it's Prince's problems, not ours. Life goes on.

[Edited 4/6/11 14:00pm]

That's the last thing on my mind... right now my pay is in jeporady because of this government...

I've been reading up on that just a few moments ago, I pray they get with it ...

Peace ... & Stay Funky ...

~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~
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