unique said:
fantasticjoy said:
unique said: It's just a situation where it's Prince business and the people he owe, not mine or anyone else on here unless he personally owe them. It's funny MJ was in the same situation where he owed left and right, but I havent heard about his fans getting upset about it. I just fail to understand why anyone that it doesn't concern would get upset about it and be so quick to judge him. Who ever he owes will get their money one way or the other. Until then how does it affect us. I can speak for myself, it doesn't affect me at all.
if it's prince's business, why publicise the money to charity with a big massive fake cheque and have two band members pose for pictures with it?
if it's irrelevant, then most of what is posted on this site is irrelevant, but it's a topic of interest like everything else here. if that kind of stuff isn't of interest, then why join in the discussion in the first place, or even join a fan site?
regarding MJ, as everyone knows, his fanbase are fucking mental. they toe the party line, so if MJ lies to them and says he isn't shagging boys or isn't broke or hasn't had plastic surgery, that's what they believe, and who betide anyone who calls themselves a fan who dares to even consider different
that's what sets prince fans aside from most other fans is they don't just accept the party line, and will ask questions. and this news does raise the question, why does he pay charities so publically, yet he doesn't pay his bills to the extent that he is sued and ordered to make payment by courts, and still doesn't make payments. that's as much a valid question as anything else discussed on the org. it's a question, not a critisism or comment. if we said he was a broke ass for doing so, that's a critisism or comment. but i asked the question why, as it doesn't seem to make any sense
So when did it become a crime to publicize a celebrity giving to a charity? Since when does any individual donating to specific charities/organizations have to get permission from the general public, as to whether or not they have a right to make that information public or private? Point is, it is that individual's choice to make that information public or choose to keep it private. The majority of the time over the years, he's kept that information private, as noted by many of his fans, in past discussions. Bill Gates, Magic Johnson, Bill Cosby, and other celebs or public figures have made their donations or philanthropic work public. So what's the problem or is it just because it's Prince who made the information public a problem for you?
At the beginning of the W2A concert series press conference, he made it clear that some of the funds from the concert series would be donated to specific charities/organizations to support the arts/education. What part of that press conference, which was posted on several sites did you miss? So basically, he's pretty much following up on his intentions and what was stated in that press conference. Remember, at that time, no one knew exactly how long the W2A concert series was going to last or what other areas of the U.S. he was going to take it. It is obvious from the last couple of performances, he's been taking it to several states around the U.S. for now. So chill and don't make his personal finances your problem, that's for Prince to handle, not the responsibility of his fans to worry about now is it?
Point is, at the end of the day, no matter how you feel about it, it's the kids in those programs, who will be the ones to benefit from his donations, and that's a good thing. Now how can anyone be angry about that? Have a good day. 
[Edited 4/7/11 6:58am]