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Reply #60 posted 04/06/11 6:21am



praiseworthy and admirable touched
"I'm not a human, I am a dove. I'm your conscious, I am love"
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Reply #61 posted 04/06/11 8:12am


Militant said:

Props to Prince! Love ya P!

Wonder what the negative nancys will have to say about this one... lol

Yeah, he never used to publicise his donations and now he makes it public. Jees, what an ego!!

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Reply #62 posted 04/06/11 9:37am



But P has no money?
He didn't pay certain bills, remember...
So what is the deal?
He is a Prince of Thieves, a Robin Hood type of persona currently?
Pills and thrills and daffodils will kill... If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.
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Reply #63 posted 04/06/11 11:01am



Agree, but well, Prince has done his part to bring media attention to it.


dJJ said:

^ I think the Columbia issues deserve to be reported more that P his charity.

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Reply #64 posted 04/06/11 11:27am



jpnyc said:

fantasticjoy said:

unique said:

it's great he gives money to charity, but why doesn't he pay his own bills? why does he give money away to charity, but other people have to sue him? like his own lawyers?

That's between him and who ever he may owe...but it's good to know he has no problem with giving to those who really need it .

I'm pretty sure that lawyers and promoters need to eat just as much as everyone else. And they can't buy food when clients don't pay.

True, but who ever Prince owe that's between him and who ever...besides they do end up getting their money as well so why should that be a concern?
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Reply #65 posted 04/06/11 12:11pm



fantasticjoy said:

jpnyc said:

I'm pretty sure that lawyers and promoters need to eat just as much as everyone else. And they can't buy food when clients don't pay.

True, but who ever Prince owe that's between him and who ever...besides they do end up getting their money as well so why should that be a concern?

the people at croke park are still waiting on money and that happened years ago. would you like to wait years to get over a million quid that's yours, after you forked out the money from your own pocket?

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Reply #66 posted 04/06/11 1:23pm



ConsciousContact said:

Militant said:

Props to Prince! Love ya P!

Wonder what the negative nancys will have to say about this one... lol

Yeah, he never used to publicise his donations and now he makes it public. Jees, what an ego!!

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Reply #67 posted 04/06/11 1:24pm



ConsciousContact said:

Militant said:

Props to Prince! Love ya P!

Wonder what the negative nancys will have to say about this one... lol

Yeah, he never used to publicise his donations and now he makes it public. Jees, what an ego!!

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Reply #68 posted 04/06/11 1:29pm



ConsciousContact said:

Militant said:

Props to Prince! Love ya P!

Wonder what the negative nancys will have to say about this one... lol

Yeah, he never used to publicise his donations and now he makes it public. Jees, what an ego!!

Completely agree.

The guy blows his own trumpet and defeats his...

My twelve step program teaches humility ALONG with service work.

He's talented but I've lost a lot of respect for him personally because of this...not that he cares what we think...right?


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Reply #69 posted 04/06/11 1:30pm


kevinpnb said:

Pretty damn classy.

A Prince of a gift for Eau Claire children's program


At a press conference at the Eau Claire Print Building this morning, Prince, on behalf of himself and his band, is scheduled to announce that he is donating money to the Eau Claire Promise Zone.

John Blackwell, the drummer and Columbia native who anchors Prince’s back band, New Power Generation, said Prince was giving $250,000 to the zone that is seeking to break the nearby poverty cycle. Blackwell will represent Prince and his bandmates.

“He’s been donating money to a lot of charities,” Blackwell said Monday evening as he was preparing to board a plane from Tampa, Fla., to Columbia. “It’s awesome that he’s doing that.”

Prince donates to Eau Claire program

The donation comes on the heels of Prince's 10-day, six-concert run in the Carolinas last month. The Welcome 2 America Tour dates started March 21 at the Colonial Life Arena.

Blackwell, who is scheduled to be joined by Shelby Johnson, one of NPG’s featured vocalists and a Greensboro, N.C., native, won't have much time chill in Columbia because he has flight to catch to Los Angeles.


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Reply #70 posted 04/06/11 2:01pm


sweetness2 said:

I am sure the children of this program will benefit greatly from this donation. god bless prince and everyone who contributes to charity.

Agree, and that's the main purpose.

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Reply #71 posted 04/06/11 2:03pm


conciousone said:

ConsciousContact said:

Yeah, he never used to publicise his donations and now he makes it public. Jees, what an ego!!

Completely agree.

The guy blows his own trumpet and defeats his...

My twelve step program teaches humility ALONG with service work.

He's talented but I've lost a lot of respect for him personally because of this...not that he cares what we think...right?


I was taking the piss. I was assuming the viewpoint of someone who would criticise Prince for making a public donation. I couldn t care less if he kept his donations secret or public.

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Reply #72 posted 04/06/11 2:19pm



Chiquetet said:

There is no evidence to suggest that Prince isn't making certain payments because he can't.

There is no evidence to suggest that Prince is making certain payments because he can.

I.e.: the cheque (we don't use them anymore!) might not be good or someone loaned him the money or he secured it with some advance payments, like closing one hole with another one.

If Prince's legal business is important to you, there are plenty of other threads for that.

You think so?

The man that trusts in Jehova openly does not explain why he didn't pay, why court cases were necessary, etc.

If Prince's charity donations are important to you, you're in the right place.

They aren't. He could have made them silently by just sending the money via the bank, electronically.

It might be an american thing but normally we do not send out press releases when donating something. Only the receiver might announce that they have gathered a certain sum.

Pills and thrills and daffodils will kill... If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.
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Reply #73 posted 04/06/11 2:51pm




2elijah said:

Militant said:

Props to Prince! Love ya P!

Wonder what the negative nancys will have to say about this one... lol

Who cares what they think? lol It seems life is always miserable for them. They're not happy unless they're miserable.

Anyway, this is a thread regarding positive news and I think we should just embrace it, and just to add, judging from the end of that news clip, I'm assuming the band may be headed for Los Angeles next.

Here's a pic/excerpt from the article orger "Kevinpnb" posted,

showing Ms. Shelby J and John Blackwell of the NPG.

Prince and The New Power Generation Eau Claire Promise Zone

"Members of Prince and The New Power Generation, including Shelby J. and Columbia native John Blackwell, a drummer, present a check for $250,000 to the Eau Claire Promise Zone.

Here's some info on the Eau Claire Children's program and a link to their website:"

Who We Are

The Eau Claire Promise Zone, a 501c3 non-profit organization, is a citywide grassroots coalition of community partners committed to doing “whatever it takes” to ensure all of our children are prepared to graduate from college and be successful in their career and in life.

It is part of the nationwide “Promise Neighborhoods” movement, modeled after the groundbreaking work of Geoffrey Canada and his Harlem Children’s Zone.

Where We Are

The Promise Zone is a place: 12 contiguous neighborhoods in the heart of Eau Claire- an urban community- like thousands of others around the nation- struggling to break free of the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

These are the neighborhoods of Eau Claire High School and its feeder schools: Arden, Hyatt Park, and John P. Thomas Elementary Schools, and Alcorn and Gibbes Middle Schools.

In this community, we have made a promise to our children- “Failure is not an option for you. You will make it. You will succeed. We will make sure of it.”

WoW ... This is great !!!

My man Xtra P holdin' it down ...

Peace ... & Stay Funky ...

~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~
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Reply #74 posted 04/06/11 2:53pm




Peace ... & Stay Funky ...

~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~
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Reply #75 posted 04/06/11 3:18pm


WetDream said:

He can't do that....because according to mentalists around here (who will ignore this news or find a negative in it), Prince is broke from lawsuits and that's the only reason he's know, not to help the world and entertain us or anything like that.

And girl7, the sun is a star


can i at LEAST get a 'lil rent money for the space u occupy in my brain!

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Reply #76 posted 04/06/11 3:36pm


biggrin appreciative of the love shown my hometown. columbia is usually not on the charity radar so with luck the publicity will create a law of attraction situation and others will open their pockets as has prince and the npg.

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Reply #77 posted 04/06/11 3:38pm



conciousone said:

ConsciousContact said:

Yeah, he never used to publicise his donations and now he makes it public. Jees, what an ego!!

Completely agree.

The guy blows his own trumpet and defeats his...

My twelve step program teaches humility ALONG with service work.

He's talented but I've lost a lot of respect for him personally because of this...not that he cares what we think...right?


Just added u to my list of "People I want to punch"

Stand Up! Everybody, this is your life! follow me on twitter @thepope2the9s
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Reply #78 posted 04/06/11 3:45pm


PurpleLove7 said:

2elijah said:

Looks like news of this has reached many news outlets/websites;they're all reporting the same thing of course, but the fact this was picked up on many outlets is a good thing.





Los Links !!!

lol There are many links that have this story, but I thought I'd just post a few that reported it. Like orger "sterling" said, maybe the attention of this news will attract others to donate to this and other educational programs. I like the title of this one:

A “Lil More Positivity�...s College

[Edited 4/6/11 8:56am]

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Reply #79 posted 04/06/11 4:29pm



thepope2the9s said:

conciousone said:

Completely agree.

The guy blows his own trumpet and defeats his...

My twelve step program teaches humility ALONG with service work.

He's talented but I've lost a lot of respect for him personally because of this...not that he cares what we think...right?


Just added u to my list of "People I want to punch"


This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319
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Reply #80 posted 04/06/11 5:01pm


Prince and The New Power Generation Eau Claire Promise Zone

"Members of Prince and The New Power Generation, including Shelby J. and Columbia native John Blackwell, a drummer, present a check for $250,000 to the Eau Claire Promise Zone.

Here's some info on the Eau Claire Children's program and a link to their website:"

Who We Are

The Eau Claire Promise Zone, a 501c3 non-profit organization, is a citywide grassroots coalition of community partners committed to doing “whatever it takes” to ensure all of our children are prepared to graduate from college and be successful in their career and in life.

It is part of the nationwide “Promise Neighborhoods” movement, modeled after the groundbreaking work of Geoffrey Canada and his Harlem Children’s Zone.

Where We Are

The Promise Zone is a place: 12 contiguous neighborhoods in the heart of Eau Claire- an urban community- like thousands of others around the nation- struggling to break free of the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

These are the neighborhoods of Eau Claire High School and its feeder schools: Arden, Hyatt Park, and John P. Thomas Elementary Schools, and Alcorn and Gibbes Middle Schools.

In this community, we have made a promise to our children- “Failure is not an option for you. You will make it. You will succeed. We will make sure of it.”

[Edited 4/5/11 10:49am]

Very positive yes

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Reply #81 posted 04/06/11 5:36pm




udo said:

But P has no money?
He didn't pay certain bills, remember...
So what is the deal?
He is a Prince of Thieves, a Robin Hood type of persona currently?

I find it interesting that we read all these N.E.W.S. articles about how P owes this person or that company but, do 'they' tell us, if he's paid them or not ???

No ... They don't.

I like how the Star Tribune reported back a bit how P owed taxes and when he paid them, they 'reported' that he paid them. Not these 'other' so called entities (people / companies / businesses).

Anyway, just addin' my twocents ... nerd

Peace ... & Stay Funky ...

~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~
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Reply #82 posted 04/06/11 5:56pm


This is great news.

These kids are very lucky to have an artist like Prince supporting them for the future. Excellent stuff.

And people complaining with why hes not paying his bill blah blah blah...The why's and the nots etc of Prince not paying his bills to is really none of anyone's damn business, people need to be looking on there own bills/shit instead of being all up in Prince's personal bank account. ffs, get a life.

Why does he make this public blah blah blah...Prince does give to charities privately and so when he goes to an event of one of his charities of course he should be praised for it, hes just handed over $250,000, duh. It also brings focus to the public on the charity needs for funding.

Good work Princey! cool

FUNKNROLL! dancing jig "February 2014, wow". 'dre. nod
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Reply #83 posted 04/06/11 6:08pm



unique said:

fantasticjoy said:

jpnyc said:

I'm pretty sure that lawyers and promoters need to eat just as much as everyone else. And they can't buy food when clients don't pay.

True, but who ever Prince owe that's between him and who ever...besides they do end up getting their money as well so why should that be a concern?

the people at croke park are still waiting on money and that happened years ago. would you like to wait years to get over a million quid that's yours, after you forked out the money from your own pocket?

Unless he owes me money personally, its not my concern who he owes. I just think regardless its very big of him to give to many who are less fortunate.
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Reply #84 posted 04/06/11 6:11pm


HatrinaHaterwitz said:

2elijah said:

Who cares what they think? lol It seems life is always miserable for them. They're not happy unless they're miserable.

Prince and The New Power Generation Eau Claire Promise Zone

"Members of Prince and The New Power Generation, including Shelby J. and Columbia native John Blackwell, a drummer, present a check for $250,000 to the Eau Claire Promise Zone.

Seems to me that the "happy folks" are the ones that just can't seem to be happy, even when there is cause to be because you're the one's that constantly stickpoke...

Oh well! shrug

sun So very proud of Prince...he is so blessed and is being a blessing...I salute him and the must feel good to be part of the solution and actually doing what you have in your heart to do nod nod ...dreams without action are only proud of our guy!!! clapping

Was it good 4 U?
Was I what U wanted me 2 B?

If it's not will B
Because...even when I lose...I win
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Reply #85 posted 04/06/11 7:24pm



fantasticjoy said:

unique said:

the people at croke park are still waiting on money and that happened years ago. would you like to wait years to get over a million quid that's yours, after you forked out the money from your own pocket?

Unless he owes me money personally, its not my concern who he owes. I just think regardless its very big of him to give to many who are less fortunate.

so your alright, so fuck everyone else?

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Reply #86 posted 04/06/11 7:28pm



unique said:

fantasticjoy said:

unique said: Unless he owes me money personally, its not my concern who he owes. I just think regardless its very big of him to give to many who are less fortunate.

so your alright, so fuck everyone else?

He's being Robin Hood. Don't pay the rich but give to the poor.

Seriously though... it doesn't matter who he owes... This is really a nice thing.

This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319
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Reply #87 posted 04/06/11 7:37pm


Just because some one says you owe them money doesn't necessarily means that it is true.

Maybe just maybe Prince feels he doesnt owe these two organizations any money.If that is the case, he probably wants them to sue him so he can defend his case as to why he is not paying them.

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Reply #88 posted 04/06/11 7:59pm


I notice some people always got something to say, but I believe if the shoe was on the other foot some of you talking crap would be like whats charity? lol

so what, my goodness, people think way too highly of themselves if they think they can judge him, some of you don't even pay your own bills lol. yeah he might owe people money. Now I think it was really nice what he did donate because some ppl don't do it at all, he could have given more? well whatever, I think you should worry about your own life more. He is not the only person donating because there are many more, so there are some people getting taken care of without his help lol. I tip my hat to Prince for giving anything at all rolleyes people this is why I love this place lol

[Edited 4/6/11 13:02pm]

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Reply #89 posted 04/06/11 8:03pm



acjohns said:

Just because some one says you owe them money doesn't necessarily means that it is true.

Maybe just maybe Prince feels he doesnt owe these two organizations any money.If that is the case, he probably wants them to sue him so he can defend his case as to why he is not paying them.

but in the most referenced case, he was taken to court, he lost, was ordered to pay up, and still hasn't paid up

what more do you want?

just because he doesn't "feel" he owes them money doesn't mean he can avoid paying what he's legally obligated to do

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Forums > Prince: Music and More > A Prince of a Gift for Eau Claire Children's Program