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Reply #30 posted 04/05/11 7:17pm


Here's another article on this:
Prince makes donation to Columbia nonprofit group


Recording artist Prince is making a donation to a nonprofit group that aims to make sure all children in a Columbia neighborhood graduate from college.

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WACH, AP) -- Recording artist Prince made a generous donation to a nonprofit group that aims to make sure all children in a Columbia neighborhood graduate from college.

Prince's drummer and Columbia native John Blackwell Jr. presented a check for $250,000.00 Tuesday to Eau Claire Promise Zone officials.

"This gift means that we will move from pioneering to implementation," says Daniel Canada Chairman of the Board for Eau Claire Promise Zone.

Canada says it doesn't matter what neighborhood these children are from or their background, but its all about having the right attitude, "If you will do whatever it takes, then you can achieve, then our children can achieve educational success."

The 501c3 Eau Claire Promise Zone is a 12-neighborhood area that is part of the nationwide "Promise Neighborhoods" movement, modeled after the work of Geoffrey Canada and his Harlem Children's Zone. Geoffrey Canada visited Columbia in January and said that if the program is working in Harlem it can work in Columbia and families in the Eau Claire can already see that happening.

"The parents learn how to console the kid, it teaches us how to make them go to bed on time, to talk to them and basically be better parents," says Derrick Armstrong, father of two.

[Edited 4/5/11 12:27pm]

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Reply #31 posted 04/05/11 7:42pm



That's generous of him.

time flies.
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Reply #32 posted 04/05/11 8:31pm



Very happy to see this. Very generous. Thanks for sharing.

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Reply #33 posted 04/05/11 8:34pm



cbarnes3121 said:

i knew shelby big ass head would be somewhere hording on attention

Really? That is your contribution to this thread? What an ignorant remark.

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Reply #34 posted 04/05/11 8:44pm


PurpleChi said:

Very happy to see this. Very generous. Thanks for sharing.

Yes it's nice to see when musicians/celebrities, etc., make donations to various communities/organizations. Especially now in this shaky economy.

[Edited 4/5/11 13:51pm]

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Reply #35 posted 04/05/11 8:56pm



Nice. I think that is wonderful...

This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319
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Reply #36 posted 04/05/11 9:20pm



It's wonderful! biggrin

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Reply #37 posted 04/05/11 9:23pm


Prince. heart

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Reply #38 posted 04/05/11 9:57pm



Good shit.

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Reply #39 posted 04/05/11 10:00pm


Wonderful News biggrin

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Reply #40 posted 04/05/11 10:19pm



I dig it! So they had to catch a flight to LA? Could it be for a taping at the Lopez Tonight show? Or even some Cali shows. Time will tell.


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Reply #41 posted 04/05/11 10:22pm



unique said:

it's great he gives money to charity, but why doesn't he pay his own bills? why does he give money away to charity, but other people have to sue him? like his own lawyers?

That's between him and who ever he may owe...but it's good to know he has no problem with giving to those who really need it . Even though most of us know he's been giving to charities for years without the attention, it's great to khow no matter what people may say he has a heart.
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Reply #42 posted 04/05/11 10:40pm


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Reply #43 posted 04/05/11 10:53pm


This is awesome! I am glad to know Prince is giving in monetary mediums! He gives so much through his music and soul, and it's even more amazing when he can give in money. This is beautiful! I am glad to know news like this as always, NOT enough good is being reported.. too Much Bad news seen on The Hella visions like Prince says...Hahaha.


It's Button Therapy, Baby!
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Reply #44 posted 04/05/11 11:03pm


klick2me said:

I dig it! So they had to catch a flight to LA? Could it be for a taping at the Lopez Tonight show? Or even some Cali shows. Time will tell.


Forgot about that. I remember seeing a thread about Prince possibly appearing on the Lopez Tonight show, sometime in early April. Maybe if he appears on that show he'll announce the next series of W2A concerts for the L.A. area, if that's where the W2A will be going next. Who knows shrug we'll just have to wait and see where he takes the next series of shows.

[Edited 4/5/11 16:04pm]

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Reply #45 posted 04/05/11 11:19pm




Prince's lawyers just got a call from the General Manager at Croke Park saying, "What nerve! Prince is giving away money when he still owes us???"

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Reply #46 posted 04/05/11 11:31pm



berniejobs said:

Prince's lawyers just got a call from the General Manager at Croke Park saying, "What nerve! Prince is giving away money when he still owes us???"

These are mutually exclusive pieces of news.

There is no evidence to suggest that Prince isn't making certain payments because he can't.

If Prince's legal business is important to you, there are plenty of other threads for that.

If Prince's charity donations are important to you, you're in the right place.

I like that Shelby and JB presented the cheque, given that they both played their home towns on this leg of the W2A tour.

Sounds like a terrific charity - I hope the publicity this gives them leads to other donations and/or volunteers to help make that money go as far as possible for the kids rose

Lake Minnetonka Music:
Lake Minnetonka Press Kit:
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Reply #47 posted 04/05/11 11:44pm


Awesome news and very generous!cool

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Reply #48 posted 04/05/11 11:59pm


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Reply #49 posted 04/06/11 12:11am



Militant said:

Props to Prince! Love ya P!

Wonder what the negative nancys will have to say about this one... lol

Why not $251,000?


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Reply #50 posted 04/06/11 2:43am


That was very nice Mr. Nelson. biggrin heart
PaisleyRose was here rose
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Reply #51 posted 04/06/11 2:46am


berniejobs said:


Prince's lawyers just got a call from the General Manager at Croke Park saying, "What nerve! Prince is giving away money when he still owes us???"

When are people going to learn that Prince is filthy freakin rich, but living on a purple paisley elephants and flowers cloud where taxes and other "petty" requirements of civil society don't apply? Have you all not read the multiple interviews of people who consistently substantiate such disconnected behaviour as sincerely wondering why he can't have a giraffe at 4:30am in the morning? He ain't po' he just livin on Planet P (too bad, cause if he wasn't, he'd have a billion+ instead of millions).

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Reply #52 posted 04/06/11 4:01am


That is so wonderful! He is so wonderful

I live alone with the people in my head
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Reply #53 posted 04/06/11 4:15am



I am sure the children of this program will benefit greatly from this donation. god bless prince and everyone who contributes to charity.

peace and b wild
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Reply #54 posted 04/06/11 4:32am



Awww thanks Princey!!! So nice of him smile Of course, he has always donated to charities and given concerts to underpriveledged for years since 1999, I believe? But definitely by Purple Rain era where big bucks were coming in. But again, grea news to hear for Prince wink

Yes, at 19, I finally saw the Revolution, a legendary band. And I talked to Wendy!!! biggrin In addition to seeing Prince, I have now lived life. Thank you Purple People!!
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Reply #55 posted 04/06/11 5:05am



That's nice of him. But he's still a deadbeat. You donate after your bills are paid.

"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #56 posted 04/06/11 5:14am


WetDream said:[quote]

He can't do that....because according to mentalists around here (who will ignore this news or find a negative in it), Prince is broke from lawsuits and that's the only reason he's know, not to help the world and entertain us or anything like that.

And girl7, the sun is a star. Exactly! Prince is very humble[b][i]

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #57 posted 04/06/11 5:28am



klick2me said:

I dig it! So they had to catch a flight to LA? Could it be for a taping at the Lopez Tonight show? Or even some Cali shows. Time will tell.


I picked up on that too. I'll forgive him since he's going to Lopez Show, but if he even thinks he's gonna skip the Midwest; well he just better not.

Prince's Sarah
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Reply #58 posted 04/06/11 5:46am


fantasticjoy said:

unique said:

it's great he gives money to charity, but why doesn't he pay his own bills? why does he give money away to charity, but other people have to sue him? like his own lawyers?

That's between him and who ever he may owe...but it's good to know he has no problem with giving to those who really need it .

I'm pretty sure that lawyers and promoters need to eat just as much as everyone else. And they can't buy food when clients don't pay.

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Reply #59 posted 04/06/11 6:10am



Lady Gaga would have given more.

You're a real fucker. You act like you own this place--ParanoidAndroid <-- about as witty as this princess gets! lol
I hope everyone pays more attention to Sags posts--sweething mushy

Jesus weeps disbelief
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