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Why Prince might have finally paid his taxes. Sorry i do not have the article on me, but did anybody else notice the June issue of the Watchtower? The whole magazine is based on how people don't think things are a sin anymore; the don't use the word sin anymore. Anyway, on page 12 I think it talks about Taxes and how Jesus said that we had to "give Ceasar what is Ceasars" and how avoiding paying your taxes is basically going against what Jehovah would want you to do. It was pretty black and white.
So, those of you in Minneapoli, the next time you get a knock on your door from a nicely dressed group of strangers open your door wide and say thank you for the filled and pot holes and whatever else that sum of money provided. (Maybe now something can change in Prince's old neighborhood besides the date.) There came a time when the risk of remaining tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin. | |
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Interesting ... I know that in Al Islaam, "intrest" is what we have a problem with, not necissarily taxes. Bottom line, if P wanted to keep Paisley Park and the properties he owns, "his" then he needed to pay his taxes ... Peace ... & Stay Funky ...
~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~ |
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I remember reading that a few days ago and I thought exactly the same thing. Have u had ur + today? | |
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I hope the Watchtower has an article about how people should play guitar soon, as he might stop doing that without such guidance, eh?!
Have they conducted a survey or something that shows how people "don't think things are a sin anymore" and who are they talking about? Any JW will consider wrong-doing a "sin". As would most Catholics. In fact, the reality is, those that believe in God will consider wrong-doing a "sin" because a sin is any action that goes against God. Naturally, those that don't believe in God wouldn't consider it a sin, because they don't believe in God. If they're talking about non-believers, then its a waste of time, surely?! ...we have only scratched the surface of what the mind can do...
My dance project; Listen to any of my tracks in full, for free, here; Go and glisten ![]() | |
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Yeah...because those things never get done unless and until the JW's pay their taxes.
Why not thank the people who pay on time - and without a fuss? We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves. | |
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PurpleLove7 said: Interesting ... I know that in Al Islaam, "intrest" is what we have a problem with, not necissarily taxes. Bottom line, if P wanted to keep Paisley Park and the properties he owns, "his" then he needed to pay his taxes ... That's what I said on a different thread..since prince tore his house down in 2006 when his wife filed for divorce, he needs a building permit to rebuild his house..which would require him to pay his taxes. ![]() What is your main problem?
To whom it may concern: I love you! both. | |
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Nor am I TRULY saying that the Jehovah Witnesses should be thanked for Prince paying the 1.3 million taxes that he owes because the article was not written for Prince or because of Prince IMO, but happened to coincide perfectly with the attention that Prince was getting for being so far behind in his taxes. .
Since I very quickly wrote the first intro, and I guess was so easily misunderstood, let me try this again.
The Watchtower, the very one I mentioned , started being passed out in late May. (Prince also paid the 1.3 million in late may). For those who don' t know, it is this very Watchtower that Prince would have handed to the person who opened the door had he gone door to door from late may until late June. Picture if you will, opening your door and having the man who hands you a Watchtower with an article in it called "Is it Really Dishonest?" that speaks about the importance of paying your taxes, be the EXACT SAME MAN who is getting alot of attention in the local paper for not paying his taxes. In big bold print it says on the bottom of page 12 "Render to all their dues, to him who calls for the tax, the tax" and "To gain God's approval, we pay all taxes required by law". Had you been handed this pamphlet by this man (and managed to catch a glimpse of the article before he bolted out the door) would you not have wanted to turn to him and say ' Do YOU EVEN READ these things yourself???" Now it wouldn't only be Prince that had this problem. Since his overdue taxes were well known in Minneapolis, when all the other Witnesses handed out this pamphlet they too would be put on the spot and embarassed. How many would ask " Then Why don't you tell YOUR OWN to pay their taxes!!!!!". Follow me now? So the whole idea of thanking them is a bit smartass because I don't think they directly approached Prince or wrote ot for Prince, just the obvious hypocracy of the whole thing coming so close on the heel of Prince getting quite a bit of media attention for his being so far behind caused a Now about the "open your doors wide" comment that was just me being a smartass, when they came to my door I opened it and I stepped out, never letting them in. So even those like Anxiety and Squirrelgrease who do not look forward to their visits may actually have something to say. i think if Squirrel stopped toying with his nuts and got up out of his lazy boy to talk to them it would be quite funny. They would be quite embarassed, I do believe, If someone mentioned " yeah, and one of the most deliquent taxpayers in this city was one of your very OWN!!! Hey, if this article was what embarassed him into doing what he should have done long ago, maybe it's not such a waste of paper after all!" Now as far as the pothole comment went, one point three million dollars can do a whole lot more then fill up a few pot hole and I absolutely knew that when I made that comment. You see when Prince complains in a song "ain't nothin changed in my old neighborhood but the date" what the hell is he saying??? Is he complaining about the schools, housing, roads, community centers and general condition of the place??? What changes those things, is it not money???? Where does the money come from: is it not personal donations and TAXES????? Is it not a bit strange and maybe hypocritical for the man who DOESN'T PAY HIS TAXES UNLESS A MATCH IS LIT UNDER HIS ASS to complain about how little money is being spent to revitalize his old neighborhood???? So, I was deffinately not in anyway saying that people should kiss the feet of the JW's for writing the article. What I am saying is that maybe, just maybe, you should work in getting your own people to do the right thing before you preach it to the masses. Amen, that's it for now folks. There came a time when the risk of remaining tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin. | |
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You both have a good point. However as I said in the post above I think the imediacy (spelling) of the article being out by late May may have been the There came a time when the risk of remaining tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin. | |
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I will reply to your post next, sorry, I ran out of time!! There came a time when the risk of remaining tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin. | |
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They did not conduct a survey but they did quote other periodicals. "The old categories of sin, repentance and redemption are out and the therapeutic language of self-esteem and self-love are in." Star Beacon, Ashtabula, OHio. " "The urgent sense of personal sin has all but disappeared." - Newsweek
"We no longer ask 'What does God require of me'but rather, 'What can God do for me?'" - Chicago Sun-Times.
"People like Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin may have sinned, but the rest of us are victims of circumstance and maladjustment' - The Wall Street Journal.
There was a time when the majority of people in the U.S.A. concidered themselves Christian and believed in sin.
Another quote they included from Newsweek is "Many clergy, who are competing in a buyer's marke, feel they cannot afford to alienate."
Anyway they pass out the mags in my opinion, to reach like minded people searching for like minded people. Also because alot of people are not sure what the Jehovah Witnesses believe and have read some this that are misinforming. There came a time when the risk of remaining tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin. | |
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