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Thread started 11/06/09 1:16pm


The Nude Tour

I was in London, 18 years old, broke & temporarily homeless, on my way back to Canada from a year in Zimbabwe, and traveling with an American pal. There were posters everywhere for Prince's shows at Wembley Arena - I think there were seven? - & they were all covered in 'Sold Out' stickers. After a panicky phone call my dad wired me a hundred pounds to tide me over until I could fly home. I went into the first ticket shop I saw & asked the cat if he had any tickets for that night's Prince show; I think it was the last one of the run. He said 'Yeah - two - tenth row - 75 pounds for both.' I bought 'em immediately & spent the rest of the money on breakfast. That night I saw Prince for the first time, & gaped non-stop; I'd been a dedicated fan for a long time (5 or 6 years? it seemed like a long time at the time) by then & we were close enough to the stage to get the full-blast Prince effect. Foxy, charming & creamy. My pal & I left the show, exhausted & profoundly gratified, & slept in Victoria Station; we were the grateful recipients the next morning of 'Christian Aid For The Homeless': sandwiches & coffee.

It seems like the Nude Tour is generally ignored or disdained, coming on the heels of the superduper SOTT & Lovesexy tours & paving the way for Graffiti Bridge, but it was a tremendous show & a fantastic experience. My wife, who's Japanese & has never seen Prince, is currently obsessed with the Tokyo concert; the other night she said 'I'm in love with...his hair.''So am I!' I yelled, trying to perform the Batdance moves in the kitchen, & failing miserably.

Did anybody else attend any of the Nude Tour shows? Any groovy stories or memories? And what do all of you Prince geniuses think of the Tokyo concert?
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Reply #1 posted 11/06/09 1:24pm



Yes Nude was my first of his in Dortmund,Germany

it was Poles and Ramps if i remember well...
boogie Bounce party y'all nutty
Like the wall of Berlin woot!
It's going down people -(5.7.2010) wall
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Reply #2 posted 11/06/09 1:27pm



I really like Nude show at Tokyo,

but the Prince Nude show at Gentofte, Copenhagen 1990 was (I hate to say it) really bad.

A Prince show in bright daylight, very uninspired and short concert.

I was there dressed as the joker/ gemini together with my little brother, who was at that moment a Prince fan too. We had purple jackets on with orange colored japanese letters on the sleeves (which we had seen in the Partyman video), green hair - and white make up in the half of the face, red lipstick too. Haha we were looking great... lol

We were both very disappointed with this concert, no atmosphere at the stadium at all, later I saw the Tokyo show on tv..... much much better.

Nude 1990 is my only really bad Prince concert experience.
[Edited 11/6/09 5:30am]
Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #3 posted 11/06/09 1:27pm



What a nice post. I respect your courage and your "live 4 the moment," faith, and the Christian foundation there 4 U in the morning.

I never saw this tour, but it doesn't matter, I'm biased and already know I love everything, except that I had little money and plenty responsibility in my life to have much fun. cool
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight...
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Reply #4 posted 11/06/09 2:01pm



Mouse said:

There were posters everywhere for Prince's shows at Wembley Arena - I think there were seven? -

The first stint at Wembley was for 7 shows but he returned a few times throughout the summer so in total it was 16 shows at Wembley.

Cool story btw, shame the org wasn't around then. I lived close to Wembley at the time and we always had waifs and strays sleeping on our sofa, would have been much better than a night at the station!! lol
Some people are like Slinkies...

They're good for nothing but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
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Reply #5 posted 11/06/09 6:52pm



The Nude Tour, My Fav!!!!
Forever in my life...
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Reply #6 posted 11/06/09 8:51pm



I never saw the tour in person, but I have the Tokyo and Spain tv broadcasts, and the Rio 91 show. I thought they were great shows. Although the theatrics from Lovesexy were gone, it was great to hear full versions of the hits again rather than snippets of them.
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Reply #7 posted 11/06/09 11:16pm


The Nude Tour in London was my first Prince gig and it was a let down after watching the SOTT and Lovesexy Live vids religously.
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Reply #8 posted 11/07/09 7:05pm



The first concert I saw was the night that Prince brought the Nude Tour to Ireland 7/7/90. Ireland were in the World Cup for the first time and everyone wanted to party. O'laa O'laa O'laa rang out around Cork during Prince's piano set because the Irish only wanted to party.
He even had to stop the band and say to the crowd "Who's show is it anyways?"
Great Show!
The right to free discussion is protected!!
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Reply #9 posted 11/07/09 7:10pm



now i'm gonna look like an obsessive but.....

i actually went to all the UK shows-16 if memory serves me right

luckily-i lived in London then

and funnily-i enjoyed the NEC show in Brum the most-probably cuz i took a few P virgins

cool days-got a wave from the man himself after a London show at the back of Wembley Arena

then his BMW nearly ran us over wink
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Reply #10 posted 11/07/09 7:11pm



wierdly-i remember the carpet in the Beamer was white fur eek


during a funky move-P kicked the mic-and stand off the front of the stage but just laughed-as some guy scurried off 2 retrieve it-that was in Brum BTW

[Edited 11/7/09 11:14am]
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Reply #11 posted 11/07/09 8:22pm


The Nude Tour was my first experience of Prince Live. I went to the NEC Birmingham show. Me and my cousin were 17 at the time, and we got the bus from Perth, Scotland to Birmingham. We got there in the afternoon, met some P fans in a McDonalds then we all headed to the tube/train to the NEC. When we got there we were amazed at the amount of people dressed in polka dot shirts, myself included.
As we waited to get in, we could hear someone really ripping into a guitar onstage, which just added to the excitement. Mavis Staples supporting was superb. The show itself was amazing, i was just mesmerised by the whole thing, and whenever i hear The question of u, i still smile like a cheshire cat.
The Nude Tour to me was special and i feel that it was only bettered by The Lovesexy Tour.
At the end of the show, we ended back at the bus station, where we sat until 7am until we got the bus back to Perth. lol biggrin
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Reply #12 posted 11/07/09 8:39pm



I don't know anything about it and I can't find the thread/section back where all Prince concerts are listed. It used to be on top of the forum? I've lost it!
Nice stories though from the posters.

Ok, found the Princepedia but there's nothing there under the Nude tour. What/which album was that? I confuse Nude with Lovesexy.
[Edited 11/7/09 12:40pm]
"Free URself, B the best that U can B, 3rd Apartment from the Sun, nothing left to fear" Prince Rogers Nelson - Forever in my Life -
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Reply #13 posted 11/07/09 9:12pm


Nude was billed as a greatest hits tour if i remember, after Batman soundtrack album and before Graffiti Bridge was released. Tour was just as he released Thieves in the Temple.
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