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Good Prince interview, gets ask the MJ question that some people wanted. Though we will not be getting a tour! French version:
Après deux concerts donnés au Grand Palais, dimanche 11 octobre, à Paris (Le Monde du 13 octobre), Prince dit s'être endormi à l'aube en regardant le DVD de French Kiss, une comédie romantique avec Meg Ryan et Kevin Kline (1995). Lundi 12 octobre, vers 13 h 30, le chanteur, guitariste et producteur américain, 51 ans, reçoit pourtant dans le salon chinois de l'Hôtel Costes, dans le 1er arrondissement de Paris. Chapeau andalou noir et lunettes de soleil comme un masque, une redingote mauve épousant son buste fin, la star stylisée marche en s'appuyant sur une canne argentée (il semble souffrir d'un problème de hanche, boitillement remarqué par de nombreux spectateurs lors des concerts au Grand Palais). Avant une petite conférence de presse, Prince accorde au Monde vingt minutes d'un de ses très rares entretiens, à condition de ne pas l'enregistrer mais de prendre des notes. Il est souriant et presque affable.
Avez-vous apprécié vos concerts au Grand Palais ? J'ai pris encore plus de plaisir au second concert. J'avais assisté au défilé Chanel (mardi 6 octobre), j'avais remarqué que les applaudissements et les vibrations du son semblaient monter le long de la verrière et redescendre sur vous. Je me suis mis à imaginer ce que donnerait un concert dans ce lieu. Lily Allen jouait au défilé Chanel. Je me suis dit que si Lily Allen donnait un concert, pourquoi pas moi ? Depuis plusieurs années, vous cultivez l'art du concert surprise ou dans des cadres exceptionnels... Je préfère désormais ces formes de concert à la tournée traditionnelle, qui ne me tente plus. J'aime être le premier et le dernier à faire quelque chose. Quand j'ai joué à Londres, en 2007, à l'O² Arena, j'ai demandé aux producteurs quel avait été le nombre record de spectacles joués à la suite dans leur salle. Ils m'ont répondu six. J'ai dit alors que je voulais en faire vingt et un. Pendant deux semaines, ils me l'ont refusé, personne n'y était resté aussi longtemps. Tous les concerts ont finalement été complets. Depuis, Michael Jackson m'a montré que j'aurais dû aller plus loin (Michael Jackson avait prévu de faire cinquante concerts dans cette salle, pour ce qui devait être son grand retour). Avez-vous une relation particulière avec la ville de Paris ? J'ai longtemps eu un appartement avenue Foch, mais trop de fans venaient au milieu de la nuit chanter des chansons que je n'interprète même plus. Paris est une ville très érotique, dans la façon dont ses rues sont disposées. Il y a toujours quelque chose à regarder. Certains monuments, la tour Eiffel ou l'obélisque de la Concorde, sont même clairement des symboles amoureux (rires). Pour moi, Paris est aussi la ville des arts, un symbole contre la tyrannie. Vous donnez des concerts quand et où bon vous semble, vous publiez des enregistrements à votre convenance par l'intermédiaire de multinationales, de labels indépendants, via la vente par correspondance ou le téléchargement. On a l'impression que vous n'avez jamais été aussi libre comme artiste de scène et de studio. De quand date cette liberté ? Cette liberté a toujours été là artistiquement. Dans ma façon, par exemple, de m'habiller dès mes débuts de façon étrange, pour ne pas être catalogué à cause de mes vêtements. J'utilisais d'ailleurs plus souvent ma peau que de vrais habits. Par contre, j'ai dû gagner ma liberté économique contre les maisons de disques. A l'époque de Purple Rain, on m'avançait 1 million de dollars qu'on me reprenait sur les vidéos, la promotion, le packaging, la fabrication... A la fin, la maison de disques disait posséder l'album. Pendant des années, les artistes ont ainsi été arnaqués. Pas étonnant qu'autant aient terminé sans le sou. Il nous fallait céder nos droits à des gens qui n'étaient pour rien dans le processus créatif. Croyez-vous que c'est un patron de label qui inspirait Jimi Hendrix ? Peut-on assimiler cette démarche à une démarche politique ? Aux Etats-Unis, les médias sont contrôlés par l'Etat. On ne peut pas remettre l'Etat en question. C'est pour cela qu'il n'y a plus de musique politique depuis Woodstock et la grande époque de la musique soul engagée, née avec le mouvement des droits civiques. J'aurais aimé vivre à cette époque. Je n'ai pas eu cette chance, mais mes disques ont souvent suscité la controverse, en particulier par rapport à mon approche de la sexualité. Si les artistes gagnent leur liberté, alors on pourra retrouver un nouvel âge d'or de la musique soul. Des gens de l'industrie et des journalistes ont mené une campagne contre moi, m'accusant d'être un rebelle purement égotiste, alors que l'enjeu est beaucoup plus grand. Ils ont aussi dit que je cherchais à m'éloigner du mainstream, alors que je suis en plein dedans. Regardez, mes billets de concert ne se sont jamais vendus aussi rapidement. Cette liberté a-t-elle un prix ? Si je suis pour la liberté en toute chose, il faut savoir aussi ne pas aller trop loin. C'est pour cela que j'appartiens aux Témoins de Jéhovah. Ils m'aident à équilibrer ma vie, à lui donner un sens et à avoir une vision du monde. Lors de vos concerts au Grand Palais, vous avez repris une chanson des Jackson 5, Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground). C'était une forme d'hommage ? Ma choriste Elisa Dease a le même timbre que Michael quand il était jeune. Et une bonne chanson reste une bonne chanson. Qu'avez-vous ressenti à la mort de Michael Jackson ? (Prince, visiblement, ne veut pas s'étendre sur le sujet.) On est toujours triste de perdre quelqu'un qu'on a aimé. Propos recueillis par Stéphane Davet English: After two concerts at the Grand Palais Sunday 11 October in Paris (Le Monde of October 13) said Prince will be asleep at dawn watching DVD's English Kiss, a romantic comedy with Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline (1995). Monday, 12 October, to 1: 30 p.m., the singer, guitarist and American producer 51 years receives yet in the Chinese Lounge of the hotel Costes in the 1st District of Paris. Black Andalusian hat and sunglasses as a mask, a purple redingote marrying his end bust, stylised star walk in relying on a silver cane (it seems to suffer a boitillement noticed by many spectators of concerts at the Grand Palais hip, problem). Before a small press conference, Prince gives twenty minutes of a world of its very rare interviews provided save it but take notes. He is smiling and almost affable.
Did you enjoy your concerts at the Grand Palais? I have had more fun at the second concert. I had attended the Chanel Parade (Tuesday, 6 October), I noticed that the applause and the sound vibration appeared to mount the length of the canopy and descend on you. I started to imagine that would give a concert in this place. Lily Allen played parade Chanel. I told myself if Lily Allen gave a concert, why step me? For several years, you take art concert surprise or in exceptional frames... I now prefer these forms of concert to traditional tour, which no longer attempts me. I like being the first and last to do something. When played in London, in 2007, the O² Arena, I asked farmers what had been the record number of performances played subsequently in their classroom. They answered me six. I said that I wanted to twenty-one. Two weeks they have refused me it, nobody is there remained as long. All concerts were finally complete. Since then, Michael Jackson showed me that I should have gone further (Michael Jackson had planned to do fifty concerts in this room for what was to be his great return). Do you have a special relationship with the city of Paris? I have long had an apartment avenue Foch, but too many fans came in the middle of the night sing songs that I no longer even interprets. Paris is a very erotic city in how its streets are arranged. There is always something to watch. Some monuments, the Eiffel Tower or the Obelisk de la Concorde, are even clearly symbols love (laughter). For me, Paris is also the city of the arts, a symbol against tyranny. You give concerts when and where you want, you publish records at your convenience by means of multinationals, independent labels, through the mail order or download. One has the impression that you have never been as free as stage and studio artist. When date this freedom? This freedom has always been there artistically. In my way, for example, of wrap me from my oddly, beginning to not be cataloged due to my clothes. I was also more often using my skin as real clothes. On the other hand, I had to earn my economic freedom against the record companies. AT the time of Purple Rain it was moving me mirrored me on videos, promotion, packaging, manufacturing $ 1 million... The end, the House of disks said have the album. For years, artists have thus been arnaqués. Step surprising that provided have completed broke. We had to give our rights to people who were for nothing in the creative process. Do you believe this is a label boss who tallied Jimi Hendrix? Can assimilate this approach to a political approach? In the United States, the media are controlled by the State. It cannot deliver the State in question. That is why has more political music from Woodstock and the great era of committed soul music, born with the civil rights movement. I should have liked to live at this time. I had this chance, but my disks often sparked controversy, especially compared to my sexuality approach. If artists earn their freedom, then it may find a new golden age of soul music. People from the industry and journalists have campaigned against me accusing me of being a purely égotiste rebel while the challenge is much greater. They also said that I was looking at me away from the mainstream, while I am in full inside. Look, my concert tickets only ever sold as quickly. This freedom has a price? If I am to freedom in anything, it should be noted also not going too far. That is why I belong to Jehovah's witnesses. They help me to balance my life, give a sense and have a vision of the world. Of your concerts at the Grand Palais, you have repeated a song of the Jackson 5, Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground). It was a form of homage? My Elisa Dease Chorister has the same stamp as Michael when he was young. And a good song remains a good song. What did you feel the death of Michael Jackson? (Prince, obviously does not want to extend on the subject.) It is always sad to lose someone it liked. Interview by Stéphane Davet If someone can provide a better transaltion; i would be greatful! [Edited 10/15/09 3:09am] [Edited 10/15/09 3:22am] "Sisters and brothers in the purple underground, find peace of mind in the pop sound!" | |
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This is my translation :
After two concerts at the Grand Palais on Sunday, October 11 at Paris, Prince said he fell asleep at dawn after he watched the DVD of French Kiss, a romantic comedy starring Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline (1995). Monday, October 12th, around 13 h 30, the singer, guitarist and producer, 51 years, still receives the press in the Chinese Room of the Hotel Costes in the 1st arrondissement of Paris. Andalusian black hat and sunglasses mask his face, wearing a purple coat , the stylized star walks leaning on a silver cane (it seems he suffers from a hip problem, limp noticed by many spectators at the concerts at the Grand Palais). Before the small press conference, Prince gives "Le Monde" twenty minutes of one of his rare interviews, provided we did not record it but only take notes. He is constantly smiling and very cool. Have you enjoyed your concert at the Grand Palais? I had even more fun at the second concert. I attended the Chanel fashion show (Tuesday, October 6), I noticed that the applause and the vibrations of sound seemed to rise along the canopy and descend on you. I started to imagine what would it be like to give a concert at this place. Lily Allen played at the Chanel fashion show. I told myself that if Lily Allen can give a concert, why not me? For several years, you've cultivated the art of surprise concerts in exceptional locations... I now prefer this format above the traditional tour, it tempts me more. I like being the first and the last to do something. When I played in London in 2007, the O ² Arena, I asked the producers what had been the record number of shows played consecutely in their venue. They said six. I said that I wanted to do twenty-one. During two weeks they refused me, nobody had ever played for so long. All concerts were nevertheless sold out. Since then, Michael Jackson showed me that I should go farther (Michael Jackson had planned to fifty concerts in this venue for what should be his big comeback). Do you have a special relationship with the city of Paris? I have long had a flat at Avenue Foch, but too many fans came in the middle of the night singing songs that I don't even play anymore. Paris is a very erotic city, it's exciting what's happening in the streets . There is always something to watch. Some monuments, the Eiffel Tower or the obelisk of the Concorde, are very clear symbols of love (laughs). For me, Paris is also a city of art, a symbol against tyranny. You give concerts whenever and wherever you like, you publish the recordings at your convenience through multinational, independent labels, via mail order or download. One has the impression that you've never been as free as a performer and studio artist. When did you obtain this freedom? This freedom has always been there artistically. In my case, for example, when I started dressing extravagant in order not to be labeled because of my clothes. In any way, I used my skin more often than real clothes. On other hand, I had to battle for my economic freedom against the record companies. At the time of Purple Rain, we got 1 million dollars for the videos, promotion, packaging, manufacturing ... At the end, the record company said the owned the album. For years, artists have been ripped off. No wonder so many have ended pennyless. We must surrender our rights to people who have nothing to do with the creative process. Do you think it's the CEO of a label that inspired Jimi Hendrix? Can we compare this approach to a political process? In the U.S., the media are controlled by the state. You can not put the state in question. That is why there was more political music at the time of Woodstock and the heydays of soul music which was born with the civil rights movement. I would have loved to be living at that time. I wasn't so lucky, but my albums have often been controversial, particularly in my approach to sexuality. If artists earn their freedom, then we'll get a new golden age of soul music. Some industry people and journalists have been campaigning against me, accusing me of being a rebel for purely egotistical reasons, while the challenge is much greater. They also said I was trying to get away from the mainstream, while I'm in the middle of it. Look, my concert tickets are never sold out so quickly. This freedom does have a price? If I am for freedom in all things, we must also know not to go too far. That's why I belong to Jehovah's Witnesses. They help me balance my life ,give me a purpose in life and offer me a worldview. At your concert at the Grand Palais, you've performed a song the Jackson 5 Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground). Was it a tribute? My singer Elisa has the same timbre as Michael when he was young. And a good song is a good song. How did you feel at the death of Michael Jackson? (Prince, obviously reluctant, does not want to dwell on the subject.) It is always sad to lose someone you loved. Interview conducted by Stéphane Davet [Edited 10/15/09 3:14am] | |
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Wow the most POWERFULL post on the org RIGHT NOW ....This is gonna cause civil war .....
BLACK AND WHITE: Prince respects MJ and whatever was said in the past when they was young bucks past.... I've got more time and respect for Prince after reading this ..... he not milking it like some "Stars" ....just telling it like it is... ![]() We miss u MJ ![]() Da, Da, Da....Emancipation....Free..don't think I ain't..! London 21 Nights...Clap your know the rest..
James Brown & Michael Jackson RIP, your music still lives with us! | |
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link please ![]() | |
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p4life said: link please
![]() updated: see above "Sisters and brothers in the purple underground, find peace of mind in the pop sound!" | |
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jethrouk said: p4life said: link please
![]() updated: see above ![]() | |
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COME ON FESS UP: WHICH ORGERS WERE SINGING SEXY MF AT PRINCE's AVENUE FOCH FLAT ?? [Edited 10/15/09 3:26am] "Sisters and brothers in the purple underground, find peace of mind in the pop sound!" | |
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the translations were much appreciated...gave us another glimpse into the mind of the man we dig...and for some of us, love.
i also respect the fact that he honoured Michael and his bros. by doing that jam. ![]() Snare drum pound on the 2 & 4 | |
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LondonStyle said: Wow the most POWERFULL post on the org RIGHT NOW ....This is gonna cause civil war .....
BLACK AND WHITE: Prince respects MJ and whatever was said in the past when they was young bucks past.... I've got more time and respect for Prince after reading this ..... he not milking it like some "Stars" ....just telling it like it is... ![]() We miss u MJ ![]() civil war? pleeeeze nobody ever thought that prince had a beef with MJ | |
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japanrocks said: LondonStyle said: Wow the most POWERFULL post on the org RIGHT NOW ....This is gonna cause civil war .....
BLACK AND WHITE: Prince respects MJ and whatever was said in the past when they was young bucks past.... I've got more time and respect for Prince after reading this ..... he not milking it like some "Stars" ....just telling it like it is... ![]() We miss u MJ ![]() civil war? pleeeeze nobody ever thought that prince had a beef with MJ oh Really ? so it was just the Prince Fans on the Org being disrespectful to MJ when he died ....oh well that clears things up then! ![]() Da, Da, Da....Emancipation....Free..don't think I ain't..! London 21 Nights...Clap your know the rest..
James Brown & Michael Jackson RIP, your music still lives with us! | |
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japanrocks said: nobody ever thought that prince had a beef with MJ Really?...look at all the Prince vs MJ related threads on the org. Pages upon pages of evidence are here. I swear the words "HATER" is wayyy over-rated...smh | |
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JayJai said: japanrocks said: nobody ever thought that prince had a beef with MJ Really?...look at all the Prince vs MJ related threads on the org. Pages upon pages of evidence are here. most of the real prince fans left this place a while ago.....i can tell you about 100 names off the top of my head (most of them lurk now) and trust me.....we were sad about mj but we got over it, unlike the mj fans that found a second home on the org (and remained here) we are more concerned with issues like prince limping and prince sitting on a stool than any comments he may have about mj his comments about mj are respectful - as they should be - no surprise there | |
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Nice interview. Thanks for posting. Change it one more time.. | |
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LondonStyle said: Wow the most POWERFULL post on the org RIGHT NOW ....This is gonna cause civil war .....
BLACK AND WHITE: Prince respects MJ and whatever was said in the past when they was young bucks past.... I've got more time and respect for Prince after reading this ..... he not milking it like some "Stars" ....just telling it like it is... ![]() We miss u MJ ![]() I'm not saying prince feels the opposite-but where do you read respect in what prince says, he completely avoids MJ issues. To say MJ showed him he could do more at O2 just shows prince sayinng he could have sold more than he did. On this point Prince needs to check himself-he never intended to do 21 he jsut ended up doing that coz his ticket sales were so good. I like Prince having a cocky attitude but not when it is delusional | |
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japanrocks said: JayJai said: Really?...look at all the Prince vs MJ related threads on the org. Pages upon pages of evidence are here. most of the real prince fans left this place a while ago.....i can tell you about 100 names off the top of my head (most of them lurk now) and trust me.....we were sad about mj but we got over it, unlike the mj fans that found a second home on the org (and remained here) we are more concerned with issues like prince limping and prince sitting on a stool than any comments he may have about mj his comments about mj are respectful - as they should be - no surprise there Really.....Are these points linked in anyway... ![]() Da, Da, Da....Emancipation....Free..don't think I ain't..! London 21 Nights...Clap your know the rest..
James Brown & Michael Jackson RIP, your music still lives with us! | |
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jcurley said: LondonStyle said: Wow the most POWERFULL post on the org RIGHT NOW ....This is gonna cause civil war .....
BLACK AND WHITE: Prince respects MJ and whatever was said in the past when they was young bucks past.... I've got more time and respect for Prince after reading this ..... he not milking it like some "Stars" ....just telling it like it is... ![]() We miss u MJ ![]() I'm not saying prince feels the opposite-but where do you read respect in what prince says, he completely avoids MJ issues. To say MJ showed him he could do more at O2 just shows prince sayinng he could have sold more than he did. On this point Prince needs to check himself-he never intended to do 21 he jsut ended up doing that coz his ticket sales were so good. I like Prince having a cocky attitude but not when it is delusional How ?.... ![]() Da, Da, Da....Emancipation....Free..don't think I ain't..! London 21 Nights...Clap your know the rest..
James Brown & Michael Jackson RIP, your music still lives with us! | |
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LondonStyle said: jcurley said: I'm not saying prince feels the opposite-but where do you read respect in what prince says, he completely avoids MJ issues. To say MJ showed him he could do more at O2 just shows prince sayinng he could have sold more than he did. On this point Prince needs to check himself-he never intended to do 21 he jsut ended up doing that coz his ticket sales were so good. I like Prince having a cocky attitude but not when it is delusional How ?.... ![]() The O2 comment just reads as competition against MJ (which Prince would have lost) Comment on singing the MJ song sounds more like a snub-a good song is a good song, when the question was was it given as a tribute Comment on MJ's death sounds like a typical statement-he's not saying MJ was someone he loved he is just saying that it is sad for those who lose someone they love. I don't think for a minute Prince dislikes MJ but I dont feel these answers indicate the opposite | |
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jcurley said: LondonStyle said: How ?.... ![]() The O2 comment just reads as competition against MJ (which Prince would have lost) Comment on singing the MJ song sounds more like a snub-a good song is a good song, when the question was was it given as a tribute Comment on MJ's death sounds like a typical statement-he's not saying MJ was someone he loved he is just saying that it is sad for those who lose someone they love. I don't think for a minute Prince dislikes MJ but I dont feel these answers indicate the opposite Hey let's do a lie-detector test next time he has an interview..... ![]() In fact let's just put our own SPIN on everything he says..... ![]() Let's just stick to the facts...Please ...which are answer to direct questions.. ![]() Da, Da, Da....Emancipation....Free..don't think I ain't..! London 21 Nights...Clap your know the rest..
James Brown & Michael Jackson RIP, your music still lives with us! | |
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i enjoyed this interview, that he shared some cute random stuff. ![]() | |
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jcurley said: LondonStyle said: How ?.... ![]() The O2 comment just reads as competition against MJ (which Prince would have lost) Comment on singing the MJ song sounds more like a snub-a good song is a good song, when the question was was it given as a tribute Comment on MJ's death sounds like a typical statement-he's not saying MJ was someone he loved he is just saying that it is sad for those who lose someone they love. I don't think for a minute Prince dislikes MJ but I dont feel these answers indicate the opposite exactly....i did not want to get into that or make mj fans feel bad but i guess we needed to spell it out for them go figure now...let us discuss the limp, the cane, the sitting down on the stool dude might just set up in france for a while after all | |
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LondonStyle said: jcurley said: The O2 comment just reads as competition against MJ (which Prince would have lost) Comment on singing the MJ song sounds more like a snub-a good song is a good song, when the question was was it given as a tribute Comment on MJ's death sounds like a typical statement-he's not saying MJ was someone he loved he is just saying that it is sad for those who lose someone they love. I don't think for a minute Prince dislikes MJ but I dont feel these answers indicate the opposite Hey let's do a lie-detector test next time he has an interview..... ![]() In fact let's just put our own SPIN on everything he says..... ![]() Let's just stick to the facts...Please ...which are answer to direct questions.. ![]() Exscuse me who are you? I'm not putting any spin on what Prince is saying so please dont tell me to stick to facts. I scrutinised what Prince was saying simply because YOU read into it. My original point was that Prince could not give more neutral answers if he tried and was a paid politician He answers maybe RESPECTFUL but no way can you read RESPECT into his comments. God I feel so irritated by your response and I usually ignore this type of nonsense | |
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japanrocks said: jcurley said: The O2 comment just reads as competition against MJ (which Prince would have lost) Comment on singing the MJ song sounds more like a snub-a good song is a good song, when the question was was it given as a tribute Comment on MJ's death sounds like a typical statement-he's not saying MJ was someone he loved he is just saying that it is sad for those who lose someone they love. I don't think for a minute Prince dislikes MJ but I dont feel these answers indicate the opposite exactly....i did not want to get into that or make mj fans feel bad but i guess we needed to spell it out for them go figure now...let us discuss the limp, the cane, the sitting down on the stool dude might just set up in france for a while after all Exactly let's just make it up as we go along.... ![]() ![]() Who needs facts...anyway...they just get in the way of the truth.... ![]() Da, Da, Da....Emancipation....Free..don't think I ain't..! London 21 Nights...Clap your know the rest..
James Brown & Michael Jackson RIP, your music still lives with us! | |
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japanrocks said: jcurley said: The O2 comment just reads as competition against MJ (which Prince would have lost) Comment on singing the MJ song sounds more like a snub-a good song is a good song, when the question was was it given as a tribute Comment on MJ's death sounds like a typical statement-he's not saying MJ was someone he loved he is just saying that it is sad for those who lose someone they love. I don't think for a minute Prince dislikes MJ but I dont feel these answers indicate the opposite exactly....i did not want to get into that or make mj fans feel bad but i guess we needed to spell it out for them go figure now...let us discuss the limp, the cane, the sitting down on the stool dude might just set up in france for a while after all Yeh I thought that was weird. It really surprised me coz over the last year when prince has been doing his American TV performances he looked quite slick and performed quite strongly. I thought this was quite weak and why would you sit down during a dance record-it seemed to confirm rumours, whic I have so far dismissed | |
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LondonStyle said: japanrocks said: exactly....i did not want to get into that or make mj fans feel bad but i guess we needed to spell it out for them go figure now...let us discuss the limp, the cane, the sitting down on the stool dude might just set up in france for a while after all Exactly let's just make it up as we go along.... ![]() ![]() Who needs facts...anyway...they just get in the way of the truth.... ![]() You could make Jesus curse. You put the SPIN on it by reading positives that just weren't there. No one would see what you saw with those answers from Prince-I'm not saying I even read what I read -I'm just scrutinising them because of you preposterous insight i.e. You are trying to make Prince an MJ fan when I doubt Prince could give a flying toss either way and just doent want to be stoned to death | |
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jcurley said: LondonStyle said: Exactly let's just make it up as we go along.... ![]() ![]() Who needs facts...anyway...they just get in the way of the truth.... ![]() You could make Jesus curse. You put the SPIN on it by reading positives that just weren't there. No one would see what you saw with those answers from Prince-I'm not saying I even read what I read -I'm just scrutinising them because of you preposterous insight i.e. You are trying to make Prince an MJ fan when I doubt Prince could give a flying toss either way and just doent want to be stoned to death TimeOut.... ![]() Always doubt what you never read ! ![]() ![]() Da, Da, Da....Emancipation....Free..don't think I ain't..! London 21 Nights...Clap your know the rest..
James Brown & Michael Jackson RIP, your music still lives with us! | |
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i was naive to think that this interview would lay to rest the obsession with such a pointless topic "Sisters and brothers in the purple underground, find peace of mind in the pop sound!" | |
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I liked this interview. Prince was very interesting with this and I'm glad he FINALLY said something in regards to MJ. It wasn't disrespectful, it was where he was coming from, especially the last part. Thanks for sharing and thank you to those who translated it as well. ![]() I'm not a fan of "old Prince". I'm not a fan of "new Prince". I'm just a fan of Prince. Simple as that | |
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jethrouk said: i was naive to think that this interview would lay to rest the obsession with such a pointless topic
yes you were.... ![]() Civil War...has begun.... ![]() Da, Da, Da....Emancipation....Free..don't think I ain't..! London 21 Nights...Clap your know the rest..
James Brown & Michael Jackson RIP, your music still lives with us! | |
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LondonStyle said: jethrouk said: i was naive to think that this interview would lay to rest the obsession with such a pointless topic
yes you were.... ![]() Civil War...has begun.... ![]() I agree with you Jethro-I have never compared MJ and Prince and never understood why they are in the same sentence but Londonstyle are you just a wind up merchant, you had your wonderful insights and then throw it back at others that we don't want to see facts. and does your face look like the laughing face coz smug is a very slappable quality. | |
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Nice interview and Prince is a class act-love the MJ answer ![]() | |
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