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Reply #210 posted 07/20/09 11:01pm



xenon said:[quote]

lottielooloo1968 said:

There's one line that I think he may say something like that but I thought he said 'Montreux, you know I love you'

Yes! I remember him saying something like that... don't remember at which song, but somewhere at the end! I'm sure I would have noticed if he'd said something relating to Michael!
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Reply #211 posted 07/20/09 11:08pm


I heard him say 'Montreux, you know I love you?'. He said 'I love you' another time to the audience and followed it with 'I hope you know that?'

We all thought we heard the first few notes of the intro to 'Bad' snuck into one of the instrumental sections though. It was really short and easy to miss but we all looked at each other and said the same thing, then it went into one of his own songs...

Could well just be a coincidence though!

Princes polo neck top he changed into at the end of the second show had a picture of him from the Purple Rain tour wearing the white lace outfit with a shawl playing guitar by the way lottielooloo1968 smile

xenon said:

lottielooloo1968 said:

ok people, please don't attack me on this.
somebody just sent me a link 2 the performance..obviously i'm really interested to know if i heard this correctly & believe me beginning 2 think i must have had senior moment..
u know i listened SO hard at this..but there is lots of inaudible stuff & i'm sorry i can't pinpoint this line.
i'm not 100% sure myself..but i'm almost certain of what i heard.
we'll have 2 wait & see if better recording comes about.
sorry guys if i turn out 2 be feeding wrong info..if i got this wrong i apologise upfront.

As soon as you posted your first comment I went back to listen to it, but again the source I have is so bad that most of it is inaudible.
There's one line that I think he may say something like that but I thought he said 'Montreux, you know I love you'
Nothing can compare to your lovely face
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Reply #212 posted 07/20/09 11:09pm



[Edited 4/9/10 14:28pm]
..She's Just A Baby..but she's my only friend!..true love that will last!..PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND..WHAT SHE SEES IN AN OLDER MAN..they never stop 2 think that maybe i'm what she's looking 4..THEY NEVER TAKE THE TIME..2 look in her mind
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Reply #213 posted 07/20/09 11:38pm


I heard prince had intended to use a different line up of musicians for the second show and due to personal unforseen circumstances at the last minute (with one of them, not Prince)that wasn't possible so Rhonda, renato and John did both. they hadn't rehearsed the second set with prince so he had to go with the same set but tried to mix it up abit.

From what i've seen of things Prince is really aware his fans go to more than one show. He's spoken about it before and has said his audience are very discerning (look at 21 nights, he talked about that very thing and each show was different?)

I was at both the first and second shows and he repeated a some songs but the energy was really different for each show. The second set was harder and more driven! he was in a great mood all night and mixed the whole thing up half way through the second show anyway.

Loved it!!

the sets were different

pepper7 said:

lezama said:

do u ever just taking a deep breath and relaxing and enjoy life? every sentence you put together doesn't have to be a complaint.

I was there to and I have to say udo has a very good point.

I was pretty annoyed that he played the same songs twice. It didn't seem fair - I can't understand why he did it.
Nothing can compare to your lovely face
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Reply #214 posted 07/20/09 11:54pm


The DVD will never see light of day,just ask Kevin Smith!The MAN makes a DVD every week that heads straight 2 the Vault!
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Reply #215 posted 07/21/09 12:17am



[Edited 4/9/10 14:29pm]
..She's Just A Baby..but she's my only friend!..true love that will last!..PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND..WHAT SHE SEES IN AN OLDER MAN..they never stop 2 think that maybe i'm what she's looking 4..THEY NEVER TAKE THE TIME..2 look in her mind
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Reply #216 posted 07/21/09 12:20am



[Edited 4/9/10 14:29pm]
..She's Just A Baby..but she's my only friend!..true love that will last!..PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND..WHAT SHE SEES IN AN OLDER MAN..they never stop 2 think that maybe i'm what she's looking 4..THEY NEVER TAKE THE TIME..2 look in her mind
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Reply #217 posted 07/21/09 12:42am



laurarichardson said:

Giovanni777 said:

Thank U 4 your review!

Also, thanks 4 mentioning Prince's mention of MJ.

I've been keeping my mouth shut about what I've seen here on the ORG about him not doing anything, and from what I've heard, Prince was devastated by Michael's death, and split the scene, going back 2 Paisley Park.

Wow, not surprised if he got the hell out of L.A during the funeral. Mike was his peer and the same age. I am sure this had a devastating effect on him. Everyone should realize people who did not know Mike from adam were crying and carrying on why would P not be effected at all.

Excellent review of the show.
Why is everyone so hot for Prince to say/do something in regards to Michael Jackson? They were never linked in life and why would death change that. He had more in common with Billy Mays being on Leno the same night only months ago. Maybe he should've gave everyone in attendance some OxyClean.

When eye go 2 a Prince concert or related event it's all heart up in the house but when eye log onto this site and the miasma of bitchiness is completely overwhelming!
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Reply #218 posted 07/21/09 1:02am



[Edited 4/9/10 14:29pm]
..She's Just A Baby..but she's my only friend!..true love that will last!..PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND..WHAT SHE SEES IN AN OLDER MAN..they never stop 2 think that maybe i'm what she's looking 4..THEY NEVER TAKE THE TIME..2 look in her mind
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Reply #219 posted 07/21/09 1:04am


mzkqueen03 said:



Please do explain.
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Reply #220 posted 07/21/09 1:07am



[Edited 4/9/10 14:30pm]
..She's Just A Baby..but she's my only friend!..true love that will last!..PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND..WHAT SHE SEES IN AN OLDER MAN..they never stop 2 think that maybe i'm what she's looking 4..THEY NEVER TAKE THE TIME..2 look in her mind
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Reply #221 posted 07/21/09 1:08am



[Edited 4/9/10 14:30pm]
..She's Just A Baby..but she's my only friend!..true love that will last!..PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND..WHAT SHE SEES IN AN OLDER MAN..they never stop 2 think that maybe i'm what she's looking 4..THEY NEVER TAKE THE TIME..2 look in her mind
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Reply #222 posted 07/21/09 1:08am



[Edited 4/9/10 14:31pm]
..She's Just A Baby..but she's my only friend!..true love that will last!..PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND..WHAT SHE SEES IN AN OLDER MAN..they never stop 2 think that maybe i'm what she's looking 4..THEY NEVER TAKE THE TIME..2 look in her mind
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Reply #223 posted 07/21/09 1:15am



[Edited 4/9/10 14:31pm]
..She's Just A Baby..but she's my only friend!..true love that will last!..PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND..WHAT SHE SEES IN AN OLDER MAN..they never stop 2 think that maybe i'm what she's looking 4..THEY NEVER TAKE THE TIME..2 look in her mind
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Reply #224 posted 07/21/09 1:24am



mzkqueen03 said:

...FILL THE EMPTY ROOM...somebody!!...BEAUTIFUL!!...go on big-daddi!! my my head...beautiful!!..
..mzsexybaby yes

Tis' good aint it?
Some people are like Slinkies...

They're good for nothing but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
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Reply #225 posted 07/21/09 1:24am



[Edited 4/9/10 14:32pm]
..She's Just A Baby..but she's my only friend!..true love that will last!..PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND..WHAT SHE SEES IN AN OLDER MAN..they never stop 2 think that maybe i'm what she's looking 4..THEY NEVER TAKE THE TIME..2 look in her mind
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Reply #226 posted 07/21/09 1:26am



[Edited 4/9/10 14:33pm]
..She's Just A Baby..but she's my only friend!..true love that will last!..PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND..WHAT SHE SEES IN AN OLDER MAN..they never stop 2 think that maybe i'm what she's looking 4..THEY NEVER TAKE THE TIME..2 look in her mind
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Reply #227 posted 07/21/09 6:46am




lottielooloo1968 said:

xenon said:

I'm sure we'll find out soon wink , and total props on your review too I absolutely loved reading it, I'm glad someone else had as good a time as I did.

I want to do it again.. lol

lol thanks, i know i've took a gamble on posting the MJ thingy..& yes it was a memorable night, one of the best nights of my life, a soiree of princely debauchery! heart

Purple Rain - around 5:20 just before the solo:

"Thank you so much. I love you Montreux"
ALT+PLS+RTN: Pure as a pane of ice. It's a gift.
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Reply #228 posted 07/21/09 8:25am


langebleu said:

lottielooloo1968 said:

lol thanks, i know i've took a gamble on posting the MJ thingy..& yes it was a memorable night, one of the best nights of my life, a soiree of princely debauchery! heart

Purple Rain - around 5:20 just before the solo:

"Thank you so much. I love you Montreux"

ooops.. thanks langebleu, mystery solved. i did hear a better version of the performance & agree this must be the point where i thought i heard the mj reference..& must take oppotunity 2 apologise 2 anyone who might be upset, i will edit my original post
omg! my worst fear, i WAS having a senior moment..i'm not even an mj fan, wasn't like i was willing it or anything
most likely entranced by all that beauty & still giddy from the hand licking i didn't imagine THAT wink
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Reply #229 posted 07/21/09 9:03am


"During purple rain he said ‘michael, did u know how much I loved u?...& his eyes watering up. it was a special moment & I’m certain this performance of purple rain was his dedication 2 mj."
"How heartfelt Prince must feel with the passing of MJ..."

I know, it has been cleared up already. But Prince says "Thank you so much, I love you Montreux", repeating the latter 1 or 2 times. Definitely NO mentioning of MJ here, sorry. And whether you like it or not, eat this: I seriously doubt that Prince felt "heartfelt" over MJ passing more than any other person. I rather believe he probably more or less laughed at MJ for decades, and there's just NO connection between the two at all, neither in terms of music nor in terms of personality, all connection there is is what the media made up of it. So not even a reason to mention MJ at all. But who knows...
[Edited 7/21/09 2:22am]
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Reply #230 posted 07/21/09 9:43am



FunkyDissCo said:

And whether you like it or not, eat this: I seriously doubt that Prince felt "heartfelt" over MJ passing more than any other person. I rather believe he probably more or less laughed at MJ for decades, and there's just NO connection between the two at all, neither in terms of music nor in terms of personality, all connection there is is what the media made up of it. So not even a reason to mention MJ at all. But who knows...
[Edited 7/21/09 2:22am]

Why would he laugh at Michael?? It's usually only the public or media, who think they could laugh at him! Michael's peers usually show nothing but respect and I doubt that Prince would be different! And the few times he mentioned Michael he didn't say anything that would suggest him disrespecting Michael!
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Reply #231 posted 07/21/09 12:41pm



PatrickS77 said:

FunkyDissCo said:

And whether you like it or not, eat this: I seriously doubt that Prince felt "heartfelt" over MJ passing more than any other person. I rather believe he probably more or less laughed at MJ for decades, and there's just NO connection between the two at all, neither in terms of music nor in terms of personality, all connection there is is what the media made up of it. So not even a reason to mention MJ at all. But who knows...
[Edited 7/21/09 2:22am]

Why would he laugh at Michael?? It's usually only the public or media, who think they could laugh at him! Michael's peers usually show nothing but respect and I doubt that Prince would be different! And the few times he mentioned Michael he didn't say anything that would suggest him disrespecting Michael!

A lil proof here!
I swear the words "HATER" is wayyy over-rated...smh
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Reply #232 posted 07/21/09 12:53pm



PatrickS77 said:

FunkyDissCo said:

And whether you like it or not, eat this: I seriously doubt that Prince felt "heartfelt" over MJ passing more than any other person. I rather believe he probably more or less laughed at MJ for decades, and there's just NO connection between the two at all, neither in terms of music nor in terms of personality, all connection there is is what the media made up of it. So not even a reason to mention MJ at all. But who knows...
[Edited 7/21/09 2:22am]

Why would he laugh at Michael?? It's usually only the public or media, who think they could laugh at him! Michael's peers usually show nothing but respect and I doubt that Prince would be different! And the few times he mentioned Michael he didn't say anything that would suggest him disrespecting Michael!

How about the "Why did he call his album Bad? 'Cos he couldn't spell pathetic!" comment?
We ain't from Hollywood, so you know it's all good
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Reply #233 posted 07/21/09 1:01pm


OldFriends4Sale said:[quote]

serpan99 said:

[Picture removed on request of NPG/lotusflow3r

Sorry. -Mars23]

hahaha that circle in the background:Greco-Roman mosaic design + Stargate gate... interesting
[Edited 7/20/09 8:42am]

(((((I told U PRINCE IS A BULLY)))))Did he hear of FREE PRESS-BULLY-BULLY-BULLY-Hey Prince come over HERE I will show u a BULLY
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Reply #234 posted 07/21/09 1:03pm


harveya said:

PatrickS77 said:

Why would he laugh at Michael?? It's usually only the public or media, who think they could laugh at him! Michael's peers usually show nothing but respect and I doubt that Prince would be different! And the few times he mentioned Michael he didn't say anything that would suggest him disrespecting Michael!

How about the "Why did he call his album Bad? 'Cos he couldn't spell pathetic!" comment?

Can we just stop before this turns into another Michael Jackson thread?

Prince isn't acknowledging Mike's death.
They weren't friends.

Let go, people.
Move on.
Apparently Prince has.
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Reply #235 posted 07/21/09 1:14pm



JayJai said:

PatrickS77 said:

Why would he laugh at Michael?? It's usually only the public or media, who think they could laugh at him! Michael's peers usually show nothing but respect and I doubt that Prince would be different! And the few times he mentioned Michael he didn't say anything that would suggest him disrespecting Michael!

A lil proof here!

Yeah ! There was much respect between these two legend...

Orgers should just respect that...


I'll die in your arms under the cherry moon...
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Reply #236 posted 07/21/09 1:19pm



FunkyDissCo said:

"During purple rain he said ‘michael, did u know how much I loved u?...& his eyes watering up. it was a special moment & I’m certain this performance of purple rain was his dedication 2 mj."
"How heartfelt Prince must feel with the passing of MJ..."

I know, it has been cleared up already. But Prince says "Thank you so much, I love you Montreux", repeating the latter 1 or 2 times. Definitely NO mentioning of MJ here, sorry. And whether you like it or not, eat this: I seriously doubt that Prince felt "heartfelt" over MJ passing more than any other person. I rather believe he probably more or less laughed at MJ for decades, and there's just NO connection between the two at all, neither in terms of music nor in terms of personality, all connection there is is what the media made up of it. So not even a reason to mention MJ at all. But who knows...
[Edited 7/21/09 2:22am]

Actually, I was told that Prince was impacted greatly from MJ's death, and a lot of folks from that generation were as well. Prince allegedly canceled a few engagements (not concerts), and locked himself up... I'm assuming 2 record music at Paisley.
"He's a musician's musician..."
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Reply #237 posted 07/21/09 1:20pm


Giovanni777 said:

FunkyDissCo said:

"During purple rain he said ‘michael, did u know how much I loved u?...& his eyes watering up. it was a special moment & I’m certain this performance of purple rain was his dedication 2 mj."
"How heartfelt Prince must feel with the passing of MJ..."

I know, it has been cleared up already. But Prince says "Thank you so much, I love you Montreux", repeating the latter 1 or 2 times. Definitely NO mentioning of MJ here, sorry. And whether you like it or not, eat this: I seriously doubt that Prince felt "heartfelt" over MJ passing more than any other person. I rather believe he probably more or less laughed at MJ for decades, and there's just NO connection between the two at all, neither in terms of music nor in terms of personality, all connection there is is what the media made up of it. So not even a reason to mention MJ at all. But who knows...
[Edited 7/21/09 2:22am]

Actually, I was told that Prince was impacted greatly from MJ's death, and a lot of folks from that generation were as well. Prince allegedly canceled a few engagements (not concerts), and locked himself up... I'm assuming 2 record music at Paisley.

And you are always a reliable source.
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Reply #238 posted 07/21/09 1:56pm



BriaVelveeta said:

Giovanni777 said:

Actually, I was told that Prince was impacted greatly from MJ's death, and a lot of folks from that generation were as well. Prince allegedly canceled a few engagements (not concerts), and locked himself up... I'm assuming 2 record music at Paisley.

And you are always a reliable source.

Well I'm not really the source, but my source is highly reliable. I just can't understand why folks seem 2 need him 2 make a statement about it. Prince doesn't operate that way, but he IS feeling it.
"He's a musician's musician..."
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Reply #239 posted 07/21/09 1:56pm


thedance said:

CHRISLUV92 said:

Ok what happened? What songs did he sing

see the link in Langebleu's post! razz

but the setlist to the 1st show looks like this...

ads52 said:

When I Lay My Hands on U
Little Red corvette
When The Lights go Down
Willing and Able
I love you But I don't Trust You
She Spoke 2 Me
Love like Jazz
What ur gonna do with all this love (off Bria's album) OMG absolute KILLER version!!!
Empty Room
In a large room with no light
The Beautiful Ones
Nothing Compares 2 U

that sounds so awesome!
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Montreux-whats happening-is it good ;-)