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Reply #210 posted 07/09/09 11:42am



ElectricBlue said:

I'd say clearly Prince is the best of all time and here is why... He is the only artist that is a True Musican as well as being a True Pop Star! No other person can say that!

Most have a little more of either or.. but Prince has both! Pop Acts call him amazing and then in the same breath Musicans call him amazing! You never hear that from both groups.

Everyother choice leans either way, sure Prince to me is more of a Musican, but come on now the guy has influience pop culture as much as anybody!

Now add singing, writing, creating an original look, style, performing, etc... Now add where is his peak? We haven't seen it yet! We haven't seen his ceiling yet! Everyone else peaks in their youth, we just saw Prince on Jay for 4 days, Ellen on 1, SNL & The Superbowl, 21 concerts in 21 nights all in the last year or so. ALL great performances.

You don't have to think far back to see remember/see a amazing performance.

I completely 2nd this.
This Post is produced, arranged, composed and performed by WetDream
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Reply #211 posted 07/09/09 11:44am


jonty1975 said:

If its measured in musical ability then yes, think of all the instruments he plays. arrangement, song writing ability, etc, No diss to wolfgang but he was limited to what he played, and no diss to MJ, but a percentage of his fame etc came from NON musical issues as well, he was one hell of a singer and performer, dont get it twisted...I think Prince is the best of all time, and its just my opinion

I agree with this comment the most out of any. I think Prince put out more music than MJ. Honestly I don't know as much about MJ as I do about Prince. As far as "best" goes, as long as we don't factor in classical musicians and stick to contemporary Prince could easily be the best.
I heard on the radio that clearly THE best entertainer of all times is Elvis. Yep, that's another opinion. My opinion is based on the fact that he uses many styles of music sometime combining them in the same song. His show had more dancing back in the 80's and 90's but that may be due to that rumored "hip" problem. Plus has MJ done a full show recently. I hear alot about his 1993 show but not much about anything after that. Hey, and the Twinz seemed to like MJ better and that should also count for something!!
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Reply #212 posted 07/09/09 12:00pm



jonylawson said:


funny.....i thought his songwriters and producers did that.....


MJ, as an artist...was way overated.
This Post is produced, arranged, composed and performed by WetDream
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Reply #213 posted 07/09/09 12:25pm



thedance said:

The Immortals: The Fifty Greatest Artists Of All Time!

1) The Beatles

2) Bob Dylan

3) Elvis Presley

4) The Rolling Stones

5) Chuck Berry

6) Jimi Hendrix

7) James Brown

8) Little Richard

9) Aretha Franklin

10) Ray Charles

11) Bob Marley

12) The Beach Boys

13) Buddy Holly

14) Led Zeppelin

15) Stevie Wonder

16) Sam Cooke

17) Muddy Watters

18) Marvin Gaye

19) The Velvet Underground

20) Bo Diddley

21) Otis Redding

22) U2

23) Bruce Springsteen wne

24) Jerry Lee Lewis

25) Fats Domino

26) The Ramones

27) Nirvana

28) Prince

29) The Who

30) The Clash

31) Johnny Cash

32) Smokey Robinson and the Miracles

33) The Everly Brothers

34) Neil Young

35) Michael Jackson

36) Madonna

37) Roy Orbison

38) John Lennon

39) David Bowie

40) Simon and Garfunkel

41) The Doors

42) Van Morrison

43) Sly and the Family Stone

44) Public Enemy

45) The Byrds

46) Janis Joplin

47) Patti Smith

48) Run-DMC

49) Elton John

50) The Band

[From Issue 946 - April 15, 2004]


Dayclear said:

Yeah, just because Rolling stone made a list, does not make it true. Plus everybody knows how prejudice and racist they have been throughout the years, although that's gotten a 'little' better. confused

Rolling Stone Magazine are racists? com'on I don't believe that, just a bad excuse ? eek lol

all these black artists are in the top 10....

Chuck Berry
Jimi Hendrix
James Brown
Little Richard
Aretha Franklin
Ray Charles

Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #214 posted 07/09/09 12:41pm


Funny how Rolling Stone gave Ray and Aretha top billing for best voice, yet scored them lower as best artist.
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Reply #215 posted 07/09/09 1:13pm


thedance said:

thedance said:

The Immortals: The Fifty Greatest Artists Of All Time!

1) The Beatles

2) Bob Dylan

3) Elvis Presley

4) The Rolling Stones

5) Chuck Berry

6) Jimi Hendrix

7) James Brown

8) Little Richard

9) Aretha Franklin

10) Ray Charles

11) Bob Marley

12) The Beach Boys

13) Buddy Holly

14) Led Zeppelin

15) Stevie Wonder

16) Sam Cooke

17) Muddy Watters

18) Marvin Gaye

19) The Velvet Underground

20) Bo Diddley

21) Otis Redding

22) U2

23) Bruce Springsteen wne

24) Jerry Lee Lewis

25) Fats Domino

26) The Ramones

27) Nirvana

28) Prince

29) The Who

30) The Clash

31) Johnny Cash

32) Smokey Robinson and the Miracles

33) The Everly Brothers

34) Neil Young

35) Michael Jackson

36) Madonna

37) Roy Orbison

38) John Lennon

39) David Bowie

40) Simon and Garfunkel

41) The Doors

42) Van Morrison

43) Sly and the Family Stone

44) Public Enemy

45) The Byrds

46) Janis Joplin

47) Patti Smith

48) Run-DMC

49) Elton John

50) The Band

[From Issue 946 - April 15, 2004]


Dayclear said:

Yeah, just because Rolling stone made a list, does not make it true. Plus everybody knows how prejudice and racist they have been throughout the years, although that's gotten a 'little' better. confused

Rolling Stone Magazine are racists? com'on I don't believe that, just a bad excuse ? eek lol

all these black artists are in the top 10....

Chuck Berry
Jimi Hendrix
James Brown
Little Richard
Aretha Franklin
Ray Charles


Nirvana ahead of Prince.. lol...Youve got to be kidding! Lets start taking bets now... Whenever Prince passes, he will be in the top ten on these lists everytime!
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Reply #216 posted 07/09/09 1:15pm


bettybop said:

I think that Rolling Stone list is bullshyt.

To answer the question: I wouldn't say anyone is the best of all time, but for me, Prince is the best entertainer of his time. Of all the concerts I've seen, no one tops him. And I've seen MJ three times at his peak--the "Bad" concerts and was surprised at how anti-climatic it felt to finally see him in person. The greatest part of the show was simply seeing this living legend right in front of me, sweating on me as he flew over the crowd in a crane. He moved like liquid, but he did the same steps over and over again. He didn't appear to be singing live in parts and there was not a lot of interaction with the crowd. Maybe it was because I saw his three shows back to back to back, but somehow it felt a little canned. By the third show? I was pretty bored.

But I soaked it all in and enjoyed the spectacle of it all. It was like being able to shake the President's hand or something. I didn't get a glimpse inside his personality or have any meaningful exchange or anything, but I got my picture to show I was there, damn it!! I saw him!! Ya know?

Then I won tickets to see Prince's "Lovesexy" concert. I almost felt like, why bother? Prince was cool, sexy etc., but "Purple Rain" had come and gone and although I still liked Prince, I felt I had seen the biggest star in the universe already (I was around 15 or so, ok?). Prince felt small by comparison. But, I went anyway and.....Holy snap! eek The difference was like night and day. Prince was raw, funny, and had a slightly mischievous or dangerous air about him. His show felt organic, spiritual, spontaneous. It was just a richer and more satisfying concert experience for me. I had to give it up and I didn't want to. And, I've since seen Prince 6 other times since then and I think he's gotten better with age.

I think of songs like "Adore" and "Slow Love" "Purple Rain" "The Beautiful Ones".."If I Was Your Girlfriend" much passion and grit....personality. I believe Prince when he sings about God, love, sex, etc. so much so that I almost get embarrassed listening to him sometimes. He's really opposite of MJ in this way and in almost every other aspect. Apples and oranges. In terms of songwriting ability and musicianship, I only see Stevie as his peer. But something about Stevie doesn't excite and engage like Prince, though.

People will call Michael Jackson the "greatest entertainer in the history of the galaxy". He'll loom even larger in death than he did in life, I'm sure. And that's fine. He has the numbers, the stature, the popularity and the tragedy...He was one of the best dancers to ever grace the stage and was one of the most influential artist in the realm of video, especially. So, I am fine with the world crowning Michael King. But, Prince will forever be that dude for me--I learned this the hard way. lol

Nicely put, honest & realistic...I also saw Prince and MJ live, and got the same feel..BUT I must admit results are what counts ,NUMBERS!
I dont care how talented and appealing one is, if you cant deliver the best results in NUMBERS, no way you can be/should be considered the greatest.
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Reply #217 posted 07/09/09 1:25pm


purplecam said:

3232 said:

So because I DONT join the bandwagon that declares Prince as G.o.a.t, that makes me arrogant? I am just a fanatic as every one else on here (yes we all are fanatics)...and I also have an opinion..Prince is my all time fav musician...BUT, he is NOT the greatest of all time, he is NOT the most influential, he is great yes, innovative yes, cutting edge(use to be), & very influential...but he is not the greatest OF ALL TIMES! Your favorite of all times? hell yeah, no question bout that.Call me arrogant, feelings mutual if u want to shove YOUR views of Prince down my throat.
You're arrogant for preaching that he is..I am arrogant for preaching that he is NOT! And by the way, comparing the living with the dead as u stated is in no way unfair as u put it.."Greatest of all times" covers EVERYONE, living and dead!
[Edited 7/8/09 16:23pm]

The reason why I came at you like that is because you came across like you were speaking in general terms as if you spoke for everyone when you don't. I laughed when you tried to call me arrogant for saying my initial piece because I gave an opinion which is something you didn't do which made you sound arrogant. This wouldn't have happened if you did that, so don't mix me up with your crap. Now THAT's the truth. wink

If a man is considered "arrogant" for boldly critisizing Prince's miss steps, GIMME THE ELECTRIC CHAIR FOR ALL MY FUTURE CRIMES.
Now back to the subject at hand..PRINCE IS NOT THE GREATEST OF ALL TIMES...ITS MJ...I know it hurts some people to admit to this, but hey..continue calling me arrogant if it make you feel better ...peace!
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Reply #218 posted 07/09/09 2:10pm


I think the problem with this thread is that it doesn't list "what" he is best at?
"Is he the best entertainer?" may warrant a different answer then "is he the best contemporary musician?"
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Reply #219 posted 07/09/09 2:20pm



Thanks everyone for some insightful comments...very cool of u.

Again, if your argument is sales no no!...we're talking art here.

Let me phrase the question another way: Has anyone ever, of this earth, been better at what they do than Prince is at what he does?

Given the God-given talent mixed with the tireless energy/work ethic that he has's almost supernatural (which i why I made the comment about the pearly gates...not saying that's what I believe, but I wouldn't be surprised)
Thanks for the laughs, arguments and overall enjoyment for the last umpteen years. It's time for me to retire from and engage in the real Above all, I appreciated the talent Prince. You were one of a kind.
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Reply #220 posted 07/09/09 2:28pm



[Edited 12/14/09 8:04am]
..She's Just A Baby..but she's my only friend!..true love that will last!..PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND..WHAT SHE SEES IN AN OLDER MAN..they never stop 2 think that maybe i'm what she's looking 4..THEY NEVER TAKE THE TIME..2 look in her mind
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Reply #221 posted 07/09/09 2:43pm


Prince is right there with the greatest of all time. He and Michael Jackson are like night and day to me. I was listening to "She's always in my Hair" this morning and it continually confirms how ridiculous Prince's talent level is. Michael was an international star but everything he did was tailored to be just that. Prince has always walked the tightrope between being an underground and commercial artist. That in itself will keep you off the top of the greatest all time lists for some.Joni Mitchell can talk about Prince being a hybrid all she wants, for the sheer audacity that he exudes and the dedication to each part of his craft is something that will not be matched for a long time if ever again.I listen to his catalogue and I can be blown away for hours, hours and hours at a time.
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Reply #222 posted 07/09/09 2:57pm


Considering talent and success Michael Jackson is the G.O.A.T in popular music.
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Reply #223 posted 07/09/09 3:12pm



[Edited 12/29/09 8:24am]
..She's Just A Baby..but she's my only friend!..true love that will last!..PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND..WHAT SHE SEES IN AN OLDER MAN..they never stop 2 think that maybe i'm what she's looking 4..THEY NEVER TAKE THE TIME..2 look in her mind
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Reply #224 posted 07/09/09 4:49pm



curioso said:

Considering talent and success Michael Jackson is the G.O.A.T in popular music.

I highly doubt you would've given that answer 3 weeks ago when MJ was alive.
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Reply #225 posted 07/09/09 4:52pm



TyphoonTip said:

The fact that people are taking this thread seriously is mind boggling!

We are talking about music. Music is an art form; and art is completely subjective. There is no such thing as an objective best.

One could be forgiven for thinking this is a thread about sport!

I think people cheering for Prince, MJ etc... to be the best, says more about those people than it does the artists they are cheering for.

Take a deep breath, go away and listen to YOUR favourite (best) artist, and let others listen to theirs.

It may grind people's gears that there are those that think that Justin Timberlake might be better than MJ, for example. Well, get over it! To them that's right, to you it may not be. The truth is, neither of you are right or wrong.

Finally someone with some sense! clapping
chill..prince doesnt like men being front row, makes it hard to sing the ballads
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Reply #226 posted 07/09/09 5:14pm



The reason why the public favored MJ over Prince even though Prince was more talented is becaue of homophobia. Prince was/is viewed by the public as gay whereas MJ as asexual. I find that most people dislike Prince because they feel he is gay. If you go on any message board,the majority of people who post in writing negative things about him always make a reference to his "sexuality". Prince is similar to Little Richard. The public favored Elvis over Richard even though Richard was more talented, because he was white. Society was to prejudiced to admit that a black man was better than a white man. A lot of people on here have been saying tht Prince doesn't make songs that connect with people but a lot of MJ's are not that great either. For instance, I don't understand how a song like "Beat It" became so popular. I mean what was he trying to say?
Prince believes he is a musical prophet that has been chosen by Jehova to guide his fans to the "truth".
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Reply #227 posted 07/09/09 5:49pm



It's sad jus how much people appreciate someone after they've passed.
I wonder how many ppl here would've said MJ to answer the question if he didn't die?
I swear the words "HATER" is wayyy over-rated...smh
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Reply #228 posted 07/09/09 6:01pm



I just want to make one last point before I exit this thread for good. I'm sick and tired of MJ fans coming unto to this site and saying how bad they feel for Prince and his fans because he will not get the same kind of mourning when he dies. What a lot of you MJ fans fail to realize is that what matters the most is the quality of life one has while they're living not how you are remembered once you die. For all of MJ's awards and accomplishments, he had one of the most fucked up life I've ever seen. I mean the man was not happy. Any time you can't go to sleep at night without some powerful drug, you have some serious issues, then there was his debt problems and health issues. Prince on the other hand seems to be relatively okay - he looks young for his age, money wise he is okay, dates attractive young women, buys expensive clothes, etc. I would rather have Prince's life than MJ's.
Prince believes he is a musical prophet that has been chosen by Jehova to guide his fans to the "truth".
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Reply #229 posted 07/09/09 6:11pm



chill..prince doesnt like men being front row, makes it hard to sing the ballads
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Reply #230 posted 07/09/09 7:46pm


Se7en said:

curioso said:

Considering talent and success Michael Jackson is the G.O.A.T in popular music.

I highly doubt you would've given that answer 3 weeks ago when MJ was alive.

Yes I would. In my opinion nobody has been as talented and successul as him.
Elvis is as or less successful and less talented.
Madonna is less successful and less talented
Stevie Wonder is a more talented songwriter and a multi instrumentalist but less successful. If you combine talent and success Michael Jackson edges Stevie Wonder.
Prince is a better songwriter lyrically and more prolific but not more talented overall even as a multi instrumentalist.
There's no evidence he was gifted as a child. Michael Jackson was a gifted vocalist as a child.

I know it's a Prince site, so many would disagree with that.
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Reply #231 posted 07/09/09 8:40pm


I think it is fair to say that MJ is the best Song & Dance man of all time in the mold of others before him like Sammy Davis Jr. But if we are talking about the very best Music Artist/Performer (as in someone who actually performs music), Prince is quite simply beyond peer. No one else can't even be reasonably mentioned in the same breath. That's real. Brotha is incomparable. music
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Reply #232 posted 07/09/09 9:01pm


kenlacam said:

Hell no! To say "best of all time", you'd have to factor in Mozart, which we all know, is waaaaayyyyy out of Prince's league. So no, he is not the best of all time. Michael Jackson was definitely a more international figure/pop icon. I doubt that a billion people will be watching Prince's funeral. Not that many people even know he exists.

Your post means absolutely buttkiss as it relates to the question at hand. I have worked in broadcasting for 12 years now and I tell you first of all that the number you're quoting is generously inflated but that is beside the point. People watched for many different reasons. How about the fact that every major network was carrying the same thing? (a lot of choice there) How about all the folks who are just intrigued by the whole circus like coverage of his passing. Even people who hated his guts and thought the worst of him were watching. This has nothing to do with the question.

Oh and I guess MJ was on par with Mozart
[Edited 7/9/09 21:06pm]
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Reply #233 posted 07/09/09 9:44pm


Apparently music is sport. neutral
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Reply #234 posted 07/10/09 3:32am



JayJai said:

It's sad jus how much people appreciate someone after they've passed.
I wonder how many ppl here would've said MJ to answer the question if he didn't die?

You wonder how many people would say Michael Jackson is the greatest musical entertainer of all time before now? Well, I would have. Absolutely. Berry Gordy didn't have to tell me that the other day, lol. I've been saying that, years before his horribly unfortunate tragedy on 6/25/09. neutral

No, MJ may not have played instruments onstage or released an album every year. But he still wins the crown since he was a master at everything else involving musical performance and entertainment.
"You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup...Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend." - Bruce Lee
"Water can nourish me, but water can also carry me. Water has magic laws." - JCVD
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Reply #235 posted 07/10/09 3:52am


Why is it important to you people that your favourite (i.e. MJ and/or Prince...) artist is seen as the best? What the hell difference does it make. Do the CDs sound any better? Is the musicianship suddenly better when you have the satisfaction of knowing that other people agree with you?

I've said it before, this ridiculous discussion says more about people's egos than it does the artists your fawning over. For some reason you need to have your choice vindicated and recognised by everyone else as the 'best'.

It makes me question whether some people actually genuinely like the music, or are just happy to let others know that they listen to, and love, the 'best' music.

'Best' and 'Greatest', are there more ridiculous notions when it comes to music or art?
[Edited 7/10/09 3:54am]
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Reply #236 posted 07/10/09 4:37am



If someone had a Men In Black neurolyzer, and had to completely erase either MJ's or Prince's music from my head forever, I would choose MJ. His music just has not brought me the same level of enjoyment and depth.

Now, having said that, are there any I would choose to save before Prince? It's a tough question, and The Beatles are the only major contender for top spot.

By the way, IMO they are the best of all time worldwide and throughout history.
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Reply #237 posted 07/10/09 4:45am



sro100 said:

The answer is: Yes.

And let's hope it doesn't take a memorial service to realize that.

Amen to that! But reality is that's probably when people will realise and will be saying how great is was.
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Reply #238 posted 07/10/09 4:55am



HomeSquid said:

Revolution said:

While the love fest continues elsewhere...let's put it out there.

Is he the best of all time?

No one compares (IMO)...and it wouldn't surprise me if the question at the pearly gates is: Did you get Prince's music?

Feel me?

As good as Prince is he has always been and will ALWAYS be inferior to Michael Jackson. In fact without MJ, James Brown and Hendrix Prince would have no act of his own. That's not a slam but a reality. Even Joni Mitchell denied Prince was an innovator but more of a terrific hybrid of other people's styles.

Folks seem to overhype the fact that prince plays instruments, etc... But in sheer terms of artistic output Prince doesn't measure up as an entertainer or as an artist.

A lady on Larry King the other night said MJ was a hybrid as well.Both Prince and MJ are extentions of JAMES BROWN who could easily claim the crown.

MJ was the greatest entertainer but Prince may be the greatest musician.

Yes MJ would have 1 billion people watching because he had the greatest hype machine behind him. AEG had to recoup that money spent on him to perform so they sold his memorial service to various networks and I bet money that a DVD will be available soon for $19.99.

As great as MJ was did he play 21 instruments with precision?

Tell his management that he wanted a movie done and then starred in a sucessful major motion picture?

Have a Grammy and an Oscar for the same album?

Those feats are not to be sneezed at folks.

So I acknowledge MJ for what he did and I respect his music but Prince was not an imitation of him and has a body of work equal to or even greater.
[Edited 7/10/09 5:02am]
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Reply #239 posted 07/10/09 5:20am


TyphoonTip said:

The fact that people are taking this thread seriously is mind boggling!

We are talking about music. Music is an art form; and art is completely subjective. There is no such thing as an objective best.

One could be forgiven for thinking this is a thread about sport!

I think people cheering for Prince, MJ etc... to be the best, says more about those people than it does the artists they are cheering for.

Take a deep breath, go away and listen to YOUR favourite (best) artist, and let others listen to theirs.

It may grind people's gears that there are those that think that Justin Timberlake might be better than MJ, for example. Well, get over it! To them that's right, to you it may not be. The truth is, neither of you are right or wrong.

WELL-SAID! I really hate "comparison games" when it comes to musical artists.I think it's silly.Like you said,art is subjective.There is no "best",it's just whatever YOU choose.I'm sure that the millions of Hannah Montana fans think that she is the best of all time,lol.
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