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Thread started 06/22/09 9:48pm


Who do you think took away from Prince music

in other words who do you think in NPG made Prince music sound generic

My Pick is Tony M or wutever his name is. He made My Name Is Prince sound generic,he made Get Off sound watered down with that deep fake Dr.Dre voice.
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Reply #1 posted 06/22/09 10:01pm



TheKing662 said:

in other words who do you think in NPG made Prince music sound generic

My Pick is Tony M or wutever his name is. He made My Name Is Prince sound generic,he made Get Off sound watered down with that deep fake Dr.Dre voice.

Personally, eye think Prince need 2 go back a lil add sum mo favor, lol or he can hit me up, eye'll put him down w/ DJ Midi~ everthing will b cake! Prince, bro contact me...don't make me go 2 the Park.
What would my GREAT Uncle Fred say?
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Reply #2 posted 06/22/09 11:06pm


For sure TONY M.! disbelief
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Reply #3 posted 06/23/09 1:15am



Nobody. cool
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight...
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Reply #4 posted 06/23/09 1:26am



I think Prince is responsible for his music.
We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #5 posted 06/23/09 7:57am


prob. the same person who took away your ability to think first before posting your random thoughts
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Reply #6 posted 06/23/09 2:17pm


There is just no excuse for this kind of ignorance today, I mean damn does this kid go to school?
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Reply #7 posted 06/23/09 3:02pm



wendy and lisa....

they had so much contribution where it was no longer
Prince's music....It was a more of a group effort...
Not that that is a bad thing...I love lisa and wendy....

the dirty mind that is prince music...
With prince doing Everything by himself....

tony m realy did not take away from prince's vision so much
for me...caus his creative contribution was so minor...
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Reply #8 posted 06/23/09 3:30pm


nyse said:

wendy and lisa....

they had so much contribution where it was no longer
Prince's music....It was a more of a group effort...
Not that that is a bad thing...I love lisa and wendy....

the dirty mind that is prince music...
With prince doing Everything by himself....

tony m realy did not take away from prince's vision so much
for me...caus his creative contribution was so minor...

Wendy AND Lisa... or just Wendy... Lisa was around during Dirty Mind.... Wendy wasn't..? Interesting though view though I think, and probably right.. wink
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Reply #9 posted 06/23/09 3:49pm



This one is easy. Larry Graham. Larry took Prince and turned him from a sexual revolutionary, into a door to door watchtower salesman.

While I do think everyone can agree it's bad form for Prince (at 51 years of age) to wear bikini briefs and leg warmers or blue skin tight body suits, the flip side to this is changing 'The Cross' to 'The Christ.' LAME

Lucky for us he's coming down off the god squad bandwagon a bit.
"Prince doesn't have verbal diarrhea, he has studio diarrhea...." Allen Leeds
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Reply #10 posted 06/23/09 6:51pm


nyse said:

wendy and lisa....

they had so much contribution where it was no longer
Prince's music....It was a more of a group effort...
Not that that is a bad thing...I love lisa and wendy....

the dirty mind that is prince music...
With prince doing Everything by himself....

tony m realy did not take away from prince's vision so much
for me...caus his creative contribution was so minor...

I doubt that, It wasn't a group effort to the point the whole Revolution was there writing songs with Prince.

Lisa worked with Prince the most since she came on board
so blaming Lisa (& Wendy) doesn't work
especially since even ATWIAD was a predominately Prince album, it was a direction he wanted to take.

Dr Fink and the other Revolution members felt that Prince was changing the sound to drastically coming out of Purple Rain.
Prince changed because he didn't want to be pigeon hold into Purple Rain II Purple Rain III and Prince became afraid of the success of Purple Rain.

Parade is movie soundtrack and just like the direction of the movie Prince wanted the album with a 'French/European' feel along the direction it went

People forget that the music is Prince's vision, the foundation of the sound is Prince, and he gleems from others either band members associate musicians:Sheila E, David Z, Jill Jones etc

But any fan knows that ATWIAD Parade (Dream Factory-Sign o the Times) is Prince music

the 1982-1987 years are still his most prolific and musically creative years, there is no other period that can/will/has matched the musical output, and I bet there aren't many outtakes from albums following Lovesexy

I don't understand what music or albums are you talking about that W&L'Took Away From Prince's Music'?

I love Rap music but adding the kind that Tony did put Prince on a mediocre level with every other RnB performer during that time who felt they had to have a rap in their songs, the 90's were dominated by good songs that the artist felt had to have a rapper/rap piece
I don't think the Game Boyz contributed to Prince's sound
[Edited 6/23/09 12:20pm]
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Reply #11 posted 06/23/09 6:57pm


nyse said:

wendy and lisa....

they had so much contribution where it was no longer
Prince's music....It was a more of a group effort...
Not that that is a bad thing...I love lisa and wendy....

the dirty mind that is prince music...
With prince doing Everything by himself....

tony m realy did not take away from prince's vision so much
for me...caus his creative contribution was so minor...

lol cuz you've got to get up on your Prince history a bit more
Dirty Mind is the album Prince worked more with Lisa(she came on board midway Prince & Dirty Mind) Dr Fink synth work is his work on Head, he created that for the song

But Lisa worked the most with Prince when it came to song writting and musical pieces, 2nd came Dez
[Edited 6/23/09 12:20pm]
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Reply #12 posted 06/24/09 4:24am


Dayclear said:

There is just no excuse for this kind of ignorance today, I mean damn does this kid go to school?

we agree

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Reply #13 posted 06/24/09 4:29am


japanrocks said:

Dayclear said:

There is just no excuse for this kind of ignorance today, I mean damn does this kid go to school?

we agree


yeah im a Sophmore
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Reply #14 posted 06/24/09 5:46pm


Genesia said:

I think Prince is responsible for his music.

Exactly. he was creating just as good music without W&L, he's done just fine on his own.
FUNKNROLL! dancing jig "February 2014, wow". 'dre. nod
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Reply #15 posted 06/24/09 6:10pm



The drum beats of Kirky J. Took him a while 2 get out of that rut and yes I agree Larry Graham.
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Reply #16 posted 06/24/09 11:03pm


catpark said:

Genesia said:

I think Prince is responsible for his music.

Exactly. he was creating just as good music without W&L, he's done just fine on his own.

I doubt that

I believe there are people that come into our lives that are their to assist us, as well as we assisting

I think not just Wendy & Lisa, the whole crew of people were primed to take Uptown Erotic City Paisley Park to another level (no man can do it on his own)

He had the right people in his corner from stage directors, engineers:David Z, Coke, Susan Rogers, band members that he felt that comfortable with to have late night jam sessions seeing where the music took them(the 1979-1986) bands had that chemistry, the protege groups that believed in what he was doing and ready to work(a lot of the failure lays on Prince for those groups not going further) I don't think he had that kind of energy chemistry and creativity since

I'm going to attach the SOTT/Lovesexy band even though they only put out then 1 album. Most of the SOTT music was during the Dream Factory/Revolution period. Even some of the Black album & Lovesexy work came from those years: Rock Hard In A Funky Place & Eye No(Ball)
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Reply #17 posted 07/06/09 1:20am



OldFriends4Sale said:

nyse said:

wendy and lisa....

they had so much contribution where it was no longer
Prince's music....It was a more of a group effort...
Not that that is a bad thing...I love lisa and wendy....

the dirty mind that is prince music...
With prince doing Everything by himself....

tony m realy did not take away from prince's vision so much
for me...caus his creative contribution was so minor...

lol cuz you've got to get up on your Prince history a bit more
Dirty Mind is the album Prince worked more with Lisa(she came on board midway Prince & Dirty Mind) Dr Fink synth work is his work on Head, he created that for the song

But Lisa worked the most with Prince when it came to song writting and musical pieces, 2nd came Dez
[Edited 6/23/09 12:20pm]

chatterbox bored2 zzz
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Reply #18 posted 07/06/09 1:28am



Prince has been and always will be in control of his music, so we can only turn to Prince for the answer only he's not talking.
Prince's Sarah
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Reply #19 posted 07/06/09 1:59am



All of the NPG as far as I'm concerned.

The Revolution was cut short in the prime of their career. Had he not dismissed them so quickly, then they could've made some DAMNED GOOD MUSIC. I could only imagine what a S-O-T-T or Black album concert with the Revolution would have been like!

The S-O-T-T/Lovesexy backup band was not as influencial to his music ('xcept maybe Sheila E.) but still excellent.

The NPG was a joke IMO. Anyone remember the clip from Arsenio when they re-created the "pile-on" dance move from "Gett Off"?? Total crap.
There is very little about the NPG that I appreciated - not then, and not now.
By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #20 posted 07/06/09 2:44am


jackielove said:

For sure TONY M.! disbelief

nod Agree 100%^
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Reply #21 posted 07/06/09 2:59am


In 1990-1991, Prince jumped on the bandwagon started using New Jack Swing rhythms. That's when all pop music went downhill imo.
[Edited 7/5/09 20:11pm]
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Reply #22 posted 07/06/09 4:33am


nyse said:

OldFriends4Sale said:

lol cuz you've got to get up on your Prince history a bit more
Dirty Mind is the album Prince worked more with Lisa(she came on board midway Prince & Dirty Mind) Dr Fink synth work is his work on Head, he created that for the song

But Lisa worked the most with Prince when it came to song writting and musical pieces, 2nd came Dez
[Edited 6/23/09 12:20pm]

chatterbox bored2 zzz

your one of those fanatics that see no fault in Prince and don't look at the musical connections with unbiased opinion. Moving on
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Reply #23 posted 07/06/09 6:05am




[Edited 7/5/09 23:10pm]
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Reply #24 posted 07/06/09 6:09am



nyse said:

cheese coffee smoker

not saying anything u said was wrong...and i'm already aware
of the facts u have givin' me... it's just that these facts are not relavent
to my opinion.....
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Reply #25 posted 07/06/09 6:07pm


nyse said:

nyse said:

cheese coffee smoker

not saying anything u said was wrong...and i'm already aware
of the facts u have givin' me... it's just that these facts are not relavent
to my opinion.....

Well they contradict your opinion
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Reply #26 posted 07/06/09 7:59pm



I don't consider one synth solo on "head" a huge contrabution 2 a whole album.
Fink also created the synth line on " uptown...still hardly a huge contrabution

Prince recorded practicaly all of Dirty mind alone in his Home studio...
there is no piano on the album, cause he could not fit one in his

Lisa and wendy even mentioned that they got canned cause prince wanted to go
back to making music 100% by himself.....

by that time (after parade, during the dream factory sessions) prince was
creating songs and sending them to wendy and lisa to finish up, in
many cases.....

any faults in this post...if so let me know...
caus I'm trying to "get up on my prince history"
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Reply #27 posted 07/07/09 1:31am


tony m. err wall saw
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