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Thread started 03/19/08 4:34pm




Here we go again! biggrin
Time to share that next set of memories....

LOVESEXY: My roommate Sammi and I went to Sam Goody near the campus the night before the album was supposed to come out, right before closing. They already had the display set up, but they wouldn't let us buy the album- saying it was not allowed! pout The next morning, the two of us were waiting outside the store before it opened! The salesperson thought we were such losers! lol
We ran to the car, and popped it in... I'll never forget how psyched I was the 1st time I heard "eye No"... nod I didn't dig the lack of tracks, tho. I hated rewinding or fast-forwarding to the song I wanted to hear. mad

BATMAN: A group of us piled into 2 cars and drove to the movie theater on opening day to check out the movie... all the shows were sold out until the 1:00am showing. doh! We didn't realize how big of a deal the whole "Batman" thing was- we were Prince fans! lol So... we hung out in the parking lot with other Prince fans that we met and had a PARTY! dancing jig Steve (Sammi's b.f.) had a boomin' sound system in his car, so we cranked the stereo and danced in the parking lot. It was more fun than the movie!
Once we got into the movie, I couldn't tell U one thing from the movie, because everytime a Prince song started, we just all sang and danced. (By then all the families had seen it and it was just the "fans" giggle) A week later I took my Mom to see the movie and actually watched it. biggrin

G.B.: I never saw it in the movie. The commercial ad didn't appeal to me, and by the time my friends convinced me to see it, it wasn't playing anymore! I think it was like, two weeks! lol
I wasn't that crazy about the album, either. I still don't like it that much, although I do play "Elephants & Flowers" quite a bit- besides "Joy in Repetition", of course! biggrin (I go thru "Shake!" phases ever once in a while.)

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #1 posted 03/19/08 7:10pm



No one remembers anything?!

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #2 posted 03/19/08 7:29pm



Lovesexy:My mom bought Lovesexy when it came out from a Staten Island record store. I used to ask her "why is he naked"? I only used to play eye Know..until I bought the tape for myself when I was 13 and started loving the rest of it. took me a long time to 'get' Lovesexy and Dance On though.

I bought this when I was 13 also on vinyl. LOVED IT love Took me a long time to get Scandelous because I didnt like slow jams when I was little. I still havent seen the sequences in the movie.


I bought this when I was 12 on casette. Me my brother and my friend used to use the beginning of Shake as our "Wresting Theme" when we used to play against eachother.
My mom was upset there were not any slow jams to listen to. My brother loved Elephants and Flowers. I had it on a white cassette
Straight Jacket Funk Affair
Album plays and love for vinyl records.
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Reply #3 posted 03/19/08 8:15pm



All I can remember is buying them when they came out and playing them till I knew all of the words...except Batman...I played it little...exchanged it, and later on repurchased Batman...I had the movie...I like Batman more now than I did at the time of it's release.
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight...
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Reply #4 posted 03/19/08 11:47pm


... when Lovesexy dropped.. i was working in the record store.. but before that came along.. my Boss had shipped back the Black Album sad hrmph from the WB recall and my Boss wouldnt allow for any of the employees to take one, you talk about somebody being disgusted lol cause i surely was.. (i ended up with TBA a year later) .. ok so.. here comes Lovesexy and i did feel better cause a naked Prince graced the cover.. was alot of controversy about the naked album.. i remember a kid came in the store, took a marker and drew clothes on Prince (was very good too) .. i was allowed to play any music i liked over the system of the store.. so you know what played in the store.. and i played alot of Prince and Wendy and Lisa (their album was out too and their videos played in the store as well) and i was stuck on the songs Anna Stesia and I Wish You Heaven alot... i was mad i missed Prince @ Radio City (he wore that green/black Lovesexy outfit) cause i could have gone, the Grammy's was there that year (Prince lost to U2 that year) .. yeah.. the good ole'days ..
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Reply #5 posted 03/20/08 12:00am



paisleypark4 said:

I bought this when I was 13 also on vinyl. LOVED IT love Took me a long time to get Scandelous because I didnt like slow jams when I was little. I still havent seen the sequences in the movie.

You should. Trust and Partyman are the only songs in the movie and I seem to remember Scandalous being played over the credits (but I could be wrong).
Maybe we can go to the movies and cry together
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Reply #6 posted 03/20/08 12:45am


Batman was the hype of the summer.. i heard Paula Abdul giving an interview on the radio about Batman and she leaked it out that Prince was doing the soundtrack and my eyes perked up (whofarted what? ) then not long after the rumor was confirmed.. and the Batdance video dropped. it was spectacular and that kept me going til the movie dropped ..and i watched that constantly.. the day the movie hit.. there was a waiting line 2 hours long, and so i waited lol was jam packed with ppl, folks sitting on the floor.. the theater i went to had 12 theaters.. 4 of them were for Batman.. the movie was eh .. Jack Nicholson made the film.. i got the album, but i couldnt tell you anything about it that year cause..this same summer i got a copy of the Black Album and that was the icing on the cake for me... honestly, i was scared of Prince for the 1st time in my life.. cause the Black Album was/is out there.. i was scared of trying to figure out his cryptic stuff for this album.. but still, i was on cloud9 from all the Batman hype .. was an awesome summer..
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Reply #7 posted 03/20/08 1:33am


yes.. Grafitti Bridge dropped and i went to the movies for this and just like UTCM.. i went during the 1st showing n the place was empty cause i went during the week.. like a Wednesday.. so i saw the film and watched it twice cause Prince was it and i wanted to watch his georgous face again, my fammation had calmed down, no more screamin n talking to screens during the film, but i was still fammin'... i bought the album, We Can Funk and the Question of You were my songs of that album.. wasnt til later i became attached to Joy n Repetition.. the extended version of Thieves in the Temple was the bomb dancing jig 'put your foot on the rock, let me show you how to clock'.. i was sooo in love with Prince's hair in that video.. when it was out n long (not the ponytail)... *sighs* the old days
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Reply #8 posted 03/20/08 1:39am


but wait a minute.. i didnt tell you about SOTT .... *heads back to the other thread* ..
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Reply #9 posted 03/20/08 1:41am



Volitan said:

paisleypark4 said:

I bought this when I was 13 also on vinyl. LOVED IT love Took me a long time to get Scandelous because I didnt like slow jams when I was little. I still havent seen the sequences in the movie.

You should. Trust and Partyman are the only songs in the movie and I seem to remember Scandalous being played over the credits (but I could be wrong).

U're right. "Trust" and "Partyman" were the 2 obvious songs. Who can name where the rest of them are? Anyone? lurking

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #10 posted 03/20/08 1:44am



Flowerz said:

yes.. Grafitti Bridge dropped and i went to the movies for this and just like UTCM.. i went during the 1st showing n the place was empty cause i went during the week.. like a Wednesday.. so i saw the film and watched it twice cause Prince was it and i wanted to watch his georgous face again, my fammation had calmed down, no more screamin n talking to screens during the film, but i was still fammin'... i bought the album, We Can Funk and the Question of You were my songs of that album.. wasnt til later i became attached to Joy n Repetition.. the extended version of Thieves in the Temple was the bomb dancing jig 'put your foot on the rock, let me show you how to clock'.. i was sooo in love with Prince's hair in that video.. when it was out n long (not the ponytail)... *sighs* the old days

I forgot how much I love the long-playing version of "Thieves in the Temple"! music
[Edited 3/19/08 18:44pm]

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #11 posted 03/20/08 2:31am



chocolate1 said:

Volitan said:

You should. Trust and Partyman are the only songs in the movie and I seem to remember Scandalous being played over the credits (but I could be wrong).

U're right. "Trust" and "Partyman" were the 2 obvious songs. Who can name where the rest of them are? Anyone? lurking

The other's aren't in the movie. Tim Burton left them out because he said too much of Prince's music would've made the movie feel dated.
Maybe we can go to the movies and cry together
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Reply #12 posted 03/20/08 2:47am



U're right. "Trust" and "Partyman" were the 2 obvious songs. Who can name where the rest of them are? Anyone? lurking

The Future is played around the city before the killing of the father in the alleyway (Right near the beginning of the film, literally 3mins in). Scandalous is played in the film, all be it very brief and it is mixed in orchestral by Elfman, as well as being played in full at the end credits. Vicki's Waiting is played at the Bruce Wayne party with Electric Chair following on from it in the same setting.
If god one day struck me blind,
Your beauty i'd still see.
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Reply #13 posted 03/20/08 2:49am



Insanecabbage said:

U're right. "Trust" and "Partyman" were the 2 obvious songs. Who can name where the rest of them are? Anyone? lurking

The Future is played around the city before the killing of the father in the alleyway (Right near the beginning of the film, literally 3mins in). Scandalous is played in the film, all be it very brief and it is mixed in orchestral by Elfman, as well as being played in full at the end credits. Vicki's Waiting is played at the Bruce Wayne party with Electric Chair following on from it in the same setting.

WHAT? Damn it, now I have to fire up the VCR and find the videotape (don't have it on DVD)
Maybe we can go to the movies and cry together
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Reply #14 posted 03/20/08 3:17am



Insanecabbage said:

U're right. "Trust" and "Partyman" were the 2 obvious songs. Who can name where the rest of them are? Anyone? lurking

The Future is played around the city before the killing of the father in the alleyway (Right near the beginning of the film, literally 3mins in). Scandalous is played in the film, all be it very brief and it is mixed in orchestral by Elfman, as well as being played in full at the end credits. Vicki's Waiting is played at the Bruce Wayne party with Electric Chair following on from it in the same setting.

thumbs up!

- "The Future" was playing in the background in the beginning as the tourist family is walking down the street trying to hail a cab.
- The end of "Vicky Waiting" is playing when they enter the party at Wayne Manor.
- "Electric Chair" is playing at the party at the Wayne Manor while they are playing craps.

I vaguely remember "Lemon Crush" somewhere, but I could be wrong... confuse

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #15 posted 03/20/08 5:16am



I knew the day it was supposed to be released so I went to the record shop that morning on my way to work. They had been open for about an hour... but I didn't see the 'cassette' any where. I asked the clerk about it... he was like, "Ohh.. we haven't put it out yet." So I looked at him for a minute giving him the 'now seams like a good time to me' glare. He went into the stock room behind the counter and brought out a bow and popped it open. And there it was..... Lovesexy.... the casette... with Prince's naked girlie looking ass on the cover. The clerk called a couple co-worker over and was like, "Hey yall... check this shit out." A couple were like... that ain't Prince .. that's a girl. I suggested he ring up one for me cause I was starting to run late.

I listened to the Cassette at work that day. My friend Terry after making continuous jokes between his laughter... asked me what I thought of it. and to be honest... I did not like it one bit.

I can honestly say though.. me first impression was not a lasting one as I now rank Lovesexy as one of my favs. If not for Glam Slam (which by the way ranks among my most hated album tracks among official releases) It may have been my fav.

If two things could define my youth.. it would have been Prince and Comic books. So you know I was frantic as all hell when I loved the CD and the Movie. jack Nicholson rocked. But the most significant memory related to this album was the long play Scandalous Sex suite.

I was in college around this time and was a film/video student. In every class we took.. if our major could be incorporated into it.. it was in order to give us maximum practical use of our skills. Well... one of my classes was 'the Biology of Human Sexuality' (yes ladies i learned more about what excites you than you know

For my final project in this class... I composed a Video in which I described all the stages of the female orgasm in intimate detail. In the video I had the girl I was dating 'tastefully' and sensually get her sexual groove on to the music of Scandalous... while I narrated in my deepest most seductive late night radio voice. My Myspace peeps should know my voice well. Of course i naioled an A+... and a couple phone numbers at class end.

Graffiti Bridge
I got the Cassette before I saw the movie. Why couldn't I have just left it at that. I love Prince... but that movie was and still is IMO a complete waste of celuloid. The 'stunned' look and deafening silence of the people who were coming out of the theatre after seeing the movie ahead of me were priceless.
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Reply #16 posted 03/20/08 6:24am


Lovesexy:Just an incredible album 2 me.I was 9 when this 1 came out,and I do remember a lot of controversy surrounding the cover.I went with my brother 2 buy this album on the day of its' release,and I can remember the clerk reaching under the counter and pulling out the vinyl and the cassette.(he bought both)This was my official intro 2 Prince,as I attended the Lovesexy tour that year!(1st concert)I have a Lovesexy cover tattoo on my lower back,and I watch the Dortmund show regularly.What a phenomenal show-and Prince is SO sexy with long hair!:wink:Remainz 1 of my fave eras/albumz.
Batman:Great album! I was disappointed in the movie,tho,cuz I didn't really hear many of the songz featured prominently.I'm not a fan of comic book heroes,but I saw the movie just cuz of the Prince songz.I alwayz thought Prince would've made a sexxy Batman.:mushy:Anywayz,I bought the movie on dvd,cuz I'm a completist.Arms of Orion is my least fave thing about the album,and I love the Partyman,Batdance,and Scandalous vidz!
Grafitti Bridge:When the movie premiered,my brother promised 2 take me 2 c it-but it was only around 4 1 week! When we finally got around 2 going,the movie was no longer showing! I was SO disappointed! I bought the dvd,and the movie has grown on me.lolI'll say this,tho-Prince is gorgeous in it thruout!Awesome album,but I wish it was all Prince's music on it and not the other artists.worship
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Reply #17 posted 03/20/08 6:35am


chocolate1 said:

Flowerz said:

yes.. Grafitti Bridge dropped and i went to the movies for this and just like UTCM.. i went during the 1st showing n the place was empty cause i went during the week.. like a Wednesday.. so i saw the film and watched it twice cause Prince was it and i wanted to watch his georgous face again, my fammation had calmed down, no more screamin n talking to screens during the film, but i was still fammin'... i bought the album, We Can Funk and the Question of You were my songs of that album.. wasnt til later i became attached to Joy n Repetition.. the extended version of Thieves in the Temple was the bomb dancing jig 'put your foot on the rock, let me show you how to clock'.. i was sooo in love with Prince's hair in that video.. when it was out n long (not the ponytail)... *sighs* the old days

I forgot how much I love the long-playing version of "Thieves in the Temple"! music
[Edited 3/19/08 18:44pm]
I 4got 2 mention that vid! worship
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Reply #18 posted 03/20/08 7:13am



Batman was the s**t. Lovesexy was the real absolute s**t. GB was okay at best. The highlights on that album for me was The Time singles and Tevin Campbell's Round and Round. Other than Thieves and Elephants and Flowers.
Peace and be wild!
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Reply #19 posted 03/20/08 11:27am



I vaguely remember "Lemon Crush" somewhere, but I could be wrong... confuse

I don't think it is. The Vicki's Waiting track used is the extended mix also.
If god one day struck me blind,
Your beauty i'd still see.
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Reply #20 posted 03/20/08 2:50pm



LoDog said:

Batman was the s**t. Lovesexy was the real absolute s**t. GB was okay at best. The highlights on that album for me was The Time singles and Tevin Campbell's Round and Round. Other than Thieves and Elephants and Flowers.

Joy In Repetition is one of the best songs Prince has penned imo.
If god one day struck me blind,
Your beauty i'd still see.
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Reply #21 posted 03/20/08 3:41pm




Lovesexy: I was 9 at the time and I was very surprised when I heard that a new Prince album was coming out. I got excited about it but it was funny to see him on the news with him being naked on the cover. It made me want the album more. lol Then, I think it was April 88, my Mom had the radio on (WPLJ for all the NYC/NJ folks) and I remember Jim Kerr announcing that they were going to premeire the new Prince song "Alphabet St" I was excited but I had to go to school. I didn't hear it that morning, but I heard it later that day on WBLS at my babysitters house and I thought it was weird but cool. I remember when Alphabet St was going to premiere on MTV. That commercial was on all weekend before that Monday when it came on and I was at my Great Grandparents house when I saw and taped the video and I thought it was cool. I was amazed at how long his hair had gotten in a years time and I even wanted my hair to be like his lol. I went to Florida to see my Uncle and his family and while I was there, my Aunt got Lovesexy for me. She covered the cover while buying it lol. I played it at the house and thought for the 3rd straight year, "This album is weird". I kept on playing it though, thanks to having watched PR and that hyping me up. Fast forward to 1999 or 2000 when I brought it on CD, I was blown away by how unique and amazing the CD was. I didn't like the 1 track thing but I understood it cause it feels like some kind of journey that Prince is taking you on. It's a brilliant album that I wish had gotten more props than it did. Luckily, it is seen as a masterpiece by fans and even non-fans alike.

Batman - I was shocked that he was doing the soundtrack to Batman. I actually thought it was a bad idea. I couldn't see how the 2 would work. Then I saw the video to Batdance. All my doubts were erased and I wanted this album and made me want to see the movie even more. The movie came out on my last day at school, 4th grade, and Mom and I headed to the movies to see Batman. I remember when Prince's name came up in the credit, everyone went nuts in there as they did for Micheal Keaton, Jack Nicholson and Kim Basinger. I didn't get the album until the next month. My grandfather brought it for me and when I played it, I loved it instantly. It pure, catchy pop and I loved it. Got it again in 2000 and loved it again. It's a underrated album that seems to get lost when people talk about his 80's output and that's unfortunate. I wish that Prince had released Trust and Vicki Waiting as singles but everything else, except for The Arms of Orion. was cool.

Graffiti Bridge - I wanted this album when it came out but it had a Parental Advisory sticker and I didn't think I would be able to get it now because of that. My grandparents went down to Florida for a few weeks in January 1991 and when they returned, they gave me a gift that from my uncle. It was a cassette of Grafitti Bridge! I was psyched and I played it immediately. It wasn't and still isn't my favorite but I dig most of the songs on there, the Prince ones mainly. I didn't see GB in the movies, it looked a little silly to me but Mom rented it the next summer and of course I was happy. When it was over I went eek confused It was the first time Prince had ever done something that I didn't like. That movie stunk up to high heaven. Pitiful but thank God for the music. Songs like The Question of U, Still Would Stand All Time, We Can Funk, the singles Theives in the Temple, New Power Generation and of course Joy in Repetition made the whole era worthwhile.
I'm not a fan of "old Prince". I'm not a fan of "new Prince". I'm just a fan of Prince. Simple as that
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