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Thread started 02/27/08 10:43pm


Prince 9/11 prediction

Can anybody give me some information on Prince's rapline in 1998 in Holland about the twin towers bombing?
[Edited 7/24/17 6:10am]
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Reply #1 posted 02/27/08 10:51pm


I dont want to add to the crazy stuff, but.....
Does anybody remember the old love4oneanother website around the time of "the war" song was released? The main page had a big photoshoped blown-up petagon pic! this was at least 6 years before 911!

I thought Prince had lost it! stange huh? hrmph
[Edited 2/27/08 14:54pm]
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Reply #2 posted 02/27/08 11:07pm



Oh, man. Now we're gonna have to hear the crazy fans claiming Prince is the second coming of Nostradamus. disbelief
The world is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.

"You still wanna take me to prison...just because I won't trade humanity for patriotism."
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Reply #3 posted 02/27/08 11:14pm


Not sure about him as a freemason but I reckon he could be remixed by them!! biggrin
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Reply #4 posted 02/27/08 11:38pm




francescoc10 said:

Can anybody give me some info
if prince is a freemason

No. Some of the imagery that Prince has used in the past has connections with freemasonry - but his use does not appear to suggest he has any belief in or affiliation with it - in fact rather the opposite.
and why did he knew about the 9/11 twin towers bombing ?( he raps it in a concert in 1989 in holland)
strange things
plze help !!

He didn't. He simply referred to Osama Bin Laden because of Bin Laden's previous activity. He does not rap about the 9/11 twin towers bombing.

ALT+PLS+RTN: Pure as a pane of ice. It's a gift.
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Reply #5 posted 02/28/08 12:39am


langebleu said:

francescoc10 said:

Can anybody give me some info
if prince is a freemason

No. Some of the imagery that Prince has used in the past has connections with freemasonry - but his use does not appear to suggest he has any belief in or affiliation with it - in fact rather the opposite.
and why did he knew about the 9/11 twin towers bombing ?( he raps it in a concert in 1989 in holland)
strange things
plze help !!

He didn't. He simply referred to Osama Bin Laden because of Bin Laden's previous activity. He does not rap about the 9/11 twin towers bombing.


hah! i knew it -- the twin towers were bombed then, eh?
well, actually, didn't prince perform that song after the WTC bombing during the Clinton administration which had been linked to Osama as well? it was interesting how prince linked it to that "2001" song tho, eh?
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Reply #6 posted 02/28/08 12:53am


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Reply #7 posted 02/28/08 12:59am



Oh boy.
If were to be made idiot proof, someone would just invent a better idiot.
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Reply #8 posted 02/28/08 1:24am



Prince may have many slivers of religious ideas within him, we all are usually well rounded spiritualists if we alwayz take others beliefs into consideration a little, However, Prince probably has a heavier sliver of Krishna seeing as that they recommend the Kama Sutra, yet the Freemason's don't want girls around at all.

I am sorry for Septemeber 4 Prince's emotions, I can only guess. I can't speak for anyone on such an event.
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight...
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Reply #9 posted 02/28/08 11:29am



Tame said:

Prince may have many slivers of religious ideas within him, we all are usually well rounded spiritualists if we alwayz take others beliefs into consideration a little, However, Prince probably has a heavier sliver of Krishna seeing as that they recommend the Kama Sutra, yet the Freemason's don't want girls around at all.

I am sorry for Septemeber 4 Prince's emotions, I can only guess. I can't speak for anyone on such an event.

Well the ladies can attend the meetings, they just can't be in the room during official business talk. They also have a separate sect for them called the "Eastern Star"

Prince doesn't strike me as a Mason, and you can pretty much find imagery anywhere if you look hard enough for it.. but he is a member of the "Jehova's Witnesses", and that's far scarier wink
¡The Future Is Ours, If You Can Count!
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Reply #10 posted 02/28/08 1:10pm


francescoc10 said:

and why did he knew about the 9/11 twin towers bombing ?( he raps it in a concert in 1989 in holland)

It was not 1998 it was 1998. And what he said was "Osama Bin Laden getting ready to bomb US better watch out." He said NOTHING about New York or the Towers or 2001. All he says is "Osama Bin Laden getting ready to bomb (the) U.S. (you)better watch out."

the first bombing was February 26, 1993. I do not think it was linked to Osama but to Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman. (you might remember he was blind) He was said to be Osama's mentor.

*I did a bit more looking and reading and I guess some have linked Osama to the 1993 bombing. But If you take into account there were 8 known attacks linked to osama by 1998 it is not much of a guess that he would do it again.
[Edited 2/28/08 5:26am]
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Reply #11 posted 02/28/08 2:58pm


WellInever said:

francescoc10 said:

and why did he knew about the 9/11 twin towers bombing ?( he raps it in a concert in 1989 in holland)

It was not 1998 it was 1998. And what he said was "Osama Bin Laden getting ready to bomb US better watch out." He said NOTHING about New York or the Towers or 2001. All he says is "Osama Bin Laden getting ready to bomb (the) U.S. (you)better watch out."[/b]

Yes it was 1998, and he doesn't mention New York. But he does mention 2001 and the Pentagon, which is what made it a little spooky. He got the man, the year and one of the locations three years early.
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Reply #12 posted 02/28/08 3:09pm


Prince was very into world politics and the state of the world. It was the year he released The War, so if you check THOSE lyrics, you can see part of what went through his mind that year.

The lyrics he used on that particular aftershow were a reflection on that. It's just too bad that he was right about seeing Bin Laden as a threat. The 2001 link is just coincedence, I think.

It was part of his post-Mayte madness, I think; Prince trying to make sense of himself and the world around him. His entire focus on world problems, terrorism and religion started around that time. Mayhaps it was easier to focus on the world around him than on his own life. In the end he focused on religion and his attempt to re-write the bible, resulting in The Rainbow Children.
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Reply #13 posted 02/28/08 4:10pm



that has some info on the song and the lyrics he sings. No mention of any targets in the quoats given:

"I've gotta go home y'all...
I've gotta go back to America
I've gotta go get ready for the bomb
Osama Bin Laden gettin ready to bomb
America... you better watch out... 2001"

The 2001 was a cue to star playing the 2001: A Space Odyssey music they had been playing.
"Keep on shilling for Big Pharm!"
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Reply #14 posted 02/28/08 4:14pm


OnlyNDaUsa said:

that has some info on the song and the lyrics he sings. No mention of any targets in the quoats given:

"I've gotta go home y'all...
I've gotta go back to America
I've gotta go get ready for the bomb
Osama Bin Laden gettin ready to bomb
America... you better watch out... 2001"

The 2001 was a cue to star playing the 2001: A Space Odyssey music they had been playing.

It was during his wrap-up jam. He was enjoying the heck outa himself that night. There just had been bombings in Africa that month, I think. It must be scary to be American sometimes, like I sometimes am ashamed to be Dutch, when it comes to people like Wilders and his anti-islam movie.
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Reply #15 posted 03/02/08 11:57am


Just curious.. seemed like a strange lyric for the song as well.
[Edited 7/24/17 6:11am]
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Reply #16 posted 03/02/08 12:33pm


francescoc10 said:

I started this topic because i no that freemasons like hidden messages and they are the ones behind alle the terror actions in this world
so its not that crazy that prince would be a freemason if he uses imagery and he spreads hidden messages of terror actions

come on now. Prince is not a mason and masons do not run the world.

yes they are obsessed with symbalism and the guys at the top somehow seem to get into positions of power but really i do not give a fuck about a group or name.
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Reply #17 posted 03/02/08 1:09pm


I'm not guessing. I wasn't there in 1998 at the concert so I'm out of context too.
[Edited 7/24/17 6:13am]
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Reply #18 posted 03/02/08 1:24pm


francescoc10 said:

fcukthepolice said:

come on now. Prince is not a mason and masons do not run the world.

yes they are obsessed with symbalism and the guys at the top somehow seem to get into positions of power but really i do not give a fuck about a group or name.

But if u compare prince 2 masons they kinda match
so theres something going on

NO he is a religious nut though just like them. The difference is prince does not practise the occult; he is obsessed with the bible and takes it word for word.

I understand what you are getting at but prince is not from an elite family that controls banking and oil.
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Reply #19 posted 03/02/08 2:39pm



The concert was in December 1998. In August of that year, there were simultaneous bombings of two US embassies in Africa - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya. These bombings were carried out by al Qaeda...and it was the first time Osama bin Laden and that organization made the international news.
We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #20 posted 03/02/08 3:47pm



^ true! Hear this for yourself....

just LISTEN to the Sabotage bootleg "R U Gonna Go My Way?" recorded in Utrecht, Club Tivoli - december 23 1998, it's track 14 on disc 2:

track is called.... "Osama bin laden get ready to bomb/ 2001: Also sprach Zarathustra",

the cd was printed/ released back in 1999.... eek

[Edited 3/2/08 7:51am]
Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #21 posted 03/02/08 3:55pm



Discussed a few years back on

Now THIS is s-s-s-scary !

Danceelectric wrote:
it's really weird, Prince is actually singing (rapping): "I'm going home to America, I'm gonna get ready for the bomb; Osama Bin Laden get ready to bomb.... etc." - and then something about 2001 (I can't hear what he's saying). Then Marva sings the Zarathustra part.

It must be a coincidence but quite scary I think, since it's an afterparty from 1998.

[Edited 3/2/08 7:59am]
Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #22 posted 03/02/08 4:00pm


Genesia said:

The concert was in December 1998. In August of that year, there were simultaneous bombings of two US embassies in Africa - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya. These bombings were carried out by al Qaeda...and it was the first time Osama bin Laden and that organization made the international news.

Carried out by al ciaeda?

You know the CIA created and funded them, right?


You are told terrorists bombed U.S embassies. Do not believe the bullshit
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Reply #23 posted 03/02/08 5:38pm



fcukthepolice said:

Genesia said:

The concert was in December 1998. In August of that year, there were simultaneous bombings of two US embassies in Africa - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya. These bombings were carried out by al Qaeda...and it was the first time Osama bin Laden and that organization made the international news.

Carried out by al ciaeda?

You know the CIA created and funded them, right?


You are told terrorists bombed U.S embassies. Do not believe the bullshit

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #24 posted 03/02/08 5:42pm


Genesia said:

fcukthepolice said:

Carried out by al ciaeda?

You know the CIA created and funded them, right?


You are told terrorists bombed U.S embassies. Do not believe the bullshit


Get in touch with reality
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Reply #25 posted 03/02/08 10:09pm




francescoc10 said:

I started this topic because i no that freemasons like hidden messages and they are the ones behind alle the terror actions in this world
so its not that crazy that prince would be a freemason if he uses imagery and he spreads hidden messages of terror actions

But as Prince doesn't spread hidden messages of terror actions, and as freemasons are not behind all the terror action in this world, it follows that it is that crazy.

Apply better logic (and back it up with more facts and fewer generalisations).
ALT+PLS+RTN: Pure as a pane of ice. It's a gift.
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Reply #26 posted 03/02/08 10:19pm



i relate 9.11 with armageddon & the battle btween the forces of good & evil,

liars & truth-tellers,
people who cover-things up & people who r honest,
people who murder (online & off) & people who dont hurt any1.

& its happening right Now.
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Reply #27 posted 03/02/08 10:34pm



francescoc10 said:

I started this topic because i no that freemasons like hidden messages and they are the ones behind alle the terror actions in this world
so its not that crazy that prince would be a freemason if he uses imagery and he spreads hidden messages of terror actions

What kinda statement is that? Paleaze rolleyesI've got several freemasons in my family.
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Reply #28 posted 03/02/08 10:47pm


Genesia said:

fcukthepolice said:

Carried out by al ciaeda?

You know the CIA created and funded them, right?


You are told terrorists bombed U.S embassies. Do not believe the bullshit


I guess the easiest thing to do IS to just roll your eyes...
But it gets you nowhere though...
If you haven't figured out by now that you were lied to, then I guess the wool's still over you eyes...
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Reply #29 posted 03/03/08 12:24am



Never argue with an idiot. He'll just drag you down to his level and beat you with his experience.
We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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