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Thread started 09/18/07 11:34am


any albums u think are not worth having?

Hey, I just want to know if anyone here thinks there is a Prince album that is not worth having. I read some harsh criticism of some of his albums, some of it true, but even albums like New Power Soul and Rave, aren't they worth having
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Reply #1 posted 09/18/07 11:54am



Some of his albums are worth having if you are into collecting all his stuff. If you only want to get stuff that's actually worth listening to, you can pass on shit like 1999: New Masters.
It is not known why FuNkeNsteiN capitalizes his name as he does, though some speculate sunlight deficiency caused by the most pimpified white guy afro in Nordic history.

- Lammastide
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Reply #2 posted 09/18/07 12:10pm



Honesty, the only one I could really use to pick my teeth is Karmasutra, but even that came with 4 other pretty good CDs!
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Reply #3 posted 09/18/07 12:11pm


I don't like N.E.W.S., but I wouldn't tell anyone it's not worth having.
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Reply #4 posted 09/18/07 1:27pm


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Reply #5 posted 09/18/07 1:31pm



I enjoy them all.
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight...
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Reply #6 posted 09/18/07 8:22pm


Three more words...Chaos and Disorder.
Occupy Alphabet Street!
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Reply #7 posted 09/18/07 8:46pm



jackmitz said:

Three more words...Chaos and Disorder.

You're way off mark. There's at least half an album's worth of great stuff on there, which is more than can be said for some other albums, IMO.

It really depends how far down the rabbit hole you wanna go. If you're happy just having the hits and then some, then there's no need to get everything, but if you want the complete picture, there's no need to miss a single album, including the major related artists releases, which fit the puzzle just as much as the 'Prince' releases IMO.

Even the worst Prince albums have one or two highlights.
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Reply #8 posted 09/18/07 8:51pm



Very Best of's just a rehash of greatest hits. If you have all the "essential" albums (SOTT, PR, 1999, etc) you'll have all those songs anyway.
"Your presence and dry wit are appealing in a mysterious way."
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > any albums u think are not worth having?