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Reply #30 posted 03/16/07 9:50pm



thekidsgirl said:

...oh and lookie what I got, Yeah! biggrin

so sweet I had to kiss it

Oh wow -- you got that ultra-rare reverse-printed copy of Controversy on vinyl!
Check out The Mountains and the Sea, a Prince podcast by yours truly and my wife. More info at
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Reply #31 posted 03/16/07 9:52pm



I have all my vinyl albums bought back in the day through "Sign O The Times". I also have all my 12 Inches bought back then through "New Power Generation" and many of the 45s.
Andy is a four letter word.
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Reply #32 posted 03/16/07 10:07pm


thekidsgirl said:

I saw the Housequake 12" single along time ago, but I didn't get it because it didn't have a b-side I think, but I don't really remember.

I shoulda just got it though, cause it was only 75 cent!
Now I can't find it mad

The Housequake remix is an incredible hybrid of Madhouse jazz/funk with brilliance of the album version. I've always wished P would do the Housequake remix live.

If you have a chance to buy it snap it up!
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Reply #33 posted 03/17/07 2:00am



djdaffy1227 said:

Prince vinyl is my passion. I have over 170 12" singles from 5 different countries, all UK picture discs, all US 45's and many official and bootleg albums. Maybe someday I'll post a list.

eek uh...can I come stay a few nights at your house!! eek

I just wanna stare at your collection for a few hours, thats all lol
If you will, so will I
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Reply #34 posted 03/17/07 2:01am



Doozer said:

thekidsgirl said:

...oh and lookie what I got, Yeah! biggrin

so sweet I had to kiss it

Oh wow -- you got that ultra-rare reverse-printed copy of Controversy on vinyl!

Quite being a hater! lol
I just wanted to show how much I love my record
If you will, so will I
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Reply #35 posted 03/17/07 2:03am



vainandy said:

I have all my vinyl albums bought back in the day through "Sign O The Times". I also have all my 12 Inches bought back then through "New Power Generation" and many of the 45s.

pardon my ignorance, but whats a 45s?
If you will, so will I
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Reply #36 posted 03/17/07 2:58am



thekidsgirl said:

vainandy said:

I have all my vinyl albums bought back in the day through "Sign O The Times". I also have all my 12 Inches bought back then through "New Power Generation" and many of the 45s.

pardon my ignorance, but whats a 45s?

45 -- it's a smaller vinyl record that plays at a spead of 45 revolutions per minute. Usually contain one song on each side.

Better watch out -- you started a thread about collecting vinyl and you didn't know what a 45 was.

(not hatin', just sayin'!) wink

[Edited 3/16/07 20:03pm]
Check out The Mountains and the Sea, a Prince podcast by yours truly and my wife. More info at
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Reply #37 posted 03/17/07 7:40am



Okay, I feel old now that there's someone that has to ask what a 45 is. mad
" a newborn child knows nothing of destruction, nothing of love & hate"
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Reply #38 posted 03/17/07 7:44am


stillw8ing said:

Okay, I feel old now that there's someone that has to ask what a 45 is. mad

Na...Old is when u gotta ask what a 69 is... tease zipped
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Reply #39 posted 03/17/07 8:28am



Love vinyl. I've pretty much got every US and UK release on every format
7"s, 12"s, LPs etc. plus a few interesting releases from other countries too.
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Reply #40 posted 03/17/07 8:30am



christos7 said:

stillw8ing said:

Okay, I feel old now that there's someone that has to ask what a 45 is. mad

Na...Old is when u gotta ask what a 69 is... tease zipped

So what is 69?? wink
"Just like the sun, the Rainbow Children rise."

"We had fun, didn't we?"
-Prince (1958-2016) 4ever in my life
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Reply #41 posted 03/17/07 9:27am



SlamGlam said:

ThataintFunky said:

Just As Long As We're Together (Disco Mix / PROMO ONLY)

isn't this the one that is one of the very last 12" (single or LP) from WB to use the old Boulevrd with palm trees labels? i saw one of these, the fella said it was the most valuable prince record by FAR.


Yes .. that's the one!
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Reply #42 posted 03/17/07 9:32am


rainbowchild said:

christos7 said:

Na...Old is when u gotta ask what a 69 is... tease zipped

So what is 69?? wink

I 4get..
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Reply #43 posted 03/17/07 11:45am



BombSquad said:

I bought all albums on vinyl when they came out until Graffiti Bridge, from then on I switched to CDs.

Yup, I did exactly the same. Wish I hadn't now.
" A mind changed against its will, is of the same opinion still"
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Reply #44 posted 03/17/07 5:20pm



If u live in the SF bay area check out the Record Man in Redwood City! It has an unbelievable selection! A little expensive but good quality! that's where i got my U Got the Look picture disc! Also, I've had really good experiences with E-bay, even gotten an original poster before!
give her the eyes batting eyes
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Reply #45 posted 03/18/07 9:11am



thekidsgirl said:

vainandy said:

I have all my vinyl albums bought back in the day through "Sign O The Times". I also have all my 12 Inches bought back then through "New Power Generation" and many of the 45s.

pardon my ignorance, but whats a 45s?

Its also known as a " 7 inch" on account of their size in the same way as a "12 inch"

Hope this helps

smile smile
Reality is an illusion
Caused by a lack of ALCOHOL
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Reply #46 posted 03/18/07 9:16am



It is not known why FuNkeNsteiN capitalizes his name as he does, though some speculate sunlight deficiency caused by the most pimpified white guy afro in Nordic history.

- Lammastide
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Reply #47 posted 03/18/07 10:12am


My 12 inch has a tendency to stick to vinyl.
Especially when it's hot.

Pleather, too.
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Reply #48 posted 03/18/07 11:46am



thekidsgirl said:

Okay, today I scored Purple Rain on record!!! biggrin
I'm really having a lucky streak right about now.

The music sounds so good on vinyl. I like those little pops and cracks it makes
It gives it a more rough sound

The album or the single???? The album came with a poster. The single was purple which is cool!!!! Love 1999 with the eye.
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Reply #49 posted 03/18/07 11:54am


BorisFishpaw said:

Love vinyl. I've pretty much got every US and UK release on every format
7"s, 12"s, LPs etc. plus a few interesting releases from other countries too.

Why am I not surprised?

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Reply #50 posted 03/18/07 12:01pm


I have about 700 different Prince 45 singles from all over the world .....
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Reply #51 posted 03/20/07 3:17am



kpowers said:

thekidsgirl said:

Okay, today I scored Purple Rain on record!!! biggrin
I'm really having a lucky streak right about now.

The music sounds so good on vinyl. I like those little pops and cracks it makes
It gives it a more rough sound

The album or the single???? The album came with a poster. The single was purple which is cool!!!! Love 1999 with the eye.

Album! headbang

but I didn't get a poster sad

I got 1999 the other day too!!!! That make it 3 albums on vinyl now
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Reply #52 posted 03/20/07 3:18am



xenophobia2002 said:

I have about 700 different Prince 45 singles from all over the world .....

eek eek eek

Sweet Lord!!!

eek eek eek

....some of you guys are really lucky wink
If you will, so will I
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Reply #53 posted 03/20/07 3:21am



BorisFishpaw said:

Love vinyl. I've pretty much got every US and UK release on every format
7"s, 12"s, LPs etc. plus a few interesting releases from other countries too.

Somehow this doesn't surprise me smile
I swear Boris, you're my role model
If you will, so will I
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Reply #54 posted 03/20/07 3:42am



Now that I have all the cds I am going back and trying to get most of the albums on vinyl and definitely any extended versions that have not been officially released on CD. I have some on picture disc, some regular 12", 45s, etc. It's a never ending challenge. I feel like the wrecka stows in NYC are pretty picked over, I have better luck with the Chelsea flea market or the 'net.

Some of my highlights are:
Controversy with shower poster
Gold Experience promo LP on gold vinyl
Little Red Corvette (extended) with the calendar poster insert
Mountains/Alexa de Paris (white vinyl)
Purple Rain LP with the Revolution poster
Sexy Dancer (long version)
Sexy MF 12" promo on gold vinyl
Apollonia 6 w/lyrics poster
Madhouse 8 promo
Mazarati promo
Vanity 6 and both of Vanity's solo albums

Unfortunately, I *still* don't own a turntable! boxed I keep meaning to buy one, but there are always more important things to use the money on (bills, rent, pout)
The check. The string he dropped. The Mona Lisa. The musical notes taken out of a hat. The glass. The toy shotgun painting. The things he found. Therefore, everything seen–every object, that is, plus the process of looking at it–is a Duchamp.
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Reply #55 posted 03/20/07 3:51am



jone70 said:

Now that I have all the cds I am going back and trying to get most of the albums on vinyl and definitely any extended versions that have not been officially released on CD. I have some on picture disc, some regular 12", 45s, etc. It's a never ending challenge. I feel like the wrecka stows in NYC are pretty picked over, I have better luck with the Chelsea flea market or the 'net.

Some of my highlights are:
Controversy with shower poster
Gold Experience promo LP on gold vinyl
Little Red Corvette (extended) with the calendar poster insert
Mountains/Alexa de Paris (white vinyl)
Purple Rain LP with the Revolution poster
Sexy Dancer (long version)
Sexy MF 12" promo on gold vinyl
Apollonia 6 w/lyrics poster
Madhouse 8 promo
Mazarati promo
Vanity 6 and both of Vanity's solo albums

Unfortunately, I *still* don't own a turntable! boxed I keep meaning to buy one, but there are always more important things to use the money on (bills, rent, pout)

Hey, you're doing the same thing as me....Just having much more success
with it!

Wouldn't I love to find The Gold Experience and Vanity 6 especially drool
I gotta check my local flea market
If you will, so will I
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Reply #56 posted 03/20/07 3:59am



If you live in or near the L.A. area definitely check out Amoeba Records.
6400 Sunset Blvd.
I went Sunday.
They have an extensive Prince vinyl selection.
I saw 2 copies of "the Black Album","Black Sweat" vinyl..etc.
too many to mention really.
I picked up "I wish U Heaven" 12","LPWM" 12","Still Waiting"12"w/"WYWTMSB?"& b side "Sexy Dancer".
Got some cd's also.

They 45's and posters too.
my phone is heavy
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Reply #57 posted 03/20/07 4:02am



sad I live on the opposite side of the country from L.A. sad

Anybody know some good little spots in the Baltimore/DC area?
If you will, so will I
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Reply #58 posted 03/20/07 5:28am


I just started recollecting vinyl again. I lost a whole lot of stuff in a fire at my storage and was heartbroken. I was more upset tht I lost my Prince stuff than anything else(I have a purple sickness and I don't want it cured). I found the other day a few gems.

Controversy w/ poster
Gold promo in gold vinyl (gold on 1 side and rockn' roll is alive on the other)
Hot Thing 12in
Black Album
Mountians 12in

I will be going back to dig thru the crates of this fun lil hole in the wall record store lol
Just Call Me Afrochick
I love you mom
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Reply #59 posted 03/20/07 5:34am



steve4key said:

I used to collect old vinyl when i had more money 2 spare. I'd go to record fairs (we have quite a few over here in the UK.The international record fair in London is usually a very good one) and second hand shops which normally have a record or music section to browse through.
You have to be prepared to sift through boxes of rubbish albums but you may come across what U want (although U can be very lucky, I once paid £2.00 for a Queen album on WHITE VINYL that when i checked with a trader at a local record fair claimed it was worth at least £250.00)

I have every Prince album on vinyl upto TGE when i believe no other Prince albums were released on this format (Please correct me if i am wrong, I've been out of the market for a while and now only buy CD's) and have evey1 on CD.

I have a few gems such as

5 x versions of the Purple Rain album (1 x purple vinyl + 1 with the "revolution Poster")
Head 12"
Lets Go Crazy 12"
1999 12" (4 versions)
I would die 4 U 12"
Purple Rain 12" with poster
When Doves Cry 12" double pack
Paisely Park 12" Remix
Raspberry Berret 12"
Pop Life 12"
America 12 (20min jam mix)
Kiss 12"
Mountains 10" WHITE VINYL
Girls & Boys 12"
Anotherloverholenyohead 12"
Sign "O" the Times 12" Pic disc
U Got the Look 12" Pick disc
If I was your Girlfriend 12" Posterbag
Alphabet St 12"
Glam Slam 12" Remix
I Wish U Heaven 12" Posterbag
Batman Album Pic disc
Batdance 12" Pic disc
Partyman 12 Pic disc
Arms of Orion 12" Pic disc
The Future 12" Remix
Theives in the Temple 12" pic disc
New Power Generation 12" Pic disc
Get Wild 12" (plays inside out)
Gett Off 12" + 12" remixes
Cream 12" Pic disc
Money don't mater 2nite 12" Pic disc
Diamonds & Pearls 12" Pic disc
Thunder 12" Pic disc
Sexy MF 12
Sexy MF Shaped Pic disc
My name is Prince 12" + 12" Remixes + 12" Pic disc
7 12" Pic disc
Most Beautiful Girl in the World 12" Remixes
Letitgo 12" + 12" Remixes

and my prized Prince possesion "Lovesexy Album SIGNED by Prince, Sheila & Cat" from a signing session at Virgin Megastore in Oxford Street London 88 when on the Lovesexy Tour.

This is only a small amount of stuff i have and does not include 7" singles or various different albums (ie Imports).

Trying to find vinyl is like the "X files". the truth is out there somewhere. U just gotta go find it.

[Edited 3/15/07 3:31am]

Doing likewise... and yup, for vinyl collectors, London rocks!
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