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Thread started 03/14/07 3:16am



Prince on Vinyl

So my latest obsession is hunting for Prince records and let me say, this task has not been easy! I don't know why, but I can find all the Elton John records I'd ever need, but finding a Prince record is harder than finding Waldo in the woods!

Who here collects Prince vinyls?
What do you have?
Was it hard to find?
Did you cheat, and buy online? razz

dooo tell! wink

...oh and lookie what I got, Yeah! biggrin

so sweet I had to kiss it
If you will, so will I
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Reply #1 posted 03/14/07 4:13am



thekidsgirl said:

So my latest obsession is hunting for Prince records and let me say, this task has not been easy! I don't know why, but I can find all the Elton John records I'd ever need, but finding a Prince record is harder than finding Waldo in the woods!

Who here collects Prince vinyls?
What do you have?
Was it hard to find?
Did you cheat, and buy online? razz

dooo tell! wink

...oh and lookie what I got, Yeah! biggrin

so sweet I had to kiss it

Oooh good find!I do believe that Controvery is his best work next to The Gold Experience!
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Reply #2 posted 03/15/07 12:52am



Okay, today I scored Purple Rain on record!!! biggrin
I'm really having a lucky streak right about now.

The music sounds so good on vinyl. I like those little pops and cracks it makes
It gives it a more rough sound
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Reply #3 posted 03/15/07 1:56am



There used to be a couple of really good used record stores in my area, but alas, they're all gone. They were good places to hunt down Prince vinyl. I have everything from Dirty Mind thru Sign O the Times on vinyl. I bought mostly cassettes growing up, so I have to backtrack to get the vinyl.

I was lucky enough to find a copy of Controversy with the infamous shower poster in pristine condition. Did your copy have the poster?

If you don't have any good record stores in your town, try flea markets and thrift stores for vinyl. Pickins is often slim, but sometimes you'll find a real gem. eBay is good, too, of course.
"I Was FINE Back in the Day!"
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Reply #4 posted 03/15/07 2:31am



try to find the 12" "Just as Long as we'er together" with the Buolavard lable
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Reply #5 posted 03/15/07 3:09am



I just found one today biggrin

Sign of the Times 12"~

I love to collect vinyl~
Everytime I comb my hair
Thoughts of you get in my eyes...

Vous etes tres belle...
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Reply #6 posted 03/15/07 4:19am



PicassoFace said:

There used to be a couple of really good used record stores in my area, but alas, they're all gone. They were good places to hunt down Prince vinyl. I have everything from Dirty Mind thru Sign O the Times on vinyl. I bought mostly cassettes growing up, so I have to backtrack to get the vinyl.

I was lucky enough to find a copy of Controversy with the infamous shower poster in pristine condition. Did your copy have the poster?

If you don't have any good record stores in your town, try flea markets and thrift stores for vinyl. Pickins is often slim, but sometimes you'll find a real gem. eBay is good, too, of course.

Okay, now I'm really jealous! pout
I have not had such luck

and my Controversy Lp didn't come with a poster
(but if its the one I'm thinking of, then I don't mind) lol
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Reply #7 posted 03/15/07 4:22am



loisclark88 said:

I just found one today biggrin

Sign of the Times 12"~

I love to collect vinyl~

LUCKY! now I hope I don't sound silly, but did you find the Sign of the Times single or full album??
If you will, so will I
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Reply #8 posted 03/15/07 6:38am



I just went vinyl shopping Sunday and found some good ones in Chicago. One good place is at a garage sale, found PR and Ice Cream Castles at my friend's sale for only $1 each.
[Edited 3/14/07 23:38pm]
" a newborn child knows nothing of destruction, nothing of love & hate"
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Reply #9 posted 03/15/07 8:56am



I bought all albums on vinyl when they came out until Graffiti Bridge, from then on I switched to CDs.
Has anyone tried unplugging the United States and plugging it back in?
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Reply #10 posted 03/15/07 10:29am



I used to collect old vinyl when i had more money 2 spare. I'd go to record fairs (we have quite a few over here in the UK.The international record fair in London is usually a very good one) and second hand shops which normally have a record or music section to browse through.
You have to be prepared to sift through boxes of rubbish albums but you may come across what U want (although U can be very lucky, I once paid £2.00 for a Queen album on WHITE VINYL that when i checked with a trader at a local record fair claimed it was worth at least £250.00)

I have every Prince album on vinyl upto TGE when i believe no other Prince albums were released on this format (Please correct me if i am wrong, I've been out of the market for a while and now only buy CD's) and have evey1 on CD.

I have a few gems such as

5 x versions of the Purple Rain album (1 x purple vinyl + 1 with the "revolution Poster")
Head 12"
Lets Go Crazy 12"
1999 12" (4 versions)
I would die 4 U 12"
Purple Rain 12" with poster
When Doves Cry 12" double pack
Paisely Park 12" Remix
Raspberry Berret 12"
Pop Life 12"
America 12 (20min jam mix)
Kiss 12"
Mountains 10" WHITE VINYL
Girls & Boys 12"
Anotherloverholenyohead 12"
Sign "O" the Times 12" Pic disc
U Got the Look 12" Pick disc
If I was your Girlfriend 12" Posterbag
Alphabet St 12"
Glam Slam 12" Remix
I Wish U Heaven 12" Posterbag
Batman Album Pic disc
Batdance 12" Pic disc
Partyman 12 Pic disc
Arms of Orion 12" Pic disc
The Future 12" Remix
Theives in the Temple 12" pic disc
New Power Generation 12" Pic disc
Get Wild 12" (plays inside out)
Gett Off 12" + 12" remixes
Cream 12" Pic disc
Money don't mater 2nite 12" Pic disc
Diamonds & Pearls 12" Pic disc
Thunder 12" Pic disc
Sexy MF 12
Sexy MF Shaped Pic disc
My name is Prince 12" + 12" Remixes + 12" Pic disc
7 12" Pic disc
Most Beautiful Girl in the World 12" Remixes
Letitgo 12" + 12" Remixes

and my prized Prince possesion "Lovesexy Album SIGNED by Prince, Sheila & Cat" from a signing session at Virgin Megastore in Oxford Street London 88 when on the Lovesexy Tour.

This is only a small amount of stuff i have and does not include 7" singles or various different albums (ie Imports).

Trying to find vinyl is like the "X files". the truth is out there somewhere. U just gotta go find it.

[Edited 3/15/07 3:31am]
Reality is an illusion
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Reply #11 posted 03/15/07 11:03am



Love vinyl and collected it up until GB came out; albums and singles. But I still search for 12" singles prior to 1999. I have never bought online though I prefer to take my chances at markets - love the feeling when you come across something for next to nothing.

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Reply #12 posted 03/15/07 1:48pm


thekidsgirl said:

Who here collects Prince vinyls?
What do you have?

I do collect them! nod

I have For You, Prince, Dirty Mind, Controversy, 1999, Purple Rain, Around The World In A Day, Parade, Sign O' The Times, Lovesexy, Batman, Graffiti Bridge, and prince. smile

Also have some 12" singles like Kiss/heart Or $, Sign O' The Times/La, La, La, He, He, Hee, If I Was Your Girlfriend/Shockadelica, U Got The Look/Housequake, I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man/Hot Thing, I Wish U Heaven/Scarlet Pussy...

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Reply #13 posted 03/15/07 3:09pm



Great thread. I agree vinyl sounds best. I've been trying to replace all of my CDs (including Prince) with LP versions for the past few years. I believe I now have every released LP except the Black album, The Hits, and Diamonds & Pearls.

To my knowledge, most of the NPG label stuff didn't come out on vinyl (NPS, Emancipation, etc), although there were 12" singles. For some reason Chaos & Disorder never had a vinyl release, although every other Warner album up to Gold Experience exists on LP. From the past few years there are promo versions of Musicology & 3121 that exist on double LP, and Rainbow Children, which is one of my faves.

Ebay is a good place to look for Prince vinyl, although it can sometimes get pricey. In Minneapolis we have a number of really good record stores where I've been lucky to find stuff.

Have fun with your collecting! Vinyl rules!

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Reply #14 posted 03/15/07 3:30pm



steve4key said:

now only buy CD's) and have evey1 on CD.

I have a few gems such as

5 x versions of the Purple Rain album (1 x purple vinyl + 1 with the "revolution Poster")
Head 12"
Lets Go Crazy 12"
1999 12" (4 versions)
I would die 4 U 12"
Purple Rain 12" with poster
When Doves Cry 12" double pack
Paisely Park 12" Remix
Raspberry Berret 12"
Pop Life 12"
America 12 (20min jam mix)
Kiss 12"
Mountains 10" WHITE VINYL
Girls & Boys 12"
Anotherloverholenyohead 12"
Sign "O" the Times 12" Pic disc
U Got the Look 12" Pick disc
If I was your Girlfriend 12" Posterbag
Alphabet St 12"
Glam Slam 12" Remix
I Wish U Heaven 12" Posterbag
Batman Album Pic disc
Batdance 12" Pic disc
Partyman 12 Pic disc
Arms of Orion 12" Pic disc
The Future 12" Remix
Theives in the Temple 12" pic disc
New Power Generation 12" Pic disc
Get Wild 12" (plays inside out)
Gett Off 12" + 12" remixes
Cream 12" Pic disc
Money don't mater 2nite 12" Pic disc
Diamonds & Pearls 12" Pic disc
Thunder 12" Pic disc
Sexy MF 12
Sexy MF Shaped Pic disc
My name is Prince 12" + 12" Remixes + 12" Pic disc
7 12" Pic disc
Most Beautiful Girl in the World 12" Remixes
Letitgo 12" + 12" Remixes

and my prized Prince possesion "Lovesexy Album SIGNED by Prince, Sheila & Cat" from a signing session at Virgin Megastore in Oxford Street London 88 when on the Lovesexy Tour.

This is only a small amount of stuff i have and does not include 7" singles or various different albums (ie Imports).

Trying to find vinyl is like the "X files". the truth is out there somewhere. U just gotta go find it.

[Edited 3/15/07 3:31am]

GOOD GOD!!! drool
I've got alot of work to do

If you ever feel like having a yard sale, orgnote me! biggrin
If you will, so will I
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Reply #15 posted 03/15/07 3:34pm



I saw the Housequake 12" single along time ago, but I didn't get it because it didn't have a b-side I think, but I don't really remember.

I shoulda just got it though, cause it was only 75 cent!
Now I can't find it mad
If you will, so will I
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Reply #16 posted 03/15/07 3:41pm



thekidsgirl said:

steve4key said:

now only buy CD's) and have evey1 on CD.

I have a few gems such as

5 x versions of the Purple Rain album (1 x purple vinyl + 1 with the "revolution Poster")
Head 12"
Lets Go Crazy 12"
1999 12" (4 versions)
I would die 4 U 12"
Purple Rain 12" with poster
When Doves Cry 12" double pack
Paisely Park 12" Remix
Raspberry Berret 12"
Pop Life 12"
America 12 (20min jam mix)
Kiss 12"
Mountains 10" WHITE VINYL
Girls & Boys 12"
Anotherloverholenyohead 12"
Sign "O" the Times 12" Pic disc
U Got the Look 12" Pick disc
If I was your Girlfriend 12" Posterbag
Alphabet St 12"
Glam Slam 12" Remix
I Wish U Heaven 12" Posterbag
Batman Album Pic disc
Batdance 12" Pic disc
Partyman 12 Pic disc
Arms of Orion 12" Pic disc
The Future 12" Remix
Theives in the Temple 12" pic disc
New Power Generation 12" Pic disc
Get Wild 12" (plays inside out)
Gett Off 12" + 12" remixes
Cream 12" Pic disc
Money don't mater 2nite 12" Pic disc
Diamonds & Pearls 12" Pic disc
Thunder 12" Pic disc
Sexy MF 12
Sexy MF Shaped Pic disc
My name is Prince 12" + 12" Remixes + 12" Pic disc
7 12" Pic disc
Most Beautiful Girl in the World 12" Remixes
Letitgo 12" + 12" Remixes

and my prized Prince possesion "Lovesexy Album SIGNED by Prince, Sheila & Cat" from a signing session at Virgin Megastore in Oxford Street London 88 when on the Lovesexy Tour.

This is only a small amount of stuff i have and does not include 7" singles or various different albums (ie Imports).

Trying to find vinyl is like the "X files". the truth is out there somewhere. U just gotta go find it.

[Edited 3/15/07 3:31am]

GOOD GOD!!! drool
I've got alot of work to do

If you ever feel like having a yard sale, orgnote me! biggrin

Hey Kidsgirl

Sorry, no sale here. biggrin I'm keeping them all for my daughter to inherit. Give it another 20 years or so and they will be worth a fortune.(even more than they are now).

Whatever U do DO NOT SELL ANY OFF YOUR PRINCE STUFF. He is in the top 5 of collectable artists according to a publication called Record Collector here in the UK. Keep hold of it all. It's value can only go UP.

Good luck in your hunt.
Reality is an illusion
Caused by a lack of ALCOHOL
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Reply #17 posted 03/15/07 4:11pm



If you will, so will I
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Reply #18 posted 03/15/07 6:14pm



BombSquad said:

I bought all albums on vinyl when they came out until Graffiti Bridge, from then on I switched to CDs.

The same counts for me ... all albums until Graffiti Bridge, incl the Black Album 1994 peach vinyl release.

Got all 12 inches too, until 1990!
Okay, "all" means, I got all relased songs and all different versions on 12"!
I do not have every released 12", only as much as I needed to have all songs in every possible version.
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Reply #19 posted 03/15/07 6:21pm



Oh, I thought you wanted pictures of Prince IN vinyl! biggrin Here you go anyway...

Nude tour program (1990)
Cover photo by Jeff Katz

© 1990 PRN Productions Inc

Wanna hear me sing? biggrin
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Reply #20 posted 03/15/07 6:43pm


I have this one;
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Reply #21 posted 03/15/07 6:45pm



If you wanna know what's released on vinyl:
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Reply #22 posted 03/15/07 7:23pm



Prince vinyl is my passion. I have over 170 12" singles from 5 different countries, all UK picture discs, all US 45's and many official and bootleg albums. Maybe someday I'll post a list.
Making love and music are the only things worth fighting for.
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Reply #23 posted 03/15/07 7:33pm


I got some, including a couple of very rare ones...

But I am not gonna tell you biggrin
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Reply #24 posted 03/15/07 7:35pm


djdaffy1227 said:

Prince vinyl is my passion. I have over 170 12" singles from 5 different countries, all UK picture discs, all US 45's and many official and bootleg albums. Maybe someday I'll post a list.

worship smile
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Reply #25 posted 03/16/07 7:39am



ThataintFunky said:

If you wanna know what's released on vinyl:


Thanks Funky

Reality is an illusion
Caused by a lack of ALCOHOL
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Reply #26 posted 03/16/07 9:59am


I've got Sign O The Times and an old bootleg of The Black Album. By the time I got into Prince, vinyl had one foot in the grave - but I saw those two and had to get them.
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Reply #27 posted 03/16/07 2:45pm



ThataintFunky said:

The same counts for me ... all albums until Graffiti Bridge, incl the Black Album 1994 peach vinyl release.

Got all 12 inches too, until 1990!
Okay, "all" means, I got all relased songs and all different versions on 12"!
I do not have every released 12", only as much as I needed to have all songs in every possible version.

All different versions / b-sides of songs released on 12 inch until 1989:

Just As Long As We're Together (Disco Mix / PROMO ONLY)
Soft And Wet (Disco Mix / PROMO ONLY)
Sexy Dancer (Long Version)
Gotta Stop (Messin' About)
Let's Work (Dance Remix Long Version)
How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore?
Little Red Corvette (Dance Mix)
Horny Toad
Irresistible Bitch
17 Days
Let's Go Crazy (Special Dance Mix)
Erotic City (Make Love Not War...)
God (Instrumental)
God (Vocal)
I Would Die 4 U (Extended)
Another Lonely Christmas
Paisley Park (Remix)
Raspberry Beret (New Mix)
She's Always In My Hair (New Mix)
Pop Life (Extended Version)
Pop Life (Fresh Dance Mix)
Hello, Hello (Fresh Dance Mix)
America (Extended)
Girl (Extended)
Kiss (Extended)
Love Or $ (Extended)
Mountains (Extended)
Alexa de Paris (Extended)
Anotherloverholenyohead (Extended)
La, La, La, He, He, Hee (Highly Explosive Mix)
Shockadelica (Extended)
U Got The Look (Long Look)
Housequake (7 Minute Mo' Quake)
Hot Thing (Extended Remix)
Hot Thing (Dub)
Alphabet Street (This Is Not Music, This Is A Trip)
Glam Slam (Remix)
Escape (Free Yo Mind From This Ratrace)
I Wish U Heaven (Parts 1,2,3)
Scarlet Pussy, Scarlet Pussy (Extended)
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Reply #28 posted 03/16/07 9:30pm



ThataintFunky said:

Just As Long As We're Together (Disco Mix / PROMO ONLY)

isn't this the one that is one of the very last 12" (single or LP) from WB to use the old Boulevrd with palm trees labels? i saw one of these, the fella said it was the most valuable prince record by FAR.
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Reply #29 posted 03/16/07 9:35pm


Does anyone know where to get the 12" remixes and extended B-sides on cd?
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