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Thread started 02/21/06 3:07am



Crystal Ball tracks...before and after compoarison

If another Crystal Ball compilation was to be released frm Prince, songs like "The Grand Progression" "Big Tall Wall" and "Baby GoGo" would benefit on significant clarity issues. If....right?

But that leads to my question.

What tunes benefitted the most, in your opinion from the release of three Crystal Ball CDs. Which, of those tracks were available, but really crappy, before this release?
Walking alone in the dark, I see nothing u see
I can be in a park, or flying in the…in the deep sea
I wish u’d hold my hand; then everything could b
There’s nothing strange, we’re not deranged
We only want everyday 2 b a Cosmic Day
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Reply #1 posted 02/21/06 3:19am



I would say the songs that benefitted most from a proper release when compared to circulating versions are:

Crystal Ball
Dream Factory
Last Heart

"Movie Star" to a lesser didn't include some of the lyrics and breaks from the bootleg version, and it also included intro music from Jam of the Year that was obviously added in later.
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Reply #2 posted 02/21/06 3:26am



Doozer said:

I would say the songs that benefitted most from a proper release when compared to circulating versions are:

Crystal Ball
Dream Factory
Last Heart

"Movie Star" to a lesser didn't include some of the lyrics and breaks from the bootleg version, and it also included intro music from Jam of the Year that was obviously added in later.

I was disappointed with the official release of the track, "Crystal Ball," because it didn't include the "Sisters and brothers of the purple underground..." portion that was one of my favorite parts of the bootleg version. It was a small cut, I know, but I still was bummed that it was cut.
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Reply #3 posted 02/21/06 4:12pm



I myself got into boots right around the time of the Crystal Ball release, so I can't give too much input to this, but I thought the clarity of Moviestar was increased quite a bit once it was properly released.

This isn't so much asking which version do you like better, but rather, which version has a cleaner sound when comparing the proper release to the bootleg.

I've heard that Crystal Ball "Sisters and brothers" version and it too sounded not so bad prior to the proper release of the song.

P Control, Ripopgodazippa, Goodbye, Loose, So Dark could not be included since they had basically been released in decent quality already....well, maybe not Goodbye, unless you count that boot of the emancipation boots...what was it, the something chapter? I don't recall the name of the boot right now, but maybe Goodbye shouldn't be on the list proper.
Walking alone in the dark, I see nothing u see
I can be in a park, or flying in the…in the deep sea
I wish u’d hold my hand; then everything could b
There’s nothing strange, we’re not deranged
We only want everyday 2 b a Cosmic Day
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Reply #4 posted 02/21/06 4:29pm



"Sexual Suicide" is a different mix with different instrumentation, a complete (but conservative) remix. Vocals were doubled up, that added island drum sound is hitting notes, the drums sound leaner (possibly the exclusion of a drum machine heaviness that was added before?) and that a keyboard chord hit on every verse is completely gone.
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Crystal Ball tracks...before and after compoarison