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Thread started 03/08/05 6:45am



I had a dream Prince was dead last night!

omfg It was so sad! I had a dream that Prince had been dead for a year. And I never got to see him in concert or meet him even. I really hope that man lives for a really, really long time because I love him!!!! hug Thank god he never smoked, drank exessivly or did mondo amounts of drugs. Although I would be happier if he swiched from a vegan lifestyle to at least a vegitarian one.
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Reply #1 posted 03/08/05 6:52am


you gonna jinx a brotha.

no no no!
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Reply #2 posted 03/08/05 7:04am



shake Thankfully, in the past my dreams have never really been preditions!
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Reply #3 posted 03/08/05 7:41am



I feel sad for Krystal666 cause the sh#t she posts is pathetic.
Prince will certainly die one day but he will probaly be 99 when he dies.
It's sad that she dreams of an aging rock star that will nerver know or want her. giggle

Prince is damn fine but I do not dream of him.
Haters travel in packs and they are offended or threatened by klhk, haters express intense hostility toward the subject of hate. Haters are annoyed and roll thier eyes when klhk is paid a compliment. ask yourself, are u a hater?
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Reply #4 posted 03/08/05 7:51am



and the award for the most idiotic threads goes to....
The Org is the short yellow bus of the Prince Internet fan community.
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Reply #5 posted 03/08/05 11:08am



Someone is super starved for attention up in here. lol
Yes, I realize by replying to this idiotic topic I just gave her some more. But I usually ignore the other 99% of her topics.
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Reply #6 posted 03/08/05 11:53am



Ppl!!!! it was just a dream, she/he can't help dreaming this no no no!

Although it sucks she/he dreamed this lol

Prince will be at least 95 if he's continuing this way of life nod
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Reply #7 posted 03/08/05 11:58am



Why are you all being so harsh on this lady? Everyone is asking for attention in a way, no? Without it we would have no identity. If you don't like a thread, can't you just leave it alone? confused Or did this lady hurt you?
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Reply #8 posted 03/08/05 12:05pm



MarieLouise said:

Why are you all being so harsh on this lady? Everyone is asking for attention in a way, no? Without it we would have no identity. If you don't like a thread, can't you just leave it alone? confused Or did this lady hurt you?

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Reply #9 posted 03/08/05 3:57pm


As long as you didn't wake up covered in blood and purple glitter I wouldn't worry about it.

[Edited 3/8/05 8:13am]
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Reply #10 posted 03/08/05 4:04pm


klhk said:

I feel sad for Krystal666 cause the sh#t she posts is pathetic.
Prince will certainly die one day but he will probaly be 99 when he dies.
It's sad that she dreams of an aging rock star that will nerver know or want her. giggle

Prince is damn fine but I do not dream of him.

I had a dream about Prince once. Does that mean I'm starved for attention or pathetic? And how many other women & men dream of and lust after Prince or other musicians that will never know they're alive.
And you, klhk, post regularly on this website. What does that say about you?

BTW Krystal: U dreamed Prince was dead? HUSH YOUR MOUTH, CHILD, and OMG "Call My Name" JUST came on the radio!" lol
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Reply #11 posted 03/08/05 4:05pm



Y is it so idiotic that she post a thread about a dream that disturbed her? Or is it the trend to insult a person once someone gets the ball rolling? rolleyes

Anyhow, just ignore it, the dream that is. If you dream of pregnancy or teeth, thats when someone is gonna die. eek I had a dream of teeth last nite! shake
peace & wildsign
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Reply #12 posted 03/08/05 4:07pm


Oh, and I forgot klhk, don't YOU post about Prince's ass and have signature lines asking Prince to be a bitch and eat your ass??? Nobody jumped on your ass - pun INTENDED.
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Reply #13 posted 03/08/05 4:11pm



eek Im getting the hell off this thread before it erupts...blowup
peace & wildsign
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Reply #14 posted 03/08/05 4:30pm


& where is Zelaira to put everything in perspective ? hrmph
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Reply #15 posted 03/08/05 6:06pm



1sexymf said:

Oh, and I forgot klhk, don't YOU post about Prince's ass and have signature lines asking Prince to be a bitch and eat your ass??? Nobody jumped on your ass - pun INTENDED.

Acually I eat his ass. eek
Haters travel in packs and they are offended or threatened by klhk, haters express intense hostility toward the subject of hate. Haters are annoyed and roll thier eyes when klhk is paid a compliment. ask yourself, are u a hater?
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Reply #16 posted 03/08/05 9:10pm


Shouldn't that be classified as a nightmare? lol sad
[Edited 3/8/05 13:11pm]
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Reply #17 posted 03/08/05 9:16pm



AndGodCreatedMe said:

MarieLouise said:

Why are you all being so harsh on this lady? Everyone is asking for attention in a way, no? Without it we would have no identity. If you don't like a thread, can't you just leave it alone? confused Or did this lady hurt you?


Hey thanks guys!!
grouphug Honestly the hostile threads that come my way totally baffle me!!
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Reply #18 posted 03/08/05 9:55pm



Krystal666 said:

AndGodCreatedMe said:


Hey thanks guys!!
grouphug Honestly the hostile threads that come my way totally baffle me!!

well...ignorance is bliss. neutral
The Org is the short yellow bus of the Prince Internet fan community.
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Reply #19 posted 03/08/05 10:00pm



Aww Krys.....don't worry about it....nothing will happen...I hope.....just think happy thoughts and don't worry about anything! Have a nice rest of the day or what's ;eft of it that is.....just letitgo... wink
You can't build something new, without destroying something old

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Reply #20 posted 03/08/05 10:03pm



we all have nightmares sometime
don't fret
Prince is fine!

In more than one way
now smile fool! biggrin
If you will, so will I
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Reply #21 posted 03/08/05 10:05pm



Universaluv said:

As long as you didn't wake up covered in blood and purple glitter I wouldn't worry about it.

lol falloff lol
sounds like me the day after my "post-Musicology concert party"

If you will, so will I
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Reply #22 posted 03/08/05 10:10pm



thekidsgirl said:

Universaluv said:

As long as you didn't wake up covered in blood and purple glitter I wouldn't worry about it.

lol falloff lol
sounds like me the day after my "post-Musicology concert party"


falloff Blood??? You must of really tore it up!
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Reply #23 posted 03/08/05 10:11pm



Krystal666 said:

thekidsgirl said:

lol falloff lol
sounds like me the day after my "post-Musicology concert party"


falloff Blood??? You must of really tore it up!

It was an "interesting" night to say the least eek
If you will, so will I
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Reply #24 posted 03/08/05 10:23pm


Don't take it to heart, many times dreams are just fears that we have that come to the surface. It's normal and it doesn't mean its prophetic.

As far as all the nastiness, don't take that to heart either. It's a by-product of what I like to call "fan elite-ism" where people think they've moved into this upper royalty of fandom and try to hide their own fanaticism by pointing out what they feel to be fanaticism in others by invalidating their posts and/or harshly ridiculing them. Many people seem to think that they weren't ever young and excited by their favorite musicians, but always wise and reserved when handling their interest. Yeah, uh-huh.

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Reply #25 posted 03/09/05 3:45am


klhk said:

I feel sad for Krystal666 cause the sh#t she posts is pathetic.
Prince will certainly die one day but he will probaly be 99 when he dies.
It's sad that she dreams of an aging rock star that will nerver know or want her. giggle

Prince is damn fine but I do not dream of him.

shut up already, damn!
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Reply #26 posted 03/09/05 3:47am



chair HUSH UP!

That's for Krystal, not klhk evillol

[Edited 3/8/05 19:48pm]
heart prince I never met you, but I LOVE you & I will forever!! Thank you for being YOU - my little Princey, the best to EVER do it prince heart
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Reply #27 posted 03/09/05 4:12am



every1 here is crazy!!!!!
Haters travel in packs and they are offended or threatened by klhk, haters express intense hostility toward the subject of hate. Haters are annoyed and roll thier eyes when klhk is paid a compliment. ask yourself, are u a hater?
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Reply #28 posted 03/09/05 5:08am


CherrieMoonKisses said:

Y is it so idiotic that she post a thread about a dream that disturbed her? Or is it the trend to insult a person once someone gets the ball rolling? rolleyes

Anyhow, just ignore it, the dream that is. If you dream of pregnancy or teeth, thats when someone is gonna die. eek I had a dream of teeth last nite! shake

actually isn't pregnancy in a dream usually relating to the birth of something new, such as an idea, project, relationship
oh and in my dreams, Prince is alive and well
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Reply #29 posted 03/09/05 6:37am



269 said:

CherrieMoonKisses said:

Y is it so idiotic that she post a thread about a dream that disturbed her? Or is it the trend to insult a person once someone gets the ball rolling? rolleyes

Anyhow, just ignore it, the dream that is. If you dream of pregnancy or teeth, thats when someone is gonna die. eek I had a dream of teeth last nite! shake

actually isn't pregnancy in a dream usually relating to the birth of something new, such as an idea, project, relationship
oh and in my dreams, Prince is alive and well

no. in westindian/carribbean culture, we associate it with death.
peace & wildsign
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